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- Brought to you by Clarence Bodicker.......
- A member of the cracking group who haven't
- yet decided on a name...
- Recognitions go to Xenon, Gonzo, Keymaster, Popeye, The Untouchable
- One, The Like, and Galukezac. Hello's go to all you people out
- there in Pirate Land. Keep up the good work.
- KNIGHTS OF LEGEND, from Origin, surprisingly they did not put any
- copy protection on this game... although it can get quite complicated
- without the manual...
- ******************
- New character disks can be made by using the Install New Region option.
- As an alternative however, you can use any copy utility to duplicate
- a complete Character disk.
- If you are playing off floppy disks, put in the Master disk in a drive
- make that drive the current logged drive and type KOL and press <ENTER>.
- If you are playing off a hard disk, type CD\KNIGHTS and press <ENTER>.
- SPECIAL NOTE: You may want to play the game in a graphics mode other
- than the default mode determined by the program. Use the following com-
- mands to start the game in a particular mode.
- KOL C -specify CGA mode : KOL E -specify EGA mode
- KOL T -specify Tandy 16-color mode
- KOLT H -specify Hercules or monochrome mode.
- If you attempt to play the game in CGA or Hercules mode, you MUST run
- the MAKEMODE program.
- ( My own special note... to bypass teh title screen, hit SPACE BAR and
- to enter a number in the book, use the NUMERIC KEYPAD, I tried hitting
- jsut plain old number 5 and it did nothing untill I used the number 5
- on the NUMERIC KEYPAD...)
- ******************* Most options in the game Knights Of Legend are
- presented as menu items or icons.
- Menus:
- ------
- The most basic options ("Create Character," "Play the game," and so on)
- are presented as menu items.
- * To use the leyboard, highlight options with the up and down arrow keys
- and press <ENTER> to select a highlighted option.
- * On the table of contents screen, options are numbered; press the
- number key that matches the option you want. (remember, try the
- * To use te mouse, click on an option once to highlight it. Click again
- to select.
- * The <ESC> key will allow you to go back one step and rethink your
- selection. You can also do this by clicking the right mouse button.
- Icons:
- ------
- Once you begin playing the game, options are displayed as icons --
- small pictures arranged at the bottom of the screen. Selecting an icon
- tells your charaacter or party to do something -- listen to someone in
- a village, engage a foe in combat, buy good, rest at an inn, travel down
- a road, etc. Icons can be selected using the keyboard or the mouse.
- * To select an icon with the keyboard, use the less than ("<") and
- greater (">") keys to move from one icon to another until the one
- you want to select has a white border; then press <ENTER> to select
- that icon.
- * With a mouse, select icons by positioning arrow over the icon
- you want and clicking the mouse button. Clicking once highlights
- an option; clicking a second time selects it.
- In some cases, selecting an icon (or series of icons) causes an action
- your character readies a weapon or moves away from a foe, for example.
- In some other cases, selcting an icon takes you to a new screen, where
- other icons allow you to examine you character(s) more cloesly or
- interact with other game characters.
- ***********************
- *(a picture of a disk) SWAP DISKS: Insert the indicated disk in any drive.
- *(A hand with one finger hitting a spacebar) SPACEBAR: Press the spacebar
- to go to the nest text screen.
- *(Picture of a door) DOOR: Enter or exit a building, a wilderness or a
- town.
- *(A hand with "thumbs up" sign) YES: Confirm that you want to accept an
- NPS ( Non-Player-Character) offer or execute a command.
- *("Thumbs down" sign) NO: turn down an NPC offer or negate a command.
- *(U-Turn sign) U-TURN: Go back to a previous screen or change a command.
- ***********
- *(Picture of a mouth) MOUTH: ask an NCP a question (then type the
- question) or eat a meal.
- *(Picture of an ear) LISTEN: ask an NPC if he/she has heard any rumors.
- Pay close atention to words that begin with capitol letters.
- *(Picture of a bed) REST/SAVE: heal a character (in abbey) or save a
- character (in an inn).
- *(Picture of a guy) COMPANION/VIEW PARTY: See all party members on the
- screen at once or (at an inn) add characters in your party.
- *(Picture of a big eye) EXAMINE: Get detailed information on an item
- in your possession.
- *(Picture of a hammer on an anvil) ANVIL: Forge an ingot into a
- personalized weapon or, at the armorer's, fit armor.
- *(A sword, and arrow and some gold crowns) SELL: Sell items to a shop-
- keeper.
- *(Two swords crossed) TRAIN: Improve a combat skill by training with a
- weaponsmaster.
- *(A hand with stars(magic things) MAGIC: Ask a wizard for magical
- training.
- *(A hand carrying a bag of something) GIVE: give an item possessed by
- one of you characters to another member of the party.
- *(a guy, and a suit of armour beside him) ARMOR UP: Put on and view
- a characters armor, weapons, and other equiptment.
- *(a mirror and a picture of a guy on it) MIRROW: Look at your characters
- status.
- *(a scroll) Scroll: List the names of a characters magic spells.
- *(A medal) MEDAL: Display all medals won by your character for
- completion of quests.
- *(A backpack) PACK: Put an item in your pack.
- *(A sword, with an arrow pointing down) DROP: drop a weapon or item
- (permanently).
- *************
- *(a road) ROAD: Move along a road.
