home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * File-in-a-directory library routines
- *
- */
- #include "v9t9_common.h"
- #include "fiad.h"
- #define _L LOG_EMUDISK
- #define _LL _L | LOG_USER
- OSFileType osV99Type = { 0666, "x/v9t9-file-image" };
- OSFileType osTIFILESType = { 0666, "x/tifiles-image" };
- #elif POSIX_FS
- OSFileType osV99Type = { 0666 };
- OSFileType osTIFILESType = { 0666 };
- #elif WIN32_FS
- OSFileType osV99Type = 0;
- OSFileType osTIFILESType = 0;
- #elif MAC_FS
- OSFileType osV99Type = 'FI99';
- OSFileType osTIFILESType = 'TI99';
- #endif
- /*
- * Suitable logger for no-nag situations
- */
- static void
- fiad_no_logger(u32 srcflags, const char *format, ...)
- {
- if (srcflags & LOG_FATAL) exit(234);
- }
- static void (*fiad_logger)(u32, const char *, ...) = fiad_no_logger;
- /*
- * Install a new function to log warnings and errors
- * from the fiad_xxx routines. Passing 'NULL' uses
- * no logging (the default).
- */
- fiad_logger_func
- fiad_set_logger(fiad_logger_func nw)
- {
- fiad_logger_func old = fiad_logger;
- fiad_logger = nw == 0L ? fiad_no_logger : nw;
- return old;
- }
- /* Convert a TI filename to a DOS 8.3 filename. */
- void
- fiad_filename_ti2dos(const char *tiname, int len, char *dosname)
- {
- int max = 10;
- int ptr = 0;
- int dptr = 0;
- while (len-- && max--) {
- char cur;
- cur = tiname[ptr];
- /* forced end-of-filename? */
- if (cur == ' ' || cur == 0)
- break;
- if (ptr == 8)
- dosname[dptr++] = '.';
- /* offset illegal chars */
- if (strchr(DOS_illegalchars, cur) != NULL)
- cur |= 0x80;
- /* force uppercase */
- if (cur >= 'a' && cur <= 'z')
- cur -= 0x20;
- dosname[dptr++] = cur;
- ptr++;
- }
- dosname[dptr] = 0;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "fiad_filename_ti2dos: incoming = '%.*s', outgoing = '%s'\n", 10 - max, tiname,
- dosname);
- }
- /* Convert a TI filename to the host OS.
- We convert illegal chars in FIAD_illegalchars into HTML-like
- encodings (x;) so all possible filenames can be stored.
- */
- void
- fiad_filename_ti2host(const char *tiname, int len, char *hostname)
- {
- int max = 10;
- int hptr = 0, tptr = 0;
- while (len-- && max--) {
- char cur = tiname[tptr++];
- /* force lowercase */
- if (cur >= 'A' && cur <= 'Z')
- cur += 0x20;
- else
- // illegal chars
- if (cur == FIAD_esc || strchr(FIAD_illegalchars, cur) != NULL) {
- u8 hex;
- hostname[hptr++] = '&';
- hostname[hptr++] = '#';
- hex = (cur & 0xf0) >> 4;
- if (hex > 9)
- hex += 'A' - 10;
- else
- hex += '0';
- hostname[hptr++] = hex;
- hex = (cur & 0xf);
- if (hex > 9)
- hex += 'A' - 10;
- else
- hex += '0';
- hostname[hptr++] = hex;
- cur = ';';
- //hostname[hptr++] = ';';
- }
- hostname[hptr++] = cur;
- }
- hostname[hptr] = 0;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "fiad_filename_ti2host: incoming = '%.*s', outgoing = '%s'\n", 10 - max, tiname,
- hostname);
- }
- /* Rename an old DOS-mangled V9t9 filename to the new format
- name, len: TI-format name
- spec: spec for existing file in an old format
- If successful, OS_NOERR is returned and 'spec' is transformed
- into the current filename.
- */
- OSError
- fiad_filename_fixup_old_filename(const char *name, int len,
- OSSpec *spec)
- {
- char newname[OS_NAMESIZE];
- OSSpec newspec;
- OSError err;
- fiad_filename_ti2host(name, len, newname);
- if ((err = OS_MakeSpecWithPath(&spec->path,
- newname,
- !mswp_noRelative,
- &newspec)) == OS_NOERR
- && (err = OS_Status(&newspec)) != OS_NOERR)
- {
- fiad_logger(_LL | 0, "FIAD server: renaming old-style file '%s' to '%s'\n",
- OS_NameSpecToString1(&spec->name), newname);
- if ((err = OS_Rename(spec, &newspec)) != OS_NOERR)
- fiad_logger(_LL | 0, "FIAD server: could not rename file (%s)\n",
- OS_GetErrText(err));
- else
- *spec = newspec;
- }
- return err;
- }
- /* Create a full path given a TI filename and an OS path. */
- OSError
- fiad_filename_to_spec(const OSPathSpec * path, const char *name, int len,
- OSSpec * spec)
- {
- OSError err;
- char osname[OS_NAMESIZE];
- /* Try the old-style 8.3 name first */
- fiad_filename_ti2dos(name, len, osname);
- if ((err = OS_MakeSpecWithPath(path, osname,
- !mswp_noRelative, spec)) != OS_NOERR
- || (err = OS_Status(spec)) != OS_NOERR
- || generateoldv9t9filenames)
- {
- /* if they wants it, they gots it */
- if (generateoldv9t9filenames) {
- return err;
- }
- /* Now try the new-style name */
- fiad_filename_ti2host(name, len, osname);
- /* if it fails, it fails... */
- return OS_MakeSpecWithPath(path, osname, !mswp_noRelative, spec);
- }
- /* rename it to the new format? */
- else if (fixupoldv9t9filenames) {
- /*
- * We can be reasonably sure this is a v9t9 file.
