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- Club 96 Presents.....
- KNIGHTS OF LEGEND / Player Reference Card
- Game Released / KOLPRC Typed By The Mechanic!
- Welcome to Knights of Legend! A full explanation of how to play this
- game can be found in the Player's Handbook (which is 142 pages, see ya next
- month), but this reference card will get you started. It also provides
- information specific to the kind of computer you're using.
- 1) Using your Apple Utility Disk, format a ProDOS disk with the
- Volume name /CHARS. This will be used to save your Character(s)
- during the Game. Character disks can be 5.25 or 3.5.
- 2) Before you can use your /CHAR disk, you must transfer several key
- files to it from one of the disks supplied with Knights of
- Legend.
- An explanation appears in sections 4 of "Starting the Game"
- below. For Now, put the character disk aside.
- 3) At this point, you may want to make back-up copies of each Knight
- of Legend disk. Any copy utility will do the job. Follow the
- directions provided with the copy program of your choice.
- At various points in the game, the computer will prompt you to insert
- a disk by displaying a picture of a disk and the abbreviated name of the
- disk, or disk side, it requires ("MA" for Master A, "CHR" for your character
- disk, "A4") etc.) If, for example, it needs disk "A5' to process, you will
- see a picture of a disk with "A5' printed on it. Insert disk side A5 to
- continue.
- Knights of Legend can be played on a single drive system, but two
- drives will eliminate some disk swapping. To speed things along, you will
- want to keep disk Master A (abbreviated "MA") or Master B (abbreviated "MB")
- in one of your drives at all times.
- Options in the Knights of Legend game are presented as menu items or
- icons.
- The most basic options ("Create Character,""Play the Game," and so
- on) are presented as menu items. This first menu appears on a screen that
- looks like a book's table of contents. From this menu you can select the
- options you want with either the keyboard or a mouse.
- o To use the keyboard, highlight options with the up and down arrow
- keys. Press <return> to select a highlighted option.
- o On the table of contents screen, options are numbered; press the
- number key that matches the option you want.
- o To use a mouse, click on an option once to highlight it. Click
- again to select.
- o Some menus contain too many items to fit on a single screen.
- Scroll through the items on each menu by clicking on the up or
- down arrow arrow alongside the menu.
- o The <esc> key will allow you to go back one step and rethink your
- selection. You can also do this by clicking the mouse button with
- the pointer positioned to the left of the book.
- Once you begin playing the game, options are displayed as icons --
- small pictures arranged along the bottom of the screen. Selecting an icon
- tells your character or party to do something -- listen to someone in a
- village, engage a foe in combat, buy food, rest at an inn, travel down a
- road, etc. Icons can be selected using the keyboard or a mouse.
- o To select an icon with the keyboard, use the less than ("<") and
- greater than (">") keys to move from one icon to another until the
- one you want to select has a white border; than press <return> to
- select that icon.
- o With a mouse, select icons by positioning the pointer arrow over
- the icon you want and clicking the mouse button. Clicking once
- highlighted an option; clicking a second time selects it.
- In some cases, selecting an icon (or series of icons) causes an
- action -- you character readies a weapon or moves away from a foe, for
- example. In other cases, selecting an icon takes you to a new screen, where
- other icon allow you to examine your character(s) more closely or interact
- with other game characters.
- On page 6-8(later in QRef), you'll find a list of the icons and a
- brief explanation of what each one does with selected. For more information,
- consult the KOL Player's Handbook.
- 1) Put the Master Disk side MA into your boot-up drive & turn on
- your computer(or run the ProDOS file from MA with a select
- program). If you press the space bar immediately, you can bypass
- the title sequence and begin play.
- 2) If you want to watch the animated introduction, make sure disk A6
- is in one of your drives. You can exit the title sequence by
- pressing any key. When you do this, you will see the Knights of
- Legend Book, the staring point of the game.
- 3) Press any key to open the book to the table of contents page.
- The table of contents lists the options available to you. Click
- the mouse pointer on the option you want, or press the number key
- corresponding to the option.
- 4) Detailed explanations of all options can be found in the Player's
- Handbook. For now, select option 4 -- "Install New Region."
- Insert Disk A1 in a drive and follow the directions you are
- given.
