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- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- {$ifdef testansieditor}
- {*}
- {*} {*} indicates test code
- {*}
- {*}uses crt,modem;
- {*}
- {*}const maxmessagesize=100;
- {*} hungupon=false;
- {*}
- {*}type anystr=string[255];
- {*} lstr=string[80];
- {*} mstr=string[30];
- {*} sstr=string[15];
- {*}
- {*} message=record
- {*} text:array [1..maxmessagesize] of lstr;
- {*} title:mstr;
- {*} anon:boolean;
- {*} numlines:integer
- {*} end;
- {*}
- {*} regs=record
- {*} case byte of
- {*} 0:(ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,di,ds,es,flags:integer);
- {*} 1:(al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh:byte)
- {*} end;
- {*}
- {*}type configtype=(moreprompts,eightycols,ansigraphics);
- {*}
- {*}var input:anystr;
- {*} nobreak:boolean;
- {*} urec:record
- {*} displaylen:integer;
- {*} config:set of configtype
- {*} end;
- {*} winds:array [0..0] of record y2:integer end;
- {*}
- {*}
- {*}function strr (n:integer):mstr;
- {*}var q:mstr;
- {*}begin
- {*} str (n,q);
- {*} strr:=q
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}function waitforchar:char;
- {*}var k:char;
- {*}begin
- {*} repeat until keypressed or (numchars>0);
- {*} read (kbd,k);
- {*} waitforchar:=k
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure clearbreak;
- {*}begin
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}function yes:boolean;
- {*}begin
- {*} yes:=false;
- {*} if length(input)>0
- {*} then if upcase(input[1])='Y'
- {*} then yes:=true
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}function readchar:char;
- {*}var r:regs;
- {*}begin
- {*} if keypressed then begin
- {*} r.ah:=0;
- {*} intr ($16,r);
- {*} readchar:=chr(r.al);
- {*} if r.al=29 then halt;
- {*} if r.al=0 then case r.ah of
- {*} 72:readchar:=^E;
- {*} 75:readchar:=^S;
- {*} 77:readchar:=^D;
- {*} 80:readchar:=^X;
- {*} 115:readchar:=^A;
- {*} 116:readchar:=^F;
- {*} 73:readchar:=^R;
- {*} 81:readchar:=^C;
- {*} 71:readchar:=^Q;
- {*} 79:readchar:=^W;
- {*} 83:readchar:=^G;
- {*} 82:readchar:=^V;
- {*} 117:readchar:=^P;
- {*} end;
- {*} exit
- {*} end;
- {*} if (numchars>0) and carrier
- {*} then readchar:=getchar
- {*} else readchar:=#0
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure writeturbo (k:char);
- {*}begin
- {*} inline ($8A/$86/k/$50/$ff/$16/usroutptr)
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure writechar (k:char);
- {*}var r:regs;
- {*}begin
- {*} if k=^J then writeturbo (k) else begin
- {*} r.dl:=ord(k);
- {*} r.ah:=2;
- {*} intr ($21,r)
- {*} end;
- {*} if carrier then sendchar (k)
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure getstr;
- {*}begin
- {*} readln (input)
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure printfile (l:lstr);
- {*}begin
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure wholescreen;
- {*}begin
- {*} window (1,1,80,winds[0].y2)
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure bottom;
- {*}begin
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure bottomline;
- {*}begin
