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- HJ[Message 2 of 2 in thread 28 of 42] rec.arts.erotica
- Kael's Diary: June, 1989 Part Two
- From: Kael Goodman <at745@cleveland.freenet.edu>
- Date: 24 Apr 1994 13:39:09 -0400 (24 screens)
- Archive-name: kael.6.89-2
- <Author's Note: this is one chapter in my on-going sexual self-
- examination. Theoretically each part should stand on its own and
- their chronological order is irrelevant.>
- Kael's Diary: June, 1989 "One of the Millions" part two
- "Kael?"
- The sun was already blazing through the window, the
- temperature already starting to rise, very, very fast.
- "Kael, are you awake."
- My skin was sticky from sleep sweat and the heat coming
- More?all
- from outside. I barely opened my eyes, wasn't even close to
- surfacing consciousness. I could just understand it was Vera next
- to me, dressed.
- "Kael, I have to go."
- "Whutimizzit?"
- "It's almost nine," she said, "I have a final in three hours I
- still need to study for."
- "Okay." I rolled over.
- "Kael," she said, "would you like to have breakfast? At that
- Mexican place or something?"
- I had already fallen asleep again.
- "Call me when you wake up?"
- "Mm-hm."
- "Kael?"
- ***
- I was twenty, going on twenty-one. We were just beginning
- to enjoy the effects of having a spineless twerp like Bush in the
- White House and the gargantuan and ridiculous pre-promotion for
- the first Batman movie had swept the nation.
- I was, at this last week of my junior year only just beginning
- to settle into my fresh outlook on life. The previous fall I suffered a
- near nervous breakdown and finally decided suicide wasn't just
- an option, but the only sensible option. My whole life I had
- allowed forces beyond my control to steer me into whatever
- situation seemed like the one I was supposed to follow. Having
- completely lost my faith in God, my friends, or the government, and
- sensing that life on Earth without Kael Goodman would in the long
- and the short of it be more or less like life with him, I realized I
- needed to start making reasons for myself to keep plodding away
- at existence.
- I quit smoking, dropped about twenty-five pounds, grew my
- hair VERY long, and started becoming "Kael, the boy every girl
- loves", or "the boy who loves every girl", that was more like it.
- One woman I had loved, and then almost punched in the
- face at the depth of my fall 1988 doldrums, was Alex. We had
- dated all through sophomore year (I was the first man she had
- ever had sex with) but I was far too immature to sustain the
- relationship, opting rather to flit about and kiss any girl who said
- "yes" if I asked them to. I'd like to think I broke Alex's heart.
- We didn't talk all winter, and we only just started settling into
- what I presumed to be the nature of our relationship for the rest of
- eternity, the ex-boyfriend/girlfriend who become just good friends
- thing. That would be okay. The idea of making enemies with
- someone so unconcerned and endearing as Alex would have
- definitely said something about me.
- ***
- I woke up a few hours later. The temperature inside had
- risen to about seventy-five degrees and I felt deathly and gross.
- My body was slick with sweat and my hair was pasted onto my
- head.
- Summer in Clemson, Ohio. I would be spending it here
- again, working on the summer theater program, listening to De La
- Soul's first album, the latest release by XTC ("Oranges and
- Lemons") and Peter Gabriel's soundtrack from "The Last
- Temptation of Christ" which had just come out.
- I slid out of bed and harrumphed into the shower. My two
- roommates were all through with finals and long gone, thank god,
- and so I could traipse around the place more or less at ease.
- Mine, all mine, for a few more days. I had already signed a lease
- on a single apartment around to corner, a cramped basement pad,
- just perfect for one single guy, and where I planned to spend the
- rest of my college education, alone, at peace, and with the
- occasional (well, no doubt more than occasional) nocturnal visitor.
- Where to go, what to do? I had already taken my last final,
- closed the last show, the next week was just playtime until the
- summer session began. I stepped out onto High Street, combed
- and cleaned, around noon, it was a bright shine, shiny bright day.
- Where to go, what to do.
- I walked up the street, saying "hi" to the people I knew, who
- were plentiful. Taking a left up Mentor Street I came to a huge
- early-twentieth century house, huge for student-rental shack-type
- houses, anyway. It was two-stories, symmetrical, and even had a
- front porch that wrapped around the front and went half the
- distance to the rear of the house. That porch, and the rest of the
- building was divided in two, however, and two separate sets of
- tenants lived on either side. I knew all of them. One side for the
- boys, one side for the girls. All eight of them were theater
- students. Some of them had been dating when the lease was
- signed, but now none of them were. We (the entire rest of the
- theater department) has christened it "Theatre Hell" way back in
- September. I wasn't the only one who had had a rough year.
