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- .IF DSK1.C3
- ^^^^^^^^^^^TEXTWARE, SOFTWARE, and
- ^^^^^^TI-99/4A Happenings
- ^^^^^^^^^by Jack Sughrue
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^FUNLWRITER
- [NOTE: Although the author wrote
- this four years ago when FUNLWRITER
- just arrived on our shores from
- Australia, the author feels even more
- strongly today
- about FUNNELWEB (as it is
- now called). Still, it's nice to see
- the first impression this piece of
- software made. It is now the single
- most-used piece of TI software among
- disk owners world wide.]
- Where do I begin?
- Funlwriter is the most profound
- disk ever made for the TI/99-4A.
- I have many useful disks: data bases
- and spread sheets and educational
- programs and tutorials. I have
- programs that shrink programs,
- programs that identify and list
- variables from programs, programs
- that can be merged into other
- programs, and even programs that make
- programs. I have word processors for
- Extended BASIC, for MiniMem, for
- Editor-Assembler (including that
- editor itself).
- And, yet....
- I, like so many of my brothers
- and sisters in this gigantic TI/99
- family, am always looking for the
- "perfect" program.
- It's here.
- Take out your checkbooks and
- immediately send a $15 or better
- check to Tony and Will McGovern, 215
- Grinsell St., Kotara, NSW 2289,
- Australia. And pop down to your
- nearest user's group for the
- Funlwriter disk to make a copy for
- yourself. (It's a "Fairware" item,
- offered to the public under the terms
- of personal trust: if you like it and
- plan to use it, send the money; if
- you don't like it, pass it on. And,
- like so much of the "Fairware" things
- for TI, it's the best stuff
- available.)
- As I said at the beginning, How
- do I begin?
- First, I'll leap back a couple
- years. I had written an informal
- letter to Chris Bobbitt, the general
- manager of Asgard Software,
- discussing a TI "wish list." As a
- writer, my wishes centered mostly
- around improvements for the TI
- Writer. I wished for the ability to
- read Dis/Var 80 and Dis/Fix 80 files
- quickly on the screen. (Think about
- that one for a while.) I wished to be
- able to load automatically from Edit
- or Format into my PIO printer. I
- wished to be able to develop a better
- Utility system and to go from Editor
- to Formatter and to reFormatting (for
- the printing of multiple different
- files) without going back to the
- title screen or without reloading. I
- thought it would be wonderful to be
- able to have an environment operating
- off (I felt then) the E/A cart which
- would access the TIW cart and the DM
- cart somehow."
- Well, all of the above is part of
- this extraordinary venture from The
- Land Down Under. Notice I said
- part. And ALL from the XB module
- off a menu (Yes, including loading
- up the 2.3 version of DM1000, the
- Editor/Assembler, the TI Word
- Processor, and, for the fun of it,
- Forth!). You are reading it right.
- It does all this with versions of
- each which are better than the
- originals or other updates. (For
- example, from the DM1000 section of
- the menu you can draw up the file
- section and get as Option 3 an
- instant screen read of ANY Dis 80
- file; or from the word processor menu
- you can press SWITCH to leap
- instantly into the Assembler and load
- up an assembled file (or create or
- edit, just as with the cartridge AND
- disks).
- All this, say the authors "without
- loss of functionality." The memory
- banks maintain their same buffers.
- As for my own all-night testing
- the day I got it from Barry Traver at
- the New England TI Faire in
- Lexington, I found every aspect of it
- improved from the individual pieces
- from which Funlwriter evolved. The
- McGovern geniuses seemed to have
- covered everything. The docs are
- excellent and take up 80 sectors,
- which is also excellent. After you
- make a copy to pass on to others who
- will also pass it on, erase the docs
- and fill up your 80 sectors with
- utilities galore.
- And everything is FAST,
- I did everything I could possibly
- think of to mess up this
- environment, and, though I'm
- usually very good at messing up
- programs, I couldn't defeat this
- environment. It did (does)
- everything I thought could only be on
- a TI owners wish list.