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}procedure unsplit;
- {*}begin
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}function ansireedit (var m:message; gettitle:boolean):boolean;
- {*}
- {$else}
- unit ansiedit;
- interface
- uses crt,
- gentypes,modem,configrt,windows,gensubs,subs1,subs2;
- function ansireedit (var m:message; gettitle:boolean):boolean;
- implementation
- function ansireedit (var m:message; gettitle:boolean):boolean;
- {$endif}
- var topline,curline,cx,cy,cols,scrnsize,lines,
- rightmargin,savedx,savedy,topscrn:integer;
- insertmode,msgdone,ansimode:boolean;
- function curx:integer;
- begin
- curx:=wherex
- end;
- function cury:integer;
- begin
- cury:=wherey-topscrn+1
- end;
- procedure writevt52 (q:lstr);
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- if not carrier then exit;
- for cnt:=1 to length(q) do sendchar (q[cnt])
- end;
- procedure moveto (x,y:integer);
- begin
- y:=y+topscrn-1;
- if ansimode then begin
- write (direct,#27'[');
- if y<>1 then write (direct,strr(y));
- if x<>1 then write (direct,';',strr(x));
- write ('H')
- end else begin
- gotoxy (x,y);
- writevt52 (#27'Y'+chr(y+31)+chr(x+31))
- end
- end;
- procedure clearscr;
- begin
- if ansimode
- then write (direct,#27'[2J')
- else begin
- writevt52 (#27'H'#27'J');
- clrscr
- end
- end;
- procedure cleareol;
- begin
- if ansimode
- then write (direct,#27'[K')
- else begin
- writevt52 (#27'K');
- clreol
- end
- end;
- procedure savecsr;
- begin
- if ansimode
- then write (direct,#27'[s')
- else begin
- savedx:=curx;
- savedy:=cury
- end
- end;
- procedure restorecsr;
- begin
- if ansimode
- then write (direct,#27'[u')
- else moveto (savedx,savedy)
- end;
- procedure cmove (k:char; n,dx,dy:integer);
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- if n<1 then exit;
- if ansimode then begin
- write (direct,#27'[');
- if n<>1 then write (direct,strr(n));
- write (direct,k)
- end else
- for cnt:=1 to n do begin
- writevt52 (#27+k);
- gotoxy (wherex+dx,wherey+dy)
- end
- end;
- procedure cup (n:integer);
- begin
- cmove ('A',n,0,-1)
- end;
- procedure cdn (n:integer);
- begin
- cmove ('B',n,0,1)
- end;
- procedure clf (n:integer);
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- cmove ('D',n,-1,0)
- end;
- procedure crg (n:integer);
- begin
- cmove ('C',n,1,0)
- end;
- procedure checkspaces;
- var q:^lstr;
- begin
- q:=addr(m.text[curline]);
- while q^[length(q^)]=' ' do q^[0]:=pred(q^[0])
- end;
- procedure checkcx;
- var n:integer;
- begin
- n:=length(m.text[curline])+1;
- if cx>n then cx:=n
- end;
- procedure computecy;
- begin
- cy:=curline-topline+1
- end;
- procedure updatecpos;
- begin
- computecy;
- moveto (cx,cy)
- end;
- procedure insertabove;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- if m.numlines=maxmessagesize then exit;
- for cnt:=m.numlines downto curline do m.text[cnt+1]:=m.text[cnt];
- m.text[curline]:='';
- m.numlines:=m.numlines+1
- end;
- procedure deletethis;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- if m.numlines=1 then begin
- m.text[1]:='';
- exit
- end;
