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- Circuit's Edge
- Part 1
- There's nothing like living in a crime-ridden slum to keep you on your toes; if
- you're not careful, you could end up on your back in the morgue, like several
- of the characters in this game. Fortunately, Marid Audran is pretty savvy.
- That, plus your brains (and this walkthru) should get you safely through the
- game.
- Circuit's Edge is an adventure with three phases. In the first, there is
- little time pressure; you can move around and explore and make investigations
- without worrying too much about the time.
- In the second phase, the kidnapping of Abdul-Hassan, you have to move very
- quickly to save the boy before the deadline (and it is very much a DEADline).
- The third phase is much like the first; there is no specific time by which
- you have to do things (except at the very end in the warehouse, but you will
- be well-prepared for that anyway).
- One thing you will quickly learn in this game is that you need plenty of kiam.
- Some of it is used to purchase needed items such as chips and equipment; some
- must be handed out as baksheesh (bribes) to obtain information. You will also
- need to eat periodically, and on occasion you may require the services of the
- medical clinic.
- Money can be obtained in several ways. After your initial meeting with Papa,
- you can try calling him on your belt phone. He won't be there, but a little
- while later his men will visit you with several hundred in cash. You can only
- do this once in the game.
- From time to time, you get jumped by muggers; killing them will provide you
- with whatever money they had, plus various weapons and chips. These you can
- take or leave as you like; however, you should pick up a knife when the
- opportunity arises, as you will need one later in the game.
- There are some merchants in the Budayeen who will hire you to do errands for
- them; aside from moving along the plot of the game, these will also net you
- some extra money.
- Finally, you can visit the Gambling Den in your spare time and try to increase
- your kiam at the baccarat or roulette tables. Baccarat is better; not only
- does it take less time, but you can make larger bets than you can in roulette.
- Gambling is best done in the first phase, when you have plenty of time at your
- disposal to build up your cash reserve.
- My basic method for gambling was to save the game, go to the Den, and play to
- win at the house maximum bet of 125 kiam. After winning 3 or 4 hands above my
- starting stake, I nipped back to the Five Pillars, saved the game, and went
- back for more. With a little patience (and occasional restore if the run of
- cards was bad), a couple of hundred kiam was parlayed into well over 1500.
- That plus Papa's largess came to quite a tidy sum.
- Once I built up the cash, a visit to Laila's was in order. My favorites to
- have chipped in were Kung Fu Master and Alpine Jack. Not only did they do
- terrific things for my stats, the Kung Fu Master made me really deadly in
- combat, with no need to worry about weapons. There are other chips you need
- to buy from Laila; you'll learn about those as you read the walkthru.
- So, chip in your bio-scanner, check out your inventory, and hit the streets
- to see the layout of the Budayeen. You may find it helpful to note some of
- the establishments of "the street" on the map that comes with the game.
- In a short while, your old buddy Saied will call and ask you to pick up a
- package for him. Supposedly, Fuad is at the Cafe de la Fee Blanche, but in
- fact he has moved on to Chiri's, so that is the place to be. Get the package,
- call Saied to find where he's hanging out, and go there. After he obtains the
- package, he will give you a time chip. Very handy item; chip that in now.
- Now you can hang out until you get a call from Papa directing you to the
- Bougainvillea Apartments. Unfortunately, the person you were supposed to see
- is dead, and dead in a very unpleasant way. Whoever killed Kenji Carter would
- have made Jack The Ripper proud. Get used to these gruesome descriptions; there
- are more to come.
- Dragging your eyes away from the remains of Carter, you notice a couple of
- interesting objects. As soon as you try to get either, the cops will show up
- and arrest you...but not for long: you have a friend in high (or is that low?)
- places. Hajjar releases you and sends you to see Papa. It's a good idea to go
- right away; Papa doesn't like to be kept waiting.
- After your chat with Papa, head for the police station. Ask Hajjar about
- Kenji and the Morgue (so you can get the pass). There's nothing you can do
- about the computer now, so return to the Budayeen, show the pass to the
- attendant, and pick up the wallet and holodisk.
- Inside the wallet is a pawn ticket for an item at Mustafa's Pawn Shop. Too
- bad Mustafa went out of business. But if you ask around on the street, at
- AAA Secured Loans, for instance, you can find out that Friendly's bought out
- all of Mustafa's stock. The disk can be viewed at Adult Video Holos.
