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Text File | 1990-03-11 | 169.3 KB | 4,027 lines |
- Version 4.50
- Mar 11, 1990
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1990 By Rick Hillier
- All Rights Reserved.
- _______
- ____|__ | (tm)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
- 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Licensing And Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Public Domain And Shareware Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- ASP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- 2. GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- What You Should Have Received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Initial Note On Archive Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- Configuring CATDISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- Upgrading From V3.61 or Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- General Considerations When Configuring CATDISK . . . . . . . 12
- Sample Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- IMPORTANT NOTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- Starting CATDISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- 3. USING CATDISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- Using The Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
- Screen Report Options Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
- Selecting A Volume ID From A List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
- Option 1 - Set Drive For Cataloging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
- Option 2 - Settings And Toggles Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- 1 - Pauses On/Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- 2 - Set Current Catalog File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- 3 - Change Printer Report Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 4 - File Comments On The Fly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 5 - Zip File Comment Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- 6 - Set Current Report Destination . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 7 - Archive Extract Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- 8 - Comments When ZIPS Not Extracted . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- 9 - Aliases On/Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- ESC - Return To Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- Option 3 - Labeling A Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- Option 4 - Cataloging A Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
- Option 5 - UnCataloging A Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
- Option 6 - Show Disk Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
- Option 7 - Show Files For A Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
- Option 8 - Show Files For An Archive . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
- Option 9 - Show Selected Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
- Option 0 - Show ALL Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
- Option F1 - Add/Change File Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
- Option F2 - Show Files By Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
- Option F3 - Temporarily Exit To DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
- Option <drive_letter> - Show Disk Directory . . . . . . . . 47
- Option ESC - Exit To DOS . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
- Appendix A - The Scroll Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
- Appendix B - Archive Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
- Appendix C - Support And Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
- Appendix D - Questions And Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
- Appendix E - CATLOOK Command Line Lookup Utility . . . . . . . . 55
- Appendix F - CATDISK PLUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
- Appendix G - Other Products Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 1
- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ( C O N T ' D )
- CATDISK V4.50 Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
- CATDISK V4.50 Site License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
- CATDISK V4.50 Vendor Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 2
- 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
- This program is dedicated to the memory of my Grandfather, Earl Hillier
- (Jan 1, 1909 - May 2, 1989).
- Overheard: "I know I have that file in an archive on a disk SOMEWHERE!
- If only I could FIND it!"
- Sound familiar? Many people I know are in this predicament.
- Enter CATDISK, the disk cataloging system. CATDISK can help you
- organize your disks in such a way that it is easy to find a file from
- within a large collection by creating a collective directory of all the
- files contained in your collection. See the FEATURES section below for
- a listing of CATDISK's capabilities.
- . Completely menu-driven and very easy to use.
- . Easy to use configuration utility allows customization of many of the
- program's features.
- . All screen colors can be customized to your liking.
- . Command line options can be stored in the DOS environment area
- negating the need to memorize them.
- . Cataloging/Uncataloging/Re-cataloging functions are completely
- automatic.
- . A disk volume label can be changed from within CATDISK.
- . You can catalog a disk under an alias instead of the physical volume
- label.
- . Can support up to 32,767 files or 2,000 disks per catalog,
- whichever comes first.
- . Supports multiple catalog files.
- . This limit can be reduced through the configuration utility to better
- optimize memory usage.
- . Supports sub-directories up to 32 levels deep with an upper limit of
- 256 directories per disk being cataloged.
- . Able to read the directory contents of .ARC, .DWC, .LBR, .LZH, .LZS,
- .PAK, .ZIP, and .ZOO files. See the appendix on ARCHIVE SUPPORT in
- this user manual for further details.
- . Can read comments from ZIP, ZOO and DWC files.
- . ARC, DWC, LBR, LZH, LZS, PAK, ZIP, and ZOO file extraction is
- optional and can be decided while running the program.
- . Can extract resolution/color information from GIF (Graphics
- Interchange Format) files and include it as the default comment.
- . You can attach a 30 character comment to each file in the catalog.
- This can be done either while cataloging a disk, or at a later time.
- . Summary report shows disk capacity, space used and space free on
- each disk in the catalog to aid in optimization of disk usage.
- . Files can be viewed by DOS wildcards, Volume ID, ARCHIVE ID, or by
- keywords or phrases in the file comments.
- . Reports can be sent to screen, printer, or disk file.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 3
- CATDISK is copyright and has been released for distribution as
- SHAREWARE. Please note that a great deal of effort and time has been
- invested in the development of this program. You are granted a license
- to try CATDISK for a reasonable trial period without risk. If, after
- this time, you find the program useful and intend to use it in managing
- your disk collection, you are expected to register.
- The base registration fee is $20. This will entitle you to continue to
- use CATDISK beyond a reasonable trial period as well as entitle you to
- program support. You will find a registration form at the end of this
- user manual that outlines the procedures for registering your copy of
- the program. Should you decide that you would like the latest release
- (or a pending release if you already have the latest) appropriate
- information is contained on the same form.
- Please keep in mind that I must have a registration form on file for
- you before I can offer product support.
- Operators of electronic bulletin boards (Sysops) are encouraged to post
- CATDISK for downloading by their users.
- CATDISK may be uploaded to and downloaded from commercial systems such
- as CompuServe, the Source, and BIX, so long as the only charge paid by
- the subscriber is for on-line time and there is no charge for the
- program. Those copying, sharing, and/or electronically transmitting
- the program are required not to delete or modify the copyright notice
- and restrictive notices from the program or documentation; anyone doing
- so will be treated as a contributory copyright violator.
- If you are passing this program on to others, uploading it to a
- bulletin board system, or including it in a users group library, do not
- separate the files contained in the distribution archive - pass the
- entire archive on to the intended party. This ensures that those who
- receive the program will have all the correct configuration utilities
- and documentation necessary to get CATDISK up and running quickly. A
- listing of what files you should have and the purpose of each is listed
- later in this manual.
