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- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- unit bulletin;
- interface
- uses crt,
- gentypes,configrt,statret,gensubs,subs1,subs2,
- userret,textret,mainr1,mainr2,overret1,flags;
- procedure bulletinmenu;
- implementation
- procedure bulletinmenu;
- var q,curbul,lastreadnum:integer;
- b:bulrec;
- procedure makeboard; forward;
- function sponsoron:boolean;
- begin
- sponsoron:=match(curboard.sponsor,unam)
- end;
- procedure clearorder (var bo:boardorder);
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- for cnt:=0 to 255 do bo[cnt]:=cnt
- end;
- procedure carryout (var bo:boardorder);
- var u:userrec;
- cnt,un:integer;
- procedure doone;
- var cnt,q:integer;
- ns,a1,a2:set of byte;
- begin
- fillchar (ns,32,0);
- fillchar (a1,32,0);
- fillchar (a2,32,0);
- for cnt:=0 to 255 do begin
- q:=bo[cnt];
- if q in u.newscanconfig then ns:=ns+[cnt];
- if q in u.access1 then a1:=a1+[cnt];
- if q in u.access2 then a2:=a2+[cnt]
- end;
- u.newscanconfig:=ns;
- u.access1:=a1;
- u.access2:=a2;
- seek (ufile,un);
- write (ufile,u)
- end;
- begin
- writeln (^B'Adjusting user access flags...');
- seek (ufile,1);
- for un:=1 to numusers do begin
- if (un mod 10)=0 then write (' ',un);
- read (ufile,u);
- if length(u.handle)>0 then doone
- end
- end;
- procedure switchboards (bnum1,bnum2:integer; var bo:boardorder);
- var bd1,bd2:boardrec;
- n1:integer;
- begin
- seekbdfile (bnum1);
- read (bdfile,bd1);
- seekbdfile (bnum2);
- read (bdfile,bd2);
- seekbdfile (bnum1);
- writebdfile (bd2);
- seekbdfile (bnum2);
- writebdfile (bd1);
- n1:=bo[bnum1];
- bo[bnum1]:=bo[bnum2];
- bo[bnum2]:=n1
- end;
- procedure setfirstboard; forward;
- procedure seekffile (n:integer);
- begin
- seek (ffile,n-1)
- end;
- function numfiles:integer;
- begin
- numfiles:=filesize (ffile)
- end;
- procedure assignffile;
- begin
- assign (ffile,boarddir+curboardname+'.FIL')
- end;
- procedure formatffile;
- begin
- close (ffile);
- assignffile;
- rewrite (ffile)
- end;
- procedure openffile;
- var f:filerec;
- i:integer;
- begin
- close (ffile);
- assignffile;
- reset (ffile);
- i:=ioresult;
- if i<>0 then formatffile
- end;
- procedure addfile (f:filerec);
- begin
- seekffile (numfiles+1);
- write (ffile,f)
- end;
- procedure delfile (fn:integer);
- var f:filerec;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- for cnt:=fn to numfiles-1 do begin
- seekffile (cnt+1);
- read (ffile,f);
- seekffile (cnt);
- write (ffile,f)
- end;
- seekffile (numfiles);
- truncate (ffile)
- end;
- procedure seekbfile (n:integer);
- begin
- seek (bfile,n-1); che
- end;
- function numbuls:integer;
- begin
- numbuls:=filesize(bfile)
- end;
- procedure getlastreadnum;
- var oldb:boolean;
- b:bulrec;
- lr:word;
- begin
- lastreadnum:=numbuls;
- oldb:=false;
- lr:=urec.lastread[curboardnum];
- if lr=0
- then lastreadnum:=0
- else
- while (lastreadnum>0) and (not oldb) do begin
- seekbfile (lastreadnum);
- read (bfile,b);
- oldb:=b.id=lr;
- if not oldb then lastreadnum:=lastreadnum-1
- end
- end;
- procedure assignbfile;
- begin
- assign (bfile,boarddir+curboardname+'.BUL')
- end;
- procedure formatbfile;
- begin
- assignbfile;
- rewrite (bfile);
- curboardnum:=searchboard(curboardname);
- if curboardnum=-1 then begin
- curboardnum:=filesize(bdfile);
- fillchar (curboard,sizeof(curboard),0);
- writecurboard
- end
- end;
- procedure openbfile;
- var b:bulrec;
- i:integer;
- begin
- curboardnum:=searchboard (curboardname);
- if curboardnum=-1 then begin
- makeboard;
- exit
- end;
- close (bfile);
- assignbfile;
- reset (bfile);
- i:=ioresult;
- if ioresult<>0 then formatbfile;
- seekbdfile (curboardnum);
- read (bdfile,curboard);
- getlastreadnum;
