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- /*
- * File-in-a-directory utility routines
- *
- */
- #ifndef __FIAD_H__
- #define __FIAD_H__
- #include "centry.h"
- extern int newfileformat, unknownfileistext, keepfileformat;
- extern int unknownfileistext;
- extern int repairbadfiles;
- extern int fixupoldv9t9filenames, generateoldv9t9filenames;
- /* In V9t9 6.0, we used 8.3 filenames, and these chars
- were converted by adding 0x80 to the name on disk.
- In this version, we still have illegal chars, but
- they are replaced with the escape sequence 'x;' as
- in HTML. */
- #define DOS_illegalchars "<>=,;:*?[]/\\"
- #define FIAD_esc '&'
- #define FIAD_illegalchars "<>,:*?/\\"
- typedef void (*fiad_logger_func)(u32, const char *, ...);
- /*
- * Install a new function to log warnings and errors
- * from the fiad_xxx routines. NULL means no logging.
- * Returns the old logger function.
- */
- fiad_logger_func
- fiad_set_logger(fiad_logger_func nw);
- /* Convert a TI filename to a DOS 8.3 filename. */
- void
- fiad_filename_ti2dos(const char *tiname, int len, char *dosname);
- /* Convert a TI filename to the host OS. */
- void
- fiad_filename_ti2host(const char *tiname, int len, char *hostname);
- /* Create a full path given a TI filename and an OS path. */
- OSError
- fiad_filename_to_spec(const OSPathSpec * path, const char *name, int len,
- OSSpec * spec);
- /* Convert a filename to TI format,
- return length of filename */
- int
- fiad_filename_host2ti(const char *hostname, char *tiname);
- /* Return length of filename in FDR */
- int
- fiad_filename_strlen(const char *name);
- /* Convert a directory leaf to a TI name at 'name' and return length. */
- int
- fiad_path_disk2ti(const OSPathSpec *path, char *name);
- /* Rename an old DOS-mangled V9t9 filename to the new format
- name, len: TI-format name
- spec: spec for existing file in an old format
- If successful, OS_NOERR is returned and 'spec' is transformed
- into the current filename.
- */
- OSError
- fiad_filename_fixup_old_filename(const char *name, int len,
- OSSpec *spec);
- /* Format of FDR on disk */
- enum
- {
- F_V9t9 = 0, // V9t9 format
- F_TIFILES = 1, // TIFILES format
- F_TEXT = 2, // treating as text
- F_UNKNOWN = -1 // unknown
- };
- extern int unknownfileistext;
- extern OSFileType osV99Type, osTIFILESType;
- #define F_READFDR 1
- #define F_MAKEFDR 2
- #define FDRSIZE 128
- /* FDR masks for file type */
- enum {
- ff_variable = 0x80,
- ff_backup = 0x10, // set by MYARC HD
- ff_protected = 0x8,
- ff_internal = 0x2,
- ff_program = 0x1
- };
- #define FF_VALID_FLAGS (ff_variable|ff_backup|ff_protected|ff_internal|ff_program)
- typedef struct v9t9_fdr {
- char filenam[10];/* filename, padded with spaces */
- u8 res10[2]; /* reserved */
- u8 flags; /* filetype flags */
- u8 recspersec; /* # records per sector,
- 256/reclen for FIXED,
- 255/(reclen+1) for VAR,
- 0 for program */
- u16 secsused; /* [big-endian]: # sectors in file */
- u8 byteoffs; /* last byte used in file
- (0 = no last empty sector) */
- u8 reclen; /* record length, 0 for program */
- u16 numrecs; /* [little-endian]: # records for FIXED file,
- # sectors for VARIABLE file,
- 0 for program */
- u8 rec20[8]; /* reserved */
- u8 dcpb[100]; /* sector layout of file, ignored for v9t9 */
- } v9t9_fdr;
- typedef struct tifiles_fdr {
- u8 sig[8]; /* '\007TIFILES' */
- u16 secsused; /* [big-endian]: # sectors in file */
- u8 flags; /* filetype flags */
- u8 recspersec; /* # records per sector,
- 256/reclen for FIXED,
- 255/(reclen+1) for VAR,
- 0 for program */
- u8 byteoffs; /* last byte used in file
- (0 = no last empty sector) */