- The CATDISK documentation may not be modified by users. The program may
- not be separated from the documentation when distributed. Printed or
- Photocopies ("Xeroxed") copies of the CATDISK documentation (i.e., this
- manual) may not be distributed or sold without the written permission
- of the author.
- No other person other than the author, Rick Hillier, may accept payment
- or royalties for this program.
- This license to use CATDISK does NOT include the right to distribute or
- sell CATDISK. Distribution terms are detailed on the next page.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 4
- Distributors of "public domain" or user-supported software libraries
- must obtain written permission to distribute copies of CATDISK. No one
- may use CATDISK as a promotion for any commercial venture or as an
- enticement for the user to pay for any program, product, or service
- unless they have received the express written permission of the
- program's author.
- In order to distribute CATDISK, a dealer or disk vendor must comply
- with the following conditions:
- (1) You must obtain written permission from Rick Hillier to
- distribute CATDISK. Please use the vendor application supplied
- near the end of this user manual. If you receive no reply,
- write again: my silence does NOT constitute permission, and you
- may not distribute "pending" receipt of permission.
- (2) A maximum disk fee as set by Rick Hillier in the vendor
- contract must not be exceeded. CATDISK may not be included
- on any disk sold for more than this maximum. Major CD-ROM
- or optical disk libraries are exempt from this restriction,
- provided that they have the author's permission to distribute
- (3) Vendors may not modify or delete ANY files on the disk.
- Vendors may add a "GO" program, and/or a reasonable number of
- small text files designed to assist or provide a service to
- the user, but these added files must be easily identifiable
- and end-users must be allowed to delete the added files.
- (4) Vendors must make a reasonable effort to distribute only the
- most recent versions of CATDISK. All vendors who have
- requested and received written permission to distribute
- CATDISK will receive new MAJOR releases as they are issued.
- (5) All disk vendors must comply with any and all vendor guidelines
- vendor requirements set forth by the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP); for more information about ASP, contact its
- chairman, Jim Button, at Buttonware in Seattle. Violation of
- any ASP guideline or requirement automatically revokes
- permission to distribute CATDISK.
- Until formal requirements are adopted by the ASP, you must comply with
- the following guidelines: Vendors must make an attempt to educate users
- on the nature of Shareware. Catalogs, advertisements, order forms, and
- all disks sold should contain ASP-approved or recommended wording
- describing the nature of shareware, and should explicitly state that no
- part of disk sale revenues are paid to the programs' authors. When
- vendor catalogs or advertisements carry both Shareware and PD programs,
- the Shareware programs must be differentiated from the public domain
- programs in some way (in the description, with an asterisk, by listing
- the registration fee, etc.).
- CATDISK is a Shareware program conforming to standards as established
- by the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) located at
- 325 118th Ave. S.E., Suite 200, Belleview, WA 98005.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 5
- 2. G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
- CATDISK is distributed in the form of a self-extracting executable file
- created with Haruyasu Yokizaki's LHARC utility. This file should
- contain eight files which are as follows:
- CATDISK.EXE - The CATDISK program file.
- CATLOOK.EXE - The CATDISK command line utility (lookup program).
- CDISKCFG.EXE - The CATDISK configuration program.
- * CATDISK.DOC - The manual you are now reading.
- * CATDISK.HST - Revision history for CATDISK since its initial release
- in October 1986.
- README.1ST - Urgent program notes - IMPORTANT -- READ THIS FILE!
- CDISKCVT.EXE - Conversion utility for converting old CATDISK files to
- the newest format - See the README.1ST file before
- running.
- CLEANCAT.EXE - Cleanup utility for catalog entries containing volume
- labels containing null characters - See the README.1ST
- file before running.
- * These two files are distributed in a self-extracting archive called
- CATDOC.EXE. Simply run it to extract the two files. If you are
- running on floppy disks, extract these files to a clean disk. See the
- file README.1ST for further details.
- . IBM PC/XT/AT or PS/2 or true compatible computer.
- . DOS V2.00 or above.
- . At least one floppy disk drive (Hard Drive Highly Recommended).
- . 256K RAM - if more is available, CATDISK will have greater internal
- capacity for reading new files off of the disks being
- cataloged and will run more efficiently.
- At various points in this user manual, references to ARCHIVE files are
- made. This is a collective term describing a file that actually
- contains more than one file. The contained files may or may not be
- compressed. Currently, this refers to LBR, ARC, PAK, ZIP, LZH, LZS and
- ZOO files.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 6
- Many features of CATDISK may be permanently set from the configuration
- program, "CDISKCFG.EXE". When you start this program, please make sure
- that the correct versions of the program files "CATDISK.EXE", and
- "CATLOOK.EXE" are in the current drive and directory, otherwise you
- will get an error message.
- Upon startup, the configuration program will read the current settings
- defined in "CATDISK.EXE", after which, the configuration screen will be
- presented. You may change any given item on this screen by using the
- <Cursor UP> and <Cursor DOWN> keys to highlight the title of the
- desired field. The bottom portion of the screen will contain any
- additional information as well as any instructions on how to change the
- selected item.
- A discussion of the 10 items on this list follows:
- You may choose between having your screen updated by using your
- computer's built in BIOS routines, or by using a faster DIRECT
- screen update method. Using the BIOS is much slower than using
- direct access, but maintains compatibility with such operating
- environments as TopView, Desqview, and DoubleDOS.
- Choosing DIRECT screen access is much quicker, but will be
- incompatible with most multitasking programs such as the above
- mentioned due to the fact that they cannot handle "ill-behaved"
- programs that write directly to the screen.
- If you chose DIRECT screen access, a second test is made if you
- have a GRAPHICS display connected in your system. Some video
- adapters have the nasty side effect of producing static, or "snow"
- when the video memory is accessed directly. This test will do
- multiple direct access to the video ram on your graphics adapter.