- openffile
- end;
- function boardexist(n:sstr):boolean;
- begin
- boardexist:=not (searchboard(n)=-1)
- end;
- procedure addbul (var b:bulrec);
- var b2:bulrec;
- begin
- if numbuls=0 then b.id:=1 else begin
- seekbfile (numbuls);
- read (bfile,b2);
- if b2.id=65535
- then b.id:=1
- else b.id:=b2.id+1
- end;
- seekbfile (numbuls+1);
- write (bfile,b)
- end;
- function checkcurbul:boolean;
- begin
- if (curbul<1) or (curbul>numbuls) then begin
- checkcurbul:=false;
- curbul:=0
- end else checkcurbul:=true
- end;
- procedure getbrec;
- begin
- if checkcurbul then begin
- seekbfile (curbul);
- read (bfile,b); che
- end
- end;
- procedure delbul (bn:integer; deltext:boolean);
- var c,un:integer;
- b:bulrec;
- u:userrec;
- begin
- if (bn<1) or (bn>numbuls) then exit;
- seekbfile (bn);
- read (bfile,b);
- if deltext then deletetext (b.line);
- for c:=bn to numbuls-1 do begin
- seekbfile (c+1);
- read (bfile,b);
- seekbfile (c);
- write (bfile,b)
- end;
- seekbfile (numbuls);
- truncate (bfile);
- getlastreadnum
- end;
- procedure delboard (bdn:integer);
- var bd1:boardrec;
- cnt,nbds:integer;
- bo:boardorder;
- begin
- clearorder (bo);
- nbds:=filesize(bdfile)-1;
- if nbds=0 then begin
- close (bdfile);
- rewrite (bdfile);
- exit
- end;
- for cnt:=bdn to nbds-1 do begin
- seekbdfile (cnt+1);
- read (bdfile,bd1);
- seekbdfile (cnt);
- writebdfile (bd1);
- bo[cnt]:=cnt+1
- end;
- seek (bdfile,nbds);
- truncate (bdfile);
- seek (bifile,nbds);
- truncate (bifile);
- carryout (bo)
- end;
- procedure sendfile (fn:integer);
- var f:filerec;
- cnt:integer;
- k:char;
- q:file of byte;
- label exit;
- begin
- seekffile (fn);
- read (ffile,f);
- assign (q,f.fname);
- reset (q);
- iocode:=ioresult;
- if iocode<>0 then begin
- fileerror (f.fname,'SENDFILE (Ascii download)');
- goto exit
- end;
- writelog (4,1,f.descrip);
- writeln ('File: '^S,f.descrip);
- writeln ('Uploaded by: '^S,f.sentby);
- writeln ('Downloaded: '^s,f.downloaded);
- writeln ('File size: '^S,filesize(q),' characters'^M);
- writeln (^B'Press space when you''re ready, or [X] to abort...');
- repeat
- repeat until charready;
- k:=readchar;
- if hungupon then goto exit;
- if upcase(k)='X' then goto exit
- until k=' ';
- if not hungupon
- then
- begin
- printfile (f.fname);
- f.downloaded:=f.downloaded+1;
- seekffile (fn);
- write (ffile,f);
- writeln (^B^M+asciidownload+^M'Press a key...');
- repeat until charready;
- k:=readchar
- end;
- exit:
- close (q)
- end;
- procedure receivefile (f:filerec);
- var fn:lstr;
- cnt,timeul:integer;
- k:char;
- done:boolean;
- fff:text;
- last3:array [1..3] of char;
- procedure putchar (k:char);
- begin
- write (fff,k);
- write (usr,k)
- end;
- begin
- fn:='';
- cnt:=1;
- timeul:=timer;
- repeat
- if cnt<=length(f.descrip) then begin
- k:=upcase(f.descrip[cnt]);
- if k in ['A'..'Z'] then fn:=fn+k
- end;
- cnt:=cnt+1
- until cnt>length(f.descrip);
- if fn='' then fn:='Noname';
- fn:=copy(fn,1,8);
- while devicename(fn) do fn:=fn+chr(random(26)+64);
- fn:=uploaddir+fn+'.';
- cnt:=0;
- repeat
- cnt:=cnt+1
- until (cnt=1000) or (not exist(fn+strr(cnt)));
- if cnt=1000 then begin
- writeln ('Please try another description!');
- exit
- end;
- fn:=fn+strr(cnt);
- assign (fff,fn);
- rewrite (fff);
- iocode:=ioresult;
- if iocode<>0 then begin
- error ('%I opening %1 in RECEIVEFILE (ASCII upload)','',fn);
- exit
- end;
- f.fname:=fn;
- f.sentby:=unam;
- f.downloaded:=0;
- f.when:=now;
- writeln (^B'ASCII receive ready.'^M,
- 'Press [CR] and /E to end, /X to abort.'^M);
- textcolor (outlockcolor);
- repeat
- repeat until charready;
- if hungupon
- then done:=true
- else
- begin
- k:=chr(ord(readchar) and 127);
- last3[1]:=last3[2];
- last3[2]:=last3[3];
- last3[3]:=upcase(k);
