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- ------------------------
- --[ CATDISK V4.50 ]------------------------------------------------------------
- When encountering GIF files (Graphics Interchange Format), CATDISK can now
- optionally insert the resolution and color information contained in the default
- comment for that file.
- When generating duplicate or unique file reports, the file size can be
- optionally added as a criteria in determining whether or not to include a file.
- Please see the note in the user manual for a potential problem with including
- it in the comparison criteria.
- When generating a report to disk, the default filename for the report will
- direct the report to the catalog file directory as set in the configuration
- program (this can be overridden if so desired).
- On the comment entry screen, you can now toggle between viewing the file path
- information and the size/date information (see the manual for details).
- Bug fix re: Comment import missing the last entry in the import file.
- --[ CATDISK V4.45 ]------------------------------------------------------------
- By specifying /F? on the command line, you may now have CATDISK bring up the
- point and shoot list of catalogs available right at program startup.
- --[ CATDISK V4.44 ]------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixed a bug in the catalog file selection screen where the wrong file would be
- loaded if it wasn't in the first column.
- --[ CATDISK V4.43 ]------------------------------------------------------------
- CATDISK can now relabel disks that have volume labels containing characters
- that would be illegal under DOS.
- Fixed a bug that caused garbage to be inserted into the file comment for any
- entry extracted from a LBR file.
- The bottom status line indicators now correspond to the settings as set in the
- CDISKCFG utility.
- CATDISK now prompts you to save any changed settings in the comment import
- settings screen when hitting <F10> to proceed with the operation.
- Fixed a bug in navigating a large volume label point and shoot list when
- hitting the <End> key.
- --[ CATDISK V4.42 ]------------------------------------------------------------
- Added a toggle to control the main zip file comment being copied over to any
- non-commented ZIP file entries.
- Added a command line switch turn the above feature off at program startup.
- Fixed a bug in the unique files report resulting in duplicate files occurring
- an odd number of times greater then 1 (i.e. 3,5,7, etc) creeping into the
- report.
- --[ CATDISK V4.41 ]------------------------------------------------------------
- CATDISK and CATLOOK now support wildcard searches on VOLUME ID and ARCHIVE ID
- reports.
- Expanded the filename pattern matching feature beyond DOS's current
- limitations.
- When cataloging contents of ZIP files, CATDISK, on finding any file comments
- that are blank, will now substitute the main ZIP file comment, if any.
- Increased the length of the printer starting and finishing strings to 20 chars
- each (formerly 10). This should help out those with HP Laserjets and the like.
- Added a toggle for controlling the "ALIAS" feature.
- Revamped header info at top of screen to show more information.
- CATDISK will normally search for a main comment in each ZIP file that it
- encounters. This can be supressed by adding /NOZIPCOM on the command line.
- When this option is specified, CATDISK will only extract the comments from any
- ZIP files in which it extracts directory information.
- Added a toggle to turn the above feature on/off from within CATDISK.
- Fixed a bug whereby the prompt for a disk file when generating a report to disk
- would only allow numbers in the input area.
- --[ CATDISK V4.40 ]------------------------------------------------------------
- Added the capability to extract comments "on the fly" from ZIP, ZOO and DWC
- files during the cataloging process.
- CATDISK can now import comments from a text file (such as a bbs file listing).
- The scroll bar has been implemented in the comments editing screen.
- When changing catalog files via the menus, CATDISK will now prompt you before
- creating a new catalog set.
- The screen colors of the keystrokes at the bottom of the screen now adhere to
- the selection made in the configuration program.
- Fixed a bug in the cursor movements in the "Volumes From List" selection
- screen.
- --[ CATDISK V4.00 to CATDISK V4.33 ]-------------------------------------------
- V4.33: Added point and shoot volume label selection in un-cataloging, reporting
- by volume, or adding comments by volume.
- V4.33: Replaced copyright notice in report headers with current catalog file.
- V4.33: CDISKCFG automatically finds the version number in getting prev. config.
- V4.32: Bug fix re: CATLOOK system lockup.
- V4.31: Bug fix re: strange characters in CATLOOK reports.
- V4.30: Cataloging disks under an alias (other than the volume label) supported.
- V4.30: Added a compact stand-alone, command-line driven reporting utility,
- CATLOOK. Requires < 64K free memory to run. See appendices for
- details.
- V4.30: Added ZOO file support (ZOO - Rahul Dhesi - older versions only).
- V4.30: Added two new full reports - Unique Files Only and Duplicate Files Only.
- V4.30: Added point and shoot support for catalog file selection.
- V4.30: Command line parameters are now appended to those in the environment.
- V4.30: Options in Settings & Toggles can now be accessed from the main menu as
- well - see the user manual for details.
- V4.30: Replaced /ASK parameter with a more flexible /Rx parameter for setting
- initial report location.
- V4.30: Eliminated some verbosity from the user manual.
- V4.21: Blank disks are now allowed to be included in the catalog files.