- When you hit a key to stop the test, you will be asked if you saw
- static on the screen.
- If you answer "Y" to the prompt, CATDISK will check for horizontal
- retrace before writing to the display. This will result in a
- slightly slower screen response than normal, but it is almost
- negligible.
- If you are not running under a multitasking system, or are using
- DoubleDos in dual screen mode, I would recommend that you use
- DIRECT screen access, as it's much quicker.
- 2) COLOR OR B & W
- This option is self-explanatory. The appearance of the setup
- screen will depend on the setting of this field.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 7
- This field will enable you to set the DISK CACHE size. Setting it
- to zero will disable the cache (i.e. turn the feature off).
- Setting it to a number greater then zero will turn it on and will
- enable CATDISK to keep the most recently read sectors of the
- CATALOG FILES in memory, resulting in much faster scans through the
- catalog file when looking for a group of files.
- Some hard disks use their own device driver, and are incompatible
- with this caching method. If this is the case, CATDISK will warn
- you of this condition if caching is enabled, but is incompatible
- with your hard disk. Under these circumstances, the caching
- feature will be turned off during that program run... use this
- configuration option to permanently disable the cache and eliminate
- the warning at each startup.
- If you already have a resident disk cache loaded in your system, DO
- NOT USE CATDISK'S BUILT IN CACHE!!! The two systems will conflict
- with each other and will probably cause damage to your catalog
- files.
- The number of lines per page field will enable you to tell CATDISK
- the number of lines of data (EXCLUDING headings) that it should
- place on each page of printer or disk output. This may be any
- number between 0 and 255. Entering zero will disable page breaking
- and the output will be presented in a continuous stream with one
- title at the top.
- The printer start up string is a series of ASCII codes (entered
- here as their Ascii VALUES) that will tailor your reports to the
- format you desire. For example, I use an Epson printer and like to
- set it to 1/8" spacing and get 80 report lines per page. To do
- this, I send a startup string of "<Esc> <0>" to set this print
- mode. To enter this string in the configuration program, I would
- enter it as "027 048" without the quotes. The numbers are simply
- the ASCII values of the characters I wish to send. If you have a
- setup string entered here and wish to clear it, simply hit <Return>
- in response to the prompt in the bottom area of the screen.
- The printer finishing string is commonly used to reverse the
- startup string entered above and is entered in exactly the same
- way. In the example above, I would use "<Esc> <2>", which would be
- entered as "027 050" without the quotes. If you have a setup
- string entered here and wish to clear it, simple hit <Return> in
- response to the prompt in the bottom area of the screen.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 8
- This will control the way CATDISK handles any ARCHIVE files that
- it might encounter when cataloging your disks.
- If you set it to OFF, CATDISK will NOT extract any archive files
- that it finds on your disks.
- If you set it to ON, CATDISK will expand EVERY ARCHIVE file that it
- finds on your disks.
- If you set it to QUERY, CATDISK will ask you for permission to
- expand an ARCHIVE file each time it encounters one.
- This can be changed temporarily while running CATDISK.
- The default catalog drive is the drive that CATDISK will assume you
- wish to use for labeling disks and reading them for cataloging
- purposes. This drive may still be changed at startup time (see
- STARTING CATDISK), or from the menu when catdisk is running.
- If you are running on single floppy based system, I would recommend
- that you set this drive to the same drive ID that CATDISK will be
- run from. CATDISK will prompt you to enter the appropriate disks
- at the appropriate time, and will eliminate potential problems with
- the disk caching feature if enabled (See the file README.1ST).
- The catalog file directory is the location in your system that
- CATDISK will look for and create its catalog files. This path may
- contain a drive designator, so that the catalog files may reside on
- a different drive than CATDISK itself, such as a ramdisk (in this
- case don't forget to copy the files to a real disk before you turn
- off or reboot your machine).
- If this field is blank, the default drive and directory will be
- used.
- The maximum number of disks and files per catalog is simply that.
- When CATDISK starts, it allocates its work space according to this
- setting. There are currently four possible settings; which one you
- pick is largely dependent upon the environment in which CATDISK is
- to be run.
- These settings are: DISKS # FILES
- 2000 32767 (32K)
- 1500 24576 (24K)
- 1000 16384 (16K)
- 500 8192 ( 8K)
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 9
- If you are running on a color monitor and have the color setting in the
- main configuration set to COLOR, you may set your own screen colors if
- you happen to dislike the color scheme that comes with CATDISK. To do
- so, simply hit <F9> from the configuration screen and follow the menus.
- Once you have selected this option, you will see a menu that will allow
- you to select some general colors such as screen background and border
- color (CGA type displays only - EGA and VGA have no effect), as well as
- an option to reset the author's (that's me!) colors should you really
- make a mess of the color scheme and wish to start over.
- The other options will bring up menus that pertain to the various
- screens that you might encounter in your usage of CATDISK. When you
- reach these, there will be an option available for each item that will
- change its foreground or background color. Selecting an option will
- step you through the possible color range for that particular item.
- Sound confusing? Try it for yourself... it's really quite easy. For
- starters, try setting everything to green on cyan <grin> (if you don't
- have a strong stomach, don't bother).
- Once you have set all the fields to your desired settings, you may
- instruct CDISKCFG to save the current settings by pressing <F10>.
- CATDISK will save the appropriate information in the CATDISK.EXE and
- CATLOOK.EXE program files and return to DOS.
- If you do not wish to save the changes you made, simply hit <Esc>, and
- you will be returned to DOS, while the previous configuration will
- remain unscathed.