- done:=((last3[1]=^M) or (last3[1]=^J))
- and (last3[2]='/') and ((last3[3]='E') or (last3[3]='X'));
- if not done then begin
- if (last3[2]=^M) and (k<>^J) then putchar (^J);
- if last3[2]='/' then putchar ('/');
- if k<>'/'
- then putchar (k)
- end
- end
- until done;
- textclose (fff);
- textcolor (normbotcolor);
- if last3[3]='E' then begin
- addfile (f);
- timeul:=timer-timeul;
- if timeul<0 then timeul:=timeul+1440;
- writeln (^B^M'That upload took ',timeul,' minutes.');
- logontime:=logontime+timeul;
- writelog (4,2,f.descrip)
- end else begin
- writestr (^M^M'Upload aborted!');
- erase (fff);
- iocode:=ioresult
- end
- end;
- procedure readcurbul;
- var q:anystr;
- t:sstr;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- if checkcurbul then begin
- getbrec;
- writeln (^B'Bulletin '^S,curbul,^M'Title: '^S,b.title);
- q:='Left by '^S;
- if b.anon
- then
- begin
- q:=q+anonymousstr;
- if issysop then q:=q+' ('+b.leftby+')'
- end
- else
- begin
- if b.plevel=-1
- then t:='unknown'
- else t:=strr(b.plevel);
- q:=q+b.leftby+' (Level '+t+')'
- end;
- if issysop or (not b.anon)
- then writeln ('When: '^S,datestr(b.when),' at ',timestr(b.when));
- writeln (q);
- if break then exit;
- printtext (b.line)
- end;
- if curbul>lastreadnum then begin
- lastreadnum:=curbul;
- urec.lastread[curboardnum]:=b.id
- end
- end;
- function queryaccess:accesstype;
- begin
- queryaccess:=getuseraccflag (urec,curboardnum)
- end;
- procedure autodelete;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- writeln ('Erasing first five posts...');
- for cnt:=6 downto 2 do delbul (cnt,true)
- end;
- procedure postbul;
- var l:integer;
- m:message;
- b:bulrec;
- begin
- if ulvl<postlevel then begin
- reqlevel(postlevel);
- exit
- end;
- l:=editor(m,true);
- if l>=0 then
- begin
- urec.nbu:=urec.nbu+1;
- writeurec;
- b.anon:=m.anon;
- b.title:=m.title;
- b.when:=now;
- b.leftby:=unam;
- b.line:=l;
- b.plevel:=ulvl;
- addbul (b);
- newposts:=newposts+1;
- with curboard do
- if autodel<=numbuls then autodelete
- end
- end;
- procedure getbnum (txt:mstr);
- var q:boolean;
- begin
- if length(input)>1
- then curbul:=valu(copy(input,2,255))
- else begin
- writestr (^M'Bulletin to '+txt+':');
- curbul:=valu(input)
- end;
- q:=checkcurbul
- end;
- procedure readbul;
- begin
- getbnum ('read');
- readcurbul
- end;
- procedure readnextbul;
- var t:integer;
- begin
- t:=curbul;
- curbul:=curbul+1;
- readcurbul;
- if curbul=0 then curbul:=t
- end;
- procedure readnum (n:integer);
- begin
- curbul:=n;
- readcurbul
- end;
- function haveaccess (n:integer):boolean;
- var a:accesstype;
- begin
- curboardnum:=n;
- seekbdfile (n);
- read (bdfile,curboard);
- a:=queryaccess;
- if a=bylevel
- then haveaccess:=ulvl>=curboard.level
- else haveaccess:=a=letin
- end;
- procedure makeboard;
- begin
- formatbfile;
- formatffile;
- with curboard do begin
- shortname:=curboardname;
- buflen:=30;
- writestr (^M'Board name: &');
- boardname:=input;
- buflen:=30;
- writestr ('Sponsor (C/R for '+unam+'):');
- if input='' then input:=unam;
- sponsor:=input;
- writestr ('Minimum level for entry:');
- level:=valu(input);
- writestr ('Autodelete after:');
- autodel:=valu(input);
- if autodel<10 then begin
- writeln ('Must be at least 10!');
- autodel:=10
- end;
- setallflags (curboardnum,bylevel);
- writecurboard;
- writeln ('Board created.');
- writelog (4,4,boardname+' ['+shortname+']')
- end
- end;
- procedure setactive (nn:sstr);
- procedure doswitch;
- begin
- openbfile;
- curbul:=lastreadnum;
- with curboard do
- writeln (^M'Sub-board: '^S,boardname,
- ^M'Sponsor: '^S,sponsor,
- ^M'Bulletins: '^S,numbuls,
- ^M'Last read: '^S,lastreadnum,
- ^M'Files: '^S,numfiles,^M)
- end;
- procedure tryswitch;
