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- .IF DSK1.C-3
- .CE 10
- ~~~~~ TI-101 ~~~~~
- by Jack Sughrue
- Box 459
- E.Douglas MA 01516
- To Whom One Turns
- You people up back, let's have
- your attention up here!
- Save your questions until the
- end, as I'll probably answer them
- along the way, anyway.
- First, make sure you have your
- notebooks open and pens at the ready.
- There are lots of important names and
- addresses I'll be giving out. Only
- once. So, if you miss them the first
- time, it's as the French say, "Zee
- tough cookie."
- Second, in my hand I have a
- $2 catalogs are for the IBM
- compatibles, Amigas, Macs,
- Commodores, and Apples. They are
- typical of the user-supported
- shareware-type catalogs for those
- machines, most of which contain the
- same items no matter who publishes
- them. Let's look at what they have
- to offer for $4 per PROGRAM! If you
- buy a dozen programs they go for $3
- each. 20 brings the price down to
- $2.50. When you order more than 50
- of these programs the price gets down
- to $2 each. Plus shipping charges
- and a $3 handling and packing fee.
- But there are only 30 educational
- programs total, pre-school through
- college, anyway, so you couldn't even
- order 50 educational programs if you
- wanted to. But one has to be
- careful, even if you have a dozen
- children from ages 3 to 23. AMEMCMP
- (a memory game), for example,
- requires 640K (YES! 640!), a VGA or
- EGA monitor, AND a hard drive. Whew!
- Sure makes our little, very
- inexpensive, 32K TIs with
- single/single drives look puny,
- doesn't it? Or does it? What does
- this program do? You match up hidden
- pairs. It's a fancy variation of
- Concentration.
- There is also a program called
- WORD GALLERY which helps children
- associate the printed word with the
- object it describes. (Doesn't that
- sound a bit like a few cartridges TI
- made about a decade ago?) There are
- also math programs that teach
- counting, addition, and subtraction
- through endless patience and some
- graphics and games. (More cartridge
- deja vu?) There's also French and
- Spanish tutorials. And so on.
- Anyway, if you have a use for any
- such fanciness or even ALL of these
- 30 programs, they will cost you about
- $70.
- Now, we'll begin with THE
- important educational resources of
- today's American TI Community.
- As I'm not reading from my full
- notes today, Class, I'm afraid I'll
- be leaving out a few important
- resources unintentionally. Consider
- checking this out and locating the
- missing sources as part of your
- assignment for next time.
- Meanwhile, let me start with some
- comparisons to this $2 shareware
- catalog in my hand. There's a
- wonderful programmer and writer in
- Columbus by the name of Jim Peterson.
- He has a one-man company which has no
- equal for any other computer in the
- country. It's called TIGERCUB
- SOFTWARE (156 Collingwood Ave.,
- Whitehall, OH 43213) and offers
- disks at $1.50 each (postpaid for 8
- or more). Disks! Not programs. And
- he has over 550 different disks!
- Jam-packed full of the best authors
- in the TI World, arranged by category
- and auto-loaded from a super menu.
- We're talking THOUSANDS of Public
- Domain and Shareware programs. Let's
- look under education, for example,
- where, along with the games sections,
- you can find not 30 but THOUSANDS of
- programs, various Concentrations just
- being a smidgeon of these. For
- example, there are three disks full
- of programs just for Vocabulary &&
- Reading and 15 DISKS! just for math
- (to name a couple). Here are the
- programs from just ONE of these
- Vocabulary && Reading disks:
- Adjective to Adverb, Noun to
- Adjective, Learning to 'ing' It,
- Plural Endings, Animal Multitudes,
- Doctor Who, Vocabulary, Vocabulary
- Quiz, Syllables, Reading Practice,
- Speed Reading, Tense Time, Synonyms
- && Antonyms, Read-Fast, and
- Vocabulary II. 15 educational
- programs for $1.50! Or, in this case,
- just 10 CENTS A PROGRAM! (Or, put
- another way, about 30 programs for
- $3, instead of $70, as is the case
- with the "other" computer.) In
- addition to some neat graphics, some
- of these programs have real speech!
- All for a dime. Nothing's been a
- dime since Nixon took us off the gold
- standard: not a pack of gum, not a
- comic book, not a candy bar. But
- now, thanks to Jim Peterson and
- TIGERCUB, the dimey has returned to
- those fortunate enough to own a
- TI-99/4A. Top quality for wonderful
- prices. To get his catalog ($1
- deductible on first order) is like
- rolling Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Christmas,
- Druidic Solstice, and 55 Birthdays
- all into one computing event.
- I tell you, Class, it'll make
- your mouth water.
- But where was I?
- Oh, yes, TI resources for
- educational goodies. Er, tools.
- Educational tools and materials.
- Obviously, if you own a disk
- drive, TIGERCUB is an enormous
- resource.
- The next best resource is an
- active user group. Makes no
- difference if you live in East
- Douglas or Venedocia (if there really
- are such places), you can make the
- connection by joining by mail. I
- belong to a few user groups. In
- addition to monthly newsletters,
- which keep me very informed and up to
- date on TI matters of importance, I
- am also afforded the opportunity of
- participating in the treasure chests
- called Club Libraries. I'll use the
- Lima, Ohio, group as an example.