- */
- fiad_filename_fixup_old_filename(name, len, spec);
- }
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* Convert a filename to TI format,
- return length of filename */
- int
- fiad_filename_host2ti(const char *hostname, char *tiname)
- {
- int hptr = 0, tptr = 0, max = 10;
- memset(tiname, ' ', 10);
- while (hostname[hptr] && max) {
- char cur = hostname[hptr];
- if (cur != '.') {
- /* force uppercase */
- if (islower(cur))
- cur = toupper(cur);
- else
- if (cur == '&' && hostname[hptr + 1] == '#' &&
- isxdigit(hostname[hptr + 2])
- && isxdigit(hostname[hptr + 3])
- && hostname[hptr + 4] == ';') {
- u8 val;
- val = hostname[hptr + 2] - '0';
- if (val > 9)
- val -= 7;
- cur = hostname[hptr + 3] - '0';
- if (cur > 9)
- cur -= 7;
- cur |= val << 4;
- hptr += 4;
- } else if ((cur & 0x80)
- && strchr(DOS_illegalchars, (cur & 0x7f)) != NULL)
- {
- cur ^= 0x80;
- }
- tiname[tptr] = cur;
- tptr++;
- max--;
- }
- hptr++;
- }
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "fiad_filename_host2ti: incoming: '%s', outgoing: '%.10s'\n", hostname,
- tiname);
- return 10 - max + strlen(hostname + hptr);
- }
- /* Return length of filename in FDR */
- int
- fiad_filename_strlen(const char *tf)
- {
- int len = 0;
- char *ptr = (char *)tf;
- while (len < 10 && ptr[len] != ' ') {
- len++;
- }
- return len;
- }
- /* Convert a directory leaf to a TI name at 'name' and return length. */
- int
- fiad_path_disk2ti(const OSPathSpec *path, char *name)
- {
- char pth[OS_PATHSIZE];
- const char *nptr;
- int len;
- OS_PathSpecToString2(path, pth);
- pth[strlen(pth) - 1] = 0;
- nptr = OS_GetFileNamePtr(pth);
- len = 0;
- memset(name, ' ', 10); // clear field
- while (len < 10 && *nptr) {
- char ch = *nptr++;
- if (ch == '.')
- ch = '_'; // no periods allowed
- else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
- ch -= 0x20; // no lowercase either
- *name++ = ch;
- len++;
- }
- return len;
- }
- /*********************************/
- /* Verify a V9t9 FDR as a real v9t9 FDR.
- Perform sanity checks to assert that a v9t9 file
- is really a v9t9 file and not a text file. */
- bool
- fiad_fdr_matches_v9t9_fdr(struct v9t9_fdr *v9f, const char *filename, OSSize filesize)
- {
- // check for invalid filetype flags
- if (v9f->flags & ~FF_VALID_FLAGS) {
- fiad_logger(_L | LOG_ERROR, "FIAD server: invalid flags %02x "
- "for file '%s'\n",
- v9f->flags,
- filename);
- return false;
- }
- // check for invalid file size:
- // do not allow file to be more than one sector larger than FDR says,
- // but allow it to be up to 64 sectors smaller:
- // this is a concession for files copied with "direct output to file",
- // which must write FDR changes before writing data.
- else if ((long)TI2HOST(v9f->secsused) < (long)((filesize - FDRSIZE) / 256 - 1)
- || TI2HOST(v9f->secsused) > (filesize - FDRSIZE) / 256 + 64) {
- fiad_logger(_L | LOG_ERROR, "FIAD server: invalid number of sectors %d "
- "for data size %d in file '%s'\n",
- TI2HOST(v9f->secsused),
- filesize - FDRSIZE,
- filename);
- return false;
- }
- // fixed files have 256/reclen records per sector
- else if (!(v9f->flags & ff_program)
- && !(v9f->flags & ff_variable)) {
- if (!v9f->reclen ||
- (256 / v9f->reclen != v9f->recspersec))
- {
- fiad_logger(_L | LOG_ERROR, "FIAD server: record length %d / records per sector %d invalid\n"
- "for FIXED file '%s'\n",
- v9f->reclen,
- v9f->recspersec,
- filename);
- return false;
- }
- }
- // variable files have 255/(reclen+1) records per sector
- else if (!(v9f->flags & ff_program)) {
- if (!v9f->reclen ||
- (255 / (v9f->reclen + 1) != v9f->recspersec)
- // known problem that older v9t9s used this calculation
- && (256 / v9f->reclen != v9f->recspersec))
- {
- fiad_logger(_L | LOG_ERROR, "FIAD server: record length %d / records per sector %d invalid\n"
- "for VARIABLE file '%s'\n",
- v9f->reclen,
- v9f->recspersec,
- filename);
- return false;
- }
- }
- // program files have 0
- else if (v9f->reclen != 0 && v9f->recspersec != 0) {
- fiad_logger(_LL | LOG_ERROR, "FIAD server: record length %d / records per sector %d invalid\n"
- "for PROGRAM file '%s'\n",
- v9f->reclen,
- v9f->recspersec,
- filename);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /* Setup the various flags in an FDR
- according to the minimum filetype info */
- void
- fiad_fdr_setup(fdrrec *fdr, bool program, u8 flags, u8 reclen, u32 size)
- {
- if (program) {
- fdr->flags = ff_program;
- fdr->recspersec = 0;
- fdr->reclen = 0;
- } else {
- fdr->reclen = reclen ? reclen : 80;
- fdr->flags = flags & FF_VALID_FLAGS;
- fdr->recspersec =
- (flags & ff_variable) ?
- (255 / (fdr->reclen + 1)) :
- (256 / fdr->reclen);
- }
- fdr->secsused = (size + 255) >> 8;
- fdr->byteoffs = size & 0xff;
- if (fdr->flags & ff_variable) {
- fdr->numrecs = fdr->secsused;
- } else if (!(fdr->flags & ff_program)) {
- fdr->numrecs = size / fdr->reclen;
- } else {
- fdr->numrecs = 0;
- }
- }
- /* Repair various fields of the FDR according to
- known bugs or common file-closing problems.
- Returns true if fdr was changed.
- */
- bool
- fiad_fdr_repair(fdrrec *fdr, OSSize datasize)
- {
- fdrrec orig = *fdr;
- // fix invalid record length...