- for cnt:=curline+1 to m.numlines do m.text[cnt-1]:=m.text[cnt];
- m.text[m.numlines]:='';
- m.numlines:=m.numlines-1;
- checkcx
- end;
- procedure fullrefresh;
- var cnt,n:integer;
- begin
- clearscr;
- if topline<1 then topline:=1;
- computecy;
- moveto (1,1);
- for cnt:=1 to lines do begin
- n:=cnt+topline-1;
- if n<=m.numlines then begin
- write (m.text[n]);
- if cnt<>lines then writeln
- end
- end;
- updatecpos
- end;
- procedure repos (dorefresh:boolean);
- var cl,tl:integer;
- begin
- checkspaces;
- cl:=curline;
- tl:=topline;
- if curline<1 then curline:=1;
- if curline>m.numlines then curline:=m.numlines;
- if topline>curline then topline:=curline;
- if topline+lines<curline then topline:=curline-lines;
- if topline<1 then topline:=1;
- checkcx;
- computecy;
- if (cl=curline) and (tl=topline) and (not dorefresh)
- then updatecpos
- else fullrefresh
- end;
- procedure partrefresh; { Refreshes from CY }
- var cnt,n:integer;
- begin
- if topline<1 then repos(true) else begin
- moveto (1,cy);
- for cnt:=cy to lines do begin
- n:=cnt+topline-1;
- if n<=m.numlines then write (m.text[n]);
- cleareol;
- if cnt<>lines then writeln
- end;
- updatecpos
- end
- end;
- procedure pageup;
- begin
- checkspaces;
- if curline=1 then exit;
- curline:=curline-lines+4;
- topline:=topline-lines+4;
- repos (true)
- end;
- procedure pagedn;
- begin
- checkspaces;
- if curline=m.numlines then exit;
- curline:=curline+lines-4;
- topline:=topline+lines-4;
- repos (true)
- end;
- procedure toggleins;
- begin
- insertmode:=not insertmode
- end;
- procedure scrolldown;
- begin
- topline:=curline-lines+2;
- repos (true)
- end;
- procedure scrollup;
- begin
- if topline<1 then begin
- topline:=topline+1;
- moveto (1,lines);
- computecy;
- writeln
- end else begin
- topline:=curline-1;
- repos (true)
- end
- end;
- procedure topofmsg;
- begin
- checkspaces;
- cx:=1;
- cy:=1;
- curline:=1;
- if topline=1
- then updatecpos
- else
- begin
- topline:=1;
- fullrefresh
- end
- end;
- procedure updatetoeol;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- savecsr;
- write (copy(m.text[curline],cx,255));
- cleareol;
- restorecsr
- end;
- procedure letterkey (k:char);
- var l:^lstr;
- w:lstr;
- n,ox:integer;
- q:char;
- inserted,refr:boolean;
- procedure scrollwwrap;
- begin
- if topline>0 then begin
- scrollup;
- exit
- end;
- cy:=cy-1;
- moveto (length(m.text[curline-1])+1,cy);
- cleareol;
- writeln;
- write (m.text[curline]);
- topline:=topline+1;
- cx:=curx
- end;
- begin
- l:=addr(m.text[curline]);
- if length(l^)>=rightmargin then begin
- if curline=maxmessagesize then exit;
- if cx<=length(l^) then exit;
- l^:=l^+k;
- w:='';
- cx:=length(l^);
- repeat
- q:=l^[cx];
- if q<>' ' then insert (q,w,1);
- cx:=cx-1
- until (q=' ') or (cx<1);
- if cx<1 then begin
- cx:=length(l^)-1;
- w:=k
- end;
- l^[0]:=chr(cx);
- checkspaces;
- curline:=curline+1;
- if curline>m.numlines then m.numlines:=curline;
- inserted:=m.text[curline]<>'';
- if inserted then insertabove;
- m.text[curline]:=w;
- cy:=cy+1;
- ox:=cx;
- cx:=length(w)+1;
- refr:=cy>lines;
- if refr
- then scrollwwrap