- var n,s:integer;
- procedure denyaccess;
- var b:bulrec;
- begin
- reqlevel (curboard.level);
- setfirstboard
- end;
- begin
- curboardname:=nn;
- curboardnum:=searchboard(nn);
- if haveaccess(curboardnum)
- then doswitch
- else denyaccess
- end;
- var b:bulrec;
- begin
- curbul:=0;
- close (bfile);
- close (ffile);
- curboardname:=nn;
- if boardexist(nn) then tryswitch else begin
- writeln ('No such board: ',curboardname,'!');
- if issysop
- then
- begin
- writestr (^M'Create one (Y/N)? *');
- if yes
- then
- begin
- makeboard;
- setactive (curboardname)
- end
- else setfirstboard
- end
- else setfirstboard
- end
- end;
- function validbname (n:sstr):boolean;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- validbname:=false;
- if (length(n)=0) or (length(n)>8) then exit;
- for cnt:=1 to length(n) do
- if not (upcase(n[cnt]) in ['0'..'9','A'..'Z']) then exit;
- validbname:=true
- end;
- procedure listboards;
- var cnt,oldcurboard:integer;
- printed:boolean;
- begin
- oldcurboard:=curboardnum;
- writeln (^M'Number Name Level'^M);
- if break then exit;
- for cnt:=0 to filesize(bdfile)-1 do
- if haveaccess(cnt) then
- with curboard do begin
- tab (shortname,9);
- tab (boardname,26);
- writeln (level);
- if break then exit
- end;
- curboardnum:=oldcurboard;
- seekbdfile (curboardnum);
- read (bdfile,curboard)
- end;
- procedure activeboard;
- begin
- if length(input)>1
- then input:=copy(input,2,255)
- else
- repeat
- writestr (^M^M'Board number [?=List]:');
- if input='?' then listboards
- until (input<>'?') or hungupon;
- if hungupon or (length(input)=0) then exit;
- if input[1]='*' then input:=copy(input,2,255);
- if validbname(input)
- then setactive (input)
- else
- begin
- writeln (^M'Invalid board name!');
- setfirstboard
- end
- end;
- procedure setfirstboard; { FORWARD }
- var fbn:sstr;
- begin
- if filesize(bdfile)=0 then exit;
- if not haveaccess(0)
- then error ('User can''t access first board','','');
- seek (bifile,0);
- read (bifile,fbn);
- setactive (fbn)
- end;
- procedure listbuls;
- var cnt,bn:integer;
- q:boolean;
- begin
- if length(input)>1 then begin
- curbul:=valu(copy(input,2,255));
- q:=checkcurbul
- end;
- if curbul=0
- then
- begin
- writestr (^M'List titles starting at #*');
- curbul:=valu(input)
- end
- else
- if length(input)>1
- then curbul:=valu(input)
- else curbul:=curbul+10;
- if not checkcurbul then curbul:=1;
- writeln ('Titles:'^M);
- for cnt:=0 to 9 do
- begin
- bn:=curbul+cnt;
- if (bn>0) and (bn<=numbuls) then
- begin
- seekbfile (bn);
- read (bfile,b);
- write (bn,'. ',b.title,' by ');
- if b.anon
- then writeln (anonymousstr)
- else writeln (b.leftby);
- if break then exit
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure killbul;
- var un:integer;
- u:userrec;
- begin
- writehdr ('Bulletin Deletion');
- getbnum ('delete');
- if not checkcurbul then exit;
- getbrec;
- if (not match(b.leftby,unam)) and (not issysop) and (not sponsoron)
- then begin
- writeln ('You didn''t post that!');
- exit
- end;
- writeln ('Title: ',b.title,
- ^M'Left by: ',b.leftby,^M^M);
- writestr ('Delete this? *');
- if not yes then exit;
- un:=lookupuser (b.leftby);
- if un<>0 then begin
- writeurec;
- seek (ufile,un);
- read (ufile,u);
- u.nbu:=u.nbu-1;
- seek (ufile,un);
- write (ufile,u);
- readurec
- end;
- delbul (curbul,true);
- writeln ('Bulletin deleted.');
- writelog (4,5,b.title)
- end;
- procedure editbul;
- var me:message;
- begin
- getbnum ('edit');
- if not checkcurbul then exit;
- getbrec;
- if (not match(b.leftby,unam)) and (not issysop) and (not sponsoron)
- then begin
- writeln ('You didn''t post that!');
- exit
- end;
- reloadtext (b.line,me);
- me.title:=b.title;
- me.anon:=b.anon;
- if reedit (me,true) then begin