- V4.21: Annoyance removed: you can now remove the cataloged disk when the
- sorting phase begins.
- V4.21: Bug fix re: LZH and LZS files containing subdirectory info.
- V4.21: CATDISK now handles volume label errors better when the drive is empty.
- V4.21: CATDISK now appends the implied ".*" suffix onto search specs without a
- file extension.
- V4.21: Printer start and finishing strings no longer inserted in disk-based
- reports.
- V4.20: Added DWC file support (DWC - Dean W. Cooper).
- V4.20: Sorted full reports may now be viewed on the screen.
- V4.20: Added new sorting option to the full report - by Subdirectory.
- V4.20: CATDISK is more thorough when cleaning out illegal characters in volume
- labels.
- V4.20: CLEANCAT is more thorough when cleaning out illegal characters in volume
- labels.
- V4.20: Screen reports will return to the search criteria when complete.
- V4.20: Bug fix re: scroll bar positioning when paging through larger screen
- reports.
- V4.13: Added new sorting option to full report - by File Date/Time.
- V4.13: Bug fix re: certain sorting options not being accessible from the menus.
- V4.12: Added new sorting options to the full report - File Extension and
- Comment.
- V4.11: Added code to CATDISK to convert illegal chars in the volume label to
- spaces (particularly nulls).
- V4.11: New utility, CLEANCAT.EXE, which will correct previously cataloged disks
- with annoying volume labels.
- V4.10: Added LZH file support (LHARC - Haruyasu Yohizaki).
- V4.10: Added LZS file support (LARC - K. Miki).
- V4.10: Added ZOO file support (ZOO - Rahul Dhesi).
- V4.10: Raised limit of files/archive to 512 from 256.
- V4.10: Config program can now read in config info from previous releases
- (V3.61 or later). See README.1ST for details.
- V4.02: Added more smarts in regards to ZIP file errors (faster detection).
- V4.01: Bug fix re: bad ZIP file error in ZIPs containing extra characters at
- the end of the file.
- V4.01: Bug fix re: system lockup on ZIP file comments greater than 30 chars.
- V4.00: Added support for PKWare's ZIP files produced by PKZIP.
- V4.00: Optimized archive file extraction (much faster).
- V4.00: Added conversion of confusing ASCII 255's to spaces in volume labels.
- V4.00: Bug fix re: disk cache not leaving enough memory to read files.
- --[ CATDISK V3.00 to CATDISK V3.81 ]-------------------------------------------
- V3.81: Big fix re: <Ctrl>-<Break> causing CATDISK to exit to DOS.
- V3.80: Added PAK (NoGate Consulting) file support.
- V3.80: Increased number of files that could be read from a disk to 5000 from
- 640.
- V3.80: Increased number of archive files per directory to 256 from 64.
- V3.80: Enhanced screen report navigation.
- V3.80: Added ability to specify a filename for report to disk.
- V3.80: Added "ASK ME" report location.
- V3.80: Added "/ASK" command line option to activate above.
- V3.80: Added filespec for directory scan when viewing only.
- V3.80: Added "/IP" (Initial Pause) command line option.
- V3.80: Bug fix re: files getting un-cataloged and re-cataloged (lost comments).
- V3.80: Bug fix re: truncated catalogs when disk full.
- V3.80: User manual re-worked. Added comprehensive configuration guide.
- V3.71: Bug fix re: corrupted summary files and program lockup.
- V3.70: Complete re-write to run under new version of compiler.
- V3.70: Older .COM and .000 files now replaced by one .EXE file.
- V3.70: Catalog update and search routines now written in assembler for maximum
- speed.
- V3.70: Dos errors when reading disk directories are now handled better.
- V3.70: Report destination added to settings and toggles menu.
- V3.70: LPT2 device now supported.
- V3.70: Added ability to customize the disk-cache size.
- V3.63: Bug fix re: config program re-drawing screen multiple times.
- V3.62: Bug fix re: changing volume label of a disk already in the catalog.
- V3.61: Added ability to customize screen colors.
- V3.61: Bug fix re: volume labels under DOS 2.xx
- V3.61: Bug fix re: "labelling" write protected disks for cataloging purposes.
- V3.61: Added verification of startup options vs system hardware at program
- startup.
- V3.60: Added support for 32 subdirectory levels and 128 total subdirectories.
- V3.60: Added a report based on file comments.
- V3.60: Shell To DOS is now an invisible option (F3) (i.e. not on the menus).
- V3.58: Bug fix re: small cosmetic error on completion of comment editing.
- V3.57: Bug fix re: wrong files occasionally being shown for auto-commenting.
- V3.56: /NW (no warning) command line option added.
- V3.56: "Ditto" and "repeat last comment" added to comment editing routines.
- V3.56: Added status indicator when editing a comment.
- V3.55: QUERY toggle for selectively expanding archives added.
- V3.55: Printer type specification removed.
- V3.55: All printed reports now print correctly on 80 column printers. 132
- columns still needed to print FILES+STATS+COMMENTS report.