- if (!(fdr->flags & ff_program)
- && fdr->reclen == 0)
- {
- fdr->reclen = 80;
- }
- // fixup for buggy older versions
- // which didn't calculate recspersec right
- // for variable or fixed files
- if (fdr->flags & ff_variable) {
- fdr->recspersec = 256 / (fdr->reclen + 1); // was 256 / reclen
- } else if (!(fdr->flags & ff_program)) {
- fdr->recspersec = 255 / fdr->reclen; // was 256 / reclen
- } else if (fdr->flags & ff_program) {
- fdr->recspersec = 0;
- fdr->reclen = 0;
- }
- fdr->secsused = (datasize + 255) / 256;
- // fix for number of records used in variable file
- if (fdr->flags & ff_variable) {
- fdr->numrecs = fdr->secsused;
- }
- return (memcmp((void *)&orig, (void *)fdr, sizeof(fdrrec)) != 0);
- }
- /*********************************/
- /* Initialize a tifile */
- void
- fiad_tifile_clear(fiad_tifile *tf)
- {
- tf->open = false;
- tf->readonly = false;
- tf->changed = false;
- tf->changedfdr = false;
- tf->handle = 0;
- tf->error = OS_NOERR;
- memset((void *)&tf->fdr, 0, sizeof(fdrrec));
- }
- /* Setup the FDR with the file path. */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_setup_spec_with_file(fiad_tifile *tf,
- const OSPathSpec *path,
- const char *fname, int len)
- {
- if (len > 10) {
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- }
- // copy filename into FDR
- memset(tf->fdr.filenam, ' ', 10);
- memcpy(tf->fdr.filenam, fname, len);
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "setup FDR name as '%.10s'\n", tf->fdr.filenam);
- return fiad_filename_to_spec(path, fname, len, &tf->spec);
- }
- /* Setup the FDR with the OSSpec. */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_setup_spec_with_spec(fiad_tifile *tf,
- OSSpec *spec)
- {
- char tiname[10];
- int len;
- len = fiad_filename_host2ti(OS_NameSpecToString1(&spec->name), tiname);
- if (len > 10) {
- return OS_FNTLERR;
- }
- tf->spec = *spec;
- /* Since that was successful, now backtrack and see if the
- file was in the old format */
- if (fixupoldv9t9filenames) {
- /*
- * We can't assume that 'tiname' is the actual name
- * of the file due to weird extended ASCII mangling
- * by the filesystem or unzip, so, if the file really exists,
- * read its FDR and get the name from there.
- */
- if (fiad_tifile_get_info(tf)) {
- if (tf->format == F_V9t9) {
- memcpy(tiname, tf->fdr.filenam, 10);
- len = fiad_filename_strlen(tf->fdr.filenam);
- fiad_filename_fixup_old_filename(tiname, len, &tf->spec);
- } else if (tf->format == F_TIFILES) {
- /*
- * There's no information about the original filename.
- * Blast! Hope/pray/assume nothing screwed up the
- * extended characters.
- */
- fiad_filename_fixup_old_filename(tiname, len, &tf->spec);
- }
- }
- }
- // copy filename into FDR
- memset(tf->fdr.filenam, ' ', 10);
- memcpy(tf->fdr.filenam, tiname, len);
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "setup FDR name as '%.10s'\n", tf->fdr.filenam);
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* Read the FDR from a file,
- return 0 if it's bad. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_read_fdr(fiad_tifile * tf)
- {
- OSError err;
- u8 fdrsec[FDRSIZE];
- OSSize len = FDRSIZE, flen;
- fdrrec *fdr = &tf->fdr;
- /* can we read the FDR? */
- if ((err = OS_GetSize(tf->handle, &flen)) != OS_NOERR ||
- (err = OS_Seek(tf->handle, OSSeekAbs, 0)) != OS_NOERR ||
- (err = OS_Read(tf->handle, (void *) fdrsec, &len)) != OS_NOERR) {
- tf->error = err;
- fiad_logger(_L|LOG_ERROR, "%s: could not read FDR\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- }
- /* is it big enough? */
- else if (len < FDRSIZE && !unknownfileistext) {
- fiad_logger(_L|LOG_ERROR, "%s: FDR is short\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- }
- /* is it a TIFILES or V9t9 file, or text? */
- else {
- v9t9_fdr *v9f = (v9t9_fdr *) fdrsec;
- tifiles_fdr *tif = (tifiles_fdr *) fdrsec;
- char filename[OS_NAMESIZE];
- /* Figure out what kind it is and convert. */
- if (memcmp(tif->sig, "\007TIFILES", 8) == 0) {
- // TIFILES fdr has no filename
- tf->format = F_TIFILES;
- OS_NameSpecToString2(&tf->spec.name, filename);
- fiad_filename_host2ti(filename, fdr->filenam);
- fdr->secsused = TI2HOST(tif->secsused);
- fdr->flags = tif->flags;
- fdr->recspersec = tif->recspersec;
- fdr->byteoffs = tif->byteoffs;
- fdr->reclen = tif->reclen;
- fdr->numrecs = SWAPTI(tif->numrecs);
- fiad_logger(_L | L_3, "TIFILES read> secsused=%04X, flags=%x, recspersec=%x, byteoffs=%x, reclen=%d, numrecs=%04X\n",
- tif->secsused, tif->flags, tif->recspersec,
- tif->byteoffs, tif->reclen, tif->numrecs);
- } else if (len == FDRSIZE
- && fiad_fdr_matches_v9t9_fdr(v9f, OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec), flen)) {
- // assume V9t9
- tf->format = F_V9t9;
- memcpy(fdr->filenam, v9f->filenam, 10);
- fdr->flags = v9f->flags;
- fdr->recspersec = v9f->recspersec;
- fdr->secsused = TI2HOST(v9f->secsused);
- fdr->byteoffs = v9f->byteoffs;
- fdr->reclen = v9f->reclen;
- fdr->numrecs = SWAPTI(v9f->numrecs);
- fiad_logger(_L | L_3, "V9t9 read> secsused=%04X, flags=%x, recspersec=%x, byteoffs=%x, reclen=%d, numrecs=%04X\n",
- v9f->secsused, v9f->flags, v9f->recspersec,
- v9f->byteoffs, v9f->reclen, v9f->numrecs);
- } else if (unknownfileistext) {
- // treat file as text
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "Treating '%s' as text\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- tf->format = F_TEXT;
- OS_NameSpecToString2(&tf->spec.name, filename);
- fiad_filename_host2ti(filename, fdr->filenam);
- fiad_fdr_setup(fdr, false /*program*/, ff_variable, 80, flen);
- } else {
- fiad_logger(_L | LOG_ERROR, "File '%s' does not appear to be a V9t9 file\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- }
- tf->changedfdr = false;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* Write FDR to file,
- return 0 and report error if failed. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_fdr(fiad_tifile * tf)
- {
- OSError err;
- u8 fdrsec[FDRSIZE];
- OSSize len = FDRSIZE;
- fdrrec *fdr = &tf->fdr;
- if (tf->readonly || !tf->open) {
- fiad_logger(_LL|LOG_ERROR, "%s: Trying to write FDR on a closed or read-only file\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- }
- memset(fdrsec, 0, FDRSIZE);
- // Decide what format to write the FDR in.
