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- /* wasp - Copyright 1991 by Steven Reiz
- * see COPYING and wasp.c for further info
- * io.c, 30/5/91 - 2/6/91, 8/7/91, 8/12/91,
- * 27/12/91 - 1/1/92
- */
- /* all Wasp I/O should go through the functions which are defined
- * in this file, copen_in/out, cseek_in/out, cread, cwrite and wrl
- * for handling the input- and outputimagefiles,
- * cout_tmp, cout_default and ctmp_move for working with temporary
- * output files,
- * printe and pute for messages that cannot be handled by errorx,
- * init_counter, counter and erase_counter for producing a counter,
- * errorx (not called directly, use error0, error1, etc.) for error-
- * messages.
- */
- static char *sourcefile=__FILE__;
- #include "wasp.h"
- #ifdef AMIGA
- #define TMP_PREFIX "t:"
- #else
- #define TMP_PREFIX "/tmp/"
- #endif
- extern int errno;
- /* to make it possible to read the start of the input file multiple
- * times (so each reader can try to recognize it), even when reading
- * from stdin, the first MAXINBUF bytes are stored in a buffer, inbuf.
- */
- #define MAXINBUF 256
- static char *inbuf;
- static int inbufn; /* actual number of bytes in inbuf */
- static long infdpos, incpos; /* the real and virtual positions of infd */
- static long outfdpos, outcpos; /* and outfd */
- /* temporary file stuff */
- static int ran_nr; /* for tmp files, to not clash with other wasps */
- static long tmp_ctr=0;
- static int tmpfd= -1;
- static char tmpfilename[30];
- void
- copen_in(char *filename)
- {
- srand(time(NULL));
- ran_nr=rand();
- if (!strcmp(filename, "-"))
- infd=0;
- else if ((infd=open(filename, O_RDONLY))<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_OPEN, E3_ERRNO, filename);
- outcpos=0;
- inbuf=Malloc(MAXINBUF);
- inbufn=read(infd, inbuf, MAXINBUF);
- if (inbufn<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_ERRNO, filename);
- else if (!inbufn)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_UNEXPEND, infilename);
- infdpos=inbufn;
- }
- void
- copen_out(char *filename)
- {
- if (!strcmp(filename, "-"))
- outfd=1;
- else if ((outfd=open(filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644))<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_CREAT, E3_ERRNO, filename);
- outfdpos=0;
- outcpos=0;
- }
- long
- cseek_in(long offset, int whence)
- {
- if (whence==0)
- incpos=offset;
- else if (whence==1)
- incpos+=offset;
- else
- assert(0);
- assert(incpos>=0);
- if (incpos!=infdpos && incpos>=inbufn) {
- if (infd>2) {
- if (lseek(infd, incpos, 0)<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_SEEK, E3_ERRNO, infilename);
- infdpos=incpos;
- } else if (incpos>infdpos) {
- char *m;
- int n;
- n=incpos-infdpos;
- m=Malloc(n);
- if (read(infd, m, n)!=n)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_ERRNO, infilename);
- free(m);
- infdpos=incpos;
- } else
- error0(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_SEEK, E3_SEEK_STDIN);
- }
- return incpos;
- }
- long
- cseek_out(long offset, int whence)
- {
- assert(tmpfd== -1);
- if (whence==0)
- outcpos=offset;
- else if (whence==1)
- outcpos+=offset;
- else {
- assert(!offset);
- if ((outfdpos=lseek(outfd, 0L, 2))<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_SEEK, E3_ERRNO, outfilename);
- outcpos=outfdpos;
- }
- assert(outcpos>=0);
- if (outcpos!=outfdpos) {
- if (outfd>2) {
- if (lseek(outfd, outcpos, 0)<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_SEEK, E3_ERRNO, outfilename);
- outfdpos=outcpos;
- } else
- error0(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_SEEK, E3_SEEK_STDOUT);
- }
- return outcpos;
- }
- int
- read1(void *buf, int len)
- {
- int todo, rr;
- todo=len;
- if (incpos<inbufn) {
- int min;
- min=inbufn-incpos;
- if (min>todo)
- min=todo;
- memcpy(buf, inbuf+incpos, min);
- todo-=min;
- incpos+=min;
- if (!todo)
- return min;
- }
- assert(incpos==infdpos);
- rr=read(infd, (char *)buf+(len-todo), todo);
- if (rr<0) {
- if (todo!=len)
- return len-todo;
- return rr;
- }
- infdpos+=rr;
- incpos+=rr;
- todo-=rr;
- return len-todo;
- }
- void
- cread(void *buf, int len)
- {
- assert(cread_type>=CREAD_STRICT && cread_type<=CREAD_OPTIONAL);
- if ((cread_result=read1(buf, len))!=len) {
- if (cread_result<0) {
- if (cread_type==CREAD_STRICT)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_ERRNO, infilename);