- CATDISK is shipped with the following default settings:
- 1) Screen Update Method: BIOS
- 2) Color or B & W: B & W
- 3) Disk Caching: 0 K (Disabled)
- 4) Output Lines Per Page: 58
- 5) Printer Startup String: Nothing
- 6) Printer Finishing String: Nothing
- 7) Default ARCHIVE Extract State: ON
- 8) Catalog Drive: A:
- 9) Catalog File Directory: Default Drive and Directory
- 10) Maximum Disks/Files per Catalog: 1000/16384
- 11) Color Scheme: Authors Colors
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 10
- Before copying the new program files to your work disk, you might want
- to rename the executable file from the previous installation
- (CATDISK.COM or CATDISK.EXE) to another name. The configuration
- utility, CDISKCFG.EXE has the ability to read the configuration
- information from the release that you were using for easy installation
- into this release. This can save you some time in setting the program
- up for your preferences, particularly if you've customized all the
- screen colors.
- Example - Upgrading from V3.71 to this release:
- Procedure:
- 1) Rename your old CATDISK.EXE to CAT371.EXE (this file holds the
- configuration information from the last installation.
- 2) Run the configuration utility, CDISKCFG.EXE.
- 3) Hit <F8>. CDISKCFG will ask you for the file name of the old
- program file. Answer "CAT371.EXE" (without the quotes). CDISKCFG
- will search the given file for the appropriate configuration
- information. If successful, this information will be reflected in
- the configuration options as displayed on the screen. If you've
- selected the wrong file, you will get an error message, and the old
- settings will remain intact on the screen.
- 4) If successful, press <F10>, and the settings will be saved in the
- current CATDISK release.
- 5) Delete CAT371.EXE - it's no longer needed.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 11
- When setting CATDISK up, there are a few things you should consider:
- If you have a hard disk, you should use it for maintaining your catalog
- files (i.e. set your catalog file directory to somewhere on your hard
- drive).
- If possible, set your video update method to DIRECT. CATDISK runs
- faster in this mode.
- If you are using a hard drive or a ram disk to hold your catalog files,
- you should NOT use CATDISK's caching feature. The cache built into
- CATDISK is meant to aid those with floppy disk based systems when doing
- multiple searches through the catalog file. Using the cache while
- updating a catalog files imposes additional overhead on the operation.
- It is negligible on floppy based systems, as the bottleneck in the
- operation is the disk itself - on hard drives, it is noticeable. If
- possible, using one of the commercially available disk caching systems
- is recommended, as they incorporate features into their programs such
- as being able to use extended and expanded memory and the like that are
- not feasible to include in CATDISK.
- When setting your printer up for printing reports, try to set the
- printer startup string such that the complete catalog listing (i.e.
- files, stats and comments) can be printed.
- The best setting for the default ARCHIVE extract state is QUERY. Many
- archives do not need to be fully extracted as the name of the archive
- filename itself is all that is necessary in order to identify what is
- on that particular disk. By using some discretion in deciding which
- archive files need be extracted, you can dramatically reduce the size
- of your catalog files (as well as the time needed to update and search
- them). Some however, need to be extracted (for example, MISC.ARC).
- This setting gives you the best of both worlds.
- When setting the default drive and directory for your catalog files, be
- sure and include it in your DOS PATH as well. Although this is not
- necessary, it will enable you to run CATDISK from anywhere in your
- system without having to change to that directory before running
- CATDISK. Setting the PATH for this is only beneficial to those using
- hard drives.
- When setting the maximum number of disks and files that can be
- maintained in a catalog file, the best setting should be the LOWEST one
- that will contain your largest catalog file. This will maximize the
- amount of free memory left over that CATDISK can use to store file
- information being read from disks being cataloged, sorting information,
- caching information, and the like.
- Keep in mind that, if you should have a catalog file grow to your set
- maximum, you can always re-configure CATDISK (memory permitting, of
- course) to accommodate a larger configuration, unless you are already
- at the highest setting. When you next run CATDISK after making these
- changes, your catalog file will then be able to grow to the new
- setting.
- If you are running on floppy drives, use the 8K setting for disks/files
- per catalog. Your files will never exceed this limitation.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 12
- Scenario: One Hard Disk (C:) and a floppy drive:
- Make a directory "C:\CATDISK" and copy the files CATDISK.EXE
- and CDISKCFG.EXE to it. Set the configuration to:
- 1) Screen Update Method: <your option>
- 2) Color or B & W: <your option>
- 3) Disk Caching: 0 K (Disabled)
- 4) Output Lines Per Page: <your option>
- 5) Printer Startup String: <your option>
- 6) Printer Finishing String: <your option>
- 7) Default ARCHIVE Extract State: <your option>
- 8) Catalog Drive: A:
- 9) Catalog File Directory: C:\CATDISK
- 10) Maximum Disks/Files per Catalog: <your option>
- 11) Color Scheme: <your option>
- Add C:\CATDISK to the DOS PATH and you will be able to call
- up CATDISK or CATLOOK from anywhere in your system.
- Scenario: Two floppy drives:
- Take a blank disk and copy the files CATDISK.EXE and
- CDISKCFG.EXE to it. This will be your CATDISK program disk.
- Set the configuration to:
- 1) Screen Update Method: <your option>
- 2) Color or B & W: <your option>
- 3) Disk Caching: <your option>
- 4) Output Lines Per Page: <your option>
- 5) Printer Startup String: <your option>
- 6) Printer Finishing String: <your option>
- 7) Default ARCHIVE Extract State: <your option>
- 8) Catalog Drive: A:
- 9) Catalog File Directory: B:\
- 10) Maximum Disks/Files per Catalog: 500/8192
- 11) Color Scheme: <your option>
- When starting CATDISK for the first time, insert the
- program disk in drive A: and take a blank formatted disk and
- insert it in drive B:. This will be your data disk. When
- CATDISK has loaded and has displayed the title screen, you
- may remove the CATDISK program disk from the A: drive. This
- will now be the drive from which disks being cataloged will
- be read.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 13
- Scenario: One floppy drive:
- Take a blank disk and copy the files CATDISK.EXE and
- CDISKCFG.EXE to it. This will be your CATDISK program disk.
