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- Author's notes:
- This is THE complete, solved, and written docs for Bard's Tale III: The
- Theif of Fate. We started playing Bard's Tale III on 6-15-88. We finished on
- 6-23-88. We started writing this on 6-28-88. We finished writing this on
- 6-29-88. We released this on 6-30-88. The 15 days between when we started
- playing, and when we finished writing this, was the worst experience ever
- conceived to mankind. When and if Bard's Tale IV comes out, someone else
- better write a solve file, because we sure the hell aren't!!
- We would like to clarify for Vigilante, who gave us the inspiration to
- write a real solve file, that Shahka Brae doesn't exist. We would also like
- to tell him that the dude with the long name is actually 'Brilhasti ap Tarj.'
- Also, the Stone Touch spell doesn't exist in Bard's Tale III.
- The trainer has been added onto this solve file to help those who are
- rather P.O.'d at Tarjan, but just can't seem to kill the mother. Please note:
- When using the trainer, turn it off before you advance any characters, or
- before you order a drink at a Tavern. Also note that it doesn't withstand
- critical hits, drains, witherings, posionings, stonings, or hot lava.
- The general info file we used was taken from the docs typed in by ESI. The
- trainer was taken from BBI. The fix used for the codewheel was taken from XPB.
- This solve was done by Kool Kat, Wildcat, and Marduk. All in the 404 area code.
- Call 5150 (XPB HQ) at 404-922-6798
- Prowl's Place at 718-271-0478
- Mafia Board/UIA at 201-692-1773
- The Cutting Edge at 314-631-3279
- Vital Signs at 407-965-6267
- Warez Island at 718-438-5716
- When we solved it, our characters were as follows:
- Kool Kat:
- New Sensation - Level 13 Geomancer
- Cinderella - Level 29 Chronomancer
- Cindefella - Level 27 Chronomancer
- Metallica Mage - Level 22 Archmage
- Bullwinkle Jr. - Level 32 Monk
- Nikki Sixx - Level 37 Bard
- Rogue Runner - Level 32 Rogue
- Wildcat:
- Wildcat - Level 99 Monk
- Rich the Hawk - Level 8 Geomancer
- Bard's Tale - Level 111 Bard
- Theif of Fate - Level 38 Rogue
- Aderack - Level 88 Archmage
- Conanthist - Level 21 Chronomancer
- Nuke em - Level 88 Archmage
- Marduk:
- Friar Tuck - Level 108 Bard
- Brother Amigo - Level 72 Monk
- Marduk - Level 88 Archmage
- Brian V - Level 9 Geomancer
- Nuke em Jr. - Level 88 Archmage
- Thor - Level 37 Rogue
- Pocovich - Level 18 Chronomancer
- We hope you've enjoyed this awesome display of talent (yeah right!!)
- If you ever are on you knees, begging to know the locations of the statues in
- Malefia, give 5150 a call and leave e-mail to one of us.
- Whaddya think about Tyson killing Spinx in 91 seconds?? Too bad Tarjan
- wasn't so easy to kill. Well, at least we got the 22 million pieces of gold
- finding him! Heh heh heh heh... have a nice day!