- else
- error1(E0_ERROR, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_ERRNO, infilename);
- } else if (cread_type==CREAD_STRICT)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_UNEXPEND, infilename);
- else if (cread_type==CREAD_NONFATAL
- || (cread_type==CREAD_VARLEN && !cread_result))
- error1(E0_ERROR, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_UNEXPEND, infilename);
- }
- }
- void
- cwrite(void *buf, int len)
- {
- if (tmpfd== -1) {
- assert(outcpos==outfdpos);
- if (write(outfd, buf, len)!=len)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_WRITE, E3_ERRNO, outfilename);
- outfdpos+=len;
- outcpos+=len;
- } else {
- if (write(tmpfd, buf, len)!=len)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_WRITE, E3_ERRNO, tmpfilename);
- }
- }
- void
- wrl(unsigned long l)
- {
- cwrite(&l, 4); /* BYTEORDER */
- }
- void
- wrs(unsigned short s)
- {
- cwrite(&s, 2); /* BYTEORDER */
- }
- void
- cout_tmp(void)
- {
- assert(tmpfd== -1);
- sprintf(tmpfilename, "%swasp.%04d.%03ld", TMP_PREFIX, ran_nr%10000,
- tmp_ctr%1000L);
- if ((tmpfd=open(tmpfilename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644))<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_CREAT, E3_ERRNO, tmpfilename);
- }
- void
- cout_default(long *tmp_num, long *tmp_size)
- {
- assert(tmpfd!= -1);
- *tmp_size=lseek(tmpfd, 0L, 1);
- *tmp_num=tmp_ctr++;
- close(tmpfd);
- tmpfd= -1;
- }
- void
- ctmp_move(long tmp_num)
- {
- int fd, n;
- char *buf;
- #define CTMP_BUF 16384
- long len=0;
- assert(tmp_ctr>tmp_num && tmpfd== -1);
- buf=Malloc(CTMP_BUF);
- sprintf(tmpfilename, "%swasp.%04d.%03ld", TMP_PREFIX, ran_nr%10000,
- tmp_num%1000L);
- if ((fd=open(tmpfilename, O_RDONLY))<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_OPEN, E3_ERRNO, tmpfilename);
- assert(outcpos==outfdpos);
- while ((n=read(fd, buf, CTMP_BUF))>0) {
- if (write(outfd, buf, n)!=n)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_WRITE, E3_ERRNO, outfilename);
- len+=n;
- }
- if (n<0)
- error1(E0_FATAL, E1_IO, E2_READ, E3_ERRNO, tmpfilename);
- outfdpos+=len;
- outcpos+=len;
- close(fd);
- unlink(tmpfilename);
- free(buf);
- }
- int
- printe(char *s, ...)
- {
- va_list argp;
- int res;
- va_start(argp, s);
- res=vfprintf(stderr, s, argp);
- va_end(argp);
- return res;
- }
- void
- pute(char c)
- {
- putc(c, stderr);
- }
- static int co, cur, step, dir=0, len, last1;
- void
- init_counter(int start, int end, int instep, char *s, ...)
- {
- va_list argp;
- va_start(argp, s);
- if (start<=end)
- dir=1;
- else
- dir= -1;
- step=instep;
- if (step<0)
- step= -step;
- cur=start;
- co=1;
- last1=end;
- len=printe("\r [%d..%d] ", start, end)-1;
- if (s)
- len+=vfprintf(stderr, s, argp);
- pute('\r');
- fflush(stderr);
- va_end(argp);
- }
- void
- counter(void)
- {
- if (--co && (co!=1 || ((dir<0 && cur-step>last1) || (dir>=0 && cur+step<last1))))
- return;
- printe("\r%6d", cur);
- co=step;
- if (dir<0)
- cur-=step;
- else
- cur+=step;
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- void
- erase_counter(char *s, ...)
- {
- va_list argp;
- int l1;
- va_start(argp, s);
- pute('\r');
- if (s)
- l1=vfprintf(stderr, s, argp);
- else
- l1=0;
- while (l1++ <len)
- pute(' ');
- pute(s ? '\n' : '\r');
- fflush(stderr);
- dir=0;
- va_end(argp);
- }
- void
- prin1(char *p)
- {
- if (p)
- printe("%s ", p);
- }
- void
- errorx(long code, ...)
- {
- va_list argp;
- char c0, c1, c2, c3;
- char *p;
- int l1;
- va_start(argp, code);
- if (dir) {
- pute('\r');
- l1=0;
- while (l1++ <len)
- pute(' ');
- pute('\r');
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- c0=code>>24;
- c1=code>>16;
- c2=code>>8;
- c3=code;
- if (c0==E0_INTERNAL) {
- printe("internal error in wasp %s, file %s, line %ld; please report to sreiz@cs.vu.nl\n",
- version+14, va_arg(argp, char *), code&0x00ffffff);
- exit(1);
- }
- assert(c0>E0_INTERNAL && c0<E0_NUM && c1>0 && c1<E1_NUM && c2>0
- && c2<E2_NUM && c3>0 && c3<E3_NUM);
- prin1(e0_s[c0].s1);
- prin1(e1_s[c1]);
- prin1(e2_s[c2]);
- p=e0_s[c0].s2;
- if (p)
- printe("%s", p);
- if (c3==E3_ERRNO) {
- printe(" in ");
- perror(va_arg(argp, char *));
- } else {
- p=e3_s[c3];
- if (p) {
- printe(": ");
- vfprintf(stderr, p, argp);
- }
- pute('\n');
- }
- if (c0==E0_FATAL)
- exit(1);
- va_end(argp);
- }