- (Lima UG, P.O. Box 647, Venedocia,
- Ohio, 45894). For my $15 dollars a
- year I receive a MONTHLY newsletter
- of original articles, reviews,
- advice, programs, you-name-its. Also
- I automatically receive important
- updates of FUNNELWEB, the most used
- piece of software in the TI disk
- world. I have access to a zillion
- world-wide newsletters and other
- pieces of textware, not to mention
- the expertise of a truly sharing
- collection of hard-working, friendly
- 99ers. I am also entitled to the
- free library of cassettes and disks
- put together by this small, dedicated
- contingent of TI goodfellas (and
- gals). This means that I can look
- over the immense LIMA catalog at my
- home in Massachusetts and send
- cassettes and postage or disks and
- postage and get ANYTHING I want for
- nada, zilch, zero, cribbage 19,
- nothing. Beat that one, Kiddos!
- Oops! As I was saying, we must
- look into our educational resources.
- There are many other user groups,
- too, Class. My local M.U.N.C.H.^(560
- Lincoln Street, P.O.^Box 7193,
- Worcester, MA 01605) is probably my
- best personal resource, as I attend
- our monthly meetings and fairs and so
- on. We do lots of demos and hands-on
- type things and help each other
- whenever possible. Anyway, Class, if
- you can find a local group you can go
- to for meetings, that's another great
- resource, but at least join one by
- mail if there are no locals.
- And attend at least one TI Faire
- somewhere once a year, even if (as I
- do) you have to travel over 800
- miles. It's worth it for all the...
- If you'd hold the talking down
- back there, it would be greatly
- appreciated. We're running out of
- time, and I did want to...
- Okay, Mr.^Shakespeare, what is
- the question? I suppose that's the
- only way I can get you to stop waving
- your hand.
- Listen up, Class! Listen up!
- Mr.^Shakespeare over by the window
- wants to know about some of the
- educational software. He says he has
- a nephew in junior high who is having
- trouble reading and two
- granddaughters who are 8 and 4,
- respectively, and wants to know what
- the TI can do for him.
- Yes, yes, Ms.^Bronte, I'm AM
- going to tell you about educational
- software for people our age, too, but
- we won't be able to get into too much
- of that for a few sessions.
- Right now, though, I'd just like
- to tell you about a few people who
- had some visions. It might help.
- Terrie Masters, who used to be
- president of the Los Angeles group,
- spoke to me a few years ago about
- doing some educational networking
- with our TI educators. I've also
- discussed that same thing more than
- once with Charlie Good (Lima UG). And
- Sister Pat Taylor (1050 Carmel Drive
- #456, Dubuque, Iowa, 52001). And John
- Willforth (RFD #1, Box 73A,
- Jeannette, PA 15644). And Janet Ryan
- and her daughter Jennifer (10 Jolly
- Road, Ellington, CT 06029). And
- Mickey Schmitt (196 Broadway Ave.,
- Lower Burrell, PA 15068). And Mike
- Wright (45 Centerville Drive, Salem,
- NH 03079). And Jim Horn
- [EXTENSIVELY] (P.O.^Box 244, Lorton,
- VA 22079). And Rodger Merritt (1949
- Evergreen Ave., Fullerton, CA 92635).
- And fellow elementary teacher Phil
- Townsend (c.o.^ Kawartha 99ers, 224
- Woodward Ave., Peterborough, Ontario,
- Canada, K9L 1J7). And Eunice Spooner
- (Webb Rd., Box 3720, Waterville, ME
- 04901). And Barry Traver (835 Green
- Valley Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19128).
- And OFTEN with Jim Peterson. And,
- once with educational programmer Don
- Shorock (P.O.Box 501, Great Bend, KS
- 67530). And very often with Chris
- Bobbitt even before he founded ASGARD
- (P.O. Box 10306, Rockville, MD
- 20850). And piles of teachers and
- interested parents and grandparents.
- An educational network has been
- a hot topic for many years in our
- community. As a matter of fact,
- Terrie mentioned a teacher by the
- name of Joy Warner (Box 518,
- Mt.Baldy, CA 91759, whose daughter is
- a pilot and was in the recent winter
- olympics as a "lugist," one of those
- incredible sledders) who was bent on
- getting a network going. This past
- year Joy flew all over America trying
- to help Terrie's dream come true by
- meeting with as many TIers as she
- could meet during her whirlwind
- tour.
- She discovered, as I did, that
- there is already much of that network
- in place and ready to connect. Jim
- Peterson has his TIGERCUB marvel.
- Charlie has been testing (with his
- own wonderful tykes) all kinds of
- marvelous and rare TI educational
- programs from Milliken, Scholastic,
- Disney, and so on. Mike and Charlie,
- along with Gary Taylor from
- Pittsburgh have been competing for
- ownership of the ulitimate TI
- Collection (in fable known as the TI
- Grail). Eunice Spooner not only runs
- the only all-kids TI user group in
- America but has the best LOGO video
- and disk program money ($10) can buy.
- Bill Gaskill and Ron Albright have
- been (to our 99 history) the best
- thing to happen to us. Bill still
- is. Dick Altman's wonderful Fairware
- List is now in the capable hands of
- Ida McCargar of the Southwest 99ers
- (P.O.Box 17831, Tucson, AZ 85730).
- Oh, sorry, Ms.^Bronte, I didn't
- notice the time. Anyway, keep this
- list. It's important when it comes
- time for the final. Guaranteed this
- material will be on it.
- Did I mention NOTUNG? Or
- Tex-Comp? Or COMPRODINE? Or
- MICROpendium?
- Or Regena? I didn't mention
- Regena? Quick. Write down REGENA,
- 918 Cedar Knolls West, Cedar City, UT
- 84720.
- Ciao!
- (Now let's see. Who did I leave
- off this list? And where does the
- time go?)
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