- Am I glad I'm a TI owner.
- Besides having the best in-residence
- abilties of ANY home computer
- (automatic numbering, resequencing,
- CALL subprogramming, color, speech
- synthesis, and so on), my computer
- now has an XB cart in port that will
- bring to my machine what would cost
- IBM or Apple (if even possible)
- owners 500 dollars or more to buy.
- Like all good tools, Funlwriter
- is also a great toy. I don't think
- I've had as much fun playing with
- anything since I got my first set of
- Lincoln Logs on my seventh birthday.
- You can get inside. You can
- change things. The McGoverns even
- guide you into this in their docs.
- You can (I did) change the
- environment's screen/character colors
- within the XB load program (which may
- later be changed at MOST menus in
- this profound creation. You can (I
- did) put in printer specifics (PIO
- and PIO.LF for the Editor and
- Formatter). This is also done in the
- loader which can then be saved
- forever and overrides all assembly
- defaults.
- Although I always manage to come
- up with "If only this program
- had...." to every piece of software
- (and textware) I've ever reviewed, I
- was stunned by this software into a
- euphoric silence. (My wife and kids
- appreciated that!) But it didn't
- last long. I couldn't wait to write
- about Funlwriter. But, three days
- and much use and abuse (including
- this report) later, I still cannot
- think of a single change I would make
- in the design of this software. It
- is efficient, allows for considerable
- flexibility, does all the things I've
- dreamed of and many I haven't.
- The McGoverns, in entrusting us
- with this marvelous piece of work,
- are hoping they'll make enough money
- to get some additional TI equipment
- to do many more things, apparently.
- I hope they become rich beyond their
- wildest dreams and make great
- software for the TI forever.
- Let's support ourselves by
- supporting them. Get Funlwriter as
- soon as you can, test it out, write
- out the most generous check you can
- afford, mail it to the McGoverns, and
- hurry back to your new, large,
- exciting TI environment.
- *************
- Now that I've had FUNLWRITER
- as part of my system for a while, I
- can honestly say I Could Not Do
- Without This After Having Had It.
- It's better than I praised it last
- in my first article about it.
- For lots of reasons.
- I've loaded almost all my E/A
- programs without difficulty by
- loading the Utility option (3) from
- the first menu. Then load ENTER NAME
- (9) from the second menu. Basically,
- those programs previously loaded on
- Option 3 of the E/A cartridge (the
- DIS/FIX 80 files, usually), will load
- from this menu's Option 4. Those
- programs which loaded from the E/A
- cartridge Option 5 in the past (the
- PROGRAM files, usually), will now
- load from this menu's Option 3. (If
- the process had taken the word
- "START" as an additional program
- filename, it will load in
- automatically with this. If the
- program required another "entry
- code" (DEF), this program will list
- it for you after the load filename(s)
- have been listed.)
- In short, it's easier than the
- E/A cart. It finds things for you.
- And you keep your Extended BASIC cart
- in the port for long life.
- Examples:
- Let's say you have the game
- SPOTSHOT. The files are SPOTSHOT
- and SPOTSHOU. (There's no mystery to
- this. If an E/A program file exceeds
- 33 sectors it automatically strings
- the files together by using filenames
- which step up the final letter(s) [or
- numbers] by one ASCII number. You
- most often see this with GAME, GAMF,
- GAMG, GAMH. That kind of thing. So
- it is with this file.) These are two
- strung-together program files of 33
- and 17 sectors, respectively, and
- listed as PROGRAM or PGM on your
- cataloger.
- Choose the Option 3 on the
- FUNLWRITER E/A (which would be
- Option 5 on the cart), type in
- SPOTSHOT following the "DSK2. " on
- the screen and it will load itself
- automatically. (The cart would have
- required an additional input of the
- word "START" under Program File.)