- else begin
- if length(w)>0 then begin
- moveto (ox+1,cy-1);
- for n:=1 to length(w) do write (' ')
- end;
- if inserted and (m.numlines>curline)
- then partrefresh
- else begin
- moveto (1,cy);
- write (m.text[curline]);
- end
- end;
- exit
- end;
- if insertmode
- then insert (k,l^,cx)
- else begin
- while length(l^)<cx do l^:=l^+' ';
- l^[cx]:=k
- end;
- write (k);
- cx:=cx+1;
- if insertmode and (cx<=length(l^)) then updatetoeol
- end;
- procedure back;
- begin
- if cx=1 then begin
- if curline=1 then exit;
- checkspaces;
- curline:=curline-1;
- cy:=cy-1;
- cx:=length(m.text[curline])+1;
- if cy<1 then scrolldown else updatecpos;
- end else begin
- cx:=cx-1;
- clf (1)
- end
- end;
- procedure fowrd;
- begin
- if cx>length(m.text[curline]) then begin
- if curline=maxmessagesize then exit;
- checkspaces;
- curline:=curline+1;
- if curline>m.numlines then m.numlines:=curline;
- cy:=cy+1;
- cx:=1;
- if cy>lines then scrollup else updatecpos
- end else begin
- cx:=cx+1;
- crg (1)
- end
- end;
- procedure del;
- begin
- if length(m.text[curline])=0 then begin
- deletethis;
- partrefresh;
- exit
- end;
- delete (m.text[curline],cx,1);
- if cx>length(m.text[curline])
- then write (' '^H)
- else updatetoeol
- end;
- procedure bkspace;
- begin
- if length(m.text[curline])=0 then begin
- if curline=1 then exit;
- deletethis;
- checkspaces;
- curline:=curline-1;
- cy:=cy-1;
- cx:=length(m.text[curline])+1;
- if cy<1
- then scrolldown
- else partrefresh;
- exit
- end;
- if cx=1 then exit;
- cx:=cx-1;
- write (^H);
- del
- end;
- procedure beginline;
- begin
- if cx=1 then exit;
- cx:=1;
- updatecpos
- end;
- procedure endline;
- var dx:integer;
- begin
- dx:=length(m.text[curline])+1;
- if cx=dx then exit;
- cx:=dx;
- updatecpos
- end;
- procedure upline;
- var chx:boolean;
- l:integer;
- begin
- checkspaces;
- if curline=1 then exit;
- curline:=curline-1;
- l:=length(m.text[curline]);
- chx:=cx>l;
- if chx then cx:=l+1;
- cy:=cy-1;
- if cy>0
- then if chx
- then updatecpos
- else cup (1)
- else scrolldown
- end;
- procedure downline;
- var chx:boolean;
- l:integer;
- begin
- checkspaces;
- if curline=maxmessagesize then exit;
- curline:=curline+1;
- if curline>m.numlines then m.numlines:=curline;
- l:=length(m.text[curline]);
- chx:=cx>l;
- if chx then cx:=l+1;
- cy:=cy+1;
- if cy<=lines
- then if chx
- then updatecpos
- else cdn (1)
- else scrollup
- end;
- procedure crlf;
- var k:char;
- begin
- if (length(m.text[curline])=2) and (m.text[curline][1]='/') then begin
- k:=upcase(m.text[curline][2]);
- case k of
- 'S':begin
- deletethis;
- msgdone:=true;
- ansireedit:=true;
- exit
- end
- end
- end;
- beginline;
- downline
- end;
- function conword:boolean;
- var l:^lstr;
- begin
- l:=addr(m.text[curline]);
- conword:=false;
- if (cx>length(l^)) or (cx=0) then exit;
- conword:=true;
- if cx=1 then exit;
- if (l^[cx-1]=' ') and (l^[cx]<>' ') then exit;
- conword:=false
- end;
- procedure wordleft;
- begin
- repeat
- cx:=cx-1;
- if cx<1 then begin
- if curline=1 then begin
- cx:=1;
- repos (false);
- exit
- end;
- checkspaces;
- curline:=curline-1;
