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- .IF DSK1.C3
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- ^W-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE/
- ^99 *NEW-AGE/99* N
- ^EW-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE
- ^/99 *NEW-AGE/99*
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- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^*by JACK SUGHRUE, Box
- 459, East Douglas, MA 01516*
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#14
- Of the two tags, Gentleman and
- Genius, I think the former gets my
- approbation concerning the best way
- to describe John Willforth. My wife,
- Elaine, agrees. For John is first a
- real gentleman; and that is what you
- think of before realizing he's also a
- genius. Gentlemen, I think, are
- rarities today, even among TIers;
- though I've discovered more in the
- 99er ranks than in other walks of
- life. People like Charlie Good, Jim
- Cox, Jim Peterson, Barry Traver.
- Geniuses, though, are a dime a
- dozen in the computer world, and most
- of them are far from civilized.
- An example, small but
- significant: Lots of TIers have been
- to my home, all of them treated to
- Elaine's gracious welcome, her
- extended hospitality in the matters
- of food and lodgings, so they get to
- know her and discover, too, that we
- two rattle alone around our hut, now
- that our four tykes have leapt into
- the grownup world, returning us to
- "couplehood" these past two years.
- So any female voice answering our
- phone will be Elaine. But John is
- the ONLY "adult" TI person who will
- acknowledge Elaine's existence on the
- phone. He always says, "Hi, Elaine,
- this is John Willforth," when she
- answers, just as if she's not a
- non-person. Sometimes they converse
- so long I have to pry the phone from
- her fingers so I can get to talk to
- John.
- With others who've been here,
- however, it's usually "Jack there?"
- when she answers, without even
- mentioning who they are.
- I don't know. Maybe I'm old
- fashioned, but I still believe a lot
- in courtesy and friendliness and the
- acknowledgment of the existence of
- someone I've met.
- Anyway, John's old fashioned in
- this way, too, and I like it: 19th
- Century values in a 21st Century
- mind. It's fun being in tune to
- someone as family oriented as he is.
- He talks about his wife (Fay) and his
- three daughters with such joy that
- you know love and sensitivity are a
- VERY LARGE part of his nature.
- My wife and I talk about John so
- much that my son Matthew and his wife
- (Carolyn) wanted very much to meet
- him. The last time he came over for
- dinner, we had the "kids" over, too,
- and all of us enjoyed his pleasant,
- witty company all evening.
- John's a talker. That's a
- compliment. And he can converse
- about almost anything but literature
- (as he claims he doesn't have time to
- read novels, thus leading to the
- time-worn argument in THIS house that
- all the major social changes in the
- world have been brought about by
- fiction ... and so on). It's fun
- arguing with John because the
- conversation is stimulating and he's
- still your friend in the end.
- John's logical. He even tries to
- use logic with his teenagers (which
- probably makes him illogical, when
- you think about it).
- He's hardworking (to a workaholic
- degree, I think) at some pretty heavy
- duty electronic wizardry. John even
- has a calculator on his watch, which
- he uses.
- He writes well. His articles on
- printers, as well as the long-term
- articles on hardware (and software)
- are lucid, practical, and scary:
- SCARY in the sense that he takes
- apart consoles and P-boxes and
- anything else mechanical, electrical,
- and electronic that he can get his
- hands on and performs vivisectionist
- surgery on their innards. He seems
- to be able to radically modify
- anything, from computer chips to his
- backhoe and assumes everybody else
- should be able to do so.
- Whew! Not me. My hands shake
- when I have to dump my pencil
- sharpener or fill my stapler.
- But John's made me a believer.
- One evening he came up to my computer
- room, still chatting about his
- family, and, while carrying on the
- conversation, took apart my working
- P-box. Completely! Screws, nuts,
- bolts, fans, stuff, whachamacallits,
- and thingamajigs. Then he reversed
- my fan, explaining that it would keep
- my box cool (maybe even cooler) while
- it would cut down the noise to
- one-third. It did. We turned on
- other P-boxes in the room and
- compared them to the fix.
- He also told me where and how to
- order floppy drives and how to
- install them (5.25 and 3.5 operate
- with no cable modification on the
- TI). I learned that I could buy any
- IBM compatible half-height disk
- drives and put them in my TI. [ERM
- Electronic Liquidators (1 800 776
- 5865)] for fully warranted
- reconditioned drives. I called,
- bought two Panasonic DSDD ($29
- each!!!!), installed them myself,
- just like a computer grownup. Though
- they also sell cables and disks (for
- as low as .15 each DSDD), I ended up
- getting a Power Y cable for internal
- power connector ($.99) and an AT-HDDR
- cable set for double connector to
- controller ($2.89) and a whole lot of
- other things from another company he
- recommended: National Computer
- Accessories (916-441-1568). So,
- thanks to John, I was able to convert
- my setup on my school system from one
- SSSD to two DSSD at a cost of around
- $60! And does that make a LARGE
- difference in my ability to do TI
- things in my classroom. As a matter
- of fact I'm writing this at school on
- my quiet P-box, DSSD system and LOVE
- it! Everything works great.
- (Remember, we're talking about John
- teaching me, the man who has to use a
- manual to open a jar of peanut
- butter. You readers are chuckling
- over this "big" hardware deal, but
- John opened up new worlds to me. I
- plan to confidently upgrade another
- system soon and maybe even do a user
- group demo.
- Which brings me back to John's
- generous spirit. While at a training
- session in Connecticut some months
- ago, John willingly came to our
- M.U.N.C.H. in Worcester,
- Massachusetts, one evening and shared
- some great insights and answered all
- kinds of questions, including some
- about things he had written as
- newsletter editor of the West Penn
- user group, which he founded many
- years ago to reach out to users
- outside the Pittsburgh area.
- He was also the hit of the New
- England Fayuh that same week.
- Everyone there was thrilled to meet
- the man they all knew through his
- writings and references to his work
- by others. He ended up being the
- biggest TI star at the whole event.
- People at the fair were in awe of him
- and still talk about his visit, yet
- I've met very few humbler men.
- Now, back at my desk at home, I'm
- using a console John modified a while
- ago and recently gave to me. It has
- a plexiglass cutaway of the interior
- housing of a Zenoboard containing a
- clock, speech, 32K, E/A, XB,
- ADVENTURE, TIW, DM, and a system
- Pause button. All switchable. I
- feel as though I died and went to TI
- Heaven.
- The man's a genius, no doubt, but
- more important, he sure is a warm and
- sensitive friend. To me, it's worth
- owning a TI just to have met John
- Willforth.
- [If you use NEW-AGE/99 please put
- me on your exchange list.]
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