- This loads on any diskdrive and, so
- long as you do not have to come back
- to DSK1 with internal loading
- directions from some imput, you're
- fine. If you only have one drive you
- don't have to worry about it at all.
- Let's say you have the game
- Entrapment. This is a 32 sector
- DIS/FIX 80 file and would usually be
- loaded on Option 3 on the E/A cart.
- Load it on Option 4 here. After
- "DSK2. " just type "ENTRAPMENT".
- When a request for another input
- comes up, just press ENTER. The
- "entry code" here is the word TRAP.
- It will come up on the screen and
- give you some other options with the
- loaded program. Just type "R" and
- this program will also RUN
- automatically.
- It's great!
- For those of you with the DISK
- MANAGER 1000 version 3.1. there may
- be a bit of a disappointment for you
- (though I'm not sure why) because the
- new version cannot replace the 2.3
- version that the FUNLWRITER
- environment is built around. Maybe
- another version of FUNLWRITER will
- house this latest DM. But the
- modified 2.3 built in does pretty
- much everything the new version does
- only in different places or off
- different menus.
- When I replaced the 3.1 version
- in my FUNLWRITER, I could no longer
- load many E/A programs. I could no
- longer copy or move files from one
- disk drive to another. There were a
- few other little things, too, but I
- don't remember what they were. I
- just put 2.3 back fast.
- The word processor portion of the
- FUNLWRITER is perfect for my needs
- (once the docs have been replaced by
- 80 sectors of programs and templates
- that work off the environment).
- Coming out of FUNLWRITER with
- an active catalog, one could easily
- build in some fascinating graphics
- programs, like GRAPHX (particularly
- now that those extraordinary
- COMPANIONS are made for it), and
- never have to come out to anything
- else.
- But any kind of template or file
- could be stuck inside and easily
- added to the automatic menu.
- I wore out cartridge ports on two
- 99s. Changing the XB to E/A to
- T.I.W. to DM (and not counting the
- constant changing of game carts and
- things like Personal Record Keeping).
- Now I keep XB in all the time. The
- DM 1000 is about 1000 times better
- than the cart. The E/A is better.
- The built-in screen dump is better
- and much, much faster. The T.I.W. is
- better and faster and keeps you in
- the mode (if not the mood). And all
- this is on one SSSD disk (with a
- Forth load and a few other things
- thrown in for good measure).
- Now with all my good stuff on
- disk I probably will have little need
- for removing my XB cart again.
- And with something so convenient
- as FUNLWRITER it becomes quickly
- addictive (in an easy to use kind
- of way). It's just so natural for me
- to load up this disk without even
- thinking what I'm going to do on the
- computer. It doesn't make any
- difference. The environment as I've
- modified it permits me to load up ANY
- program I own, pretty much, whether
- BASIC, XB, E/A, FORTH, whatever. Or
- look into things. Or write letters.
- Or create programs. Or read DIS 80
- files (text or code).
- There's just not much I would do
- on my computer anymore that couldn't
- operate out of this environment.
- If you don't have FUNLWRITER
- yet, get a copy from your users'
- group as soon as possible. If you do
- have it, remember it's Fairware.
- Send a check to the authors as soon
- (and as much) as possible.
- And the possibilities are
- endless. I've just released a
- diskful of programs and files and
- templates and additions and
- modifications (calling it FUNLPLUS!
- also put out through the Fairware
- market. I plan to send these
- additions and changes to the
- McGoverns. If public domain people
- all over our TI world do the same for
- these Fairware programs (and in
- particular this one) just imagine
- what will come of it. If you can.
- [UPDATE: Today's FUNNELWEB (the
- version 4 series) has so many greater
- features, it is impossible to
- delineate them here. If you own the
- have never owned any of the above,
- you are in for a real computer buzz
- when you get the latest copy from
- your user group library.]
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459,
- E.Douglas, MA 01516]
- ***************
- If any newsletter editor prints
- thse articles, please put me on your
- mailing list. Thanks - JS
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