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- .IF DSK1.C3
- .CE 2
- *IMPACT/99*
- by Jack Sughrue
- .IF DSK1.C2
- To what state have we arrived, jargonwise, when such a title as IFFING TIW has
- some meaning?
- If you use T.I. WRITER or any of its improved versions (T.K. WRITER, B.A.
- WRITER, or - by far the most superior - FUNNELWEB), you may have become
- familiar with the Include File structure. This Include-Filing process (known
- as IFfing) allows some extraordinary things to happen to your word processor.
- It automatically brings up a file into your text that will let you access,
- simply, some very complex things.
- Like what?
- Like that, for example; but let's say you'd like to have a term-paper style
- format (centered heading, right justification, wide margins, double spacing,
- along with an active transliteration key to underline, double strike, super/sub
- then IFfing will give it to you. Then lets say that part way through this term
- paper you need a large indentation and condensed type to offset that piece from
- the rest of the paper. And then go back to the original structure. IFfing
- does that by just adding a few characters before the offset piece and a few
- characters to return it, right in the text as you are typing.
- Or say you have a series of sections to a long piece of writing: a novel
- perhaps. You have six chapter written, you want to load up the disk and print
- all six chapters saved under different filenames. With the flick of an IFfing
- switch you can print them ALL while you're off having dinner or taking your dog
- to the cheese factory. When you return your novel (to this stage) is printed
- out. That's IFfing.
- First, you must build a file to be IFfed. Ninth easiest thing in the world.
- (We'll discuss the other eight in another column some time, but I will mention
- that breathing is Number One. So you can see the competition.)
- ^.FI;AD;LM 4;RM 75;IN +3
- ^.TL 1:27,52
- ^.TL 2:27,53
- ^.TL 3:27,83,0
- ^.TL 4:27,83,1
- ^.TL 5:27,84
- ^.TL 6:27,66,3
- ^.TL 7:18
- ^.TL 8:27,87,1
- ^.TL 9:27,87,0
- ^.TL 19:27,66,2
- ^.TL 20:18
- ^.TL 12:7
- ^.TL 21:27,45,1
- ^.TL 22:27,45,0
- ^.TL 15:27,71
- ^.TL 16:27,72
- ^.TL 17:27,69
- ^.TL 18:27,70
- Above, for example, is a code template I use in thePLUS!companion disk I
- wrote and edited for the Fairware market. As template codes go it is fairly
- simple. The first line FIlls, ADjusts (for right justification), Left Margins
- (in 4), Right Margins (in 75), and INdents (3 in from ANY Left Margin I
- establish during my document). This, I would assume, would be a reasonable
- standard for most text. I could have added (and DID on other templates) double
- spacing, automatic page numbering, a pre-designed HEader, or many other things.
- The template above is primarily to activate the TL key. After this template is
- SAVEd as a file (Do not type in the > sign. Begin each line with the period.),
- it is best to keep that tiny file on your main FUNNELWEB (or whatever) disk
- under a quick title. I refer to it as C3 because it is the third templete I
- created. C2, for example, will automatically let me type out in condensed at
- 132 columns wide with all the TL keys intact. C4 will give me the term-paper
- structure I mentioned above. C1 is strict TL. My margins and indents will be
- my own problem. And so on.
- Okay. Let's say you've typed in and SAVEd that exact file under the filename
- C3 on your FUNNELWEB on DSK1.
- Now, whenever you load your wordprocessor and the cursor awaits your initial
- command, type T <ENTER>. Then put an L on 1, and I on 5, and an R on 38. This
- will set your screen margins within the width of the screen and will
- automatically create an indentation at the start of each paragraph. You'll be
- able to read everything ON your screen - no more windowing.
- Next, press FCTN/0. This will rid the screen of line numbers and let you view
- your literary masterpiece unfettered.
- Now your cursor is sitting in the upper left corner of your screem rarin' to
- go. Type the following without the parentheses: (.IF DSK1.C3) and press ENTER.
- Type whatever text you want, viewing it perfectly on your screen. Feel free to
- use the TL keys to underline, enlarge, condense, doublestrike, superscript,
- italicize, letter quality, elite, whatever, whenever you wish.
- The code is sitting there to automatically FORMAT this text into the original
- FIll/ADjust etc. you wanted. And, even though the template is tiny, you have
- the most extraordinary other things built in.