- *(two sign posts on a pole) SIGNPOST: Change directions while moving
- on a road.
- *************
- Miscellaneous
- -------------
- *(picture of a sword, with arrow pointing down) DROP: Drop a weapon or
- item (In combat you CAN pick up a dropped weapon or item.)
- *(sword, with arrow pointing up) PICK UP: Recover a weapon or item
- dropped in combat or left by defeated foes. Also used to pick up an item
- you need to complete a quest.
- *(sword half in sheath with arrow beside it pointing up) READY: Draw
- a weapon from a sheath so you're ready for a combat.
- *(sword half in sheat, with arrow beside it pointing down) SHEATH: Put
- a weapon in a sheath on your character's belt. Bows can't be sheathed.
- *(Sword, arrow pointing up and down, with an axe on the bottom) SWITCH:
- Exchange a readied weapon for one in a sheath.
- Movement
- --------
- *(A guy) MOVE: Prepare a character for movement on the ground or in the
- air.
- *(A guy with wings with arrow pointing down) LAND: Bring a flying
- character back to the ground.
- *(A guy walking) WALK: move slowly on the ground.
- *(a running, long strides) RUN: Move more quickly on the ground.
- *(A guy running, body lowered closer to knees) SPRINT: Move as quickly
- as possible on the ground.
- *(A guy flying, wings spread high) FLY: Move slowly through the air.
- *(A guy flying, wings spread lower) FLY: Move quickly through the air.
- *(A guy flying, wings very close to body) ZOOM: Move as quickly as
- possible through the air.
- *****************
- *(A hand, with sparkly stuff around it) MAGIC: cast a spell.
- *(A hand gripping a sword) ATTACK: Fight with a weapon.
- *(A fist clenched tightly) FIST: Fight unarmed (pretty stupid haha)
- *****************
- *(a real arrow on top, with an pointing arrow downwards to a crossbow)
- LOAD: Prepare a crossbow by putting a bolt in it.
- *(a bow with a cocked arrow) FIRE: Attack with a bow or loaded crossbow.
- ****************
- *(A guy standing with no weapons) NONE: Devote all of your energy to
- defence.
- *(A guy with sword and shield raised) BERSERK: Attack wildly, without
- thought to defense.
- *(Axe, swinging downwards) HACK: Swing a weapon downward.
- *(Sword thrusting forward) THRUST: Stab straight ahead with a weapon.
- *(Sword swinging) SLASH: Swing a weapon in a side-to-side arc.
- **********************
- *(A guy kicking) KICK: Attack a foe with the feet.
- *(A guy with a shield and a clenched fist) BASH: Attack with both fists
- or a shield.
- *(A guy bent over, on foot in air) HEAD BUTT: Attack with the head.
- ****************
- *(A guy with an arrow pointing to his head) HIGH SHOT: Aim at the head.
- *(A guy with an arrow to his body) BODY SHOT: Aim at the body.
- *(A guy with an arow opinting to his legs) LOW SHOT: Aim at the legs.
- ********
- *(A guy guy running away, with a dropped sword) PANIC: Devote all of your
- energy to defense with no thought to attack.
- *(A guy standing there) STAND: Take minimal defensive Precautions.
- *(A guy walking backwards) BACK UP: Back away from an attacked without
- disengaging combat.
- *(A guy ducking) DUCK: Drop below an attack.
- *(A guy leaning to his left) DODGE: Shift your body to one side to
- avoid an attack.
- *(A guy jumping) JUMP: Leap above an attack.
- *********************
- *(A drive, with an arrow pointing upwards) LOAD: load character/shield
- icon from disk.
- *(Drive with arrow above it pointing down at it) SAVE: Save character-
- /shield to disk and exit editor.
- *(A bucket spilling a liquid) FILL: Fill character/shield icon with
- currently selected color ( shown in a rectangle in upper right hand
- corner of screen).
- *(Two halves of some person on each side of the box) SLIDE: Slide the
- character/shield icon to the right.
- *(Two halves (top and bottom) of a guy, each showing on either the top
- or bottom of the box) SHIFT: Shift the character/shield icon up.
- *(Two guys, opposite ( Left is right, right is left)) REVERSE:
- Horizontally flip character/shield icon.
- *(A guy upside down) FLIP: Vertically flip character/shield icon.
- *****************
- The Knights Of Legend Disks:
- ----------------------------
- At various points in the game, the computer will prompt you to insert
- a disk displaying a picture of the disk and abbreviated name of the disk,
- or disk side, it requires ("M" for master, "C" for your character disk,
- "A1" etc.) If, for example, it needs disk "A2" to procceed , you will
- see a picture of a disk with "A2" printed on it. Insert disk A2 to
- continue playing the game. ( I will make READ.ME files in each archive
- to tell you which one that disk is, you have to make your own character
- disk, using "Install New Region", which I explained before.
- If you wish to quit playing the game and exit to DOS, you can press
- This is about all for this part... I'm going to create another file
- which should be in the same archive, called KOL2.doc, this will
- have the stats for all the races and for their different classes,
- stuff like that... it will also contain the Weapons summary... which
- is an added bonous for you guys, most people wouldn't bother making
- docs like this... also, I suggest you delete all my comments before
- you print these doc's out... it's just a waste of of ink and paper,
- although not much.