- writelog (4,6,b.title);
- deletetext (b.line);
- b.line:=maketext (me);
- if b.line<0 then begin
- writestr (^M'Deleting bulletin...');
- delbul (curbul,false)
- end else begin
- seekbfile (curbul);
- write (bfile,b)
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure sendbreply;
- begin
- if checkcurbul then begin
- getbrec;
- sendmailto (b.leftby,b.anon)
- end else begin
- getbnum ('reply to');
- if checkcurbul then sendbreply
- end
- end;
- procedure listfiles;
- var cnt,r1,r2,nfiles:integer;
- f:filerec;
- begin
- nfiles:=numfiles;
- thereare (nfiles,'file','files');
- if nfiles=0 then exit;
- parserange (nfiles,r1,r2);
- if r1=0 then exit;
- for cnt:=r1 to r2 do begin
- seekffile (cnt);
- read (ffile,f); che;
- writeln (cnt,'. ',f.descrip);
- if break then exit
- end
- end;
- function getfilenumber (txt:lstr):integer;
- var fn:integer;
- gotten:boolean;
- begin
- getfilenumber:=0;
- input:=copy(input,2,255);
- if length(input)=0 then
- repeat
- gotten:=true;
- writestr (^M'File number to '+txt+' [?=List]:');
- if input='?' then
- begin
- writeln;
- listfiles;
- writeln;
- gotten:=false
- end
- until gotten;
- fn:=valu(input);
- if (fn<1) or (fn>numfiles) then fn:=0;
- getfilenumber:=fn
- end;
- procedure downloadfile;
- var fn:integer;
- begin
- fn:=getfilenumber ('download');
- if fn<>0 then
- begin
- sendfile (fn);
- urec.ndn:=urec.ndn+1
- end;
- end;
- procedure uploadfile;
- var f:filerec;
- begin
- writestr ('Describe the file'+^M+'=> *');
- if length(input)<>0 then begin
- f.descrip:=input;
- receivefile (f);
- urec.nup:=urec.nup+1
- end
- end;
- procedure boardsponsor;
- procedure getbgen (txt:mstr; var q);
- var s:lstr absolute q;
- begin
- writeln (^B'Current ',txt,': ',s);
- buflen:=30;
- writestr ('Enter new '+txt+':');
- if length(input)>0 then s:=input
- end;
- procedure getbint (txt:mstr; var i:integer);
- var a:anystr;
- begin
- a:=strr(i);
- getbgen (txt,a);
- i:=valu(a);
- writecurboard
- end;
- procedure getbstr (txt:mstr; var q);
- begin
- getbgen (txt,q);
- writecurboard
- end;
- procedure setacc (ac:accesstype; un:integer);
- var u:userrec;
- begin
- seek (ufile,un);
- read (ufile,u);
- setuseraccflag (u,curboardnum,ac);
- seek (ufile,un);
- write (ufile,u)
- end;
- function queryacc (un:integer):accesstype;
- var u:userrec;
- begin
- seek (ufile,un);
- read (ufile,u);
- queryacc:=getuseraccflag (u,curboardnum)
- end;
- procedure setnameaccess;
- var un,n:integer;
- ac:accesstype;
- q,unm:mstr;
- begin
- writestr (^M'Change access for user:');
- un:=lookupuser(input);
- if un=0 then begin
- writeln ('No such user!');
- exit
- end;
- unm:=input;
- ac:=queryacc(un);
- writeln (^B^M'Current access: ',accessstr[ac]);
- getacflag (ac,q);
- if ac=invalid then exit;
- if un=unum then writeurec;
- setacc (ac,un);
- if un=unum then readurec;
- case ac of
- letin:n:=1;
- keepout:n:=2;
- bylevel:n:=3
- end;
- writelog (5,n,unm)
- end;
- procedure setallaccess;
- var cnt:integer;
- ac:accesstype;
- q:mstr;
- begin
- writehdr ('Set Everyone''s Access');
- getacflag (ac,q);
- if ac=invalid then exit;
- writeurec;
- setallflags (curboardnum,ac);
- readurec;
- writeln ('Done.');
- writelog (5,4,accessstr[ac])
- end;
- procedure listaccess;
- procedure listacc (all:boolean);
- var cnt:integer;
- a:accesstype;
- u:userrec;
- procedure writeuser;
- begin
- if all
- then
- begin
- tab (u.handle,30);
- if a=bylevel
- then writeln ('Level='+strr(u.level))
- else writeln ('Let in')
- end
- else writeln (u.handle)
- end;
- begin
- seek (ufile,1);
- for cnt:=1 to numusers do begin
- read (ufile,u);
- a:=getuseraccflag (u,curboardnum);
- case a of
- letin:writeuser;
- bylevel:if all and (u.level>=curboard.level) then writeuser
- end;
