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- This describes(rather roughly) the animation types supported and some
- of their special features. It's more of an organized rambling but
- might give insight into what's going on.
- FLI/FLC Animations:
- FLI is by Autodesk Animator for the PC's. Support is for the 320x200
- images. The file is composed of a series of images and deltas(a delta
- is data that can generate the next image given a previous image) to
- be played in sequence. An FLI animation can also change the color map
- during the anim. FLC's have a few additional chunks and has support
- for larger image sizes.
- IFF Animations and Images:
- IFF files were developed for the Amiga. Sound chunks are currently
- ignored. Most IFF Animation files are meant to be double buffered.
- The deltas refer not to the previous image, but the image before the
- previous(two back). I know of 11 types of compressions 0 thru 8, J,
- l and scala 32.
- I've only included types 3, 5, 7, J and l because those are the only
- ones I could test. The J type compression has an ANSI chunk at the
- end which includes the order in which the deltas are to be applied
- and they can be used more than once. Type l (small L) type anim is
- also supported in revs 229 and higher. It's a compression type I've only
- found in older animations.
- IFF animations can be looping or non-looping. Looping means the last
- two deltas produce images that are the same as the 1st two images. To
- continuously loop an animation, you would not jump back to the beginning
- but to the 2nd image instead. In order to loop non-looping animations
- you would need to jump to the 1st image. There's no way to know ahead
- of time which is which so the default is looping and if you have a
- non-looping animation use the -c switch.
- The Amiga has a couple of weird display modes, EHB and HAM. XAnim fully
- supports EHB animations. HAM can produce 4096 colors(4 bits each red,
- green, and blue) from 6 bits per pixel. One True and Direct Color
- displays this is no problem. On lesser display, you have your choice
- of 332 or Grayscale. 332 means the 8 bits(for 256 color display, less
- for others) is divided into 3 bits of red, 3 bits of green and 2 bits
- of blue and the HAM images are mapped to fit.
- Surprisingly enough, it's not too bad for most anims.
- NOTE: HAM8 is recently out and that is supported the same way.
- IFF supports color cycling chunks that specify color ranges to be
- cycled at specified intervals. Since there's no obvious end to this
- type of animation, I just display the image for a set interval(see
- xanim_config.h) and then move on. Early Amiga software totally
- screwed up by saving color cycling chunks enabled in a lot of
- images that were never meant to be cycled. This goes for animations
- as well.
- Single IFF images are supported as well. Uncompressed and
- compression type 1 are supported. (XAnim makes use of the public domain
- unpacker routine by Jerry Morrison and Steve Shaw). see unpacker.c.
- GIF Images/Animations.
- The GIF file consists of a screen color map and then a series of images,
- each with their own optional color map. The images don't have to be at
- the origin and can be any size smaller than the screen size. This allows
- GIF animations to be created that only update the part of the screen
- that changes. I don't have a program that does this yet but txtmerge is
- a step in that direction. Also the GIF89a spec has included some extensions
- that are animation specific. Rev 2.29.1 and up has limited support for
- these. Comment fields in GIF files are displayed if you use the -v (verbose)
- option.
- GIF images are automatically uncompressed when read in. This might
- change in the future.
- TXT files
- Probably should be called something else. Basically it is a ascii text
- file that lists a number of GIF files to be displayed. Optionally, you
- can specify the sequence the files are displayed in. Comments aren't
- supported. I need to put a lot of work and thought into improving this
- one.
- TXT format needs to have txt91 as the 1st 5 characters in the file.
- Following that there are a series of fields. Fields just have to be
- separated from each other by white space. No extraneous characters
- (ie comments) are supported, yet.
- txt91 <--- header so XAnim knows what kind of file it is
- 4 <--- number of GIF filenames that follow
- a.gif <--- gif file to be read in. 1st file is number 0.
- b.gif
- c.gif
- d.gif
- 6 <--- number of frames that follow.
- 0 1 2 3 <--- display images in this order.
- 2 1
- The sequence will be a.gif b.gif c.gif d.gif c.gif b.gif. Most likely
- this anim will be looped and the last b.gif will flow smoothly into
- a.gif as it starts over.
- I like to improve upon this by adding timing and specialty fade/wipes.
- Also it'd be nice if images could be unloaded and load on the fly to
- conserve memory. If this happens it'll probably be a different format.
- DL files
- I only threw these in because it was easy and intense pressure from
- friends. As far as I know, they come in three resolutions, 320x200,
- 160x100 and 80x50. They consist of a series of images with a frame
- list at the end that gives the order they are displayed in. The frame
- list also specifies nested looping of images. There's also a field for
- Author and Title that is displayed if you specify
- -v (verbose) option.
- PageFlipper Plus F/X Amiga files
- A series of deltas with a play list at the end. Supports color
- map changes, nested loops and dynamic timing.
- GoldDisk MovieSetter Animations.
- Probably the most flexible animation format I've seen. Animations are
- stored as a bunch of backgrounds, sounds and sets. Sets are smaller
- images that get placed on top of the background(with transparent pixels).
- A frame list at the end that describes each frame. Each frame
- specifies which background to use(backgrounds can also scroll in
- different directions and speeds), and a list of sets to put on that
- background with depth information so characters can pass behind or
- in front of each other. Sound information if contained here as well
- to sync it up to the action. There is also color cycling and specialty
- fades and wipes.
- NOTE: This animation can come as one file or as three directories
- and a control file. The three directories are usually Moviesets,
- Moviebacks and Moviesounds. You might have to create the links
- moviesets -> Moviesets and moviebacks -> Moviebacks or vice-versa
- because the Amiga is case insensitive. Sounds are ignored for now.
- Eric Schwartz has created several of these animations that are
- worth checking out.
- AVI Animations.
- Quicktime Animations.
- Mark Podlipec
- podlipec@wellfleet.com
- podlipec@shell.portal.com