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- .IF DSK1.C3
- .CE 6
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- ^W-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE/
- ^99 *NEW-AGE/99* N
- ^EW-AGE/99 * NEW-AGE
- ^/99 *NEW-AGE/99*
- ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^^^*by JACK SUGHRUE, Box
- 459, East Douglas, MA 01516*
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#2
- There's a new (I think) company
- making software for the TI: Arcade
- Action, Program Innovators, 4122
- Glenway, Wawatosa, WI 53222
- They have a nice version of TETRIS.
- They also have the usual space shoot
- 'ems. They have a program called
- Snowmobile which is yet another
- version of the Regena-style
- skiing/river-travel manuevering. And
- they have a bunch of other stuff, all
- of which is detailed in their free
- catalog.
- But what they have that is
- WONDERFUL and a true first for the TI
- Community is a superb cribbage game!
- It's perfect in the sense that it
- is completely playable. It is
- reasonably fast. It is intelligent
- and colorful and extremely well
- designed and in Extended Basic for
- people who like to add their own
- little touches, though you won't need
- to add little touches to this game at
- all. The unknown author even offers
- simple suggestions for reducing 11 of
- its 60 sectors.
- There have never been any good,
- playable TI cribbage games, but this
- game, called CUTTHROAT CRIBBAGE, is
- something else entirely. This game
- not only lets you play against an
- intelligent computer but allows some
- interesting inputs. During the game,
- for example, if you wish to question
- the computer's judgment (or would
- like to test out some odd card
- combos) you simply type "C" for Count
- Check at the end of a hand (instead
- of the default "P" for continuing
- Play). You may then set up a hand,
- including play card. The computer
- will score it, explaining each
- detail. For example, you must type
- each card with the pip value first
- and the suit (S,H,D,C) second. A
- Five of Hearts would be 5H; a Queen
- of Clubs, QC; an Ace of Diamonds, AD.
- You get the picture. So take a hand
- like 5H, JD, 5S, 5C, with the play
- card the 5D. Any cribbage players
- recognize the Grand Hand when they
- see it and know it equals 29, the
- highest score in cribbage. The
- computer will tell you this when you
- type in that hand. It will also
- break down all of the patterns by
- individual scores (15s, Quadruplets,
- His Nobs) to show you exactly how the
- hand is scored. You can create any
- legitimate hand you'd like for
- detailed analysis by the computer.
- This is a superb help feature,
- particularly for the novice. The pro
- will have a good time with this game,
- too.
- On-screen graphics are equal to
- the best I've seen for ANY card game.
- The board on the right side runs hand
- totals to their new mark before
- filling in the peg area up to that
- point. There are three rows of 40
- instead of the up-down 30/30 of
- normal cribbage boards; more like
- the continuous steeplechase boards
- which are becoming popular.
- But what kind of game does it
- play? It is a very good opponent that
- knows the rules perfectly. And you
- better not make an error in scoring
- or it will call "Muggins" on you and
- take the points; thus, the name
- "Cutthroat".
- The only cheating I was able to
- do (and get away with) was to call a
- Go after a 23 when I had a three left
- in my hand. I got a point for last
- card at 23. The computer called Go.
- I returned Go, though I could have
- played. It played a four; I played
- my three and got another point I
- certainly did not deserve. But I
- assume the author did not anticipate
- sneaky little buggers like myself
- trying to sleaze through a game
- instead of playing properly.
- Except for the ability to cheat
- at the Go and the inability (on the
- computer's part) to note a Skunk or
- Lurch, this is a fantastic game in
- every way. NEW-AGE/99 rates this an
- A+! It is user-friendly; it is fast
- (though giving you time to make your
- crib-throw decisions); it is nice to
- look at; it is cheap ($7 gets you
- this and a couple other programs
- thrown in; $10 gets you twice as many
- games, including AA's TETRIS). The
- playing field is great. Your six
- cards are dealt at the bottom of the
- screen nearest you; the computer's
- opposite near the top. As you
- discard by pressing C,D,E,F,G,or H
- (letters assigned to your cards), the
- crib will be placed near your cards
- ifyoudealt or near the computer's
- ifitdealt. You always know whose
- crib it is. The play is done card by
- card in the area between you and your
- opponent. Just like the real thing.
- Play scores (15, Run, Go, 31, Pairs,
- etc.) are all announced and scored
- during play. In addition to the
- multi-colored pegging "board" on the
- right, individual totals are kept in
- boxes next to each player. There is
- never a moment of confusion in this
- game.
- At the conclusion of play, the
- hands and crib are spread out for
- analysis before scoring. Bear in
- mind that the computer's scoring is
- never wrong. All combos are sitting
- quietly in data statements just
- waiting for you to score incorrectly.
- If you do, you get zapped. You can
- never perform "Muggins" on the
- machine, but sometimes its play isn't
- as sharp as your own under some odd
- play moments. It isn't as wise as
- some of the best cribbage players
- I've ever played. (My father, for
- instance, or my daughter Sue. Or an
- old Army buddy, Emil, from my days in
- Germany.) On the whole, though,
- Cutthroat is a worthy opponent, and,
- as cribbage cannot be played over the
- phone or by mail the way chess can,
- this is the next best thing to a
- human opponent. In some ways,
- better. It is 3:30 AM right now. I
- woke and danced The Insomniac's Waltz
- before settling at my computer. I
- popped on cribbage. Won two games.
- Felt good. Decided to write this
- column, which had been back-burnered
- for a couple weeks. Who else could I
- have gotten to play cribbage after 3
- AM? And accept defeat so graciously?
- Hey! Wait a minute! What if you
- don't play cribbage? Well, for one
- thing, you must have had a deprived
- childhood (and continually deprived
- adulthood) as cribbage is such fun!
- It's one of the few card games whose
- origins are known. It was created by
- the English gambler, soldier, poet
- (Why so pale and wan, fair lover?
- Prithee, why so pale?) Sir John
- Suckling (1609-1642). It's come down
- to us across the centuries virtually
- unchanged. The English still play
- the 5-card version, the Americans
- play the 6 (a variation of this
- century that caught on permanently in
- spite of considerable criticism by
- purists).
- Anyway, if you don't play, get
- someone to teach you or get a Hoyle's
- and, with Cutthroat in front of you,
- teach yourself. This game makes it
- easy, particularly with the option of
- creating any hands you want to learn
- to score.
- My fifth-grade students play it
- constantly and are even beginning to
- beat it almost as often as it beats
- them. Great learning tool.
- Finally, at game's end, there is
- no gloating. The screen fills with
- without the obnoxious toots, plunks,
- and burps that usually accompany such
- announcements. Very professional.
- Now for those times when the urge
- of the cribbage addict comes upon you
- and no one is around to play, just
- pop a Foster's, turn on your friendly
- TI, and go to it.
- [If you use NEW-AGE/99 please put
- me on your exchange list.]
- ÇçǼçïÉòƒ⌐╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒╒Çï