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- .IF DSK1.C3
- ^^^^^^^^^^TI Articles and Reviews
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^by Jack Sughrue
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THE EVERYTHING TEACHER
- Although this month's review is about THE
- EVERYTHING TEACHER by Intellestar ($39.95 -
- Intellestar, 25 West Middle Lane, Rockville,
- MD 20850), I must first interject a couple
- paragraphs about Super Sketch and add to the
- reviews being done in user-group newsletters
- Super Sketch is one of the best computer
- sketch pad I've used for ANY computer; the
- best for the TI. I've used similar pads on
- the Apple in school and some of the other
- computers in stores. They are all extremely
- expensive but, in some cases (Apple,
- particularly), not as sensitive.
- In addition to doing some of the normal
- sketch pad delights (automatic fill, texture
- layering, pattern and thickness brush
- strokes, full 16 solid colors, instant menu
- and return, Super Sketch has a very easy SAVE
- and LOAD feature. (Some pads do not have a
- SAVE feature.) And it draws lines, rays, and
- boxes from points! This is an amazing
- feature. And, as other reviews mentioned, it
- permits a pixel-by-pixel erasure. It does a
- pile of other marvelous things, too, but they
- are more complex to write about than do. (As
- a point of interest, I brought the thing into
- my fifth-grade class the day after I bought
- it. "Here," I said to a trio of youngsters,
- "try this." Without even asking what it was,
- they took it out of the box, plugged it in,
- and sailed away ((without even using the
- tracing package that comes with it or without
- looking into the manual [as all adults would
- have had to do].)) Within minutes they not
- only got the hang of it and were making
- rather beautiful computer paintings, but
- within a few minutes of that they were
- teaching other classmates how to use this
- tool [toy].)
- Do you teach kids? Do you have kids? Is
- there still a kid locked inside you? Did you
- ever have the desire to be an artist? Get
- Super Sketch and live a life of exciting
- adventure.
- >>> How about starting a swap-sketches
- club through our dubbing system? Everyone
- who has (or will have) made a tape of their
- computer painting, bring it in to your user
- group and see if we can get a national
- swapper going. How many SSs are there out
- there? Trade with other artists. I, for
- one, would like to share this experience. <<<
- But all is not strawberry shortcake. The
- one big flaw - BIG flaw - is that that SS
- will not give you a hard copy. This is its
- biggest drawback. I prefer the sketchpadness
- over the other artist programs like GRAPHX
- (which is far superior in many other ways to
- SS) and TI ARTIST). Though I understand
- there is a disk program available now to
- allow you to print out your graphics files
- made from SS. Haven't used it; haven't even
- seen it in operation, so I can't comment on
- it. I do hope it solves this problem.<<<
- Now where was I?
- Oh, yes, Intellestar. How could I forget
- them. I purchased a package from them
- recently called THE EVERYTHING TEACHER. It
- contains six tapes (You can opt for disks.),
- a very long (11 full pages) manual, and a
- binder/tape holder. Although it is a lot,
- THE EVERYTHING TEACHER is not everything. It
- doesn't even come close to being everything
- that a teacher should be (maybe I'm paranoid,
- as a teacher), but it is a heck of a lot.
- And what it is is really excellent.
- There are four separate games included in
- the package: excellent graphics. The "TV
- Sweepstakes" is a panel game just like on
- the tube, but the questions and answers are
- yours. Goofy-looking quizmaster and panelists
- add to the fun and there can be a bit of fun
- here, too, even in a "testing" situation.
- "Baseball" is a two-player (or two-team)
- game structured to move players around a
- baseball diamond and in to score if your
- questions are answered correctly. I didn't
- like this as well, though the kids did, and
- that is what I bought it for.
- "Space Patrol - Lost!" is a bit livelier
- and faster and (for me) much more appealing.
- The final game -"Last Jellybean on
- Earth" - had even more going for it in its
- crazy sweets resulting in tooth decay
- theme. I liked this one, too. In all cases,
- the theme and the individual questions and
- answers are yours. My students are looking
- forward to the day when they'll create the
- "test" situations.
- Will it be easy for them?
- A rhetorical question. I already know the
- answer. Yes!
- Thanks to a fifth tape: "The E.T. File
- Editor. This ingenious program lets you
- load multiple-choice, true-false, or any kind
- of question/answer you want, and then store
- it for later use (when it's time to study
- bones or leaves or states or money or parts
- of speech or multiplication of mixed
- fractions). And you can load that
- information into any of the four game
- programs at any time with any large or small
- group. Very easily.
- Program Six is a sample file so you can
- immediately access the system's games. Fun
- and learning are really combined here.
- Intellestar has done it again.
- Their programs are all in Extended BASIC
- and, like the comments on the Super Sketch,
- if you are, know, or would like to be a kid,
- Intellestar programs are your meat.
- Ask for their catalog at the above
- address. Their programs are peculiar and
- fascinating. After a friend had given me
- Vyger as a gift, I knew they had me hooked.
- I couldn't wait to get THE EVERYTHING
- TEACHER. When I finally save up enough to
- buy the LIFE SCIENCE SERIES, I'll do another
- Intellestar review. (This series has three
- tapes on The Cells, one called Heart Attack,
- and another call Inside Frankie Stein.)
- Meanwhile, I'd highly recommend VYGER and
- THE EVERYTHING TEACHER even if you get it for
- its clever, easily-accessed data base to make
- your own trivia games or whatever.
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459, E.Douglas, MA
- 01516]
- ***********
- If any newsletter editor prints these
- articles, please put me on your mailing list.
- Thanks - JS
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