- // don't write one for text or for an unknown file
- if (tf->format == F_TEXT || tf->format == F_UNKNOWN) {
- tf->changedfdr = false;
- return 1;
- }
- // write FDR in given format
- if (tf->format == F_V9t9) {
- v9t9_fdr *v9f = (v9t9_fdr *) fdrsec;
- tf->format = F_V9t9;
- memcpy(v9f->filenam, fdr->filenam, 10);
- v9f->flags = fdr->flags;
- v9f->recspersec = fdr->recspersec;
- v9f->secsused = HOST2TI(fdr->secsused);
- v9f->byteoffs = fdr->byteoffs;
- v9f->reclen = fdr->reclen;
- v9f->numrecs = SWAPTI(fdr->numrecs);
- } else {
- tifiles_fdr *tif = (tifiles_fdr *) fdrsec;
- tf->format = F_TIFILES;
- memcpy(tif->sig, "\007TIFILES", 8);
- tif->flags = fdr->flags;
- tif->recspersec = fdr->recspersec;
- tif->secsused = HOST2TI(fdr->secsused);
- tif->byteoffs = fdr->byteoffs;
- tif->reclen = fdr->reclen;
- tif->numrecs = SWAPTI(fdr->numrecs);
- /* fiad_logger(_LL, "TIFILES write> secsused=%04X, flags=%x, recspersec=%x, byteoffs=%x, reclen=%d, numrecs=%04X\n",
- tif->secsused, tif->flags, tif->recspersec,
- tif->byteoffs, tif->reclen, tif->numrecs);
- */
- }
- if ((err = OS_Seek(tf->handle, OSSeekAbs, 0)) != OS_NOERR ||
- (err = OS_Write(tf->handle, (void *) fdrsec, &len)) != OS_NOERR) {
- tf->error = err;
- fiad_logger(_LL|LOG_ERROR, "%s: could not write FDR\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- } else if (len < FDRSIZE) {
- fiad_logger(_LL|LOG_ERROR, "%s: wrote short FDR\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- } else {
- tf->changedfdr = false;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* Verify a file, by classifying its type and checking invariants */
- int
- fiad_tifile_verify(fiad_tifile * tf, bool fixup)
- {
- OSSize sz;
- OSError err;
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_fdr(tf)) {
- fiad_logger(_LL | LOG_ERROR, "FIAD server: can't read FDR from file '%s'\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- }
- if (tf->format == F_TEXT)
- return 1;
- if (tf->format == F_UNKNOWN)
- return 0;
- err = OS_GetSize(tf->handle, &sz);
- if (err != OS_NOERR || sz < FDRSIZE) {
- fiad_logger(_LL | LOG_ERROR, "FIAD server: FDR is short in file '%s'\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- return 0;
- }
- if (tf->format == F_V9t9) {
- sz -= FDRSIZE;
- }
- if (fixup && repairbadfiles) {
- tf->changedfdr = fiad_fdr_repair(&tf->fdr, sz);
- fiad_logger(_LL, "FIAD server: repaired fields of FDR in '%s'\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- }
- return 1;
- }
- OSFileType *
- fiad_get_file_type(int newfileformat)
- {
- return
- newfileformat == F_V9t9 ? &osV99Type :
- newfileformat == F_TIFILES ? &osTIFILESType :
- }
- /* Initialize file pointers which keep track of current record */
- int
- fiad_tifile_init_file_pointers(fiad_tifile * tf)
- {
- tf->cursec = tf->curoffs = tf->curnrecs = tf->currec = 0;
- tf->changed = false;
- tf->changedfdr = false;
- return 1;
- }
- /* Read a sector from the file at tf->cursec.
- If tf points to the last empty sector of file,
- this is not an error.
- Return 0 if sector not found. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_read_sector(fiad_tifile * tf)
- {
- OSPos pos;
- OSSize sz = 256;
- OSError err;
- if (!fiad_tifile_flush(tf))
- return 0;
- pos = tf->cursec * 256 + (tf->format != F_TEXT ? FDRSIZE : 0);
- // Try to read it...
- if ((err = OS_Seek(tf->handle, OSSeekAbs, pos)) != OS_NOERR ||
- (err = OS_Read(tf->handle, tf->sector, &sz)) != OS_NOERR)
- {
- // bad error
- tf->error = err;
- return 0;
- }
- else if (sz < 256) {
- if (tf->cursec == tf->fdr.secsused && sz == 0) {
- // last sector can be empty
- return 1;
- } else if (tf->format != F_TEXT || tf->cursec != tf->fdr.secsused - 1) {
- // last sector can be short, but not the other ones
- return 0;
- } else
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* Write a sector to the file at tf->cursec.
- Return 0 if sector not written. */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_sector(fiad_tifile * tf)
- {
- OSPos pos;
- OSSize sz = 256;
- OSError err;
- pos = tf->cursec * 256 + (tf->format != F_TEXT ? FDRSIZE : 0);
- if ((err = OS_Seek(tf->handle, OSSeekAbs, pos)) != OS_NOERR ||
- (err = OS_Write(tf->handle, tf->sector, &sz)) != OS_NOERR)
- {
- // bad error
- tf->error = err;
- return 0;
- } else if (sz < 256) {
- // no sector can be written short
- tf->error = OS_MEMERR; // "out of space"
- return 0;
- } else {
- tf->changed = false;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* Set file size according to cursec and curoffs */
- int
- fiad_tifile_set_file_size(fiad_tifile *tf)
- {
- OSPos pos;
- OSSize sz = 0;
- OSError err;
- pos = tf->cursec * 256 + (tf->format != F_TEXT ? FDRSIZE : 0);
- if ((err = OS_SetSize(tf->handle, pos)) != OS_NOERR)
- {
- // bad error
- tf->error = err;
- return 0;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- Open or create the file, either r/w or r/o.