- Since you don't have disk S1, B1, etc., press <esc>. You will
- then be asked to insert the ?CHARS disk you created earlier and
- disk A4, alternately. Files necessary for playing Knights of
- Legend will be copied from A4 and put on your character disk.
- 5) New /CHARS disk can be made by using the Install New Region
- option. As an alternative, however, you can use any copy
- utility to duplicate a complete /CHARS disk -- one that already
- has the files from disk A4.
- 6) Now, you can begin creating characters by inserting your
- completed /CHARS disk in a drive & selecting option 5 --
- "Character Options."
- 1) Before you can play Knights of Legend, you will need to create
- at least one character (2-4 are recommended for first-time
- players.) Selecting "Character Options" from the table of
- contents will take you to the character creation menu.
- 2) From this menu, select "Create Character" to begin creating a new
- character. The various character races and typed are described
- in the Player's Handbook. For now, select any character type
- that sounds interesting to you.
- 3) Type in a name for your character and press <return>. Using the
- keyboard or the mouse, choose his or her race, sex, and class.
- At any point, you can press <esc> to go back to an earlier
- option.
- 4) Once you have outlined the type of character you want, a menu
- will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. From this menu
- you can reroll your character's statistics until you are
- satisfied with them; then you can accept those stats.
- 5) When you choose "Accept Stats" you will be offered a variety of
- figures when can represent your character during the game. Scan
- through these, using the arrow keys, until you find the one you
- want. The press <return> to save your character. When your
- character has been saved you will be taken back to the Character
- Options menu. If you decide that you do not want to save this
- character press <esc> several times before accepting a figure and
- will be taken back to the Character Options menu. The character
- will be discarded.
- Playing with just one character is risky -- combat in Knights of
- Legend can be deadly, and even a well-trained, armored adventurer needs
- stalwart companions to survive. You would be well advised to create several
- characters early in your adventuring career. As many as six characters can
- be taken adventuring at one time and up to 16 characters can be saved on one
- character disk.
- No two characters are alike: Their stats are different; their race,
- class, and sex set them apart; and so on. In Knights of Legend, differences
- between characters even extend to the picture used to represent them during
- play. Using a simple image editor included with the game, you can modify
- existing character portraits or create your own.
- To do this, go to the Character Options menu from the table of contents
- page. There, select "Edit Picture," if you want to change your character
- figure, or "Edit Shield," if you want to modify a great shield (also called a
- Knight's Shield) acquired during a quest. A new menu will appear listing all
- the characters on your disk. Select the one you want to modify.
- This will take you to a new screen. On the left, is an enlarged
- version of your characters figure. On the right, you will see the actual
- character image, and below that, a selection of patterns and colors available
- to you. The color/pattern you select will be shown in a rectangle in the upper
- right-hang corner of the screen.
- o Press the <esc> key undoes the last change you made or the last
- command given. Press <Ctrl-E> (or selecting black) allows you to
- erase parts of the image.
- o Pressing the B key changed the size of your "brush." Ordinarily,
- you draw a single dot at a time, press the B key repeatedly
- increases this to four dots or more.
- o Press the <Ctrl-F> key to toggle between mouse and keyboard
- control. For convenience, all keyboard commands remain active in
- mouse-mode, but the reverse is not true. If you don't have a
- mouse, you must press <Ctrl-F> to activate the keyboard.
- o To change the grid pattern on the enlarged character figure, press
- <Ctrl-G>. There are four different grids available. The default
- grid is the most useful, but use whichever one you feel most
- comfortable with.
- With a mouse: Simply move the arrow pointer where you want it. This
- applies when you're moving the pointer, when you're drawing, or when you're
- selecting colors and patterns.
- When the keyboard: The I, J, K, and M keys form a diamond shape on the
- keyboard. This diamond reflects the direction each key moves the cursor. The I
- key moves the cursor Up; the J key moves it left; the K key moves it right; the
- M key moves it down.
- In addition, the A, S, Z, and X key moves the cursor diagonally: The A
- key moves the cursor from the lower right to upper left; the S key moves it
- from lower left to upper right; the Z key moves it from the upper right to the
- lower left; the X key moves it from upper left to lower right.
- Finally, these last four keys, when combined with the control key,
- scroll the enlarged image itself: <Ctrl-A> scrolls the image up; <Ctrl-X>
- scrolls it down; <Ctrl-S> scrolls it right; <Ctrl-Z> scrolls it left. If the
- color changes when you move the image left or right, it once space further and
- the colors will revert to normal.