- "Hallo?" I said, calling through the open wooden door. The
- front room of the right half, the girls' half of the building, formerly a
- memorial to the likes of James Dean, Jimmy Stewart and Charles
- Chaplin, was strewn with boxes and paper and trash. Two had
- already moved out.
- "Just a minute," a voice called from around an odd angled
- corner. A moment later Betts stepped out from the bathroom in a
- white, terry-cloth robe and toweling what was now her very, very
- short blonde hair. "Oh, hi Kael."
- "Hey Betts," I said, stepping further into the front room. "My
- god, your hair. It's gone!"
- "Yeah," she said, wincing a little and pulling down a strand
- and having it end before she expected it to. "It's a new thing."
- "I love it," I said. "I can't tell you, it just brings out your face."
- "Thanks," she said. She walked back towards the kitchen.
- A swing like my back porch. "Want some tea?"
- "Hmn? Oh, love some. You'll be here all summer?"
- "All summer, I'm moving into Sally's old place." She
- banged about with a kettle in the sink and I heard water running.
- "Hey, that's across the street from my new place."
- "Yeah, I guess we're going to be seeing a lot of each other."
- I paused for what I felt was the proper amount of time to
- insinuate something and said, "Yeah." And with that Alex
- bounded down the stairs.
- "I thought that was you, Kael, hi honey."
- She could have knocked me over with a breath. Her hair,
- which had been long and curly even since I met her three years
- before, and now it was a short cut reaching just below her chin,
- and straight and encircled her round, freckled face like a shocking
- red oval picture frame. She bounced over and gave me a big hug.
- I breathed in deeply. With Alex I could never tell whether I was
- going to receive the freshest intake of bathroom oils and powders
- or a good whiff of natural body odor, and either one was always a
- turn on. When we parted she leaned in and gave me a little kiss
- which lasted just a moment longer than either of us had expected.
- "Uh-huh," she said, her face just inches from mine, her long,
- wide nose moving in to touch mine.
- "Your tea's ready," Betts said, walking in from the kitchen.
- "Oh, thanks," I said, disengaging myself from Alex and
- receiving the steaming mug Betts was offering me. I turned back
- to face my old girlfriend. "So what, did you two go out together on
- this short hair thing or what?"
- "Oh," she said, grabbing a large handful of her fluorescent
- red hair, "no, well, maybe she inspired me. Whaddaya think?"
- "It's incredible," I sputtered, "it just takes some getting used
- to."
- I put a hand out and ran my fingers through her hair. Alex's
- hair was so red, red, red, red, redder than any redhead I've ever
- known, and I've known a lot of redheads. And thick. Thick red
- hair. And now short and straight. Way twenties.
- "Wanna come into my room and watch me pack?" Alex
- asked.
- "Yes," I said, "that's what I wanted to do today."
- ***
- I lay on Alex's bed on my back. My head was propped
- slightly by a pillow. She crouched next to me, kneeling on the
- floor, her prominent chin resting on her folded, freckled forearms.
- "Wanna know a secret?" Alex asked, poking me in the belly
- with one free finger.
- "Yes."
- "Betts told me she was looking forward to seeing a lot of you
- this summer."
- "What!" I couldn't believe it. That was just great! Now I
- knew it was going to be a good summer. "Oh, you're kidding."
- "It's true."
- "Well, I'm going to have to ask her over for dinner at my new
- swinging bachelor's pad."
- "Yeah?"
- "Yes," I said, "in fact, I'll ask her before I leave this building."
- "Yeah," she said, "probably the last time you see in the
- inside of Theater Hell."
- "You knew we called it that?"
- "Oh come on, Kael, everybody knew."
- "Hmn."
- "I'll miss it," she said.
- "I'll miss you," I said, taking her hand in mine. Alex's skin.
- Definite, distinctive texture, like soft leather. It was like that all over
- her body. Rough? No, soft but very textured. Soft leather. And
- firm.
- "Aw," she said, smiling brightly. Big thick eyelashes,
- normally sporting mascara, now light orange, almost colorless,
- big, thin smile, soft lips. She loved it when people said stuff like
- that. "Really?"
- "It's been a shitty year, Alex," I said.
- "Huh," she chuffed, "don't I know it."
- "Well," I said, "this is nice. I feel we've overcome some
- tremendous obstacle. And that we're, stronger now, because of it."
- "Hmn." She peered down along my outstretched body.
- "Kael!" she said, looking up at me sharply. "Do you have an
- erection?"
- "Alex, sweetheart, I have had a woodie since late last night
- that I have not been able to get rid of."
- "Oh my," she said, rather mock taken aback.
- "Alex."
- "Kael."
- "Are you my friend?"
- "I like to think that I am."