- We expect the spec to have been set up.
- create && always means, delete existing file.
- create means, create file if not existing.
- */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_open_file(fiad_tifile *tf, int newfileformat,
- bool create, bool always, bool readonly)
- {
- OSError err;
- bool creating = false;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_3, "fiad_tifile_open_file: '%s', create: %d, always: %d, readonly: %d\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec), create, always, readonly);
- tf->open = false;
- tf->readonly = readonly;
- tf->format = F_UNKNOWN;
- fiad_tifile_init_file_pointers(tf);
- if (create) {
- // go ahead and delete if we want a clean slate
- if (always) {
- OS_Delete(&tf->spec);
- }
- // see if file exists
- err = OS_Status(&tf->spec);
- // if not (or the file is broken), try to create it
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- err = OS_Create(&tf->spec, fiad_get_file_type(newfileformat));
- // if we couldn't create, error
- if (err != OS_NOERR) {
- return err;
- }
- if (err == OS_NOERR) {
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "created FIAD file '%s'\n", OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- }
- tf->format = newfileformat;
- creating = true;
- }
- }
- /* Try to open file; it should exist by now */
- err = OS_Open(&tf->spec, readonly ? OSReadOnly : OSReadWrite,
- &tf->handle);
- tf->open = (err == OS_NOERR);
- tf->changed = false;
- tf->changedfdr = false;
- /* Permission error? */
- if (!readonly && err == OS_PERMERR) {
- return err;
- }
- /* It was opened, verify it.
- If verification fails, but we can create, then do so. */
- if (!creating && err == OS_NOERR) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_verify(tf, !readonly /*fixup*/)) {
- if (create) {
- fiad_logger(_L|L_2, "Failed to verify, creating new file\n");
- creating = true;
- tf->format = newfileformat;
- err = OS_NOERR;
- } else {
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- err = OS_FNFERR;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Existing but wanting to create? */
- if (create && creating && err == OS_NOERR) {
- fiad_logger(_L|L_2, "Truncating file\n");
- err = OS_SetSize(tf->handle, 0);
- /* don't write FDR here; caller uses this to determine
- if we created the file or not */
- tf->open = (err == OS_NOERR);
- tf->changed = true;
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- }
- /* Change FDR format? */
- if (tf->format != newfileformat &&
- !keepfileformat &&
- tf->format != F_TEXT &&
- newfileformat != F_TEXT)
- {
- tf->format = newfileformat;
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- }
- return err;
- }
- /*
- * Reopen a file, keeping open file information intact.
- */
- OSError
- fiad_tifile_reopen_file(fiad_tifile *tf, int newfileformat,
- bool readonly)
- {
- OSError err;
- fiad_tifile copy = *tf;
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- newfileformat,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- readonly);
- tf->cursec = copy.cursec;
- tf->curoffs = copy.curoffs;
- tf->curnrecs = copy.curnrecs;
- tf->currec = copy.currec;
- fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf);
- return err;
- }
- /*
- * Close a tifile.
- */
- void
- fiad_tifile_close_file(fiad_tifile * tf)
- {
- if (!tf || !tf->open)
- return;
- /* ignore errors */
- fiad_tifile_flush(tf);
- OS_Close(tf->handle);
- tf->open = false;
- tf->handle = (OSRef) -1;
- /* if FDR is still different, file was either readonly
- or we changed something we should write now */
- if (tf->changedfdr) {
- fiad_tifile_rewrite_fdr(tf);
- }
- }
- /*
- Rewrite FDR of closed file
- This may be used to change the format (change tf->format)
- or rewrite a fixed FDR on a readonly file.
- */
- void
- fiad_tifile_rewrite_fdr(fiad_tifile *tf)
- {
- int newfileformat = tf->format;
- if (tf->open)
- fiad_logger(LOG_FATAL, "fiad_tifile_rewrite_fdr: File is open!\n");
- if (fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- false /*readonly*/) == OS_NOERR)
- {
- if (fiad_tifile_read_fdr(tf)) {
- if ((newfileformat == F_V9t9 || newfileformat == F_TIFILES) &&
- newfileformat != tf->format) {
- fiad_logger(_L|L_2, "%s: changing file format to %s\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec),
- newfileformat == F_V9t9 ? "V9t9" : "TIFILES");
- tf->format = newfileformat;
- } else if (!fiad_tifile_verify(tf, true /*fixup*/)
- && repairbadfiles) {
- fiad_logger(_L|L_2, "%s: rewriting damaged FDR\n",
- OS_SpecToString1(&tf->spec));
- } else {
- goto dont_write;
- }
- fiad_tifile_write_fdr(tf);
- }
- dont_write:
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- }
- }
- /* Flush dirty buffers */
- int
- fiad_tifile_flush(fiad_tifile *tf)
- {
- if (!tf->open)
- return 0;
- if (tf->readonly)
- return 1;
- if (tf->changed) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_write_sector(tf))
- return 0;
- }
- if (tf->changedfdr) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_write_fdr(tf))
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* Change the current sector */
- int
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(fiad_tifile *tf, int secnum)
- {
- if (!fiad_tifile_flush(tf))
- return 0;
- tf->cursec = secnum;
- tf->curoffs = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /* Seek, logically, to the end of file */
- int
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_end(fiad_tifile * tf)
- {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, FDR_LASTSEC(&tf->fdr)))
- return 0;
- tf->curoffs = tf->fdr.byteoffs;
- tf->curnrecs = 0;
- tf->currec = 0;
- return fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf);
- }
- /* Read a record from a file (all but PROGRAM files)
- Return 0 for success, 1 for EOF, and -1 for hardware failure
- */
- int fiad_tifile_read_record(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u8 *reclen)
- {
- if ((tf->fdr.flags & ff_variable) && tf->format != F_TEXT) {
- /* read variable data record */
- u8 len;
- retry_var_read:
- // Get a new sector?
- if (!tf->curoffs) {
- // any more sectors?