- With a mouse: Click the mouse button on the color/pattern you want to
- use. Notice that the color in the small rectangle at the upper right changes to
- match your selection.
- Move the pointer mover to the portion of the enlarged character figure
- you want to change. Once you're there, hold the mouse button down and move the
- mouse to begin drawing. This will change the color in that area to the color
- you just selected.
- With the keyboard: In keyboard mode, <Ctrl-P> shifts you from the
- enlarged image on the left to the pattern/color portion of the screen. Use
- this command when you want to change from one color or pattern to another. Use
- the I, J, K, and M keys to highlight the color/pattern you want and press
- <return> to select it.
- Press <Ctrl-P> again to shift back to the enlarged image. There, you
- will see a flashing square cursor. Move this to the spot you want to change
- (using the movement keys describe in General Commands). To begin drawing,
- Press D. Now, when you move the cursor, you will replace the existing color(s)
- with the new color/pattern you've selected.
- To stop drawing, press the U key. This allows you to move without
- change the image.
- General Color Notes: Notice that there are two blacks and two whites
- in the color/pattern area. If you try one black (or white) and don't get the
- results you expect, try the other one -- you may have better luck.
- The number keys provided a short cut for selecting the primary colors:
- 0 = Black 3 = White 6 = Blue
- 1 = Green 4 = Black 2 7 = White 2
- 2 = Purple 5 = Orange
- If you make a mistake, the <Ctrl-R> command reverts to the original
- figure, as it was when you first entered the figure editor.
- Once you're satisfied with the way your new/revised figure looks, use
- the <Ctrl-Q> command to quit the figure editor. You'll be asked if you want to
- save the changes you've made. Press Y (Yes) to save; Press N (No) to return to
- the Character Options menu without saving any changes.
- Once you have at least once adventurer saved on your character disk,
- select Option 6, "Play the Game." Select one of your characters to be the
- party leader by moving the highlight bar and pressing <return> or clicking the
- mouse button on that character's name. You will be able to add other
- characters to your party during play.
- Follow the instructions that appear on the screen regarding disk
- insertions and your adventure will be underway. Your character will begin at
- one of the realm's inns.
- In Town: To leave an inn (or any other building), select the DOOR
- icon. Once outside, your party will be represented by a knight's helm. To
- enter a building, move the end of the path leading to it and select the DOOR
- icon.
- In town, use the up, down, right and left arrow keys on your keyboard
- to move the knight's helm in the direction you want to go. You can also move
- diagonally by using the A, S, Z, and X keys.
- If you have a mouse, you can move by positioning the arrow pointer
- ahead of the helm in the direction you want to go. When you click the mouse
- button, the helm will "follow" the pointer. Note that the mouse pointer
- changes the direction it is pointing as it is moved to various positions around
- the helm.
- In the Wilderness: If you travel to the edge of town, a wilderness
- scene will appear. Select the DOOR icon here and you will shift to the
- wilderness map. here, your part is represented by a small, flashing dot. On
- this map, your party can travel from town to town, covering great distances
- with ease.
- To use the keyboard in the wilderness, press the up, down, left, and
- right arrow keys, or the A, S, Z, and X keys, to move your dot in the direction
- you want to go.
- To use a mouse, position the pointer ahead of the dot in the direction
- you want to go and click the mouse button. The dot will follow the pointer.
- You can also select the ROAD icon repeatedly to move along the read.
- The SIGNPOST icon reverses the direction of movement. You can only use these
- icons when on the roads.
- As you move about in town, you can enter buildings and interact with
- the people inside. You can (and should) buy weapons, armor, and other goods
- and services. The EXAMINE icon will show you what a shopkeeper has to offer.
- Select the item you want. The cost will automatically be deducted from your
- savings.
- The townsfolk may also be able to tell you something of what's going on
- in town and in the world. Use the EAR icon to ask them about any rumors they
- may have heard. Pay close attention to what they have to say. Words beginning
- with capital letters may be particularly important. Use the MOUTH icon to ask
- them for more information about people, places, and things. Take to everyone
- you can.