- u8 reclen; /* record length, 0 for program */
- u16 numrecs; /* [little-endian]: # records for FIXED file,
- # sectors for VARIABLE file,
- 0 for program */
- u8 unused[112]; /* zero */
- } tifiles_fdr;
- typedef struct fdrrec {
- char filenam[10];/* the filename the 9900 sees */
- u8 flags; /* filetype flags */
- u8 recspersec; /* # records per sector,
- 256/reclen for FIXED,
- 255/(reclen+1) for VAR,
- 0 for program */
- u16 secsused; /* [HOST ORDER]: # sectors in file */
- u8 byteoffs; /* last byte used in file
- (0 = no last empty sector) */
- u8 reclen; /* record length, 0 for program */
- u16 numrecs; /* [little-endian]: # records for FIXED file,
- # sectors for VARIABLE file,
- 0 for program */
- } fdrrec;
- #define FDR_LASTSEC(fdr) ( (fdr)->secsused - 1 + \
- ((fdr)->byteoffs ? 0 : 1))
- // file size for var/program files
- #define FDR_PGMVARFILESIZE(fdr) ( (((fdr)->secsused - 1) << 8) + \
- ((fdr)->byteoffs ? (fdr)->byteoffs : 256))
- // file size for fixed files
- #define FDR_FIXFILESIZE(fdr) ( ((fdr)->numrecs + (fdr)->recspersec - 1) / \
- ((fdr)->recspersec ? (fdr)->recspersec : 1) * 256)
- #define FDR_FILESIZE(fdr) (((fdr)->flags & (ff_variable|ff_program)) ? \
- /* Verify a V9t9 FDR as a real v9t9 FDR.
- Perform sanity checks to assert that a v9t9 file
- is really a v9t9 file and not a text file. */
- bool
- fiad_fdr_matches_v9t9_fdr(struct v9t9_fdr *v9f, const char *filename, OSSize filesize);
- /* Setup the various flags in an FDR
- according to the minimum filetype info */
- void
- fiad_fdr_setup(fdrrec *fdr, bool program, u8 flags, u8 reclen, u32 size);
- /* Repair various fields of the FDR according to
- known bugs or common file-closing problems.
- 'filesize' should be the physical size of the file.
- Returns true if fdr was changed.
- */
- bool
- fiad_fdr_repair(fdrrec *fdr, OSSize filesize);
- /* Layout for our idea of an open file */
- typedef struct fiad_tifile {
- OSSpec spec; /* OS spec for file */
- OSRef handle; /* OS handle for file */
- bool open; /* file is open */
- bool readonly; /* if we didn't or couldn't open file read/write */
- bool changed; /* has file been dirtied? */
- bool changedfdr; /* was FDR format or data changed when opened? */
- OSError error; /* last OSError we got */
- u16 cursec; /* current sector offset in file */
- u8 curoffs; /* current offset into sector */
- u8 curnrecs; /* record offset into sector */
- u16 currec; /* current record # in file */
- int format; /* FDR format on disk (F_V9t9, F_TIFILES, F_TEXT) */
- fdrrec fdr; /* essential info in FDR */
- u8 sector[256]; /* sector buffer */
- } fiad_tifile;
- /* Initialize a tifile */
- void
- fiad_tifile_clear(fiad_tifile *tf);
- /* Setup the FDR with the file path. */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_setup_spec_with_file(fiad_tifile *tf,
- const OSPathSpec *path,
- const char *fname, int len);
- /* Setup the FDR with the OSSpec. */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_setup_spec_with_spec(fiad_tifile *tf,
- OSSpec *spec);
- /* Read the FDR from a file,
- return 0 if it's bad. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_read_fdr(fiad_tifile * tf);
- /* Write FDR to file,
- return 0 and report error if failed. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_fdr(fiad_tifile * tf);
- /* Verify a file, by classifying its type and checking invariants */
- int
- fiad_tifile_verify(fiad_tifile * tf, bool check_size);
- OSFileType *
- fiad_get_file_type(int newfileformat);
- /* Initialize file pointers which keep track of current record */
- int
- fiad_tifile_init_file_pointers(fiad_tifile * tf);
- /* Read a sector from the file at tf->cursec.