- The TL chart is mnemonic. I built it that way when I first began to us the TL
- key in 1981 to help myself remember. It has been very easy, very faithful.
- With that C3 sitting in DSK1., all you do to automatically call up any of this
- stuff is type the following:
- CTRL/U, SHIFT/n, CTRL/U. n is the letter that turns ON the desired printer
- code. The following ALPHABETICAL letter, using the same CTRL/U, SHIFT/n,
- CTRL/U will turn off the code.
- An example would be if you wanted some words doublestruck for emphasis. You
- would type along regularly. Then when you came to the word or words you wanted
- doublestruck you would type CTRL/U, SHIFT/O, CTRL/U. Then type all the things
- you want in dark type. Then type CTRL/U, SHIFT/P, CTRL/U. That will shut it
- off, and you can go on typing to your heart's content. If O turns it on, P
- turns it off. Italics is turned ON by A, so B turns it off. Underlined is
- turned on by U, so V turns it off. If you wanted some words underlined and
- doublestuck and in italics with the above template, you would type CTRL/U,
- SHIFT/UOA, CTRL/U. To turn this batch off type CTRL/U, SHIFT/VPB, CTRL/U.
- Neat, eh?
- (At the end of this article is the complete mnemonic code Quick Reference Chart
- for the FUNLPLUS! Template C3 shown above.)
- (The TL key, by the way, can do MUCH, MUCH more than just activate printer
- codes in this way. But that will have to be another column.)
- Now back to our text. You've type all you wanted (let's say a two-page letter)
- and you're ready to print. Type SF. Type DSK2.WHATEVER. After the file is
- SAVEd to another disk, go back to the Command line (FCTN/9) and type Q <ENTER>
- and E <ENTER>. If you are using FUNNELWEB you are back to the menu. Type 2
- (FORMATTER). When the file comes up it'll say DSK2.WHATEVER. Turn on your
- printer. Press the keys all the way down and watch your printer PRINT out
- full-width, right-justified, fully-coded text!
- But what if you wanted to print lots of files? There are lots of ways of doing
- this. Whatever is convenient for you.
- I took the C3 template above and added the following for a special projet:
- ^.HE Poetry Book:THE LINK by Jack Sughrue
- ^.FO Page %
- This printed out each file of my book after first going back to DSK1.C3 to see
- what was expected of the FORMATTER. But it would go to DSK2 to get each file
- itself.
- I could even add
- if I wanted to, becasue the original IFfer will sort it all out for me. If one
- file is on DSK3 and another on DSK1 and another in ANY drive as long as the
- disk name is BOOK, it will find the file and PRINT it out.
- Isn't that extraordinary?
- With IFfing you can expand the horizons of your FUNNELWEB (or whatever TIW
- processor you're using) to exciting new dimensions. I have used the IFfing so
- much over the years, I have even created LF templates that make the LOADing
- even faster. I have a file called 2, for example, that automatically loads up
- the C2 code and the first few lines including condensed FORMAT codes which
- can't be replicated in this article. But you could actually create the
- following file and call it 3 (because it will draw up C3) in the automatic
- process:
- ^.IF DSK1.C3
- ^.CE 4
- ^FUNLPLUS! v. 4.4
- ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ^by Jack Sughrue
- ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This automatically loads the IF and CEnters the next four lines which act as a
- quick heading for letters about Version 4.4. From there I can type the notes
- or comments or letters or article and SAVE it by its new name. When I print it
- out, it will call up C3 and PRINT out all my text within the C3 structure.
- This is great because you are automatically at the Command Mode when you enter
- FUNNELWEB. Just typing DSK1.3 loads up everything shown above AND the Tabs I
- had previously set. Thus, no more TABbing; no more typing the IF info, no more
- setting up the text structure. It's all in one number - 3. And all the
- FORMATting code is in C3. Beautiful.
- I don't know of another wordprocessor that allows such wonderful flexibility
- and speed.
- This system of templates would be even greater with RAMdisk and DSDD drives, of
- course, but all my system had when I first created and used these codes was one
- SSSD drive, and it sure is easy and fun.
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459, E.Douglas MA 01516]
- If any newsletter editor prints these IMPACT/99 articles, please put me on your
- mailing list. Thanks - JS
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