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- Osiris is a fast, responsive, flexible system which allows
- the owner to design much of his own CBIS without having to
- write any program code.
- Osiris comes in an economical single line version, as well as
- multiple line versions supporting up to 255 lines.
- NOTE: Versions supporting up to 5000
- lines available on request.
- Pricing is based on the number of lines supported starting at
- $119.95 for a single line system and goes as high as $5000.00
- for a 255 line system. Only pay for what you need and upgrade
- for the price difference WHEN you need it.
- Osiris requires a PC XT/AT, 80386, or 80486 class machine.
- Osiris requires a multi-tasker for multiple lines such as
- Desqview or a Network such as Lantastic, Novell, or 3Comm.
- It is suggested that a Network be used for multiple lines to
- decrease the chances of ALL your lines going down at once in
- case of equipment failure.
- Something you can not afford to have happen if your using
- Osiris as a customer support and product distribution system.
- Networking also affords you the luxury of using slower and
- less costly computers for the other lines. You really only
- need an XT motherboard, power supply, modem, and disk drive
- for those additional lines.
- Networking also means there is no decrease in performance no
- matter how many lines your running or how many file transfers
- happen to be in progress.
- Add the correct Front-End mailer and/or secondary processing
- programs and you have a complete Fidonet, UUCP, or PCrelay
- compatible system.
- First time sysops can build a system to carry out their
- communications needs quickly without being burdened with
- complicated setups and designs.
- Advance sysops can modify the system to suit their personal
- tastes so quickly you can not believe it until you try it.
- Osiris has power, speed, responsiveness, and flexibility
- which have never before been seen in the micro-computer
- world.
- What do we mean by speed? The measure of a systems speed is
- how close it approaches the ideal of being limited only by
- the data transmission rate.
- Osiris is capable of driving the serial port in excess of
- 38,400 bps using a 10 Mhz AT. This means if you timed the
- transmission of a 192,000 byte file, it should take about 50
- seconds.
- On a single user system running on a 6 MHZ AT, Osiris was
- clocked at over 20,000 bps! This included reading from the
- harddrive, writing to the LOCAL screen, and sending the data
- out the serial port.
- We are not going to say there is no other CBIS software
- capable of achieving this feat, we just have not found one
- yet.
- What do we mean by responsive? Osiris can accepts commands
- at ANY time. On menu displays or command prompts you do not
- have to wait for the prompt or even the end of the line.
- Your callers have the option of using advanced command
- stacking or HOTKEYS. Using command stacking, they can enter
- commands that may be found 40 sub-systems away.
- As amazing as Osiris is to operate when you call in, the
- SYSOP side has to be seen to be believed.
- Osiris is configured and maintained using a series of GUI
- programs and a text editor or ANSI draw program.
- Using OSM you can define from 1 to 32000 message boards, and
- from 1 to 32000 file boards.
- You can choose the command keys, types of areas, access
- levels for the commands, flags for the commands, default
- logon access levels, time limits, private system or public.
- There are NUMEROUS other options that would take to many
- pages to list.
- Your file areas can be in individual directories, grouped
- into one directory and LOGICALLY sub-divided by Osiris. You
- can have your file list in one directory, the physical files
- in another directory, and have the uploads for that area go
- to still yet another directory, you decide.
- Creating menus is a breeze. Use any text editor and just draw
- it!
- Better yet, use a program like THEDRAW.
- Thedraw is an ANSI "what you see is what you get" drawing
- program. Select the layout, colors, and even the command line
- prompt.
- When your finished, compile the ANSI drawing and you have a
- colorful menu ready to be used by those that support ANSI and
- those that do not.
- Create one menu or a series of menus and use the ITP Random
- command and show randomly selected menus for the same area!
- Osiris allows you up to 32,000 message boards. Each board may
- be optionally setup for E-mail, public messages only, private
- messages only, read-only, Echo, echo-pass though, public or
- private, or word wrap on/off.
- Many of the above can be mixed to custom tailor the area.
- For those who want more flexibility in system design and
- do not mind a little simple programming, Osiris provides the
- In-Line Text Processing Language (ITP) compiler.
- This compiler allows you to use commands, source libraries
- and many other features to build very sophisticated menus,
- additional sub-systems, access external programs, data entry
- control, loop control, conditional testing, string
- management, define and manage Btree databases, use floating
- point math formulas and much more.
- While you do not have to use it to get much of the power of
- Osiris, it allows you to go much further in system design
- than was previously possible!