- Set the configuration to:
- 1) Screen Update Method: <your option>
- 2) Color or B & W: <your option>
- 3) Disk Caching: <your option>
- 4) Output Lines Per Page: <your option>
- 5) Printer Startup String: <your option>
- 6) Printer Finishing String: <your option>
- 7) Default ARCHIVE Extract State: <your option>
- 8) Catalog Drive: A:
- 9) Catalog File Directory: A:\
- 10) Maximum Disks/Files per Catalog: 500/8192
- 11) Color Scheme: <your option>
- When starting CATDISK for the first time, insert the
- program disk in drive A: and start CATDISK. You will need to
- add the command line option /IP (initial pause - see later
- in this manual).
- Once CATDISK has loaded, it will pause and ask you to insert
- your data disk. If this is the first time you are running
- CATDISK, use a blank formatted disk.
- When you catalog a disk, you must first remove the data disk
- and insert the disk to be cataloged BEFORE activating the
- catalog function. When CATDISK is done reading the disk, it
- will ask you to re-insert the data disk.
- If you are running CATDISK on a single drive system, I would recommend
- the above configuration for two reasons, even though DOS can make the
- one drive act like A: and B:.
- 1) Perhaps the most important reason; if you've activated the disk
- caching feature, is that failure to do so may cause a loss of data
- on disks other than your data disk, particularly when you label a
- disk. The reason being that the cache built into CATDISK references
- the PHYSICAL hardware, not the logical drive that DOS creates (i.e.
- A: and B: use the SAME piece of equipment).
- By setting CATDISK to the above configuration, it will be aware that
- the above situation exists and take the correct action when carrying
- out critical functions.
- 2) This will allow CATDISK to prompt you for the appropriate disks,
- thus avoiding the DOS prompt "Insert disk for drive B:" and the
- like.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 14
- CATDISK is started from the DOS command line by issuing the following:
- CATDISK parameters
- - where parameters may include any of the following:
- /NP - Specifying this command line option will cause
- CATDISK to eliminate the pause after cataloging/
- un-cataloging a disk. It will also eliminate the
- "Insert a disk in drive X:" prompt unless it is
- absolutely necessary.
- /NW - Under normal circumstances, when you catalog a
- disk containing a Volume ID that already exists
- in the current catalog, CATDISK will issue a
- warning to that effect, and will ask you for
- verification before proceeding to catalog that disk
- The reason behind this is that there is always the
- possibility of two different disks having the same
- Volume ID. Cataloging one would mean that the files
- from the other would be un-cataloged in the same
- process.
- If you specify the /NW option on the command line,
- this warning will be suppressed, and the disk will
- be cataloged without further delay.
- This option will also disable CATDISK's warning
- before creating any new catalog files when the
- current catalog file is changed via CATDISK's menus
- to a catalog set that does not exist.
- /NS - Suppress status indicators during processing. This
- speeds up processing time. Status indicators are
- there simply to indicate that the computer is
- actually doing something useful. Try it either way
- and set it to your liking.
- /AC - Turn the auto comment feature ON at startup.
- Normally, CATDISK, upon completion of cataloging a
- group of files from a disk will immediately
- return to the menu. Activating this feature from
- the command line (or from the menu) will cause
- CATDISK to proceed to the section where you may
- add/modify the file comments for the volume that
- you just cataloged.
- /SD - CATDISK can display screen information for your
- catalog in two different formats. The default is
- to show the Filename, Volume ID, Arc ID, size,
- date, time and attributes for each record. There
- is a second display format that omits the file
- attributes, but shows the sub-directory that the
- file occupies on its disk. Setting this option
- will make the second format the starting report
- type.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 15
- /Ffilename - The default filename that CATDISK uses is "CATDISK"
- which may be overridden with this parameter.
- Note that there is no space between the /F and the
- filename.
- If you specify /F? on the command line, CATDISK will
- bring up a point and shoot selection menu of all of
- the catalogs it detected in your catalog file
- directory. If none are found, an error message will
- be displayed and you will be returned to DOS.
- Hitting the <Esc> key from within this list will also
- cause you to be returned immediately to DOS.
- /CO - similar to above, but the third display format that
- shows file comments will be the default.
- - *** NOTE: If you specify both /SD and /CO at startup, the LAST one
- that you specified on the command line will take effect.
- /Rx - this will allow you to set the initial location that
- CATDISK will send a report. This location can
- still be changed from within the settings and toggles
- menu. x can be any of the following:
- 1 - Screen 2 - LPT1 3 - LPT2 4 - Disk File
- 5 - ASK ME (Prompt for location before each report)
- /Px - Set printer output format to report type x, where x
- is in the range (0-2).
- x Value Report Type
- ------- -----------
- 0 Show regular file statistics
- 1 Show file comments
- 2 Show file statistics and comments
- (selecting this report style assumes that
- your printer is set to produce 132 column
- reports)
- /D: - Catalog files from drive D: where D: is one of
- [A - {last drive in your system}].
- /IP - Initial Pause. This parameter will cause CATDISK
- to pause after it is loaded so that you may remove
- the program disk (not needed during the session) and
- insert the data disk. This option is only needed if
- you are running on a single drive system.
- /ALIAS - Adding this option to the command line will activate
- the "ALIAS" feature whereby you will be able to
- override the name under which a disk will be
- cataloged. Normally, CATDISK will catalog a disk
- under the volume label. This will enable you to
- optionally catalog the disk under a different name
- without changing the volume label on the disk being
- cataloged.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 16
- /NZ - Normally, when not instructed to read the directory
- contents of ZIP files, CATDISK will attempt to read
- in the main comment from any ZIP file that it
- encounters. Adding this option to the command line
- will allow you to turn this feature off at startup.