- "Would you do anything for me?"
- She paused. Rather matter of factly she asked, "Kael, do
- you want me to give you a blow job."
- "Alex, I want you to give me THE blow job," I said, "like no
- blow job I have ever received."
- "You're serious."
- "Toot me."
- "Well," she said, sitting up on the floor, "you're just going to
- have to take your pants off first."
- I undid the drawstring to my shorts, lifted up my hips, and
- drew my shorts and underpants right off. My penis, quite swollen
- and stiff wobbled against my belly.
- "Oh, Kael," she said, "that's big."
- "Eh," I said, non-committally.
- Alex crawled up onto the bed, and straddled my legs, facing
- me. With a knowing smile she laid her delicate fingers on my dick,
- pointed it up towards her face, and lowered her mouth onto it. My
- entire penis disappeared under her nose.
- "Holy fuck," I gasped, as Alex's tongue hammered against
- the spongy underside of my cock. The muscles in the back of her
- mouth and throat clenched against the dome of my dick and
- pushed it out and away as her lips closed tightly around every
- slippery inch of my loose penis-flesh. In and out she took me like
- some tasty dicksicle.
- "Wait, wait, wait," I poofed. She let my spit-soaked penis
- relax for a moment. I took a breath and said, "well, I can see
- you've learned a few things in the last year."
- "I had a great teacher," she said, and moved up onto top of
- me.
- "Ouch," I said, "you mean I wasn't?"
- "Oh, you taught me the basics."
- "I taught you how to love."
- "Ha!" she said, rolling off and next to me. "You did not teach
- me that." I scooted onto my side so we faced each other, her back
- against the wall next to the bed. We kissed. We kissed again.
- "Wanna do it?" I asked.
- "Kael!" she smiled. "Is that what you came over here for?"
- "That's why I go anywhere."
- "Hmn."
- "You're going today, right?"
- "Tonight."
- "It's been a long year," I said, "for us, I mean. It might be a
- nice way of saying 'see you next fall.'"
- She sat up and moved to get off the bed. "Wait here," she
- said.
- "What?"
- "And take your shirt off."
- Alex walked out of the room. Hmn. I took my T-shirt off and
- plopped it next to the bed. I rolled onto my back. Christ, it was so
- hot outside, and it was only June. The window on the far wall was
- wide open and a warm breeze blew through the room and over my
- naked body.
- One moment, then Alex stepped in, slowly, looking out from
- the side of her recently cut hair, peering at me. She smiled with a
- little anticipation, my gaze dropping down to her wildly freckled
- shoulders, great spots of orange on a light, light pink background.
- A dazzling pattern of speckled skin, the orange dots becoming
- smaller and smaller, giving way to just that imperceptible shade of
- pink as her chest began to swell into those two large breasts, all
- pink, no freckles, her shoulders back her breasts stood straight
- out, two deep pink nipples hard and excited. Down, a well-defined
- tummy, neither skinny nor chubby, her waist came in and her hips
- went out, her belly-button beginning a trail of wispy red hair which
- traveled down her belly to a stunning shock of red. That tuft of red
- hair, standing straight up like some fright wig. I could smell her
- from here, no perfume today, moving day, she smelled bad and it
- just made me harder.
- She giggled a little, standing there by the doorway.
- "Oh, Alex," I said, "sometimes I forget how beautiful you
- are." Alex smiled broadly and bit her lip. She strode over and
- flopped on top of me.
- "Oof," I said.
- "Oof you," she said, pressing her lips hard against mine,
- ramming her tongue innocently between my teeth. I'll never know
- how anyone could innocently ram anything, but she could. I slid
- my hands over her hips, worked one over a thigh, bucked and
- rolled swiftly, bringing her up on top of me, both broad, orange
- spangled legs straddling mine, her bright red vagina resting just
- where my balls become my penis.
- "Whoop!" she said. It looked really funny, like my dick was
- actually hers, only upside down. "We never did it with me on top."
- "We tried, remember? You couldn't get the hang of it."
- "I couldn't?"
- "Trust me."
- She slipped her right hand down between her legs, lifted
- her hips slightly, and tucked my penis neatly into her. Her cunt,
- warm, wet, smelly as hell, she lowered herself slowly, very, very,
- way, fucking slowly onto me. I let out an equally slow breath. Alex
- fixed me with those huge eyes, those long translucent lashes, and
- grinned wickedly. Her knees, bent under her, each hand placed
- firmly on the bed on either side of my head, she rocked her pelvis
- up and back, up and back, slowly, red vagina lips, sliding up and
- down me, catching at the odd moment, gripping suddenly and
- releasing. The muscles of my back tightened, my feet digging into
- the mattress, I lifted my butt, rolling my hips, I couldn't help it, my
- penis had never been THIS hard -- I always got a little softer
- whenever I went in, my cock got even harder, the feelings
- intensified, my penis HURT with sensation, my hands gripped her
- hips just below her sloping waist and I began forcing her to pick up
- speed, my penis was soaked, thrusting up and in, and out almost
- to the point of exiting and then slamming back in, thudding against
- the back of her snatch, we were rocking now, oh yeah, and I
- couldn't stop if the house caught fire.