- If tf points to the last empty sector of file,
- this is not an error.
- Return 0 if sector not found. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_read_sector(fiad_tifile * tf);
- /* Write a sector to the file at tf->cursec.
- Return 0 if sector not written. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_sector(fiad_tifile * tf);
- /* Set file size according to cursec and curoffs */
- int
- fiad_tifile_set_file_size(fiad_tifile *tf);
- /*
- Open or create the file, either r/w or r/o.
- We expect the spec to have been set up.
- create && always means, delete existing file.
- create means, create file if not existing.
- create, if 2, means the same as create==true,
- with the added hint that the file size might
- not match, so don't check this.
- */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_open_file(fiad_tifile *tf, int newfileformat,
- bool create, bool always, bool readonly);
- /*
- * Reopen a file, keeping open file information intact.
- */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_reopen_file(fiad_tifile *tf, int newfileformat,
- bool readonly);
- /*
- * Close a tifile.
- */
- void
- fiad_tifile_close_file(fiad_tifile * tf);
- /*
- Rewrite FDR of closed file
- This may be used to change the format (change tf->format)
- or rewrite a fixed FDR on a readonly file.
- */
- void
- fiad_tifile_rewrite_fdr(fiad_tifile *tf);
- /* Flush dirty buffers */
- int
- fiad_tifile_flush(fiad_tifile *tf);
- /* Change the current sector */
- int
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(fiad_tifile *tf, int secnum);
- /* Seek, logically, to the end of file */
- int
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_end(fiad_tifile * tf);
- /* Read a record from a file
- Return 0 for success, 1 for EOF, and -1 for hardware failure
- */
- int fiad_tifile_read_record(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u8 *reclen);
- /* Write a record to the file.
- Return 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for disk full
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_record(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u8 reclen);
- /* Seek to a given record. For variable files, only 0 is accepted.
- Return 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for disk full
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_record(fiad_tifile *tf, u16 recnum);
- /* Read binary data from file at current position.
- Returns 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for EOF.
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_read_binary_image(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u16 maxread, u16 *gotread);
- /* Write binary data to a file at the current position
- Return 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for disk full
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_binary_image(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u16 towrite, u16 *written);
- /* Get info (read FDR) about a closed file in tf,
- return 1 for success
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_get_info(fiad_tifile *tf);
- /* A struct for catalog info */
- typedef struct fiad_catalog
- {
- OSPathSpec path;
- u32 total_sectors; // for 'disk' (256-byte)
- u32 free_sectors; // for 'disk' (256-byte)
- u32 entries, entries_max;
- int *index; // index for filenames[] and fdrs[]
- char **filenames; // in host format
- fdrrec *fdrs;
- } fiad_catalog;
- /* Free a catalog */
- void
- fiad_catalog_free_catalog(fiad_catalog *cat);
- /* Read a catalog from a directory */
- OSError
- fiad_catalog_read_catalog(fiad_catalog *cat, const char *wildcard);
- /* Sort a catalog */
- enum
- {
- FIAD_CATALOG_SORT_BY_DISK, // i.e., disk directory order (none!)
- };
- void
- fiad_catalog_sort_catalog(fiad_catalog *cat, int sort_by, bool ascending);
- /* Get file information from catalog: index is the sorted index */
- int
- fiad_catalog_get_file_info(fiad_catalog *cat, int index, fdrrec *fdr);
- /* Useful utilities */
- const char *
- fiad_catalog_get_file_type_string(fdrrec *fdr);
- #include "cexit.h"
- #endif