- There are many things to do in town -- you can train with a
- weaponsmaster, get medical attention at an abbey, satisfy your hunger, and more.
- Consult the list of town icons on this card or the Player's Handbook for more
- information.
- Towns are safe, but the wilderness areas of Ashtalarea are dangerous --
- you will probably run into bandits, hostile creatures, or worse during your
- journeys. When this happens you can flee or fight. A complete description of
- the Knights of Legend combat systems can be found in the Player's Handbook, but
- here are the basics:
- On the combat screen, your party members are represented by numbered
- figures; your foes are larger, white figures. If you have a ranged weapon
- ready (a bow or crossbow), you can attack enemies at a distance; if you have no
- such weapon, you must be next to a foe in order to attack.
- To make a ranged weapon attack, select the FIRE icon. Specify a target
- by using the arrow keys or the mouse to move the round, flashing cursor over one
- of your opponents and select the YES icon. The U-TURN icon will allow you to
- select a different target.
- To move next to a foe, select the MOVE icon followed by a specific
- movement icon (WALK, RUN, SPRINT, FLY, FLY FASTER, or ZOOM.)
- To attack, select the ATTACK icon, if you have a weapon, or the FIST
- icon if you're unarmed. Then select an attack style (NONE, BERSERK, HACK,
- THRUST, OR SLASH if you're armed; KICK, BASH, HEAD BUTT, OR PUNCH if your
- unarmed). AIM YOUR SHOT (HIGH BODY, or LOW) and pick a defense (NONE, PANIC,
- STAND, BACK UP, DUCK, DODGE, or JUMP). Finally, select the YES icon to enter
- the sequence of commands (or the U-TURN icon to rethink your selections).
- Repeat for each member of your party.
- Once you've entered the options for the current round, you'll be given a
- final chance to flee. If you're losing badly, select the PANIC icon. Your
- characters will probably drop any readied weapons, but they'll live to fight
- another day.
- Assuming you don't take the opportunity to flee, combat will begin and
- you will see the results of your tactical decisions (and the decisions of your
- foes). Combat can last several rounds -- until you've defeated your foes or
- been defeated by them.
- As your characters become more powerful and accumulate wealth and
- weapons, you'll want to save them to disk often. To do this, you must spend a
- night at an inn.
- Enter the inn of your choice and select the REST icon. If you have
- enough gold to pay for a night's stay, the innkeeper will ask when of your
- party members will be staying. You can select any or all of them. If you
- select all, you will be asked if you want to quit the game. If you answer YES,
- your characters will be saved and you will be returned to the table of contents
- pages where you can turn the computer off. If you answer NO, your characters
- will be saved and you can continue playing, but your characters' possessions,
- skill levels, and overall conditions will be preserved.
- To restart a game, select a saved character as your party leader and
- fill out the party with other characters you saved the last time you played
- (5.25 disk)
- SWAP DISK: Insert the indicated disk in any drive. Remember that
- the KOL disks are two-sided, so you may have to flip a
- disk and insert it label side down.
- (index finger on space bar)
- SPACE BAR: Press the space bar to go to the next text screen.
- (a door)
- DOOR: Enter or exit a building, a wilderness area, or a town.
- (thumb up)
- YES: Confirm you want to accept an NPC offer or execute a command.
- (thumb down)
- NO: Turn down an NPC offer or negate a command.
- (arrow turning back)
- U-TURN: Go back to a previous screen or change a command.
- (mouth open)
- MOUTH: Ask an UPC a question (by typing in your question)
- or eat a meal.
- (ear)
- LISTEN: Ask an UPC if he/she has heard any rumors. Pay close
- attention to words that begin with a capital letter.
- (bed)
- REST/SAVE: Heal a character (in abbey) or
- save a character (in an inn).
- (companion)
- COMPANION/VIEW PARTY: See all party members on the screen at one or
- (at an inn) add characters to your party.
- (opened eye)
- EXAMINE: Get detailed information on an item in your possession.
- (a hammer striking an anvil)
- ANVIL: Forge an ingot into a personalized weapon or, at the
- armorer's, fit armor.
- (a sword being exchanged for gold)
- SELL: Sell items to a shopkeeper.
- (two swords in a shape of an X)
- TRAIN: Improve a combat skill by training with a weaponsmaster.
- (a hand reached out)
- MAGIC: Ask a wizard for magical training.