- "Oh, Kael," she breathed, "I want you on top."
- "You sure?" I choked. "This isn't good?"
- "Oh, this is great," she laughed and sobbed. "But please."
- She leaned over and kissed me. I pulled out, ducked under her as
- she rolled onto her back, freckled legs lying wide open, her bright
- red vagina, moist and pungent, her own fluids already out and
- coating that crimson mound of hair. I kneeled between her legs
- and brought my mouth down over one of her breasts, biting and
- sucking while firmly kneading the other.
- "Oh," she sighed, "forget that Kael, just fuck me."
- Whoomp, my cock like some great, comic horn, I slished my
- penis in her fragrant gates. Wham, I began pronging her like I had
- never done for anyone ever before. Anyone. Ever. I was truly
- astonished at my own dick. It was stiff and painful and glorious,
- and it didn't feel as though I would ever be soft again, or that I
- would even come for that matter. Who cared? Who'd want this to
- end? I was so in love at that moment. Propped up over Alex's
- beautiful face. I bent in and awkwardly kissed her, chewed on her
- little ears, she panted and gasped as I swung myself into to her,
- again, again.
- "Huhnn," I said, "hey, huh, Alex?"
- Her eyes rolled up into her head, her head rolled back into
- the pillow. Her mouth fell open. "Mmm, yeah, Kael?"
- "I love you, Alex."
- "Mmm, I love you, too, Kael."
- "No," I said, laughing, "you don't get it. Hm, hmn, hm. I am
- so in love with you right now."
- I lowered my body a bit and grabbed onto her shoulders. I
- kissed her cheek and buried my head in her neck. Wham, wham,
- wham.
- She groaned even louder. "I know what you mean," she
- guffed, "and I mean it, too. Now shut, huh, up, I'm just about to
- come all over you."
- I laughed out loud, leaned back up on my arms and kept
- fucking. I could see every tooth in her mouth, her head was so far
- back and her chin almost touched her chest -- and she exploded.
- She yelled and shuddered and bucked for a solid minute or more,
- and I didn't let up.
- "Stop, stop!" she yelled. "You must stop!"
- So I did. I stopped. I withdrew. I lay beside her and kissed
- her face and pulled her body to me.
- "Oh my god, Kael, that was wonderful."
- "Yeah," I said, kissing her eyelids.
- "I'm sorry, you didn't get to finish."
- "Funny," I said, "that's okay."
- "Really?"
- "Yeah, I don't need to. I just wanted to make you happy."
- Wow, but doesn't that sound like bullshit. But it was true,
- and she could tell, and she smiled and rubbed herself against me.
- Odd. I had spent the last few days hanging out with Vera, a
- woman I kind of liked but who wouldn't have sex with me. I was
- dying to spurt into something other than Kleenex, but I just
- couldn't. All I wanted to do was watch Alex go ballistic with
- ecstasy, and, of course, to love me. I think that was it. I just
- needed every god damn woman in the world to fucking adore me
- that spring. And I was well on my way.
- I put on my clothes, and Alex put on hers. She told me
- about the big end-of-the-year party that was going on in the other
- side, the "boys" side of the house that night and that I had better
- show up. I promised I would. Letting myself out I passed Betts in
- the front room.
- "Be seeing you," Kael." she said.
- "Yeah, hey Betts," I said, "all summer, right?"
- "Uh-huh," she said, "I'm designing costumes for the show."
- "You said. I'm designing props, You wanna get together for
- dinner sometime?"
- "Yeah," she said, showing me those huge teeth, "we should
- sometime."
- "Monday too soon?"
- "Ha, no, Monday's great."
- "Great," I said. "See you tonight. At the party."
- "See ya then," she said.
- And with that I stepped out into the blinding afternoon. A
- party. Tonight. And nothing to do until then. Where to go, what to
- do, who to see next?
- -- to be continued.
- --
- The wife's lover's children and my lover's wife,
- Cooking in my kitchen, confusing my life.
- And it's upside down when you reach Cloud 9.
- Upside down when you reach Cloud 9.
- --
- Moderator, rec.arts.erotica. Submissions to erotica@unix.amherst.edu.
- Please, no reposts, first drafts, or requests for "subscriptions,"
- stories, GIFs, or archive sites.
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