- In any case, a visit to Friendly's with the tag and 20 kiam gets you a half
- ring. This isn't much use yet; you need the other half to read the complete
- inscription. Or, if you're feeling cheap, you don't have to redeem the half
- ring, since you have this walkthru (grin).
- Stop by Chiri's and ask her about MCDIX; she'll mention a certain Mack Dixon
- who's bopping around the Budayeen. Actually, this is something of a red
- herring (although you must follow it through), as MCDIX is really Roman
- numerals representing the number 1409. Unfortunately, there won't be much you
- can do with this information in the game.
- While you're there, check out the stock of any street dealers who show up. One
- of them has a detective badge for sale, pretty cheap, too. If he's not at
- Chiri's, try the other clubs. You need that badge.
- Somewhere along the way, a hooker will come up and ask for your commcode. She
- isn't on the make, so give her your number. Hang out for awhile; eventually
- you'll get the call, telling you to go to the Salah Ad-din Apartments.
- Guess what? By the time you get there, she's horribly dead. For a guy who does
- such a thorough job, this killer works darned fast. Look her over again (try
- not to lose your supper) and you will see a small tattoo with the letters KC.
- Obviously, she knew Kenji Carter, and perhaps she knew too much. Whichever,
- she isn't going to be telling you anything. Time for some detective work.
- This is pretty simple: a quick visit to the Tattoo Parlor will turn up the
- information you need. Around about now, you're probably feeling tired. No one
- is running away, so go back to your apartment for a well-earned rest.
- After your sleep is a good time to take an hour or two to make some money at
- the gaming table. Fortunately, the Gambling Den is open twenty four hours a
- day (call Papa for some extra kiam if you haven't already). So try your luck
- and build up that cash.
- It's probably still too early for most places to be open, but the police
- station never closes its doors, and now that you have the badge, you can get
- on the computer and search for info. Not that you learn all that much right
- now, but at least it's something.
- You may wonder about the Red Dunes, since it's not listed in the directory.
- Possibly the name of the building changed. Dunes...kinda reminds you of a
- desert, huh? Do we have anything like that in the dir? How about the Sahara?
- See how easy it is?
- Ok, maybe not that easy, since Tamara moved out and didn't leave a forwarding
- address. Looks like her trail has come to a dead end, at least for the time
- being. But take heart (not literally!); perhaps later on another clue will
- turn up.
- Around about now is a good time to visit Laila (she opens at 4:30 PM) and
- stock up on chips. Aside from Kung Fu Master and Alpine Jack (which you will
- need later), also buy Rad Hacker, The Phantom, English 101, Super Spy, and
- Outlaw. The other chips she has aren't needed in the game, although if you have
- the kiam to spare, you can buy those, too, and see what they do for you. Just
- remember that your chip rack only holds 10 chips at a time, so some may have to
- be dropped off in your apartment.
- Let's concentrate on Mack Dixon and get him out of the way. You can spend time
- running around the Budayeen asking about him, but it's much simpler to go to
- Eyes of Texas and inquire there (did you ask about Mack on the cop computer?
- Did you notice he comes from Texas?). For 50 kiam, the shopkeeper will give
- you Mack's commcode. Chip in English and make the call.
- Well well, he's home and willing to see you. Better move fast, Marid. Oops!
- Not fast enough; poor Mack has really been carved up, hasn't he? And nothing
- really special to be found here, either....looks like yet another dead end.
- Now what? How about a visit to Friendly's? With all the cash you have, you can
- now afford the answering machine. While there, also buy the timer and the
- Uplink cables. The other stuff he has isn't important.
- So you listen to the answering chip, only to discover it's mostly in a language
- you don't know. The trick is to figure out which one. That's not hard. For one
- thing, the holo should clue you in; go look at it if you haven't already.
- Ok, where would you get the chip? Try asking Laila, who knows more about such
- things than anyone. It's not your day, Marid; seems she's already sold that
- one to the jeweler. Since there's only one in the Budayeen, tho, you can hop
- right there and ask him about it.
- He's not too willing to part with it; on the other hand, he really wants his
- sapphire back. So you're going to have to track down the thief if you want the
- chip (and the kiam).
- Circuit's Edge is copyrighted 1990 by Infocom.
- This walkthru is copyrighted 1990 by Scorpia, all rights reserved.
- Download complete. Turn off Capture File.