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- /* wasp - Copyright 1991 by Steven Reiz
- * see COPYING and wasp.c for further info
- * errors.h, 1/6/91 - 2/6/91, 24/7/91, 8/12/91,
- * 27/12/91 - 30/12/91
- */
- #ifndef MAIN
- extern struct { char *s1, *s2; } e0_s[];
- #else
- struct {
- char *s1, *s2;
- } e0_s[]={
- NULL, NULL, /* 0 */
- NULL, NULL, /* 1 */
- "fatal", "error", /* 2 */
- NULL, "error", /* 3 */
- NULL, "warning", /* 4 */
- NULL, NULL /* 5 */
- };
- #endif
- #define E0_INTERNAL 1 /* should be the first */
- #define E0_FATAL 2
- #define E0_ERROR 3
- #define E0_WARNING 4
- #define E0_MESSAGE 5
- #define E0_NUM 6
- #ifndef MAIN
- extern char *e1_s[];
- #else
- char *e1_s[]={
- NULL, /* 0 */
- "I/O", /* 1 */
- "GIF", /* 2 */
- "out of memory", /* 3 */
- "IFF", /* 4 */
- "IFF RGB", /* 5 */
- "Sun RAS", /* 6 */
- "operation", /* 7 */
- };
- #endif
- #define E1_IO 1 /* 1 arg: filename */
- #define E1_GIF 2
- #define E1_NOMEM 3
- #define E1_IFF 4
- #define E1_IFF_RGB 5
- #define E1_RAS 6
- #define E1_OPERATION 7
- #define E1_NUM 8
- #ifndef MAIN
- extern char *e2_s[];
- #else
- char *e2_s[]={
- NULL, /* 0 */
- NULL, /* 1 */
- "read", /* 2 */
- "write", /* 3 */
- "open", /* 4 */
- "create", /* 5 */
- "format", /* 6 */
- "BMHD", /* 7 */
- "CAMG", /* 8 */
- "SHAM", /* 9 */
- "CMAP", /* 10 */
- "compression", /* 11 */
- "HAM", /* 12 */
- "EHB", /* 13 */
- "BODY", /* 14 */
- "option", /* 15 */
- "seek", /* 16 */
- };
- #endif
- #define E2_UNSPEC 1
- #define E2_READ 2
- #define E2_WRITE 3
- #define E2_OPEN 4
- #define E2_CREAT 5
- #define E2_FORMAT 6
- #define E2_BMHD 7
- #define E2_CAMG 8
- #define E2_SHAM 9
- #define E2_CMAP 10
- #define E2_COMPRESSION 11
- #define E2_HAM 12
- #define E2_EHB 13
- #define E2_BODY 14
- #define E2_OPTION 15
- #define E2_SEEK 16
- #define E2_NUM 17
- #ifndef MAIN
- extern char *e3_s[];
- #else
- char *e3_s[]={
- NULL, /* 0 */
- NULL, /* 1 */
- "unexpected end of %s", /* 2 */
- NULL, /* 3 */
- "missing '%c' separator", /* 4 */
- "only the first image has been processed", /* 5 */
- "%d instead of %d rows of data have been read", /* 6 */
- "potential code table overflow", /* 7 */
- "invalid clipping region", /* 8 */
- "chunk not found", /* 9 */
- "negative group size", /* 10 */
- "invalid id", /* 11 */
- "parts of group larger than group itself", /* 12 */
- "wrong chunk size", /* 13 */
- "more than one of EHB, HAM and HIRES specified", /* 14 */
- "unknown %s chunk of %ld bytes", /* 15 */
- "unknown version (%d)", /* 16 */
- "ignoring ILBM masking", /* 17 */
- "%d entries in the colormap", /* 18 */
- "%d planes", /* 19 */
- "chunk not expected", /* 20 */
- "%d entries in colormap, %d planes", /* 21 */
- "can't handle sliced EHB", /* 22 */
- "contains %d entries, should contain %d", /* 23 */
- "crossed row bound while decompressing", /* 24 */
- "couldn't allocate %d bytes", /* 25 */
- "specify either asc or an output mode", /* 26 */
- "specify either nohires or an output mode", /* 27 */
- "only HAM can be produced with the iterative method", /* 28 */
- "%s is not an EHB distribution method", /* 29 */
- "too simple for my enormous intellect", /* 30 */
- "unknown counting method", /* 31 */
- "unknown distribution method", /* 32 */
- "depth larger than 1 not supported", /* 33 */
- "invalid code table", /* 34 */
- "can't seek on stdout, retry to a file", /* 35 */
- "can't seek on stdin, retry from a file", /* 36 */
- "invalid enlarge size", /* 37 */
- };
- #endif
- #define E3_UNSPEC 1
- #define E3_UNEXPEND 2
- #define E3_ERRNO 3 /* implicit arg: errno */
- #define E3_MISS_SEP 4
- #define E3_MULTI_IMG 5
- #define E3_WRONG_NR_ROWS 6
- #define E3_POT_CODE_OVERFLOW 7
- #define E3_CLIP_REGION 8
- #define E3_MISS_CHUNK 9
- #define E3_NEGGROUPSIZE 10
- #define E3_INVALID_ID 11
- #define E3_GROUP2SMALL 12
- #define E3_WRONGCHUNKSZ 13
- #define E3_CAMGMODES 14
- #define E3_UNKNOWN_CHUNK 15
- #define E3_UNKNOWN_VERSION 16
- #define E3_MASKING 17
- #define E3_WRONG_NR_CREGS 18
- #define E3_WRONG_NR_PLANES 19
- #define E3_UNEXP_CHUNK 20
- #define E3_CREGS_PLANES 21
- #define E3_SLICED_EHB 22
- #define E3_NENTRIES 23
- #define E3_ROWBOUND 24
- #define E3_NOMEM 25
- #define E3_ASC 26
- #define E3_NOHIRES 27
- #define E3_ITMETH 28
- #define E3_EHB_METH 29
- #define E3_2SIMPLE 30
- #define E3_COUNTMETH 31
- #define E3_DISTRMETH 32
- #define E3_ONLYDEPTH1 33
- #define E3_INVALID_CODE_TABLE 34
- #define E3_SEEK_STDOUT 35
- #define E3_SEEK_STDIN 36
- #define E3_ENLARGE_SIZE 37
- #define E3_NUM 38