- if break then exit
- end
- end;
- begin
- writestr (
- 'List A)ll users who have access, or only those with S)pecial access? *');
- if length(input)=0 then exit;
- case upcase(input[1]) of
- 'A':listacc (true);
- 'S':listacc (false)
- end
- end;
- procedure getblevel;
- var b:bulrec;
- begin
- getbint ('level',curboard.level);
- writelog (5,12,strr(curboard.level))
- end;
- procedure getautodel;
- var b:bulrec;
- begin
- with curboard do begin
- getbint ('auto-delete',autodel);
- if autodel<10
- then
- begin
- writeln (^B'HEY! It can''t be less than ten!');
- autodel:=numbuls+1;
- if autodel<10 then autodel:=10;
- writeln (^B'Setting autodelete to ',autodel);
- writecurboard
- end
- else
- if autodel<=numbuls
- then
- begin
- writeln (^B'Deleting bulletins...');
- while autodel<=numbuls do delbul (2,true)
- end
- end;
- writelog (5,11,strr(curboard.autodel))
- end;
- procedure getfiletitle;
- var fn:integer;
- f:filerec;
- begin
- fn:=getfilenumber ('change the title of');
- if fn<>0 then begin
- seekffile (fn);
- read (ffile,f); che;
- writeln (^B'Old description: ',f.descrip);
- writestr ('New description [or CR]:');
- if length(input)>0 then begin
- f.descrip:=input;
- seekffile (fn);
- write (ffile,f);
- writelog (5,9,f.descrip)
- end
- end
- end;
- procedure movefile;
- var f:filerec;
- tcb:boardrec;
- tcbn,dbn,fn:integer;
- tcbname:sstr;
- begin
- writehdr ('File Move');
- fn:=getfilenumber ('move');
- if fn=0 then exit;
- seekffile (fn);
- read (ffile,f);
- writestr ('Move "'+f.descrip+'" to which board? *');
- if length(input)=0 then exit;
- tcb:=curboard;
- tcbn:=curboardnum;
- tcbname:=curboardname;
- dbn:=searchboard(input);
- if dbn=-1 then begin
- writeln ('No such board!');
- exit
- end;
- writeln ('Moving...');
- delfile (fn);
- close (bfile);
- close (ffile);
- seek (bdfile,dbn);
- read (bdfile,curboard);
- curboardnum:=dbn;
- curboardname:=curboard.shortname;
- openbfile;
- addfile (f);
- close (bfile);
- close (ffile);
- curboard:=tcb;
- curboardname:=tcbname;
- curboardnum:=tcbn;
- openbfile;
- writelog (5,6,f.descrip);
- writeln (^B'Done!')
- end;
- procedure movebulletin;
- var b:bulrec;
- tcb:boardrec;
- tcbn,dbn,bnum:integer;
- tcbname,dbname:sstr;
- begin
- writehdr ('Bulletin Move');
- getbnum ('move');
- if not checkcurbul then exit;
- bnum:=curbul;
- seekbfile (bnum);
- read (bfile,b);
- writestr ('Move "'+b.title+'" posted by '+b.leftby+
- ' to which board? *');
- if length(input)=0 then exit;
- tcbname:=curboardname;
- dbname:=input;
- dbn:=searchboard(dbname);
- if dbn=-1 then begin
- writeln ('No such board!');
- exit
- end;
- writeln ('Moving...');
- delbul (bnum,false);
- close (bfile);
- close (ffile);
- curboardname:=dbname;
- openbfile;
- addbul (b);
- close (bfile);
- close (ffile);
- curboardname:=tcbname;
- openbfile;
- writelog (5,13,b.title);
- writeln (^B'Done!')
- end;
- procedure wipeoutfile;
- var un,fn:integer;
- f:filerec;
- q:file;
- n:mstr;
- u:userrec;
- begin
- writehdr ('File Wipe-out');
- fn:=getfilenumber ('wipe out');
- if fn=0 then exit;
- seekffile (fn);
- read (ffile,f);
- writestr ('Wipe out: "'+f.descrip+'" ? *');
- if not yes then exit;
- writestr ('Erase disk file '+f.fname+'? *');
- if yes then begin
- assign (q,f.fname);
- erase (q);
- un:=ioresult
- end;
- delfile (fn);
- writelog (5,7,f.descrip);
- n:=f.sentby;
- un:=lookupuser(n);
- if un<>0
- then
- begin
- seek (ufile,un);
- read (ufile,u);
- u.nup:=u.nup-1;
- writeln (n,' now has ',u.nup,' uploads.');
- seek (ufile,un);
- write (ufile,u)
- end
- end;
- procedure setsponsor;
- var un:integer;
- b:bulrec;
- begin
- writestr ('New sponsor:');
- if length(input)=0 then exit;
- un:=lookupuser (input);
- if un=0
- then writeln ('No such user.')