- If that was not enough, Osiris provides an almost unlimited
- number of HOOKS for attaching external programs. If you can
- write it, you can add it. Complete file structures
- distributed with the program.
- Got a Q&A type of file you need to add, no sweat!
- ITP allows you to create VERY advanced questionnaires. Your
- questionnaires have access to over 200 ITP commands including
- sysop definable databases or external programs.
- ITP can even alter the systems appearance by changing
- commands, menus, switch in a totally different set of message
- areas and/or file areas for individual callers.
- Want to it to look like a family system for some or a
- business system for others, ITP can do it!
- The ITP language currently supports over 200 commands.
- The system allows up to 32,000 levels for user privileges
- including individual time limits per day, per call, file
- ratio levels, and down load limits.
- There are also over 40 authorization flags to allow various
- features and areas to be used only as the sysop desires.
- Osiris provides hooks for over 30,000 file transfer
- protocols.
- Why settle for outdated and slow protocols like Xmodem,
- Ymodem, Kermit, and SEAlink when you can use faster and more
- popular protocols like Tmodem, Zmodem, Jmodem, and Bimodem.
- You have a proprietary protocol you want to use, just add it
- in.
- Osiris provides full archive support for viewing and
- extracting individual files with re-archiving for
- downloading. Archive formats supported include Arc, Zip, Lzh,
- zoo, and pak.
- Osiris also has CD-ROM and WORM drive support, Unix style
- file locking as well as time slicing for Desqview and
- DoubleDos.
- Osiris has an advanced virtual memory manager, VMS, that
- gives your system as much memory as it needs for running
- external programs such as archivers, protocol drivers, games,
- add-on dbase systems, or anything else you care to call using
- the ITP [SHELL] command.
- You can call external program that require in excess of 512K
- of memory to function, including batch file. You can also
- pass information to the external programs using command line
- arguments and/or a special exit control file. You may also
- test return codes and process accord to the return code
- following any ITP [SHELL] call.
- If you have EMS memory, VMS will shift Osiris up into high
- memory before the call and shift it back down afterwards. If
- you don't have EMS memory available, we'll use your Hard disk
- instead.
- Osiris has a special built in ON-LINE product databases for
- integrated On-Line Shopping. You customers can shop from the
- comfort of their homes or businesses 24 hours a day with less
- COST overhead than conventional VOICE order lines and without
- the hassels of TIME ZONES.
- Osiris uses compressed databases to hold product information
- with highspeed indexing, multiple find features, ability to
- tag items for reviewing, forward/reverse movement, listing
- functions, multiple departments, customized order forms, help
- screens, variable length description fields up to 1,000,000
- bytes per record, and much more.
- Supports over 5 billion products PER STORE.
- Up to 32,000 different departments PER STORE.
- NO LIMIT on the NUMBER of DIFFERENT stores.
- Osiris has one of the best user interfaces in the industry.
- You'll find your callers whizzing around the system at break
- neck speed completing tasks in a fraction of the time
- required under other programs. In some cases, Osiris can
- reduce your in-use time per line by as much as 50 percent
- over traditional BBS programs. In a twenty four hour time
- period, a four line Osiris system can generally handle as
- many callers as an eight ( ten if those lines are 9600 bps)
- line TBBS system. This can save you over 1600.00 dollars a
- year in commercial phone line rental fees, enough to PAY for
- your entire setup within two years (depending on the brand of
- computer your using).
- Osiris was selected as the CBIS system they most like to call
- in a poll of over 1000 BBS users.
- Need statistical information? Osiris keeps complete
- statistical information at your finger tips, using colorful
- bar charts in most cases, concerning in-use time per line,
- average in-use time per line, top ten files downloaded on the
- system, top ten uploaders to the system, connect baud rates,
- message area information, file area information, and
- protocols being used.
- Each individual file listing contains information about WHO
- uploaded the file, when it was uploaded, when it was last
- downloaded, and how many times it has been downloaded.
- Need tight control over who downloads a specific file? Osiris
- allows you to PASSWORD protect individual files in PUBLIC
- download areas.
- Not only can you PASSWORD protect an individual file, you can
- also instruct Osiris to delete the file once it has been
- downloaded.
- Osiris is much more than a mere Bulletin Board System. It is
- a Computer Based Information System, a personal
- communications tool with incredible power. Its uses are
- limited only by your imagination!
- If you would like to give Osiris a try to see if it fits your
- needs BEFORE you buy, the complete program can be downloaded
- from our customer support system at 1-314-334-6359 (1200,
- 2400, 9600, 19200 bps using a USR HST).
- It is full functional with only a restriction placed on the
- number of users.