home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ===================
- --------
- U - Upload A File. Send a file from you to this system
- D - Download A File. Have this system send you a file. If given filename or
- number is not located in the current directory, the system will search
- all directories for the file's existance.
- B - Batch Menu. Enter the batch D/L menu where a batch transfer may be
- initiated or edited.
- Z - Upload A File To Sysop. Send a file from you to the sysop (private).
- -------
- V - View An Archive. View an archive file (ie, ZIP,ARC,LZH,PAK).
- T - Test An Archive. Tests the integrity (CRC's) of an archive for errors.
- E - Extract A File Or Files. Extract file(s) from an archive file to your
- temporary directory.
- A - Archive Commands. Use your temporay directory and add files to your
- temporary archive, text download, etc.
- ---------
- * - List All Directories. List all available directories to you.
- # - Go to directory #. Changes the current area to the number of the area
- entered.
- L - List Files In Directory. List all the files in the current directory.
- S - Scan All Directories. Scans all the directories for the filespec
- specified. A <CR> is equivalent to a *.*.
- F - Find Description. Search directire(s) for matching strings.
- N - New Scan Files. Scan the current directory or all directories for new
- files since your the limiting date.
- P - Set New-Scan Pointer. Re-set the new-scan "last-call" date for
- new-scanning files with this command.
- + - Add Current Directory To New-Scan. Adds the current directory into
- the directories to be scanned when a New-San global is issued.
- - - Remove Current Directory From New-Scan. Removes the current directory
- from the directories to be scanned when a New-Scan global is issued.
- ],> - Go Up One Dir. If you are in dir #1, hit one of these to go to
- dir #2, and again for #3, etc.
- [,< - Go Down One Dir. If you are in dir #3, hit one of these to go to
- dir #2, and again for #1, etc.
- --------------
- Q - Quit To MAIN MENU. Drops you back in the main menu system
- M - Message & Mail System. This brings you to the message-base sub-boards
- where public posts and replys are posted. Conversations and such are
- conducted in this area.
- G - General Text Files. These are general-interest files that you may view.
- These are text files for on-line viewing or download.
- ? - This Menu Screen. Show the menu screen for the Transfer Subs.
- C - Chat with Sysop. This command turns on a pager, which may attract or
- distract the attention of the Sysop.
- X - Xpert/Novice Mode Toggle. This will toggle the display of the menu
- after each command is entered.
- O - Outta Here. This loggs you off the system.
- --------
- /U - User List. Shows users with access to the current transfer directory.
- /O - Log off immediately. This will hang you up instantly.
- /C - Clear The Screen. Have the system send a screenclear code.