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- .IF DSK1.C3
- .CE 2
- *IMPACT/99*
- by Jack Sughrue
- TI-BASE: Part One
- .IF DSK1.C2
- You know that dizzying,
- exhilarating feeling you get when
- you've trudged all morning up a
- mountain path and have come out of
- the brush at the crest. You can look
- back from that peak and see how far
- you've come and look ahead to see how
- far you've yet to go.
- It's a wonderful, spirit-lifting
- kind of feeling as you stand there
- breathing in that rare air. You've
- come to a definite point in your
- life, but the journey's far from
- over.
- Well, I felt a little like that
- today after spending just four hours
- with a program called TI-BASE. I
- feel I have scaled new heights with
- my TI, but I realize I have a long
- way yet to go.
- TI-BASE opens up creative and
- critical USER possibilities in a way
- nothing else has ever done for the TI
- with the possible exception of
- GRAPHX is wonderful. It's the art
- program I teethed on. And BA WRITER
- is great. And don't forget
- _________. [Fill in the blank with
- your favorite.]
- But TI-ARTIST (by Chris Faherty
- of Inscebot) has become the TI
- World's standard against which all
- art products for our machine are
- judged. Can the pictures be
- converted? Is the drawing/painting
- program compatible? And so on. Can
- new enhancements be made for it (such
- ARTIST COMPANIONS)? And, equally
- important, is it used productively by
- the VAST majority of users? No
- question, TI-ARTIST has, justifiably,
- become the most productive art tool
- for the 99.
- FUNNELWEB (by Tony McGovern and
- his son Will) has had a parallel
- experience as a modified disk
- operating system for the 4A, an
- environment that is centered around
- the combined functions of
- word-processing, assembling, and disk
- managing. It has become the single,
- most-used disk program for the TI.
- Again, justifiably.
- Now comes TI-BASE.
- It, too, will become - without
- question - THE database tool for
- normal users to astound themselves
- with and for geniuses to create
- unlimited enhancements and templates.
- TI-BASE is an open-ended data system
- that includes, in passing, text and
- disk management packaging for
- incredible convenience. Yet it also
- allows such freedom of
- personalization that it is
- mind-boggling. The only thing I can
- equate it to is DBIII+ for IBM. And
- that sells for about $800 and comes
- with piles of disks and a 500+ page
- manual. And, if you look in any
- bookstore's computer section, you
- will find loads of books on how to
- use DBIII+ (or any of the earlier
- ones in the series). Colleges and
- night schools offer courses on just
- the use of DBIII+.
- And here's the rub. INSCEBOT
- (P.O.^Box 291610, Port Orange, FL
- 32027) provides THEIR masterpiece on
- two SSSD disks and one of those is a
- tutorial disk. Their manual is a
- mere 40 5x7 pages.
- What this means is 1) that a
- genius created this extremely compact
- base and 2) that the manual is in no
- way complete for those who want to
- dive deeply into this remarkable
- piece of software. I can picture all
- kinds of companion disks being
- created for TI-BASE by users
- world-wide, starting with disks of
- templates. I can also picture all
- kinds of things being written for it,
- starting with tutorials.
- Let me catch my breath here a
- minute. You're probably getting the
- impression I LIKE this program. LIKE
- is not a strong enough word. You'll
- see why in a moment.
- But first let me explain that
- Chris Faherty's father, Dennis, is
- the brilliant creator of TI-BASE.
- Now we have another father-son 4A
- genius team, like the McGoverns.
- Dennis has been a data-processing
- professional for almost a quarter
- century. It's apparent on TI-BASE
- that he brought all his expertise and
- experience to this software.
- To tell you the truth, when I
- first read the manual I panicked. I
- didn't (and still don't) understand
- such things as the following
- paragraph:
- "The CASE directive allows
- selective processing of directives.
- CASE directives are included between
- DOCASE and ENDCASE directives. Each
- CASE is examined sequentially. The
- first case which resolves to 'true',
- will be executed. Execution will be
- continued until a BREAK directive is
- encountered. Execution will then be
- discontinued until the ENDCASE is
- encountered."
- That's as bad as it gets.
- I'm sure people who use databases
- with regularity at work will find
- that paragraph a piece of cake. I
- don't.
- My database experience (except to
- watch others on the DB series on the
- IBM and, once in a while, to play
- with the base part of APPLEWORKS) has
- been strictly TI: DB 300/500, PR
- BASE, CFS, and a few other disks and
- modules. All of which were good for
- some things but were not
- user-friendly and were very limiting.
- I didn't feel creative using them.
- None of them seemed to be able to do
- the kinds of things I had pictured in
- my mind. What TI-BASE does best is
- let you create EXACTLY what you want
- in an easy and direct way.
- The best way to explain this, I
- think, would be to run through my
- very first application.