- Additionally, when CATDISK encounters a GIF file, it
- will attempt to read in the resolution/color
- information from it and place it in the comment
- field. This option will also disable this feature.
- /NZC - normally, at startup, CATDISK will enable a feature
- whereby any ZIP files containing a main comment that
- get expanded will have that main comment inserted
- into the comment area of any file entry extracted
- from that ZIP file that does not already have a
- comment. By adding this option to the command line,
- this feature will be turned off at program startup.
- The slash "/" may be substituted by either a dash "-" or a space " ".
- - entering CATDISK ? will bring up a help message indicating the above.
- NOTE: You may also put the command line options in a DOS environment
- string using the DOS "SET" command. This command (see examples below),
- may be placed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that you will not need to
- remember which command line options to use to obtain your favorite
- setup, or for that matter, to type them!
- When you start CATDISK under these circumstances, simply type "CATDISK"
- <Enter> and the above options will automatically be invoked.
- Any options entered on the command line will be added to those
- specified in the CATDISK environment variable. This makes it possible
- to have a base set of options set in the DOS environment and have an
- optional set that you can specify at the time you run CATDISK.
- It is also possible to override some of the options as well (for
- example, the printed report format, the screen report format, the
- catalog file, and the catalog drive), as CATDISK will pay attention to
- the last option of a given type.
- For example, using the above environment example, entering the command
- will cause CATDISK to set the catalog drive to A: (overrides the B:
- option), and the printer report format to show comments (format #1)
- instead of statistics and comments (format #2).
- Once CATDISK has been successfully started, a title screen will appear.
- Hit any key to ascend to the main menu.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 17
- 3. U S I N G C A T D I S K
- The major options available from CATDISK such as the main functions
- that you see in the opening menu after the title page disappears can be
- selected in two different ways.
- The first, and easiest is just to hit the indicated key beside the
- desired option.
- In response to a requests from registered users, I have also
- implemented a "point and shoot" method of selecting items from a menu.
- Simply use the cursor keys to position the flashing arrows in the
- inverse box that indicates the keystroke required to activate the
- desired option and hit <Return> (or <CR> to you C programmers). This
- will carry out the same function as if you had struck the key in the
- inverse box.
- One advantage that the second approach has to the first is that those
- of you who do not touch type numbers very well (or have a tendency to
- hit the key beside the one you are after) have another avenue to use to
- navigate through the menus of CATDISK.
- Another is that once you have activated a function such as cataloging a
- disk, you need only type <Return> to re-activate that function as
- CATDISK will remember the last option you activated (quite handy if you
- are cataloging multiple disks, as the <Return> key is larger than
- most... you aren't as apt to miss it).
- A special note about the options available in the Settings And Toggles
- Menu is applicable here. Normally, to change one or more of the
- settings available in this menu, you would have to select option #2
- from the main menu and then select the appropriate option number in the
- settings and toggles menu to change the desired feature. Although this
- method of control is intuitive enough, there is a shortcut to these
- option when you are in the main menu.
- To change a setting directly from the main menu, simply hold down the
- <Alt> key and press the number key (from the top row only, not the
- numeric keypad) that you would normally hit if you were in the settings
- and toggles menu. CATDISK will act on that keystroke as if you had
- selected that option directly from the appropriate menu. If the
- toggled information you changed is not on the top of the screen, the
- status line will display above the menu title for a second or so before
- disappearing.
- You will probably find this method of changing settings preferable to
- the first method offered as you become more familiar with CATDISK and
- its operation.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 18
- When viewing a report on your screen, there will be several options
- available to you. The following are available in ALL screen based
- reports:
- <Cursor UP> - move up one line in the report. The screen contents
- will scroll down to make room for the new line
- appearing at the top.
- <Cursor DOWN> - move down one line in the report. The screen
- contents will scroll up to make room for the new line
- appearing at the bottom.
- <PgUp> - move up one page (15 lines) in the report.
- <PgDn> - move down one page (15 lines) in the report.
- <Home> - move to the beginning of the report.
- <End> - move to the end of the report.
- <Grey Plus> - move down through the report 1/15th of the total
- length of the report (see the appendix regarding the
- SCROLL BAR later in this manual).
- <Grey Minus> - move up through the report 1/15th of the total length
- of the report (see the appendix regarding the SCROLL
- BAR later in this manual).
- <Esc> - return to the menu.
- These options are available in all reports _except_ the SUMMARY REPORT:
- <N> - change report format to show a standard (normal) file report.
- This is the default if you do not specify either /SD or /CO
- when you start CATDISK.
- <S> - change report format to show sub-directories. If a
- sub-directory begins with a tilde (~), that means that the
- sub-directory shown is a sub-directory past the first level
- (i.e. a sub-directory within a sub-directory). If you wish to
- have this report format come up by default when starting
- CATDISK, simply add /SD to your command line with which you
- invoke CATDISK.
- <C> - change the report format to any comments you might have entered
- for the shown catalog entries. If you wish this display format
- to appear by default, use the /CO option when starting CATDISK.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 19
- Other than actually labeling a disk, there are three other locations in
- CATDISK where you will be prompted for a volume label: un-cataloging a
- disk; generating a report by volume id; and adding file comments by
- volume. If you know what volume label is desired at the prompt, you
- may enter it verbatim. Leaving it blank, however, will cause CATDISK
- to come up with a point-and-shoot list of all the volume names in the
- current catalog file. When this list first appears, you will notice
- that the first volume is highlighted. Selecting a volume from this
- list is merely a matter of moving the highlight bar to the desired
- volume and pressing <Enter>.
- The following options are available:
- <Cursor UP> - move up one line in the list. If you are already at
- the top of a column, the highlight bar will move to
- the bottom of the previous column if available.