- cy:=cy-1;
- cx:=length(m.text[curline])
- end;
- until conword;
- if cx=0 then cx:=1;
- if cy<1
- then repos (true)
- else updatecpos
- end;
- procedure wordright;
- begin
- repeat
- cx:=cx+1;
- if cx>length(m.text[curline]) then begin
- if curline=m.numlines then begin
- repos (false);
- exit
- end;
- checkspaces;
- curline:=curline+1;
- cy:=cy+1;
- cx:=1
- end;
- until conword;
- if cy>lines
- then repos (true)
- else updatecpos
- end;
- procedure worddel;
- var l:^lstr;
- b:byte;
- s,n:integer;
- begin
- l:=addr(m.text[curline]);
- b:=length(l^);
- if cx>b then exit;
- s:=cx;
- repeat
- cx:=cx+1
- until conword or (cx>b);
- n:=cx-s;
- delete (l^,s,n);
- cx:=s;
- updatetoeol
- end;
- procedure deleteline;
- begin
- deletethis;
- partrefresh
- end;
- procedure insertline;
- begin
- if m.numlines>=maxmessagesize then exit;
- insertabove;
- checkcx;
- partrefresh
- end;
- procedure help;
- var k:char;
- begin
- clearscr;
- printfile (textfiledir+'Edithelp.ANS');
- write (^B^M'Press any key...');
- k:=waitforchar;
- fullrefresh
- end;
- procedure breakline;
- begin
- if (m.numlines>=maxmessagesize) or (cy=lines) or
- (cx=1) or (cx>length(m.text[curline])) then exit;
- insertabove;
- m.text[curline]:=copy(m.text[curline+1],1,cx-1);
- delete (m.text[curline+1],1,cx-1);
- partrefresh
- end;
- procedure joinlines;
- var n:integer;
- begin
- if curline=m.numlines then exit;
- if length(m.text[curline])+length(m.text[curline+1])>rightmargin then exit;
- m.text[curline]:=m.text[curline]+m.text[curline+1];
- n:=cx;
- curline:=curline+1;
- deletethis;
- curline:=curline-1;
- cx:=n;
- partrefresh
- end;
- procedure userescape;
- var k:char;
- begin
- repeat
- k:=waitforchar;
- case k of
- 'A':upline;
- 'B':downline;
- 'C':fowrd;
- 'D':back
- end
- until (k<>'[') or hungupon
- end;
- procedure deleteeol;
- begin
- cleareol;
- m.text[curline][0]:=chr(cx-1)
- end;
- procedure tab;
- var nx,n,cnt:integer;
- begin
- nx:=((cx+8) and 248)+1;
- n:=nx-cx;
- if (n+length(m.text[curline])>=cols) or (nx>=cols) then exit;
- for cnt:=1 to n do insert (' ',m.text[curline],cx);
- updatetoeol;
- cx:=cx+n;
- updatecpos
- end;
- procedure commands;
- function youaresure:boolean;
- var q:string[1];
- begin
- youaresure:=false;
- moveto (1,0);
- write ('Are you sure? ');
- buflen:=1;
- getstr;
- cup (1);
- write (' ');
- youaresure:=yes;
- clearbreak;
- nobreak:=true
- end;
- procedure savemes;
- begin
- msgdone:=true;
- ansireedit:=true
- end;
- procedure abortmes;
- begin
- if youaresure then begin
- m.numlines:=0;
- msgdone:=true
- end
- end;
- procedure formattext;
- var ol,il,c:integer;
- oln,wd,iln:lstr;
- k:char;
- procedure putword;
- var cnt:integer;
- b:boolean;
- begin
- b:=true;
- for cnt:=1 to length(wd) do if wd[cnt]<>' ' then b:=false;
- if b then exit;
- while wd[length(wd)]=' ' do wd[0]:=pred(wd[0]);
- if length(wd)=0 then exit;
- if length(wd)+length(oln)>rightmargin then begin
- m.text[ol]:=oln;
- ol:=ol+1;
- while (wd[1]=' ') and (length(wd)>0) do delete (wd,1,1);
- oln:=wd
- end else oln:=oln+wd;
- if wd[length(wd)] in ['.','?','!']