- else
- begin
- curboard.sponsor:=input;
- writelog (5,8,input);
- writecurboard
- end
- end;
- procedure renameboard;
- var sn:sstr;
- nfp,nbf,nff:lstr;
- qf:file;
- d:integer;
- begin
- getbstr ('board name',curboard.boardname);
- sn:=curboard.shortname;
- getbgen ('access name/number',sn);
- writelog (5,5,curboard.boardname+' ['+sn+']');
- if match(sn,curboard.shortname) then exit;
- if not validbname(sn) then begin
- writeln ('Invalid board name!');
- exit
- end;
- if boardexist(sn) then begin
- writeln ('Sorry! Board already exists!');
- exit
- end;
- curboard.shortname:=sn;
- writecurboard;
- close (bfile);
- close (ffile);
- nfp:=boarddir+sn+'.';
- nbf:=nfp+'BUL';
- nff:=nfp+'FIL';
- assign (qf,nbf);
- erase (qf);
- d:=ioresult;
- assign (qf,nff);
- erase (qf);
- d:=ioresult;
- rename (bfile,nbf);
- rename (ffile,nff);
- setfirstboard;
- q:=9
- end;
- procedure killboard;
- var cnt:integer;
- f:file;
- fr:filerec;
- bd:boardrec;
- begin
- writestr ('Kill board: Are you sure? *');
- if not yes then exit;
- writelog (5,10,'');
- writeln (^B^M'Deleting messages...');
- for cnt:=numbuls downto 1 do
- begin
- delbul(cnt,true);
- write (cnt,' ')
- end;
- writeln (^B^M'Deleting files...');
- for cnt:=numfiles downto 1 do
- begin
- seekffile (cnt);
- read (ffile,fr);
- assign (f,fr.fname);
- erase (f);
- if ioresult<>0 then writeln (^B'Error erasing ',fr.fname);
- delfile (cnt);
- write (cnt,' ')
- end;
- writeln (^B^M'Deleting sub-board files...');
- close (bfile);
- assignbfile;
- erase (bfile);
- if ioresult<>0 then writeln (^B'Error erasing board file.');
- close (ffile);
- assignffile;
- erase (ffile);
- if ioresult<>0 then writeln (^B'Error erasing file directory file.');
- writeln (^M'Removing sub-board...');
- delboard (curboardnum);
- writeln (^B'Sub-board erased!');
- setfirstboard;
- q:=9
- end;
- procedure sortboards;
- var cnt,mark,temp:integer;
- bd1,bd2:boardrec;
- bn1,bn2:sstr;
- bo:boardorder;
- begin
- writestr ('Sort sub-boards: Are you sure? *');
- if not yes then exit;
- clearorder (bo);
- mark:=filesize(bdfile)-1;
- repeat
- if mark<>0 then begin
- temp:=mark;
- mark:=0;
- for cnt:=0 to temp-1 do begin
- seek (bifile,cnt);
- read (bifile,bn1);
- read (bifile,bn2);
- if upstring(bn1)>upstring(bn2) then begin
- mark:=cnt;
- switchboards (cnt,cnt+1,bo)
- end
- end
- end
- until mark=0;
- carryout (bo);
- writelog (5,16,'');
- setfirstboard;
- q:=9
- end;
- procedure orderboards;
- var numb,curb,newb:integer;
- bo:boardorder;
- label exit;
- begin
- clearorder (bo);
- writehdr ('Re-order sub-boards');
- numb:=filesize (bdfile);
- thereare (numb,'sub-board','sub-boards');
- for curb:=0 to numb-2 do begin
- repeat
- writestr ('New board #'+strr(curb+1)+' [?=List, CR to quit]:');
- if length(input)=0 then goto exit;
- if input='?'
- then
- begin
- listboards;
- newb:=-1
- end
- else
- begin
- newb:=searchboard(input);
- if newb<0 then writeln ('Not found! Please re-enter...')
- end
- until (newb>=0);
- switchboards (curb,newb,bo)
- end;
- exit:
- carryout (bo);
- writelog (5,14,'');
- q:=9;
- setfirstboard
- end;
- procedure addresident;
- var f:filerec;
- begin
- writestr ('Filename (including path):');
- if hungupon or (length(input)=0) then exit;
- if devicename(input) then begin
- writeln ('That''s a DOS device name !');
- exit
- end;
- if not exist(input) then begin
- writeln ('File not found.');
- exit
- end;
- f.sentby:=unam;
- f.fname:=input;
- writestr ('Description:');
- if length(input)=0 then exit;
- f.descrip:=input;
- f.downloaded:=0;
- f.when:=now;
- addfile (f);
- writelog (5,15,f.fname)
- end;
- begin
- if (not sponsoron) and (not issysop) then begin
- writeln ('Nice try, except you aren''t the sponsor.');
- exit
- end;
- writelog (4,3,curboard.boardname+' ['+curboard.shortname+']');
- repeat
- q:=menu ('Sponsor','SPONSOR','DLSTMWUEQRKC@BO@VA@H');
- case q of
- 1:getautodel;
- 2:getblevel;
- 3:setsponsor;
- 4:getfiletitle;
- 5:movefile;
- 6:wipeoutfile;
- 7:setnameaccess;
- 8:setallaccess;
- 10:renameboard;
- 11:killboard;
- 12:sortboards;
- 13:movebulletin;
- 14:orderboards;
- 15:listaccess;
- 16:addresident;
- 17:help ('Sponsor.hlp')
- end
- until (q=9) or hungupon
- end;
- var beenaborted:boolean;
- function aborted:boolean;
- begin
- if beenaborted then begin
- aborted:=true;
- exit
- end;
- aborted:=xpressed or hungupon;
- if xpressed then begin
- beenaborted:=true;
- writeln (^B'Newscan aborted!')
