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- //
- // POV-Ray(tm) 3.0 tutorial example scene.
- // Copyright 1996 by the POV-Ray Team
- //
- #include "colors.inc"
- camera {
- location <0, .1, -60>
- look_at 0
- angle 36
- }
- background { color Gray25 } //to make the patch easier to see
- light_source { <300, 300, -700> White }
- plane { y, 500
- texture {
- pigment { SkyBlue }
- finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0}
- }
- texture {
- pigment {
- bozo
- turbulence .5
- color_map {
- [0 White]
- [1 White filter 1]
- }
- }
- finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 }
- scale <1000, 250, 250>
- rotate <5, 45, 0>
- }
- }
- plane {y,-12
- texture {
- pigment {
- color <.85, .5, .15>
- }
- finish {
- ambient .25
- diffuse .6
- crand .5
- }
- normal {
- ripples .35
- turbulence .25
- frequency 5
- }
- scale 10
- translate 50*x
- }
- }
- #declare TeePeeTex = texture {
- pigment { Silver }
- finish {
- ambient .1
- diffuse .4
- specular 1
- roughness 0.001
- reflection .5
- metallic
- }
- }
- #declare TeePee = bicubic_patch {
- type 1 flatness 0 u_steps 5 v_steps 5,
- <-5.174134, 5.528420, -13.211995>,
- <-1.769023, 5.528420, 0.000000>,
- <1.636088, 5.528420, 0.000000>,
- <5.041199, 5.528420, -13.003932>,
- <-5.174134, 1.862827, 0.000000>,
- <0.038471, 0.031270, 18.101474>,
- <0.036657, 0.031270, 18.101474>,
- <5.041199, 1.862827, 0.000000>,
- <-5.174134, -1.802766, 0.000000>,
- <0.038471, 0.028792, 18.101474>,
- <0.036657, 0.028792, 18.101474>,
- <5.041199, -1.802766, 0.000000>,
- <-5.174134, -5.468359, -13.070366>,
- <-1.769023, -5.468359, 0.000000>,
- <1.636088, -5.468359, 0.000000>,
- <4.974128, -5.468359, -12.801446>
- texture {
- TeePeeTex
- }
- rotate -90*x // to orient the object to LHC
- rotate 25*y // to see the four "legs" better
- }
- object { TeePee }
- object { TeePee translate <8, 0, 8> }
- object { TeePee translate <-9, 0, 9> }
- object { TeePee translate <18, 0, 24> }
- object { TeePee translate <-18, 0, 24> }
- #declare EggTex = texture {
- pigment { BrightGold }
- finish {
- ambient .1
- diffuse .4
- specular 1
- roughness 0.001
- reflection .5
- metallic
- }
- }
- #declare Egg = union { // Egg1
- bicubic_patch {
- type 1 flatness 0 u_steps 5 v_steps 5,
- <2.023314, 0.000000, 4.355987>,
- <2.023314, -0.000726, 4.355987>,
- <2.023312, -0.000726, 4.356867>,
- <2.023312, 0.000000, 4.356867>,
- <2.032037, 0.000000, 2.734598>,
- <2.032037, -1.758562, 2.734598>,
- <2.027431, -1.758562, 6.141971>,
- <2.027431, 0.000000, 6.141971>,
- <-1.045672, 0.000000, 3.281572>,
- <-1.045672, -1.758562, 3.281572>,
- <-1.050279, -1.758562, 5.414183>,
- <-1.050279, 0.000000, 5.414183>,
- <-1.044333, 0.000000, 4.341816>,
- <-1.044333, -0.002947, 4.341816>,
- <-1.044341, -0.002947, 4.345389>,
- <-1.044341, 0.000000, 4.345389>
- }
- bicubic_patch {
- type 1 flatness 0 u_steps 5 v_steps 5,
- <2.023312, 0.000000, 4.356867>,
- <2.023312, 0.000726, 4.356867>,
- <2.023314, 0.000726, 4.355987>,
- <2.023314, 0.000000, 4.355987>,
- <2.027431, 0.000000, 6.141971>,
- <2.027431, 1.758562, 6.141971>,
- <2.032037, 1.758562, 2.734598>,
- <2.032037, 0.000000, 2.734598>,
- <-1.050279, 0.000000, 5.414183>,
- <-1.050279, 1.758562, 5.414183>,
- <-1.045672, 1.758562, 3.281572>,
- <-1.045672, 0.000000, 3.281572>,
- <-1.044341, 0.000000, 4.345389>,
- <-1.044341, 0.002947, 4.345389>,
- <-1.044333, 0.002947, 4.341816>,
- <-1.044333, 0.000000, 4.341816>
- }
- texture { EggTex }
- translate <0.5, 0, -5> // centers the egg around the origin
- translate -9.8*y // places the egg on the ground
- }
- object { Egg }
- object { Egg translate <8, 0, 8> }
- object { Egg translate <-9, 0, 9> }
- object { Egg translate <18, 0, 24> }
- object { Egg translate <-18, 0, 24> }