- then wd:=' '
- else wd:=' '
- end;
- begin
- il:=curline;
- ol:=il;
- c:=1;
- oln:='';
- wd:='';
- iln:=m.text[il];
- repeat
- if length(iln)=0 then begin
- putword;
- m.text[ol]:=oln;
- partrefresh;
- checkcx;
- updatecpos;
- exit
- end;
- if c>length(iln) then begin
- il:=il+1;
- if il>m.numlines
- then iln:=''
- else begin
- iln:=m.text[il];
- m.text[il]:=''
- end;
- c:=0;
- k:=' '
- end else k:=iln[c];
- c:=c+1;
- if k=' '
- then putword
- else wd:=wd+k
- until 0=1
- end;
- var cmd:string[1];
- k:char;
- begin
- clearbreak;
- nobreak:=true;
- moveto (1,0);
- write ('Cmd: ');
- buflen:=1;
- getstr;
- clearbreak;
- nobreak:=true;
- cup (1);
- write (' ');
- if length(input)=0 then begin
- updatecpos;
- exit
- end;
- k:=upcase(input[1]);
- case k of
- 'S':savemes;
- 'A':abortmes;
- 'F':formattext;
- '?':help
- end;
- updatecpos
- end;
- procedure processkey;
- var k:char;
- begin
- clearbreak;
- nobreak:=true;
- k:=waitforchar;
- case k of
- ' '..'~':letterkey (k);
- ^S:back;
- ^D:fowrd;
- ^H:bkspace;
- ^M:crlf;
- ^V:toggleins;
- ^E:upline;
- ^X:downline;
- ^U:help;
- ^K:commands;
- ^R:pageup;
- ^C:pagedn;
- ^G:del;
- ^A:wordleft;
- ^F:wordright;
- ^T:worddel;
- ^Q:beginline;
- ^W:endline;
- ^L:fullrefresh;
- ^Y:deleteline;
- ^N:insertline;
- ^I:tab;
- ^B:breakline;
- ^P:deleteeol;
- ^J:joinlines;
- #27:userescape
- end
- end;
- var cnt:integer;
- mp:boolean;
- begin
- clearbreak;
- nobreak:=true;
- ansireedit:=false;
- for cnt:=m.numlines+1 to maxmessagesize do m.text[cnt]:='';
- scrnsize:=urec.displaylen;
- winds[0].y2:=scrnsize;
- unsplit;
- wholescreen;
- gotoxy (1,25);
- clreol;
- if eightycols in urec.config
- then cols:=80
- else cols:=40;
- ansimode:=ansigraphics in urec.config;
- mp:=moreprompts in urec.config;
- if mp then urec.config:=urec.config-[moreprompts];
- lines:=15;
- topscrn:=scrnsize-lines+1;
- insertmode:=false;
- rightmargin:=cols-1;
- msgdone:=false;
- cx:=1;
- curline:=1;
- topline:=2-lines;
- computecy;
- updatecpos;
- if m.numlines>0
- then fullrefresh
- else
- begin
- writeln (^M'Press ^U for help.'^M);
- m.numlines:=1
- end;
- repeat
- processkey
- until msgdone or hungupon;
- moveto (1,lines);
- cleareol;
- writeln (^M^M^M^M);
- if mp then urec.config:=urec.config+[moreprompts];
- winds[0].y2:=25;
- bottom;
- bottomline
- end;
- {$ifdef testansieditor}
- {*}
- {*}procedure termmode;
- {*}var k:char;
- {*}begin
- {*} setparam (1,1200,false);
- {*} writeln ('Press ^D when connected.');
- {*} repeat
- {*} if keypressed then begin
- {*} read (kbd,k);
- {*} if k=#4 then exit;
- {*} if k=#3 then halt;
- {*} sendchar (k)
- {*} end;
- {*} while numchars>0 do write (getchar)
- {*} until 0=1
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}var m:message;
- {*} cnt:integer;
- {*}begin
- {*} checkbreak:=false;
- {*} urec.displaylen:=22;
- {*} urec.config:=[eightycols]; { ,ansigraphics]; }
- {*} if not driverpresent then begin
- {*} writeln ('You fool.');
- {*} halt
- {*} end;
- {*} termmode;
- {*} coninptr:=ofs(readchar);
- {*} conoutptr:=ofs(writechar);
- {*} m.numlines:=0;
- {*} for cnt:=1 to 100 do m.text[cnt]:='Hello line '+chr(cnt+64);
- {*} writeln (ansireedit(m,false))
- {*}
- {$endif}
- end.