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- Short: XAnim - animation viewer, at least 68020+WB2.04
- Author: Mark Podlipec/Terje Pedersen (Amiga part)
- Uploader: terjepe@hstud6.cs.uit.no
- Type: gfx/show
- This is an amiga 'port' of the X11 animation viewer Xanim by Mark Podlipec.
- It means that the program relies on my libX11 to run, and does everything
- in the same manner as the X11 version does. Which means internally it uses
- a chunky representation of the frames and isn't what you would call fast!
- (great on my A4000/040 though!)
- It uses the chunky stuff from Morten Eriksen (thanks Morten!),
- which may cause problems on some gfx cards.
- setenv X11/askmode 1 : xanim will pop up an asl screenmode requester
- before opening the screen. (this is wb2.1+ only!)
- setenv X11/gfxcard 1 : xanim will not use the chunky stuff from Morten
- but WritePixelArray and other system functions. If the program loads
- the anim but crashes horribly after opening the screen, try it!
- setenv X11/usepub Workbench : xanim will open a window on the workbench
- and display the anim there! +Cn is the default (preserves wb colors),
- use -Cn to use all colors.
- setenv X11/debug 1 : prints a couple of debug lines..
- setenv X11/displaydepth 8 : Tells the library that you really have 8
- planes screens, (if the anims shows up in 5 planes this may come in handy..)
- This would probably be most useful with gfx cards but those will probably
- use 'setenv X11/usepub Workbench' instead.
- set stack to at least 20000! (it doesn't do any stackcheck!)
- If you are trying to run this on a non AGA machine and
- no gfx board either then the anims may not look too good!
- (32 colors max when running 256 color anims usually looks
- somewhat poor) But you will probably get a general idea as
- to how it might look in 256 colors! Also not running on wb3.0+
- it might easily crash if you are unlucky!
- source headers say:
- /*
- * xanim.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994 by Mark Podlipec.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without
- * fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is
- * preserved intact on all copies and modified copies.
- *
- * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
- * It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
- * responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
- * or its effect upon hardware or computer systems.
- *
- */
- So redistribute it any way you like, (if you find it worthy of the effort..)
- If you can think of anything that involves my address:
- Terje Pedersen
- Oterveien 55
- 9017 Tromsoe
- Norway
- Podlipec did allow me to ask for a $10 contribution for using my
- libX11 and the efforts needed to port the program, but this doesn't
- seem to have reached the amiga public..Therefore I didn't plan to
- release any more ports of xanim. But some guys on irc showed some
- interest and made me do this one!
- Want to know more about xanim? try:
- http://www.portal.com/~podlipec/home.html "The XAnim Home Page"
- And thanks to all who has suggested improvements and ways
- to prevent possible problems on other configurations! (thanks Olaf!)
- TP