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- .IF DSK1.C-3
- .CE 10
- ~~~~~ TI-101 ~~~~~
- by Jack Sughrue
- Box 459
- E.Douglas MA 01516
- #4 ROOTS
- Last session, Class, we had a
- couple questions from Mr.^Shakespeare
- over there by the window. He said he
- had a nephew in junior high and two
- elementary school grandchildren.
- Okay. Okay, Mr.^Shakespeare.
- Just put your grandchildren's
- pictures away. So long as we know
- one's 8 and one's 4 and that your
- nephew in junior high is having
- trouble reading.
- Got that, Class.
- He wants to know what the TI can
- do for him. Or, more specifically,
- for the significant kiddies in his
- life.
- There are so many directions one
- can go here that I'm not sure where
- to begin. Because I'm so text
- oriented, I think I'll begin with
- some sources that may not be dried up
- yet. There are real books like Fred
- D'Ignazio's TI PLAYGROUND, which I'll
- discuss during another class. But,
- first, I want to discuss Newsletter
- Childrenware.
- Zounds, Mr.^Shakespeare! Just be
- patient. I'm sure I'll answer your
- questions before you even have to ask
- them.
- Now.
- Er, oh, yes; the newsletters.
- There were so many great
- newsletters over the years that
- provided good, solid, educational
- material in so many enterprising ways
- - ways that let the adults learn
- along by typing in the programs. It
- would be impossible to even list them
- all on the blackboard here.
- Let me just take a super example
- and hope that her materials are still
- on disk in the club's library for new
- massive circulation.
- Sue Harper (the present librarian
- of the Pittsburgh User Group,
- P.O.^Box 8043, Pittsburgh PA 15216)
- for years wrote a wonderful column
- called "Kiddie Corner" (note she
- didn't succumb to the temptation to
- misspell "Corner" with a "K") and
- reviewed material for young (and old)
- learners. Sometimes the older
- learners could type the programs for
- the younger learners.
- Although I never met Sue, I have
- been an admirer of her creativity and
- writing talent for years.
- Anyway, Class, while I was
- preparing some notes I uncovered some
- of the old "PUG Peripheral"
- newsletters and want to share a bit
- of a Fall '89 issue (when her son was
- 9 and daughter 11):
- "This month, since we are all
- getting back into the swing of things
- with school, I thought I would give
- you a little quiz. Yes, indeed, you
- can tell I used to be a school
- teacher! Really, it's not a hard
- quiz; it's a take-home (for sure) and
- you have a month to do it! Just five
- questions, and then a little program
- to amuse you until next month, when I
- will give you the answers!
- ^^1. Write a program that will
- make the screen blink the colors of
- fall.
- ^^2. Write a program that will
- play 'Mary Had a Little Lamb.' I'll
- help you on that one - the notes are
- A,B,A,G,F,G,A.
- ^^3. Write a program that will
- make your name blink on and off until
- you use FCTN 4 to stop it.
- ^^4. Write a program that will
- turn your name red and make the
- screen blue.
- ^^5. Take all the programs 1
- through 4 and make one long program
- that blinks fall colors, plays the
- little song, and blink a red name on
- a blue screen.
- 20 FOR H=1 TO 10
- 40 LET R=INT(RND*32)+32
- 50 LET S=INT(RND*14)+3
- 70 CALL HCHAR(12,12,R)
- 80 CALL KEY(0,K,S)
- 90 IF S=0 THEN 100 ELSE 80
- 100 NEXT H
- 110 PRINT "PEACHY-KEEN!!!!" : : :
- : : :
- 120 STOP
- "This little program ... well,
- what will it do? Try it and see!
- "See you next month!"
- Now this short "Kiddie Corner"
- article is filled with the stuff of
- learning. First, Class, it made me
- go back and dig out a couple manuals
- to solve those five small problems of
- hers. Very enticing, very
- educational little problems. Suffice
- it to say that previous columns of
- hers led up to skills levels that
- could achieve these creative
- extensions. These are real, relevant
- logic problems for any age. They
- also include things that younger
- children must know for a solution
- even if parents, grandparents, or
- older siblings are typing some things
- in (i.e., What ARE the colors of
- fall? How does the song go?).
- And then that tiny program you
- have to type in to see what it is
- supposed to do. I modified it
- slightly upon the suggestion of
- Harold Hoyt of the St.Louis TI user
- group. But is that program a
- motivator or what?
- And the safety net of all the
- answers next month. But could anyone
- wait a full month. Nope! This is a
- true leaning situation for everyone,
- including those who DO wait the
- month and type in all the answer
- programs. However, if you don't wait
- the month your correct answers are
- guaranteed to be different from hers.