- V3.55: Drive choices now restricted to actual installed drives.
- V3.54: Bug fix re: summary report aborting when disks with 0 bytes in files
- were encountered.
- V3.53: Bug fix re: cataloging filenames with all ASCII 255's.
- V3.52: Added ability to "read" command line options from the DOS environment.
- V3.51: Comment editing enhancements.
- V3.50: You can now add a 30 character comment to each file in the catalog.
- V3.50: Support for 2 levels of subdirs added.
- V3.50: Optional volume label write added to facilitate cataloging of write-
- protected diskettes.
- V3.50: Pauses at end of catalog update toggle added.
- V3.50: Auto-comment feature during cataloging added.
- V3.50: Report type toggle added.
- V3.50: Settings and toggles sub-menu created.
- V3.50: Added printer report format command line parameter.
- V3.45:
- to Alpha and Beta versions leading up to V3.50 release
- V3.29:
- V3.28: Bug fix re: number of files in summary report being shifted to the wrong
- entry when a disk is uncataloged.
- V3.27: Bug fix re: I/O error 99 when re-cataloging a disk with files removed
- from it.
- V3.27: Added point and shoot selection to the menus.
- V3.27: Report location is now a menu.
- V3.26: Doc file indented for easy placement in binders.
- V3.26: Bug fix re: config program and printer setup strings display.
- V3.25: Config program allows setting max number of files per catalog - no 16K
- and 32K versions any more.
- V3.25: Read-only ARC/LBR files now handled properly.
- V3.25: Bug fix re: run-time error F0 on startup.
- V3.25: Disk full condition now handled gracefully.
- V3.24: You can now specify the directory for catalog files.
- V3.24: CATDISK.000 can be placed in the catalog file directory, enabling
- CATDISK to be run from anywhere in your system.
- V3.24: No need to specify extra memory usage for sorting or shell to DOS.
- V3.24: Config program now menu driven and reads in current CATDISK settings.
- V3.23: New buffering technique greatly enhances cataloging speed.
- V3.23: Archive extraction routines optimized.
- V3.22: More printer/disk routine optimization.
- V3.22: Bug fix re: dates past Dec 31, 2022.
- V3.21: When reading a directory on the same drive as CATDISK resides, the
- original directory is restored.
- V3.21: Free memory indicator added.
- V3.20: Complete reports can be sorted by filename, Volume ID, or ARc/LBR ID.
- V3.20: If disk cacheing not enabled, extra memory can be allocated to DOS shell
- or for faster in-memory sorts.
- V3.20: Optimized printer-disk output routines.
- V3.20: Nulls no longer appended to report titles.
- V3.11: Volume labels converted to uppercase internally for more consistency.
- V3.10: Squashing in PKARC created files now supported.
- V3.00: LBR files now supported.
- V3.00: Shell to DOS added.
- V3.00: Selection of default catalog drive can be set in config program.
- V3.00: Bug fix re: corrupted dates in archives.
- --[ CATDISK V2.00 to CATDISK V2.20 ]-------------------------------------------
- V2.20: When viewing all files (Option #0) to screen, the catalog search is no
- longer done.
- V2.20: Added directory viewing facility to CATDISK.
- V2.13: Keyboard input in config modified to work with most machines.
- V2.13: Optimization.
- V2.12: Optimization.
- V2.11: Optimization.
- V2.10: Added verification of re-cataloging a diskette - prevents overwriting an
- existing volume in catalog.
- V2.10: Bug fix re: invalid dates in an archive file.
- V2.10: Config program will allow setting number of output lines/page.
- V2.10: Printer reports all titled and dated.
- V2.10: Added user-defined printer control codes.
- V2.10: Relabelling a disk will cause CATDISK to optionally update the catalog.
- V2.10: Diskette summary report expanded.
- V2.02: You can now catalog diskettes beyond drive D:
- V2.02: Bug fix re: reading small stored files in an ARC file.
- V2.01: Optimization.
- V2.00: Implemented scroll bar.
- V2.00: External configuration program provided.
- V2.00: Big fix re: lost directories when labelling a disk on a single drive
- system.
- --[ CATDISK V1.00 to CATDISK V1.41 ]-------------------------------------------
- V1.41: Sub-directories to ONE level deep are now supported.
- V1.41: Another Bug fix re: Duplicate ID's
- V1.40: Bug fix re: Duplicate ID's
- V1.22: Added reports to list files by ARChive or by Volume.
- V1.22: Added ability to send output to Screen, Printer, or Disk.
- V1.21: Optimized the disk cacheing routines.
- V1.20: Added disk cacheing feature.
- V1.20: More bug fixes.
- V1.14: Maintenance release.
- V1.13: Maintenance release.
- V1.12: Maintenance release.
- V1.11: Maintenance release.
- V1.10: Added ARChive extraction feature.
- V1.01: Maintenance release.
- V1.00: Initial release of CATDISK.