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- .IF DSK3.C3
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- ^W-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE/
- ^99 *NEW-AGE/99* N
- ^EW-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE
- ^/99 *NEW-AGE/99*
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- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^*by JACK SUGHRUE, Box
- 459, East Douglas, MA 01516*
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#3
- I often chuckle at doomsayers, but
- sometimes they irk me.
- I don't think anyone questions
- the facts that the APPLE, AMIGA, IBM,
- and clones all have more commercial
- software and hardware support than
- the 4A. Walk into any bookstore and
- look at the magazines. Go into a
- department store and look at the
- racks of software packages. Or into
- an electronics store and peruse the
- computers, cards, drives, other
- hardware and software items. And
- therices.
- No question: the stuff's there.
- And some of us succumb to those
- temptations. Don't get me wrong. At
- work and at the homes of friends and
- relatives I get plenty of
- opportunities to play and work with
- these other machines. And enjoy my
- time on them, for the most part.
- But, even then and even when I attend
- the other computer user groups or
- fairs, I don't have the feeling that
- I do with similar TI activities.
- The emotion - very much in
- evidence at TI get-togethers - is
- absent at Apple and IBM gatherings.
- There are subtle, important other
- differences, too.
- When I look at the new Other
- software or Other hardware I wonder
- if most TIers would pay those
- humongous prices or whether most
- TIers would want to trouble to learn
- these new ways of hi-tech wizardy.
- For the most part, the TIers don't do
- that now.
- An example: The Apple IIGS is $1149.
- (That's without the 5.0 (NOTE THE
- Systems disk that's required to
- operate the machine. Nothing resides
- in memory.
- Let's say you want a word
- processor for it, as word processing
- is the most common use of
- non-business computers. Appleworks
- (the most popular WP for all Apples)
- is another $250. (No percentage
- point, folks. It's two-hundred-fifty
- dollars, plus tax!) Will the WORKS
- give you 40/80 column for those of us
- (oldtimers?) whoLIKE40 because the
- letters are large and clean and easy
- to read? Nope. Try reading 80 on an
- Apple monitor.
- Can you flip around, as you can
- with the fairware FUNNELWEB, for
- example, and load up such utilities
- as DM-1000, Disk Utilities, ARChiver,
- other languages (Assembly, c, FORTH),
- other sources (tape, cartridge,
- etc.)? Nope. There are no tapes and
- cartridges for those Other machines,
- anyway, but the WORKS doesn't let you
- configure any possibilities outside
- the provided environments. How about
- modified fonts, underlining,
- doublestrike? All available with
- FUNNELWEB, even more so if you use
- the fairware PLUS! within the FWB
- environment.
- And speed? The IIGS is slow,
- very slow. But for an additional
- $399 you can buy a TRANSWARP GS card
- that'll speed up WORKS and other GS
- items to reasonable, runnable speed.
- Can you slip into graphics with
- WORKS? Nope, but FWB's TI text can
- easily emigrate to PAGEPRO for all
- kinds of graphic/text manipulations
- (or PP can stand alone for similar
- structuring).
- You must use PRINT SHOP separately to
- get some graphics; still, not with
- the page possibilities. For that
- you'd need the user-UNfriendly
- NEWSROOM. Add another $400. Not
- counting the graphics. The kind that
- are Public Domain through TIPS for
- the TI. Say another $500, easily.
- How much is that decidedly inferior
- wordprocesser now? Still under $3000?
- That's not bad as prices go in the
- computer world out there. Check
- Other computer prices.
- Why would we TIers consider THAT
- an upgrade? We certainly wouldn't pay
- those prices for software for our
- superior machine: FWB donation $20;
- PLUS! donation $10; TIPS and 5,000
- graphics are FREE; PAGEPRO is under
- $25. Grand total for us TIers, maybe
- 50 bucks at the most.
- Most TIers don't have RAM disks
- or RAVE keyboards or hard drives or
- the GENEVE upgrade that includes 640
- RAM, truly astounding graphic
- capabilities, a superb keyboard and
- all other kinds of great stuff,
- including TI compatibility (as much
- as most clones have with IBM). And
- yet EACH of these things are less
- than a couple pieces of software for
- Other computers.
- Most TIers don't (in all honesty)
- even pay for the fairware they use,
- so I can't see them spending $50 to
- $800 per piece of software after
- spending a couple thousand for
- another system, no matter how great
- the software is. Look at the
- magnificent under $25 commercial
- software items for the TI: TI-BASE,
- examples. Do most TIers who have
- disk drives own these three items?
- Not by a long shot!
- Have most of the TIers who use Tony
- McGovern's FUNNELWEB, Barry Boone's
- ARCHIVER, John Birdwell's DISK
- UTILITIES, or Canada's DM-1000 sent
- decent (or any) fairware
- contributions to the authors? Or
- contributions for the constant
- updates? Nope.
- Do most TIers subscribe to
- MICROpendium or ASGARD NEWS, the only
- two magazines we have devoted
- entirely to the TI? Nope.
- Do most TIers even belong to
- user groups? Nope. Not even by mail,
- though that is the best source of
- disk, tape, and text materials, not
- to mention the monthly newsletter
- connection, that money can buy (also
- under $25).
- Do most TIers take advantage of
- the massive sources available across
- their phone through inexpensive
- modems? Nope.
- My feeling is why, if TIers are
- not even taking advantage of all the
- things that are availableNOWand at
- a lot smaller cost, would they even
- want to move (up?) to more expensive
- machines?
- It makes me think about a comment
- by Keith Jarrett, considered by many
- music critics to be the greatest
- pianist of this century. Because he
- plays jazz and classical and newage
- and a style of improv that is
- inimitable, he was asked why he
- didn't play the electronic keyboard.
- "I haven't learned everything about
- the acoustic piano, yet," he said.
- Ifhehasn't learned everything about
- the acoustic piano yet, no one in the
- world has.
- But I feel this way about my TI.
- When people ask me why I don't move
- up, I first give them my speech about
- moving to Apples or clones or
- whatever is not necessarily UP. Then
- I think of the real reason: I haven't
- finished learning everything I want
- to learn and doing everything I want
- to do with my 4A yet.
- Even if everything relating to TI
- ceased instantly; nothing more being
- created; all user groups stopped; the
- complete TI end - even if... most of
- us would still be using and learning
- and enjoying our perfectly wonderful
- computer for a long time to come.
- But such a scenario is not
- heading our way in the near future.
- There are too many of us who care and
- WANT to stay with this gem of a
- machine. We all have a long way to
- go yet, and I, for one, am enjoying
- the journey.
- [If you use NEW-AGE/99 please put
- me on your exchange list.]
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