- I have a collection (mostly
- paperbacks and flea-market specials)
- of books by P.G.^Wodehouse, who is
- the funniest writer you ever lived.
- He wrote 97 books. He also wrote
- 285 short stories, 33 musicals, 18
- plays, over 200 songs, and an untold
- number of essays and reviews. He
- holds the Guinness Book of Records
- for having five of his musical
- comedies running simultaneously on
- Broadway. There have been dozens of
- books written about him and there
- have been collections of earlier
- works into first-time anthologies.
- Plus, he wrote movies and had many
- that were based on his works. There
- were numerous television and radio
- series in this country and England
- (many introduced by Wodehouse), and
- there were records and tapes made of
- many of his works.
- In short, he was a prolific writer.
- I had piles of his works and needed a
- data base to find out what I did and
- did not have. In addition, many of
- his works were published under two
- (and sometimes three) different
- titles: American, British,
- paperback.
- I wanted a database that would
- let me put his works in order by
- publication date, by title, by
- bibliographical assigned number, by
- type (hardbound, paperback, tape,
- video, etc.), by special series (the
- Jeeves books, the Blandings Castle
- books, etc.), by first editions (for
- the few I had), by ownership (did I
- or didn't I own a particular book
- under any title), and, most
- importantly, by comments. I wanted a
- large comment block that would give
- me alternative titles, plot
- summaries, main characters, whether
- this was the fifth in the Blandings
- series, and so on). And I wanted to
- sort these in all different ways. I
- wanted to be able to display any
- combinations of fields together (such
- as alphabetical title along with
- ownership or publication order with
- special series and titles and media
- type). And, of course, I desired the
- capability to print out in any
- combination of fields and in any sort
- order. And instantly.
- Now that doesn't seem like too
- much to ask, does it?
- However, I've never been able to
- do it with any of the databases for
- the TI, whether cartridge, disk, or
- RAM.
- I also wanted to be able to house
- the database in the RAM of my Myarc
- 512 or any drive of my choice on
- disks named anything of my choice.
- I wanted to be able to change
- column structure, line length, and
- spacing at will from INSIDE the
- program. I secretly wished for the
- ability to initialize disks of any
- configuration, catalog disks, and
- copy files ALL WITHIN THE PROGRAM so
- I wouldn't lose the base in memory or
- the screen I was working on.
- It stands to reason that I would
- like to Edit and Append and Display
- and Find and Sort and Print and Move
- files at will.
- Well, if I tell you that I never
- found a database for the TI that
- would even begin to approach this
- dream of mine, you would not be
- surprised. I fiddled and manipulated
- every base I could find to BEGIN to
- handle some of these very simple
- wishes of mine. For years! To no
- avail.
- Within four hours today I did all
- of the above and much, much more.
- And I didn't even begin to tap the
- potential of this remarkable program.
- I didn't even try the incredible
- mathematical possibilities or the
- manipulation of variables. I didn't
- even get a chance to TRY one-third of
- the stuff in the manual. I haven't
- even tried the tutorial disk yet.
- (Maybe that'll tell me about those
- DOCASE directives and such.)
- But I had, for the first time, my
- P.G.^WODEHOUSE database. I had
- hardcopies of 10 different
- configurations of the fields. I'm
- still aghast with the ease and speed
- (TI-BASE is 100% assembly) with which
- I created and filled this file.
- Don't get me wrong; there ARE
- limitations to TI-BASE. But nothing
- that would effect me in the
- slightest.
- The limits are 255 characters per
- field (the basic item, such as title
- or publication date); 17 fields per
- record; and - get this! - 8,192
- records per database! (THIS is
- limiting????) And absolutely NO LIMIT
- on the number of databases you may
- create.
- As prolific a writer as Wodehouse
- was, his works are just a tiny drop
- in the bucket to TI-BASE.
- Now you can use your database for
- your checking account. Exactly the
- way YOU want it (as the numericals
- will handle your math work). Or you
- can develop the ultimate address book
- or a series of interrelated files.
- TI-BASE will let you have up to 5
- Before I get carried away, I want
- to say three things: first, I'll do
- the Wodehouse tutorial in the next
- IMPACT column step-by-easy-step;
- second, all you need is one
- single-sided drive and 32K with XB,
- E/A, or MM, though the higher
- configurations make things, as
- always, a bit easier; and, third, the
- price of this masterpiece is only
- $24.95 (plus $1.50 S&&H) or a few
- dollars less if purchased by user
- groups in group orders of any size).
- This is THE best buy of the year for
- TI owners with disk systems. You may
- order from Inscebot (above) or
- Texaments; 53 Center St.; Patchogue,
- NY 11772 or charge 516-475-3480.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459,
- E.Douglas, MA 01516]
- If any newsletter editor prints
- these articles please put me on
- your mailing list. Thanks - JS
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