- if (tf->cursec < tf->fdr.secsused) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf)) {
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- return 1; // EOF
- }
- }
- len = tf->sector[tf->curoffs];
- // 0xff means end of sector
- if (len == 0xff) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, tf->cursec+1)) {
- return -1;
- }
- goto retry_var_read;
- }
- if (len > tf->fdr.reclen) {
- //fiad_logger(_L | "FIAD ERROR: length of record on disk is longer than maximum");
- // this is legal; we only set tf->fdr.reclen bytes,
- // but advance the pointer 'len' bytes.
- }
- if ((u32) tf->curoffs + (u32) len >= 256) {
- fiad_logger(_LL | LOG_ERROR,
- "FIAD ERROR: file appears corrupt [curoffs=%d, len=%d]\n\n\n",
- tf->curoffs, len);
- len = 255 - tf->curoffs;
- tf->cursec++;
- }
- *reclen = len > tf->fdr.reclen ? tf->fdr.reclen : len;
- memcpy(data, tf->sector + tf->curoffs + 1, *reclen);
- tf->curoffs += len + 1; // length byte
- } else if ((tf->fdr.flags & ff_variable) && tf->format == F_TEXT) {
- /* read variable data from text file */
- int len;
- int lastbyte, strln, cpyln;
- char str255[256];
- bool at_eoln;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_3, "Variable read from F_TEXT: #%d/%d %d/%d\n", tf->cursec,
- tf->fdr.secsused, tf->curoffs, tf->fdr.byteoffs);
- *str255 = 0;
- strln = 0;
- retry_textvar_read:
- lastbyte =
- (tf->cursec < tf->fdr.secsused - 1 ? 255 : tf->fdr.byteoffs);
- fiad_logger(_L | L_3, "lastbyte=%d\n", lastbyte);
- if (tf->curoffs >= lastbyte) {
- tf->curoffs = 0;
- tf->cursec++;
- }
- // Get a new sector?
- if (!tf->curoffs) {
- // any more sectors?
- if (tf->cursec < tf->fdr.secsused) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf)) {
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- return 1; // EOF
- }
- }
- /* Read until newline */
- len = 0;
- at_eoln = false;
- while (tf->curoffs + len <= lastbyte) {
- len++;
- if (tf->sector[tf->curoffs + len - 1] == '\r' ||
- tf->sector[tf->curoffs + len - 1] == '\n')
- {
- at_eoln = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * We can only copy up to 255 bytes into a record (and even then,
- * it will be truncated according to the record size in the PAB).
- * Perhaps add an option to split long lines into smaller records?
- */
- if (strln > 255)
- cpyln = 0;
- else if (strln + (len - (at_eoln == true)) > 255)
- cpyln = 255 - strln;
- else
- cpyln = len - (at_eoln == true);
- memcpy(str255 + strln, tf->sector + tf->curoffs, cpyln);
- tf->curoffs += len;
- strln += cpyln;
- str255[strln] = 0;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "F_TEXT: '%s'\n", str255);
- /* Skip newline(s) */
- if (tf->curoffs) {
- if (tf->sector[tf->curoffs] == '\r' &&
- (tf->curoffs <= lastbyte - 1
- && tf->sector[tf->curoffs + 1] == '\n')) tf->curoffs++;
- }
- /* Get new sector? */
- if (!tf->curoffs) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, tf->cursec+1)) {
- return -1;
- }
- goto retry_textvar_read;
- }
- len = strln;
- if (len > tf->fdr.reclen) {
- //fiad_logger(_L | "FIAD ERROR: length of record on disk is longer than maximum");
- // this is legal; we only set tf->fdr.reclen bytes,
- // but advance the pointer 'len' bytes.
- }
- *reclen = len > tf->fdr.reclen ? tf->fdr.reclen : len;
- memcpy(data, str255, *reclen);
- } else {
- /* read fixed data record */
- u16 newsec;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_3, "fixed read, wanted %d, max is %d\n\n", tf->currec,
- tf->fdr.numrecs);
- if (tf->currec >= tf->fdr.numrecs) {
- return 1; // EOF
- }
- newsec = tf->currec / tf->fdr.recspersec;
- // different sector?
- if (newsec != tf->cursec) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, newsec)) {
- return -1;
- }
- // Get a new sector
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf)) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- tf->curnrecs = tf->currec % tf->fdr.recspersec;
- tf->curoffs = tf->curnrecs * tf->fdr.reclen;
- // fiad_logger(_L|LOG_USER, "%p, %04X, %04X, %d\n", tf->pab, PABTOVDP(tf->pab), tf->pab.addr, tf->fdr.reclen);
- *reclen = tf->fdr.reclen;
- memcpy(data, tf->sector + tf->curoffs, *reclen);
- tf->currec++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Write a record to the file (all but PROGRAM files)
- Return 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for disk full
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_record(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u8 reclen)
- {
- if ((tf->fdr.flags & ff_variable) && tf->format != F_TEXT) {
- /* write variable data record */
- u8 len;
- retry_var_write:
- // write a new sector?
- if (!tf->curoffs) {
- // clip file to current position
- if (tf->cursec + 1 != tf->fdr.secsused) {
- tf->fdr.secsused = tf->cursec + 1;
- tf->fdr.numrecs = tf->cursec + 1;
- if (!fiad_tifile_set_file_size(tf)) {
- return -1; // hardware failure
- }
- }
- }
- len = reclen;
- // I think this is standard
- if (len > tf->fdr.reclen)
- len = tf->fdr.reclen;
- // need room for record, length, and 0xff eos byte
- if (len + 1 + tf->curoffs >= 255) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, tf->cursec+1)) {
- return tf->error == OS_MEMERR /*disk full*/ ? 1 : -1;
- }
- goto retry_var_write;
- }
- tf->sector[tf->curoffs] = len;
- memcpy(tf->sector + tf->curoffs + 1, data, len);
- tf->changed = true;
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- tf->curoffs += len + 1; // update EOF ptr
- tf->sector[tf->curoffs] = 0xff; // end of sector marker
- tf->fdr.byteoffs = tf->curoffs; // update FDR
- } else if ((tf->fdr.flags & ff_variable) && tf->format == F_TEXT) {
- /* write variable data to text file */
- u8 len;
- int strln, cpyln;
- len = reclen;
- // I think this is standard
- if (len > tf->fdr.reclen)
- len = tf->fdr.reclen;
- strln = len + 1; // to copy
- retry_textvar_write:
- // write a new sector?