- <Cursor DOWN> - move down one line in the list. If you are already
- at the bottom of a column, the highlight bar will
- move to the top of the next column if available.
- <PgUp> - move back 96 lines in the list.
- <PgDn> - move ahead 96 lines in the list.
- <Home> - move to the beginning of the list.
- <End> - move to the end of the list.
- <Grey Plus> - move forward in the list 1/15th of the total length
- of the list (see the appendix regarding the SCROLL
- BAR later in this manual).
- <Grey Minus> - move back in the list 1/15th of the total length of
- the list (see the appendix regarding the SCROLL BAR
- later in this manual).
- <Enter> - Select the highlighted volume for the prompt from the
- previous screen.
- <Esc> - return to the menu with no further action taken.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 20
- This function allow you to set the drive from which the files to be
- cataloged will be read. Simply select letter from (A - x) to select
- the drive with that DOS letter designation, where x is the last drive
- that CATDISK detected in your system configuration. The change will be
- noted immediately in the status area at the top of the screen.
- *** NOTE: If you are running with one floppy drive only and have
- turned the caching option on from the configuration utility,
- do not set this option to a drive other than the one on
- which the catalog files reside (probably A:). Failure to do
- so could cause loss of data on your disks.
- See the SAMPLE CONFIGURATIONS section covered earlier in
- this section. You have been warned!
- Users with a hard-disk, single floppy configuration, who are running
- CATDISK from the hard disk will NOT experience this problem and may
- proceed as normal. It's ONLY if the same PHYSICAL drive is being used
- for the CATDISK work files AND the disk to be cataloged that the
- above precautions must be taken.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 21
- The options available in this sub-menu will allow you to control the
- behavior of some of the features of CATDISK. You can get to this menu
- by selecting option #2 from the main menu.
- The options available on this menu are:
- Sub-option 1 - Pauses On/Off
- ----------------------------
- Under normal circumstances, CATDISK will pause at strategic places,
- either to allow you to view what has just happened (cataloging and
- un-cataloging), or to prompt you to insert a disk in drive X:
- (labeling or reading directories, etc). If you turn this toggle off,
- CATDISK will only prompt you for a disk when absolutely necessary. In
- addition, there will be no pause at the end of a catalog update; you
- will immediately be returned to the main menu, or to the comment entry
- screen if you have the AUTO COMMENT feature turned on.
- Sub-option 2 - Set Current Catalog File
- ----------------------------------------
- Although the catalog filename may be set upon starting up CATDISK, is
- may also be convenient to be able to change the current file from
- within a CATDISK session. Select option #3 from the main menu, and you
- will be prompted for a new catalog file to use. Any valid DOS filename
- will do. Be sure to specify the NAME portion only; do not include the
- file extension portion. If the name you specify is valid, it will then
- be used for all subsequent catalog updates and queries (This is
- reflected at the top of the screen). If not, an error message will be
- issued and no change will be made to the current catalog file name.
- If the catalog file set that you specify does not exist, CATDISK will
- automatically create a new catalog for you. Before doing so, however,
- CATDISK will indicate that the summary or catalog file does not exist
- and request your permission to create it before proceeding. If you
- specified /NW on the command line, this warning will not appear -
- CATDISK will simply proceed to create any necessary files for the
- specified catalog set.
- If you don't enter anything for the catalog filename, a list of all
- current catalog files in the catalog directory will be displayed on the
- screen. If the desired catalog is on a removable disk (i.e. floppy
- disks or removable hard drives), be sure and have that disk in the
- appropriate drive BEFORE you enter nothing to the prompt so the desired
- files will appear in the list. This method can be handy when you are
- not sure of exactly what you called a particular catalog file.
- To select a file from the list, simply move the highlight bar around
- the list of filenames with the cursor keys so that it rests on the
- desired catalog file. At this point, hit the <Enter> key, and that
- file will be selected as if you had typed it at the prompt. Hitting
- <Esc> in this screen will abort the operation as if you had pressed
- <Esc> at the prompt.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 22
- If you are switching to a catalog that already exists, and it will not
- fit into the configuration you defined in the configuration program
- (maximum disks/files per catalog), you will get an error message and
- the catalog file setting will be left unchanged.
- Sub-option 3 - Change Printer Report Type
- -----------------------------------------
- CATDISK currently supports three printer report styles, which are
- detailed here. The particular report style that you desire may be set
- with this toggle, and will be reflected in the toggles portion of the
- menu screen.
- STATISTICS: This is the default report style (unless overridden on the
- command line), which is to show the path, filename, volume
- id, ARCHIVE id, as well as the size, date, time and DOS
- directory attributes of each file listed.
- This report style corresponds to the command line option
- /P0, and will fit on an 80 column printer.
- COMMENTS: This report style will substitute file comments for the
- size, date, time, and DOS directory attribute.
- This report style corresponds to the command line option
- /P1, and will fit on an 80 column printer.
- BOTH: This report style will show all of the fields from the two
- above reports. Please note that it assumes that you
- either have a 132 column printer, or an 80 column printer
- set to compressed mode. It corresponds to the command
- line option /P2.
- Sub-option 4 - File Comments On The Fly
- ---------------------------------------
- If this toggle is turned OFF, CATDISK will proceed back to the main
- menu upon completion of the process of cataloging a disk. If you wish
- to add comments for some/all of the files that you have just
- cataloged, you may turn this toggle ON. When this is the case,
- CATDISK will catalog files in the normal manner, but upon completion,
- you will be taken to another screen that will allow you to scroll
- through the files you just cataloged and add/update the comments for
- each file shown. See Option F1 - Add/Change File Comments for details
- on how this section of the program works.