- Thus, Lesson Uno: there are many ways
- to skin a cat.
- Although why one would actually
- WANT to skin a cat has always been
- beyond me. What does one DO with a
- skinned cat? Do you use the skinless
- cat part or the skin itself? Or
- both?
- Anyway, Class, the point does not
- have anything to do with cats; the
- point has to do with the great
- learning tool called the 99/4A.
- Sue Harper is only one of many
- people throughout the whole TI World
- who wrote excellent early-learner
- articles.
- If every newsletter editor and
- every librarian in the country looked
- back in the old issues and disks and
- tapes and dug out the old programs
- and articles written by club members
- about education or for young people
- and transferred them all to disk for
- an educational clearinghouse, there
- would be piles of materials which
- would constitute a marvelous resource
- for all clubs, particularly as the
- new generation of grandchildren,
- nephews and nieces are arriving at
- the right ages for using these
- services. Remember, Mr.^Shakespeare,
- and all the rest of you who have
- questions similar to his, that what
- may be old stuff for oldtimers is new
- stuff for newtimers.
- You may quote me.
- But let's get back to Sue Harper.
- I hope she has all her stuff on disk.
- Anyway, she always began her
- column with a nice graphic (teddy
- bear in the case mentioned). This
- was at a time when not too many
- newsletters used graphics for their
- local columns.
- Sue also did program reviews, as
- I said, that dealt with learning.
- These were all excellent, too. For
- example, in this same '89 issue, she
- reviewed Jim Peterson's
- "KINDERTIMES," which I have had the
- good fortune to use with some younger
- children with much success.
- Here's Sue:
- "This program, listed as TCX-1062
- on the disk ... is a very nice little
- program which uses only 12 sectors,
- and yet has quite a bit to offer.
- "The main audience for this
- program would be third graders
- learning their multiplication tables,
- or for a review for the next few
- grades. The program will accept
- parameters higher than one digit
- numbers, but working these problems
- in your head becomes difficult.
- "At the beginning, the program
- asks the user for the highest number
- desired and the lowest number
- desired. These two answers set the
- parameters for the multiplicands.
- The format of the program is:
- 7 X 6 =
- and waits for the answer. The
- answer must be typed in with the
- highest digit first, which is why I
- say this program is not suited for
- 'hard' questions like 167 X 639. In
- the 7 X 6 example, the user types in
- 42 and presses ENTER. The user is
- rewarded with a graphics display for
- correct answers."
- And so on.
- Actually, Jim (TIGERCUB) has
- upgraded this program. He even has a
- nice, new program that prints out
- simple worksheets (with answers on a
- separate sheet). Ideal for any adult
- who spends time helping children with
- math. Refer to your notes from
- previous classes to learn more about
- this extraordinary (and
- extraordinarily inexpensive) resource
- called TIGERCUB.
- These rich resources of
- newsletter and disk and tape
- libraries of clubs throughout the
- country are some of the very best
- sources all of you can use for
- learners even in today's "high-tech
- wizardry" marketplace. The TI STILL
- does what it was made to do better
- than anybody else.
- No, Mr.^Shakespeare, I am not
- going to give you or Ms.^Bronte or
- anyone else in the class the answers
- to Sue's five problems. That is
- homework for next class.
- Please, please, Class! Give me
- your attention! Stop that moaning
- and groaning back there! These five
- questions will be on the mid-term, so
- I would definitely have them ready
- for the next class.
- Yes, yes. There were many other
- people who did such articles for
- newsletters and magazines. I
- remember Chick De Marti of the Los
- Angeles Group often had similar
- fascinating items in his "Did You
- Know That...?" column. I wonder if
- he has all those great columns on
- disk?
- And Fred D'Ignazio ran a regular
- children's column in COMPUTE, I
- think. Anyway, TI PLAYGROUND is one
- of his tested for-and-by-kids program
- books.
- Maybe next class I'll do nothing
- but educational books, like my
- favorite, THE ACADEMIC TI.
- Meanwhile, do your homework and
- maybe you can reach Sue or Chick for
- extra-credit material.
- The software, Mr.^Bell? We'll
- get to the tapes and cartridges
- during another session, right after
- we finish discussing the rest of the
- textware. What? The SYLLABUS,
- Mr.^Bell. Must follow the syllabus.
- No, Mr.^Shakespeare, a syllabus
- is not like a hexbus. Perhaps if
- you'd care to walk out with me to my
- car, I'll explain the differences on
- my way.
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