- if (!tf->curoffs) {
- // clip file to current position
- if (tf->cursec + 1 != tf->fdr.secsused) {
- tf->fdr.secsused = tf->cursec + 1;
- tf->fdr.numrecs = tf->cursec + 1;
- if (!fiad_tifile_set_file_size(tf)) {
- return -1; // hardware failure
- }
- }
- }
- // fill up sector to the end,
- // keep one byte for newline
- cpyln = tf->curoffs + strln < 256 ? strln : 255 - strln;
- memcpy(tf->sector + tf->curoffs, data + len - strln, cpyln);
- tf->changed = true;
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- strln -= cpyln;
- if (!strln)
- #ifndef UNDER_MACOS
- tf->sector[tf->curoffs + cpyln - 1] = '\n';
- #else
- tf->sector[tf->curoffs + cpyln - 1] = '\r';
- #endif
- tf->curoffs += cpyln;
- if (!tf->curoffs) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, tf->cursec+1)) {
- return tf->error == OS_MEMERR /*disk full*/ ? 1 : -1;
- }
- goto retry_textvar_write;
- }
- tf->fdr.byteoffs = tf->curoffs; // update FDR
- } else {
- /* write fixed data record */
- u16 newsec;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_3, "fixed write, at %d, cur is %d\n", tf->currec,
- tf->fdr.numrecs);
- newsec = tf->currec / tf->fdr.recspersec;
- // different sector?
- if (newsec != tf->cursec || tf->fdr.secsused == 0) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, newsec)) {
- return tf->error == OS_MEMERR /*disk full*/ ? 1 : -1;
- }
- // Get the current sector, growing file if needed
- if (tf->fdr.secsused <= tf->cursec) {
- // update sector count
- tf->fdr.secsused = tf->cursec + 1;
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- } else {
- // read old sector
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf)) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- tf->curnrecs = tf->currec % tf->fdr.recspersec;
- tf->curoffs = tf->curnrecs * tf->fdr.reclen;
- memcpy(tf->sector + tf->curoffs, data, reclen);
- memset(tf->sector + tf->curoffs + reclen, 0, tf->fdr.reclen - reclen);
- tf->changed = true;
- tf->currec++;
- // update # records if needed
- if (tf->currec > tf->fdr.numrecs) {
- tf->fdr.numrecs = tf->currec;
- tf->fdr.byteoffs = 0; // for fixed files
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Seek to a given record. For variable files, only 0 is accepted.
- Return 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for disk full
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_seek_to_record(fiad_tifile *tf, u16 recnum)
- {
- /* Variable files always RESTORE to beginning of file */
- if (tf->fdr.flags & ff_variable) {
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, 0)) {
- return tf->error == OS_MEMERR /*disk full*/ ? 1 : -1;
- }
- fiad_tifile_init_file_pointers(tf);
- } else {
- if (!fiad_tifile_flush(tf)) {
- return tf->error == OS_MEMERR /*disk full*/ ? 1 : -1;
- }
- tf->currec = recnum;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Read binary data from file at current position.
- Returns 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for EOF.
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_read_binary_image(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u16 maxread, u16 *gotread)
- {
- u16 toread;
- /* take minimum size */
- toread = maxread;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "file has >%04X or %d sectors\n\n", tf->fdr.secsused,
- tf->fdr.secsused);
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "going to read at most %d bytes from file with size %d\n", toread,
- FDR_FILESIZE(&tf->fdr));
- /* bytes read */
- *gotread = 0;
- while (toread) {
- u16 copy = toread < 256 ? toread : 256;
- if (tf->cursec >= tf->fdr.secsused) {
- // end of file
- return 1;
- }
- if (!fiad_tifile_read_sector(tf)) {
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(data, tf->sector, copy);
- data += copy;
- *gotread += copy;
- toread -= copy;
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, tf->cursec+1)) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Write binary data to a file at the current position
- Return 0 for success, -1 for hardware failure, 1 for disk full
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_write_binary_image(fiad_tifile *tf, u8 *data, u16 towrite, u16 *written)
- {
- u16 secs = 0;
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "trying to write %d bytes to file\n\n", towrite);
- *written = 0;
- while (*written < towrite) {
- u16 copy = towrite - (*written) < 256 ? towrite - (*written) : 256;
- if (tf->cursec >= tf->fdr.secsused) {
- tf->fdr.secsused = tf->cursec + 1;
- tf->fdr.byteoffs = 0;
- tf->changedfdr = true;
- }
- memcpy(tf->sector, data, copy);
- tf->changed = true;
- if (!fiad_tifile_seek_to_sector(tf, tf->cursec+1))
- return tf->error == OS_MEMERR /*disk full*/ ? 1 : -1;
- data += copy;
- *written += copy;
- }
- // last sector may be partial
- tf->fdr.byteoffs = *written & 0xff;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Get info about a file in tf,
- return 1 for success
- */
- int
- fiad_tifile_get_info(fiad_tifile *tf)
- {
- OSError err;
- int ret;
- err = fiad_tifile_open_file(tf,
- false /*create*/,
- false /*always*/,
- true /*readonly*/);
- if ((tf->error = err) != OS_NOERR)
- return 0;
- // don't return right away in case we're
- // repairing the FDR
- ret = fiad_tifile_verify(tf, false /*fixup*/);
- fiad_tifile_close_file(tf);
- return ret;
- }
- /* Free a catalog */
- void
- fiad_catalog_free_catalog(fiad_catalog *cat)
- {
- int x;
- if (!cat->filenames) {
- return;