- (a hand holding a bag)
- GIVE: Give an item possessed by one of your characters to another
- member of your party.
- (companion with armor on his right)
- ARMOR UP: Put on and view a character's armor, weapons, and
- other equipment.
- (companion in a mirror)
- MIRROR: Look at your character's status.
- (scroll)
- SCROLL: List the names of a character's magic spells.
- (a medal)
- MEDAL: Display all medals won by your character for completion
- of quests.
- (a pack)
- PACK: Put an item in your pack.
- (a sword directed down)
- DROP: Drop a weapon or item (permanently).
- (direction pointing straight, with a background : sun, clouds, and hills)
- ROAD: Move along a road.
- (a post in a with directions)
- SIGNPOST: Change directions while moving on a road.
- (a sword directed down)
- DROP: Drop a weapon or item. (In combat you can pick up a dropped
- weapon or item.)
- (a sword directed up)
- PICK UP: Recover a weapon or item dropped in combat or left by
- defeated in combat or left by defeated foes. Also used to
- pick an item you need to complete a quest.
- (a sword being pulled up from a sheath)
- READY: Draw a weapon from a sheath so you're ready for combat.
- (a sword being pushed down into a sheath)
- SHEATH: Put a weapon in a sheath worn on your character's belt.
- Bows can't be sheathed.
- (a sword being directed to an axe, and vice-versa)
- SWITCH: Exchange a readied weapon for one in a sheath.
- (companion in motion)
- MOVE: Prepare a character for movement on the ground or in the air.
- (companion with wings in the direction down)
- LAND: Bring a flying character back to the ground.
- (companion walking)
- WALK: Move slowly on the ground.
- (companion running)
- RUN: Move more quickly on the ground.
- (companion sprinting)
- SPRINT: Move as quickly as possible on the ground.
- (companion flying with wings fully opened)
- FLY: Move slowly through the air.
- (companion flying with wings fully opened but quicker)
- FLY FASTER: Move quickly through the air.
- (companion flying with wings and body close together)
- ZOOM: Move as quickly as possible through the air.
- ATTACK (General)
- (a hand reached out)
- MAGIC: Ask a wizard for magical training.
- (sword held by a hand)
- ATTACK: Fight with a weapon.
- (a fist)
- FIST: Fight unarmed.
- ATTACK (Missile)
- (arrow in the direction of a crossbow)
- LOAD: Prepare a crossbow by putting a bolt in it.
- (arrow loaded in a crossbow)
- FIRE: Attack with a bow or a loaded crossbow.
- ATTACK (Weapon)
- (companion with both hands out)
- NONE: Devote all of your energy to defense.
- (companion with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other)
- BERSERK: Attack wildly, without thought of defense.
- (an axe in motion)
- HACK: Swing a weapon downward.
- (sword directed ahead)
- THRUST: Stab straight ahead with a weapon.
- (a sword in motion)
- SLASH: Swing a weapon in a side-to-side arc.
- ATTACK (Hand-to-Hand)
- (companion kicking)
- KICK: Attack with the feet.
- (companion striking with a shield or fist)
- BASH: Attack with both fists or a shield.
- (companion bending down until head is straight)
- HEAD-BUTT: Attack with the head.
- (companion with a closed hand)
- PUNCH: Attack with one fist.
- ATTACK (Aiming)
- (direction pointing to companion's head)
- HIGH SHOT: Aim at the head.
- (direction pointing in mid-section of a companion)
- BODY SHOT: Aim at the body.
- (direction pointing to the legs of a companion)
- LOW SHOT: Aim at the legs.
- (sword on ground and companion running other way)
- PANIC: Devote all of your energy to defense with no thought to
- attack.
- (companion standing straight)
- STAND: Take minimal defensive precautions.
- (companion trying to stop)
- BACK UP: Back away from an attacker without disengaging.
- (companion bending down at the knees)
- DUCK: Drop below an attack.
- (companion swinging side to side)
- DODGE: Shift your body to one side to avoid an attack.
- (companion jumping in the air)
- JUMP: Leap above an attack.
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- You should have : 8 sides : MA, MB, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, your /CHARS disk
- and this Player Reference Card Documentation
- Coming soon, but made by someone else: The Knights of Legend Map
- and Player's Handbook (142 pages)