- end
- end;
- procedure newscanboard;
- procedure shownewfiles;
- var cnt,first,numf:integer;
- f:filerec;
- nf:boolean;
- begin
- numf:=numfiles;
- cnt:=numf;
- nf:=true;
- while (cnt>0) and nf do begin
- seekffile (cnt);
- read (ffile,f);
- nf:=f.when>laston;
- if nf then cnt:=cnt-1
- end;
- first:=cnt+1;
- if first>numf then exit;
- writehdr ('New files');
- if aborted or break then exit;
- for cnt:=first to numf do begin
- seekffile (cnt);
- read (ffile,f);
- writeln (cnt,'. ',f.descrip);
- if aborted or break then exit
- end
- end;
- var newmsgs:boolean;
- oldb:boolean;
- begin
- beenaborted:=false;
- newmsgs:=false;
- curbul:=lastreadnum+1;
- while curbul<=numbuls do begin
- getbrec;
- if b.when>laston then begin
- readnum (curbul);
- newmsgs:=true
- end;
- curbul:=curbul+1;
- if aborted then exit
- end;
- shownewfiles;
- if (postprompts in urec.config) and newmsgs and (ulvl>=postlevel)
- then begin
- writestr (^M'Post now? *');
- writeln;
- if yes then postbul
- end
- end;
- procedure newscanall;
- var cb:integer;
- begin
- beenaborted:=false;
- writehdr ('New-scanning. [X] to abort.');
- if aborted then exit;
- for cb:=0 to filesize(bdfile)-1 do begin
- if aborted then exit;
- if haveaccess(cb) and (not (cb in urec.newscanconfig)) then begin
- curboardname:=curboard.shortname;
- openbfile;
- if aborted then exit;
- writeln (^B^M'Scanning ',curboard.boardname,'...'^M);
- if aborted then exit;
- newscanboard
- end
- end;
- writeln (^B^M'Newscan complete!'^G);
- setfirstboard
- end;
- procedure noboards;
- begin
- writeln ('No sub-boards exist!');
- if not issysop then exit;
- writestr ('Create the first sub-board now? *');
- if not yes then exit;
- writestr ('Enter its access name/number:');
- if not validbname(input) then writeln (^B'Invalid board name!') else begin
- curboardname:=input;
- makeboard
- end
- end;
- procedure togglenewscan;
- begin
- write ('Newscan this board: ');
- if curboardnum in urec.newscanconfig
- then
- begin
- writeln ('Yes');
- urec.newscanconfig:=urec.newscanconfig-[curboardnum]
- end
- else
- begin
- writeln ('No');
- urec.newscanconfig:=urec.newscanconfig+[curboardnum]
- end
- end;
- procedure nextsubboard;
- var cb:integer;
- obn:sstr;
- begin
- obn:=curboardname;
- cb:=curboardnum;
- while cb<filesize(bdfile)-1 do begin
- cb:=cb+1;
- if haveaccess (cb) then begin
- seek (bifile,cb);
- read (bifile,obn);
- setactive (obn);
- exit
- end
- end;
- writestr ('This is the last sub-board!');
- setactive (obn)
- end;
- var boo:boolean;
- label exit;
- begin
- cursection:=bulletinsysop;
- openbdfile;
- if filesize(bdfile)=0 then begin
- noboards;
- if filesize(bdfile)=0 then begin
- closebdfile;
- goto exit
- end
- end;
- if not haveaccess(0)
- then
- begin
- writeln (^B'You do not have access to the first sub-board!');
- closebdfile;
- goto exit
- end;
- setfirstboard;
- repeat
- boo:=checkcurbul;
- with curboard do
- writeln (^M,boardname,' [',shortname,']: ',curbul,' of ',numbuls);
- if sponsoron or issysop
- then writeln ('%: Board sponsor commands');
- q:=menu ('Bulletin','BULLET','PRDFUKT*MQ#_%LNBAVCHES+W');
- case q of
- 1:postbul;
- 2:readbul;
- 3:downloadfile;
- 4,22:sendmailto (curboard.sponsor,false);
- 5:uploadfile;
- 6:killbul;
- 8,16,17:activeboard;
- 7:listbuls;
- 9:sendbreply;
- 12:if not hungupon then readnextbul;
- 13:boardsponsor;
- 14:listfiles;
- 15:newscanall;
- 18:newscanboard;
- 19:togglenewscan;
- 20:help ('Bulletin.hlp');
- 21:editbul;
- 23:nextsubboard;
- 24:readnum (lastreadnum+1);
- else if q<0 then readnum (-q)
- end
- until (q=10) or hungupon or (filesize(bdfile)=0);
- exit:
- close (bfile);
- close (ffile);
- closebdfile
- end;
- begin
- end.