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- The following Function Keys will be available for your
- use when appropriate. Not all these keys display when its
- your turn. For example, if there have been no bets made by
- your opponents, or you are first to bet by holding the
- highest open card, the only action keys available will be BET
- and CHECK (since there isn't a raising opportunity and to
- FOLD would simply be terrible Poker).
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F1 │ Use this key if you wish to call a bet/raise made by your
- │ CALL │ opponent(s). The amount you are calling will be displayed
- └──────┘ as part of the "TO YOU" prompt. When you CALL, the amount
- due is automatically deducted from your bankroll and added
- to the POT.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F2 │ Use this key to indicate your bet intention. A new
- │ BET │ sub-menu will appear showing the three amounts you may
- └──────┘ choose from (these are the amounts selected on the MAIN
- MENU using the LIMITS key). Select the desired amount by
- pressing the appropriate key. This amount will be deducted
- from your bankroll and added to the POT.
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F3 │ When the players ahead of you have checked to you, or when
- │CHECK │ you are first by rank, you may wish to pass your turn in
- └──────┘ the betting round by CHECKING. Selecting this key causes no
- deductions from your bankroll and adds nothing to the POT.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F4 │ This key will only display if an opponent has bet or raised
- │RAISE │ in front of you. A new sub-menu will appear showing the
- └──────┘ the three amounts you may choose from. Select your desired
- RAISE amount by pressing the appropriate key. This amount,
- plus the outstanding bet/raise amounts forced on you by
- your opponents will be deducted from your bankroll and
- added to the POT. A 3 raise limit is in effect.
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F5 │ This key will only display if an opponent has bet or raised
- │ FOLD │ in front of you. Selecting this key causes your hand to be
- └──────┘ folded (withdrawn from this round). No money is deducted
- from your bankroll or added to the POT on your behalf. The
- hand will continue automatically with the remaining players
- until completed.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F6 │ Whenever it is your turn to act within the playing of the
- │TUTOR │ hand, you may display TUTOR advice by pressing this key.
- └──────┘ After reviewing the information and recommendation, you
- clear the TUTOR window by pressing the SPACE BAR on your
- keyboard. This returns you to the "TO YOU" prompt, ready
- for your action. For more details on the TUTOR, select
- more... HELP from the MAIN MENU screen.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F7 │ See the SPEED key explanation on the MAIN MENU
- │SPEED │ section in this HELP facility.
- └──────┘
- ┌──────┐
- │ F10 │ This key is available in most screens throughout the game.
- │ BOSS │ Pressing this key ONCE blanks out the screen, protecting
- └──────┘ your privacy. Pressing this key TWICE ends the game
- immediately, saves the current settings for later
- resumption and returns you to your DOS prompt. Pressing
- this key ONCE followed by any other key (not BOSS again!)
- returns you to the game at the exact point you left it.
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F1 │ Use this key to temporarily return to the MAIN MENU
- │ MENU │ and perform or review its functions.
- └──────┘
- ┌──────┐
- │ F2 │ Select this key to DEAL a new hand. If you are out of
- │ DEAL │ money or have won all your opponent's money and have
- └──────┘ selected the BUST option (see the TABLE key in the MAIN
- MENU screen) this key will not display. You must return to
- the MAIN MENU and either give yourself (and everyone else)
- more money, or change the "BUST" option to "BORROW".
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F3 │ Selecting this key will "instant-replay" the just completed
- │REPLAY│ hand, card by card, showing the final state of that betting
- └──────┘ round (watch the BET SUMMARY box on the top right corner of
- the screen for a complete round history). Pressing the
- SPACE BAR on your keyboard advances through each card dealt
- for the hand, until the hand is completed. At the bottom
- of each replayed screen, the TUTOR will display comments on
- your actions, if it disagreed.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F4 │ Although not good Poker manners, at the end of a hand, you
- │NEXT 3│ may peek at the next few unplayed cards still in the deck.
- └──────┘
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F5 │ During your playing session, statistics are kept on your
- │STATS │ every action. At the same time, the TUTOR is grading your
- └──────┘ level of skill and commenting on the recently played hand.
- Use the STATS key to access this important information.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F6 │ If you are rushed for time, maybe you shouldn't be playing!
- │ TIME │ If you must know what time it is (and you have set your
- └──────┘ computer's clock properly at boot-up), pressing this key
- displays current date and time on the lower right hand box
- of the PLAY screen for 3 seconds, then disappears.
- more...
- ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐
- │ F7 │ │ F8 │ │ F9 │ │ F10 │ Same as previously
- │SPEED │ │SOUND │ │ ODDS │ │ BOSS │ described.
- └──────┘ └──────┘ └──────┘ └──────┘
- more...
- The following explains how to read the BETTING SUMMARY box in the
- top right corner of the PLAY SCREEN.
- ┌────────────────────────────────┐
- East player│E B C C │
- South player│S C R │
- West player│W C C │
- North player│N R C │
- └────────────────────────────────┘
- 123456789etc..columns representing bets
- In the above example, East bet, South called, West called, North
- raised, East called, South re-raised, West called, North called and
- East made the last call to complete the round.
- end...