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- ^W-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE/
- ^99 *NEW-AGE/99* N
- ^EW-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE
- ^/99 *NEW-AGE/99*
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- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^*by JACK SUGHRUE, Box
- 459, East Douglas, MA 01516*
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#13
- ^^^^^^^the VCR CONNECTION
- I think one of the most exciting
- things to happen in our 99 world is
- the advent of tutorial and conference
- videos.
- Almost everyone has a VCR, the
- ownership of which can now open new
- worlds to 99 and Geneve users. Now
- that VCRs are coming down in price,
- more and more groups and individuals
- are using this tool to enhance their
- computer activities and share their
- computer knowledge.
- The unquestioned master of this
- new genre is Dr.^Charles Good of the
- Lima, Ohio, group. Videos have been
- around for some time and made their
- first TI existence about five or six
- years ago at the Chicago Fair. Some
- of the big-wiggies were interviewed
- and some screens were shown of
- different pieces of software. This
- amateur tape circulated for a year or
- so around lots of user groups. We
- (then still in the millions, it
- seemed) watched transfixed as new and
- exciting things were explained and
- shown to us.
- Then drought.
- Well, even though there were some
- other videos around here andthere,
- the drought really ended when Charlie
- took up the cause with a vengeance.
- Not only does the Lima group make a
- monthly tape of the demos of their
- meetings, but they have amassed a
- vast TI tape library. I have on my
- desk (all from Lima) the following:
- 1990 (3 tapes), MBX REQUIRED GAMES,
- These 10 tapes run about 50 hours!
- They are filled with all sorts of
- people demonstrating (or discussing
- or teaching) all sorts of TI things.
- I'll list a few.
- Karl Romstedt - friendly general
- loader and label printing software in
- XB with assembly routines; Harold
- Hoyt - useful applications of Steve
- Karesek's SUPER BASIC; Irwin Hott -
- using ALSAVE to imbed assembly code
- with an XB program; Bill Hudson - an
- assembly language prescan for XB;
- Multiplan Tutorial - presented by
- Great Lakes Computer Group; PLUS! -
- demonstrated by Jack Sughrue; Geneve
- - demonstrated by Edu Comp; Horizon
- Ramdisk - discussed by Bud Mills;
- Home Control 99 - demonstrated by
- Paul Wheeler; The Future of User
- Groups - discussion led by Charles
- Good and Dave Szippl of the Lima
- Group; A Blind Person Using the TI -
- demonstrated by Irwin Hott; NUTS &&
- BOLTS - demonstrated by Jim Peterson;
- GENE III - demonstrated by Dick
- Berry; Output to a VCR - shown by
- John Perkins; 1000 WORDS - author
- Norman Rokke demonstrates this
- Artist/text conversion file; Barry
- Traver - contents of Genial Traveler
- and linking XB to assembly via CALL
- LINK; Chris Bobbitt - recent and
- future releases from Asgard; Andy
- Frueh - music programming on the 4a;
- Ron Markus - the DIJIT AVPC 80-column
- card; Jim Horn - services on
- COMPUSERVE; Martin Smoley - TI BASE
- tutorial; Paul Scheidemantle -
- converting from one Artist format to
- another and tips and tricks; Steve
- Karasek - SUPERBASIC 2.0; Karl
- Romstedt - Panorama, a new artist
- program; Milo Tsukroff - MX-DOS v3.0
- an icon/joystick based program loader
- with disk management features; Beery
- Miller - future software for the
- Geneve; Jim Peterson - using Don
- Shorock's Kana Filer that speaks and
- writes (with TEII) Japanese and
- drills vocabulary; Bruce Harrison -
- secrets of assembly language
- programming to make TI music; Gary
- Bowser - Rambo review module library
- box; Gary Taylor - demonstration of
- TI's Compact Computer 40, TI's Hex
- Bux peripherals, and Mechatronics Hex
- Bus Drive; and lots more.
- This should give you a good idea
- of the kinds of things available each
- May just from the annual Lima Fair
- (called "T.I. Multi User Group
- Conference," for some unknown
- reason). Each of these six-hour
- tapes use cameras on the tutor while
- cutting into the screen
- electronically when something is
- being shown. These tapes get better
- and better each year, and the editing
- techniques are superb. Although I
- haven't been able to attend the last
- two years, I felt I got a big part of
- the fair sent to me. I know a lot of
- other homebound TI acquaintances feel
- the same. It's norealsubstitute
- for being at the fair, of course, but
- it's a great second best. The TI
- experts are at your beck and call in
- your home any time you want them.
- In addition to all these fair
- tapes, there are numerous "single
- theme" jobs also available. Don
- Alexander of Macon, Georgia, for
- example, does a fine job with the
- Geneve. I think this one is better
- for someone who has used the Geneve
- for awhile, though. I hope someone
- eventually does a truly step-by-step
- basic tutorial of the Geneve, maybe
- even a full six hours. It is sorely
- needed.
- Charlie has also done theme
- tapes, such as MBX (where he steps
- through all the MBX modules) and
- UNRELEASED (where he plays and
- discusses all the delightful
- unreleased TI modules). I found both
- these tapes fascinating, particularly
- the UNRELEASED, as I could load them
- onto my SUPERCART or my GENEVE.
- Charlie's FUNNELWEB 4.2 DEMO is a
- classic. The viewer is taken through
- every step of the FWB configuration
- process that (for some strange
- reason) frightened so many people.
- Though the tape is similar to
- Charlie's tutorials in the BITS,
- BYTES && PIXELS newsletter he edits
- for Lima, it is far more extensive
- and much clearer, as you can see and
- hear everything being done live. I
- can't imagine anyone not being able
- to perform FWB magic after viewing
- this tape.
- To get more information about
- these tapes (and/or join the Lima
- Group by mail which I would HIGHLY
- recommend), contact Charles Good, PO
- Box 647, Venedocia, OH 45894.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- There is another great video now
- available to TI owners: the
- full-length LOGO video done by Eunice
- Spooner (RFD 1, Box 3720, Webb Road,
- Waterville, ME 04901). It is
- wonderful! It also comes with a disk
- full of lots of the items she demos
- and a hardcopy listing of the items
- and footage for easy tape locations.
- Eunice is a certified elementary
- teacher and it is obvious on this
- tape. She's teriffic: kind, patient,
- step-by-step logical, no panic; and
- she makes everything seem easy and
- fun. Which it is, if you do the
- things she suggests.
- I always liked LOGO. Then I put
- it away for a long time. After
- viewing this tape and trying her
- programs, I discovered I LOGO.
- If you own LOGO, get this package
- instantly. At $10 it is a total
- steal. And it is used as a
- fundraiser to support the only ALL
- you don't own LOGO, buy it instantly.
- (It's on sale everywhere CHEAP! I
- paid $119 for my first and recently
- bought an unboxed one for $15.) But,
- new or used, pick one up for this
- video/disk set alone. You'll
- rediscover the joys of computing and
- the real fun (and learning, which is
- why it is fun) of your remarkable 4a.
- Don't delay.
- [If you use NEW-AGE/99 please
- put me on your exchange list.]
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