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- ┌──────┐
- │ F1 │ This key will access the help facilities of the game.
- │ HELP │ Follow the simple instructions shown on the HELP screens
- └──────┘ to review the available information.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F2 │ This key will begin play of the first hand, or of the next
- │ DEAL │ hand, if you temporarily returned to MAIN MENU to change an
- └──────┘ option. No special options need be taken before playing.
- Default options would then be in effect.
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F3 │ Use this key to access subsequent Function Key menus which
- │TABLE │ permit the following choices:
- └──────┘
- ┌──────┐
- │ F1 │ Press this key to return to the MAIN MENU.
- │ EXIT │
- └──────┘
- ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐
- │ F2 │ │ F3 │ │ F4 │ │ F5 │ When one of these keys
- │NORTH │ │ WEST │ │ EAST │ │SOUTH │ is selected, the
- └──────┘ └──────┘ └──────┘ └──────┘ following menu is shown:
- more...
- From F2, F3, F4 ┌──────┐
- or F5 of the │ F1 │ Return to the TABLE sub-menu.
- TABLE sub-menu │ EXIT │
- └──────┘
- ┌──────┐
- │ F2 │ Changes the name of the selected player.
- │ NAME │ At the prompt, type in the new name
- └──────┘ (up to 10 characters) then press ENTER.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F3 │ Select this key to change the seat of the
- │PLACES│ desired player with any of the others.
- └──────┘ Another sub-menu will be displayed from
- which to select the seat to change with.
- more...
- From F2, F3, F4 ┌──────┐ Use this key to change the style of the
- or F5 of the │ F5 │ selected player. A sub-menu will be
- TABLE sub-menu │STYLE │ displayed from which to select the new
- └──────┘ style: Aggressive, Moderate, Conservative.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F6 │ This key sits the desired player out of
- │SITOUT│ the game. The next time the key will have
- ├──────┤ changed to BACKIN. Use it again later to
- │BACKIN│ bring the player back to action. At
- └──────┘ least two players must be in the game.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F10 │ Pressing this key once, blanks out the
- │ BOSS │ screen. Pressing any other key, brings it
- └──────┘ back. Two F10's in a row saves the game
- more... and exits it without a trace.
- From ┌──────┐ This key allows you to select the initial amount
- the │ F7 │ of money each player will have, or to add money to
- TABLE │STAKES│ everyone's bankroll during the game. A sub-menu
- menu └──────┘ will be displayed from which to select the desired
- amount. If '0' is chosen, the bankrolls will be
- zeroed out. This can be used to get everyone back
- to an equal amount after playing for awhile.
- The default amount to each player if no special
- stakes are selected is $2,000.
- more...
- From ┌──────┐ Use this key to change the game between the
- the │ F8 │ following 2 options: "BORROW" means players can
- TABLE │BUSTS │ continue to play even if they run out money. They
- menu └──────┘ will simply go negative. "BUST" means a player will
- be eliminated from the game if the last hand it
- plays causes the player to have a '0' or negative
- bankroll. With the "BUST" option, the game will be
- over when the human player runs out of money or
- when all other players do. Go back to the MAIN
- MENU and change the "BUST" option or give everyone
- more money at that time. The default is "BORROW".
- more...
- From ┌──────┐ Use this key to turn off (or on) the graphic effect
- the │ F9 │ of the shuffle and ante payment. Turning it off
- TABLE │SHUFFL│ produces a faster hand to hand tempo. While it is
- menu ├──────┤ off, the deck will still be shuffled and the ante
- │NOSHUF│ paid behind the scenes. The default is "ON"
- └──────┘
- ┌──────┐ Pressing this key once, blanks out the screen.
- │ F10 │ Pressing any other key, brings it back. Two F10's
- │ BOSS │ in a row saves the game and exits it without a
- └──────┘ trace.
- more...
- Back to the MAIN MENU...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F4 │ This key will toggle through the 3 states the TUTOR can be
- │TUTOR │ active in during play: "ASK", "WARN" and "SHOW". See the
- └──────┘ HELP section on the TUTOR for additional information. The
- default setting is "ASK".
- ┌──────┐
- │ F5 │ Use this key to activate the alarm. You can use it to
- │ALARM │ remind you to take a break, or to set time limits when
- └──────┘ competing against other human players taking turns on the
- game. A sub-menu appears, from which you can choose to
- turn off the alarm, or activate it to ring from 5 minutes
- to 5 hours later. The default is "OFF".
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F6 │ This key allows you to set the maximum bet amount to be
- │LIMITS│ used during play. The chosen maximum bet (from the
- └──────┘ displayed sub menu) automatically determines the medium and
- minimum bets allowed. The maximums range from 500 to 3.
- Default values are MAX: $100 MID: $50 MIN: $25.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F7 │ The tempo in which the cards are dealt and bets are
- │SPEED │ made is defaulted to a fairly comfortable pace. New
- └──────┘ players of this game may want to set the speed
- for a slower pace. To change the tempo, select the "SPEED"
- key, then use the left and right arrows until the desired
- speed index is chosen (higher index, faster pace). Press
- ENTER to finalize your decision. Speed may be changed
- more... several times during your session.
- ┌──────┐
- │ F8 │ This key turns the sound effects on or off. Also available
- │SOUND │ in the PLAY screen at the end of each hand.
- └──────┘ Default is "OFF".
- ┌──────┐
- │ F9 │ This key turns the ODDS display on or off. When "ON",
- │ ODDS │ a strip of information will be displayed at the bottom of
- └──────┘ the PLAY screen, which will contain probability percentages
- of drawing a desired card on the next draw. Odds are
- displayed for each suit and for the Ace thru Deuce. Odds
- for cards you may be interested in will be shown in green.
- Default is "OFF".
- more...
- ┌──────┐
- │ F10 │ This is one of the places on the various screens from which
- │ QUIT │ you may exit the game (the only place from which to do so
- └──────┘ gracefully). A sub menu will appear with the following
- options:
- ┌──────┐
- │ F1 │ If you didn't mean to quit, you may press this key
- │OOPS! │ to get back to the MAIN MENU screen.
- └──────┘
- ┌──────┐ Selecting this key ends the game after saving your
- │ F2 │ session bankrolls, options and statistics. The
- │ SAVE │ next time you play the game a message will appear
- └──────┘ on the MAIN MENU screen indicating resumption of
- more... a previous session, its date and time.
- From ┌──────┐ This selection ends your session and zeroes out all
- the │ F3 │ bankrolls and statistics. The next time you play,
- QUIT │NOSAVE│ Defaults will be in effect until you change them.
- menu └──────┘
- ┌──────┐ Selecting this key clears all options back to
- │ F4 │ defaults, sets bankrolls to the default of $2,000
- │CLEAR │ and clears out all statistics accumulated. Once
- └──────┘ this is done, the program will go back to the MAIN
- MENU screen ready for a new session. Useful when
- 2 human players want to compete against each other
- using the Alarm clock to take turns.
- end...