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- Circuit's Edge
- Part 2
- Ok, so now you're on the trail of the jewel thief. First stop is, of course,
- the tattoo parlor, where you ask about serpents. Manny's your man, so to
- speak. Where would you find sharks in the Budayeen (since it doesn't have an
- aquarium)?
- Well, he obviously didn't mean the finny kind, so how about loan sharks? Pay
- a visit to Guido and ask about Manny. In return, you receive a fancy
- matchbook. A quick scan of the directory tells you that the only likely place
- it came from is the Silver Palm. Inquiries there send you to Eyes of Texas,
- then on to the Gambling Den, and finally to Fanya at the Red Light Lounge. If
- you want to save some time, you can go direct from AAA to the Lounge, skipping
- the places inbetween.
- From Fanya, you learn that Manny lives at Ad-Dur apartments. You arrive to find
- the door locked. This is a good sign. It means that probably there is no corpse
- on the other side. Still, you need to get the door open. Chip in the Phantom,
- and in no time at all your nimble fingers have the job done.
- Manny isn't home, and he sure doesn't live on a grandiose scale, considering
- how little is in the place. However, your eagle eyes spot a note on the floor.
- Reading it tells you that Manny probably went to the warehouse (you can drop
- the note after you read it). Might be a good idea to check that out; make sure
- you have a knife (switchblade or stiletto) before you go.
- Carefully tiptoeing in and looking around, you spot a crate tied with rope and
- possibly leaking blood. Possibly becomes definitely after you cut the ropes
- and look inside. So much for Manny. Do you get the idea that whoever is killing
- these people really enjoys the work?
- Anyway, a second look at the atrocious remains nets you...a half ring! How
- about that. Inside you find QUE 1 AM SHI. If you had both rings, you could put
- them together and read the full engraving. However, this one alone should tell
- you where to go next; only the Shimaal Mosque ends with QUE.
- So go there around 1. If you arrive early, just wait; the Mosque is one of the
- safest places around. At the appointed time, a street dealer shows up and tells
- you the remote log-in code for the police computer. This will be important
- later.
- From the Mosque return to the Budayeen and AAA Secured Loans. Show the half
- ring to Guido, who shows no grief over Manny's death but a bit of anger at
- losing out on the loan. Speaking of loans, it seems Abu the Rug Dealer owes
- Guido a considerable sum of money, and you're elected to collect it.
- Fortunately, this turns out to be a simple chore. The mere mention of Guido's
- name sends Abu scurrying for the cash. Go back to AAA and hand over Guido's
- money. He gives you your hundred, plus some interesting info about Abu and
- two unpleasant characters.
- Naturally you can't wait to zip over to the police station and see what the
- computer has on them. Unfortunately, just as the really important stuff is
- about to come up, you're recognized and kicked out. Ho hum.
- Good thing you noticed the remote log-in number before you got the bum's rush.
- Now all you need is a computer terminal and you're in business. So make a trip
- to Electroniques, and while there, purchase the data-link terminal, the wire,
- and the radio directional finder.
- All right. With the terminal and the uplink cables in hand, chip in Rad Hacker
- (and try not to choke when you see what *that* does to your stats!), use the
- terminal, and log-in to the police computer. This time, you will obtain your
- information undisturbed. You can drop the terminal, cables and Hacker chip when
- you're done, as you won't be needing these items again.
- At the Medinah, you find..yes, another body. However, this one is almost
- pleasant to look at; he's only been shot, not mutilated. As you enjoy this
- sight a second time, you find a bullet...and the sapphire! The bullet isn't
- especially important, although you can take it if you want. Just make sure you
- snarf the gem and return it to the jeweler for your reward.
- So now you can listen to the answering chip...big disappointment, eh? You
- really haven't learned much more now. Oh well, it's about time for a nap,
- anyway; maybe in the morning things will seem brighter and you'll get a new
- lead.
- Actually, you shouldn't plan on sleeping too long, however many hours you set
- it for: during your rest you receive a frantic call from Mahmoud. Tired as you
- are, trot over to Hassan's and ask Mahmoud about Abdul, who is suspiciously
- absent. Tch! Seems the poor boy has been kidnapped, and the ransom (or rescue)
- is due by midnight.
- Well, you still need some sleep (and you have this walkthru!), so take the note
- and go home to complete your rest. Refreshed and fed, you examine the note and
- smell a faint perfume. Of course this brings to mind Heavenly Fragrances, where
- (after showing the note to the shopkeeper), you learn about Tiger Orchids. This
- naturally suggests the Scarlet Orchid flower shop.
- At the flower shop, you learn that the proprietor is waiting for a shipment of
- those very orchids. Too bad it's tied up by Customs at the docks. Of course,
- you won't let a little thing like that stop you, and in hardly any time at all,
- Bill's cab deposits you at the Ad-Dur Docks.
- After looking around and finding the right building, chip in The Phantom. Now
- use the Alpine Jack and Phantom skills back to back. A quick survey in the
- dimly-lit warehouse nets you two packages: one of orchids and the other
- apparently full of Cuban tobacco. Then again, tobacco hardly looks like
- malleable plastic, so this must be something else. We'll worry about that a
- little later.
- With the orchids in your hot little hand, trek back to Heavenly Fragrances and
- hand over the flowers. While you wait for the shopkeeper's call, visit the
- Tobacco Shop and show the proprietor your "Cuban tobacco". He immediately
- recognizes it as plastic explosives (suspicious in itself, I think!) and tells
- you to take it away. But, you have gotten it identified, and that's the
- important thing here.
- Also while you wait, check out the rug shop; if it's closed, break in. You
- discover some nasty facts about Abu Salah (well well well, could he be the one
- behind all those cut up corpses?) and a black key. That key is important, so
- make sure you take it.
- Eventually you get the call, which tells you the customer wouldn't leave a
- name or address, just a commcode. It turns out to be (when you call it)
- Muhammad's Glass, just a few steps away from your apartment. A chat with
- Muhammad about the "odd woman", and 150 kiam tells you where to go next. Who
- would imagine Madame Mimi being mixed up in this sordid business? (Well,
- Effinger, for one).
- Ask Mimi about the cologne, and she gives you a Tarot reading of sorts. Very
- close to death, eh? That sounds ambiguous, when you think about the number of
- bodies you've found so far, not to mention the muggers. However, she's really
- given you an important clue here: the best way to get "close to death" is to
- visit the graveyard.
- Be prepared for a fight here. You won't kill him, but you will drive him off
- (if you're badly hurt, visit the clinic after you leave and get some healing).
- Be certain you note the RDF number.
- Now make sure you have the explosives, detonator, wire, and timer. Turn on your
- RDF and follow the arrow to the appropriate warehouse door. Chip in Super Spy
- and use the explosives to blow off the door. Remove Spy and re-chip Kung Fu
- Master, then enter the warehouse.
- This time, it's a fight to the death with Herrera (which is why you had to heal
- up before coming here). Once he's out of the way, you can free Abdul, who after
- thanking you quickly makes tracks for Hassan's. This is all very well, but has
- it gotten you any closer to Papa's notebook? As a matter of fact, yes.
- Circuit's Edge is copyrighted 1990 by Infocom.
- This walkthru is copyrighted 1990 by Scorpia, all rights reserved.
- Download complete. Turn off Capture File.