- }
- for (x = 0; x < cat->entries; x++) {
- xfree(cat->filenames[x]);
- }
- xfree(cat->filenames);
- cat->filenames = 0L;
- }
- static int sort_filename(const void *a, const void *b)
- {
- return strcasecmp(*(const char **)a, *(const char **)b);
- }
- /* Read a catalog from a directory */
- OSError
- fiad_catalog_read_catalog(fiad_catalog *cat, const char *wildcard)
- {
- char wildpath[OS_PATHSIZE];
- OSSpec spec, *sptr;
- OSError err;
- OSSize blocksize, totalblocks, freeblocks;
- bool iswild;
- int x = 0;
- fiad_tifile tf;
- fiad_catalog_free_catalog(cat);
- /* Get disk info */
- err = OS_MakeSpec(wildcard, &spec, &iswild);
- if (err != OS_NOERR)
- return err;
- cat->path = spec.path;
- if ((err = OS_GetDiskStats(&spec.path, &blocksize,
- &totalblocks, &freeblocks)) != OS_NOERR) {
- blocksize = 256;
- totalblocks = 360;
- freeblocks = 0;
- }
- cat->total_sectors = totalblocks / 256 * blocksize;
- cat->free_sectors = freeblocks / 256 * freeblocks;
- /* Get file list */
- cat->entries_max = cat->entries = 0;
- cat->filenames = 0;
- /* If 'iswild' is true, use directory matching helper */
- if (!iswild) {
- OS_PathSpecToString2(&spec.path, wildpath);
- strcat(wildpath, "*");
- } else {
- strcpy(wildpath, wildcard);
- }
- /* Any matches? */
- if ((sptr = OS_MatchPath(wildpath)) == NULL) {
- return OS_FNFERR;
- }
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "reading dir\n");
- do {
- /* validate file and get info */
- if (!OS_IsFile(sptr) ||
- fiad_tifile_setup_spec_with_spec(&tf, sptr) != OS_NOERR ||
- !fiad_tifile_get_info(&tf) ||
- tf.format == F_UNKNOWN)
- {
- fiad_logger(_L|L_1, "Skipping '%s' which doesn't appear to be a V9t9 file\n",
- OS_NameSpecToString1(&sptr->name));
- continue;
- }
- /* more memory needed? */
- if (x >= cat->entries_max) {
- char **names;
- fdrrec *fdrs;
- int *index;
- names = (char **) xrealloc(cat->filenames,
- (cat->entries_max + 128) * sizeof(char *));
- fdrs = (fdrrec *) xrealloc(cat->fdrs,
- (cat->entries_max + 128) * sizeof(fdrrec));
- index = (int *) xrealloc(cat->index,
- (cat->entries_max + 128) * sizeof(int));
- cat->entries_max += 128;
- cat->filenames = names;
- cat->fdrs = fdrs;
- cat->index = index;
- }
- cat->filenames[x] = xstrdup(OS_NameSpecToString1(&sptr->name));
- fiad_logger(_L | L_2, "got file '%s'\n\n", cat->filenames[x]);
- cat->fdrs[x] = tf.fdr;
- cat->index[x] = x;
- x++;
- cat->entries++;
- } while ((sptr = OS_MatchPath(0L)) != 0L);
- return OS_NOERR;
- }
- /* Sort a catalog */
- static fiad_catalog *_sort_catalog;
- static bool _sort_order;
- static int _sort_disk(const void *a, const void *b)
- {
- // disk order
- return _sort_order ? ((char *)a - (char *)b) :
- ((char *)b - (char *)a);
- }
- static int _sort_filename(const void *a, const void *b)
- {
- const char *a1 = _sort_catalog->filenames[*(const int *)a];
- const char *b1 = _sort_catalog->filenames[*(const int *)b];
- return _sort_order ? strcasecmp(a1, b1) : strcasecmp(b1, a1);
- }
- static int _sort_type(const void *a, const void *b)
- {
- const fdrrec *a1 = &_sort_catalog->fdrs[*(const int *)a];
- const fdrrec *b1 = &_sort_catalog->fdrs[*(const int *)b];
- int diff;
- diff = (a1->flags & (ff_internal | ff_program | ff_variable)) -
- (b1->flags & (ff_internal | ff_program | ff_variable));
- if (!_sort_order) diff = -diff;
- if (!diff)
- {
- diff = _sort_order ? a1->reclen - b1->reclen :
- b1->reclen - a1->reclen;
- }
- return diff;
- }
- static int _sort_size(const void *a, const void *b)
- {
- const fdrrec *a1 = &_sort_catalog->fdrs[*(const int *)a];
- const fdrrec *b1 = &_sort_catalog->fdrs[*(const int *)b];
- return _sort_order ? (FDR_FILESIZE(a1) - FDR_FILESIZE(b1)) :
- }
- void
- fiad_catalog_sort_catalog(fiad_catalog *cat, int sort_by, bool ascending)
- {
- int (*func)(const void *a, const void *b);
- switch (sort_by)
- {
- case FIAD_CATALOG_SORT_BY_DISK: func = _sort_disk; break;
- case FIAD_CATALOG_SORT_BY_NAME: func = _sort_filename; break;
- case FIAD_CATALOG_SORT_BY_TYPE: func = _sort_type; break;
- case FIAD_CATALOG_SORT_BY_SIZE: func = _sort_size; break;
- default: fiad_logger(_L|LOG_FATAL, "Invalid catalog sort '%d'\n", sort_by);
- }
- _sort_catalog = cat;
- _sort_order = ascending;
- qsort(cat->index, cat->entries, sizeof(int), func);
- _sort_catalog = NULL;
- }
- /* Get file information from catalog */
- int
- fiad_catalog_get_file_info(fiad_catalog *cat, int index, fdrrec *fdr)
- {
- if (index < 0 || index >= cat->entries)
- return 0;
- *fdr = cat->fdrs[cat->index[index]];
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Return string giving standard name for type of file, i.e., "DIS/VAR 80"
- */
- static struct {
- u8 fdr_flags;
- const char *name;
- } fiad_tifile_file_types[5] =
- {
- {0, "DIS/FIX"},
- {ff_program, "PROGRAM"},
- {ff_internal, "INT/FIX"},
- {ff_variable, "DIS/VAR"},
- {ff_variable+ff_internal, "INT/VAR"}
- };
- const char *
- fiad_catalog_get_file_type_string(fdrrec *fdr)
- {
- int i;
- static char type_string[12];
- for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- if ((fdr->flags & (ff_program | ff_internal | ff_variable)) ==
- fiad_tifile_file_types[i].fdr_flags)
- {
- // program files don't have record length
- if (fdr->flags & ff_program) {
- strcpy(type_string,
- fiad_tifile_file_types[i].name);
- } else {
- sprintf(type_string, "%s %d",
- fiad_tifile_file_types[i].name,
- fdr->reclen);
- }
- return type_string;
- }
- }
- return "???";
- }