- Sub-option 5 - Zip File Comment Copy
- ------------------------------------
- If this feature is turned on, CATDISK will take special action when
- expanding ZIP files. If a main ZIP file comment is found, any file
- entries extracted that do not have comments will have the main ZIP file
- comment entry inserted instead. The presence of a "Z" beside the Auto
- Comments setting in the status information at the top of the screen
- indicates that this feature is turned on.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 23
- Sub-option 6 - Set Current Report Destination
- ----------------------------------------------
- Selecting this option will affect the report destination and whether or
- not CATDISK will ask you where the report should go. Each time you
- select option 1, CATDISK will run through a sequence of five possible
- locations (Screen, LPT1, LPT2, Disk, or ASK ME).
- Selecting one of the first four will cause CATDISK to immediately
- generate a report to the selected destination IMMEDIATELY upon
- selecting it. You will not be prompted any further, unless you have
- selected DISK, in which case, you will be asked for a filename in which
- to place the report.
- If you select ASK ME, CATDISK will prompt you for a report location
- (one of the first four in the list) each time you ask it to generate a
- report.
- I usually leave this setting set to SCREEN as, most of the time, I
- browse through my catalog files on the screen. You, however, may find
- it handy to set this to ASK ME, especially if you jump to report
- locations frequently. If this is the case, you may, if you haven't
- already, add the command line option /ASK to your current list of
- options. This will override the default location of SCREEN at startup,
- negating the need to set it manually each time you start CATDISK.
- Sub-option 7 - ARCHIVE Extract Setting
- --------------------------------------
- Although this setting is permanently set from the CDISKCFG utility, it
- is can sometimes be convenient to be able to change it during a CATDISK
- session. Selecting option 2 will run the Auto ARCHIVE Extract setting
- through three possibilities, OFF, ON, or QUERY. The current setting is
- shown near the top of the screen in the status area.
- If this feature is turned OFF, any file searches through the catalog,
- with the exception of OPTION #0 - Show All Files, will NOT show any
- files that reside in an archive file. The archive file's presence will
- still be shown in the listing.
- If this feature is turned ON, CATDISK will extract the archive
- directory of any archive it encounters in its search.
- If it is set to QUERY, CATDISK will prompt you as to whether it should
- extract the archive directory of any archive that it encounters in its
- search before proceeding to do so. Reports generated will act as if
- the feature is turned ON.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 24
- Sub-option 8 - Comments When ZIPS Not Extracted
- -----------------------------------------------
- In the course of its normal operation, CATDISK, when not extracting the
- directory information from ZIP files, will search each one it
- encounters for the comment of the ZIP file itself. Under some
- circumstances, such as those where your particular collection of ZIP
- files do not contain comments, or where the vast majority of them
- contain BBS advertisements (not really what they were intended for),
- this search can be both time consuming and meaningless. This toggle
- will turn this feature on or off. The presence of a "Z" beside the
- Archive Extract setting in the status information at the top of the
- screen indicates that this feature is turned on.
- Although not related to ZIP files, this feature will also control
- whether or not the graphic resolution and color information will be
- extracted from a GIF file to be included as the default comment for
- that particular file.
- Sub-option 9 - Aliases On/Off
- -----------------------------
- Activating this option will enable you to override the name under which
- a disk will be cataloged. Normally, CATDISK will catalog a disk under
- the volume label. This will allow you to optionally catalog the disk
- under a different name without changing the volume label on the disk
- being cataloged. Keep in mind that if you re-catalog the disk at a
- later time, you must remember the new name that you gave to the disk in
- your catalog, otherwise, duplication will occur in your catalog.
- Sub-option <Esc> - Return To Main Menu
- --------------------------------------
- Exactly what it says.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 25
- Selection of option #3 on the main menu will allow the VOLUME LABEL of
- a disk to be set or changed. Upon selection, CATDISK will attempt to
- read the current label of the disk. If none is present, you will be
- notified of this, and will be given the opportunity to create a volume
- label for that disk. See the DOS manual on volume labels for more
- information. If a label already exists on the disk, its name will be
- shown as a reminder, and you will be given an opportunity to change the
- label name. Just enter the new label name and hit <CR>.
- If the label name was valid, the change will be made, otherwise, an
- error message indicating such will be issued and you will return to the
- main menu.
- If you do not wish to enter or change the disk label, simply hit <ESC>
- at the volume label prompt and you will immediately return to the main
- menu with no changed made to the disk label.
- When the volume label has been successfully changed or created, CATDISK
- will check to see if the old label, if any was present, exists in the
- current catalog file. If so, you will be given an opportunity to have
- CATDISK automatically change the old volume id references to the newly
- entered one. If the disk that you re-labeled is one that actually is
- in the catalog, answer <Y>es to the prompt. CATDISK will take care of
- the rest. This feature can be a great time saver, as it eliminates the
- need to uncatalog the disk under the old volume id, and re-catalog it
- under the new name.
- If the disk is not in the catalog, answer <N>o to the prompt. Answering
- <Y>es under these circumstances will not damage the catalog file, but
- will cause confusion as to what disk the altered catalog records reside
- on.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 26
- This selection will initiate cataloging of the files on the selected
- catalog disk as shown in the status area at the top of the screen. The
- volume label will be read, and if it doesn't exist, you will be given
- an opportunity to enter a volume label for the disk. If you hit <ESC>
- at the label prompt, the operation will be aborted and you will be
- returned to the main menu without cataloging your disk. After entering
- the label name for that disk, you will be asked if you wish to write
- that label to disk. If you answer <Y>es, the disk will be labeled and
- cataloging will continue. If you answer <N>o, the label will not be
- written, but the disk will be cataloged under the name that you gave
- it. This will allow easy cataloging of write-protected disks.
- Please note that volume labels created by Peter Norton's "Volabel"
- utility may contain lower case characters. CATDISK will convert the
- labels to upper case before adding them to the catalog. This will
- enable you to manipulate and uncatalog any of these disks. The
- physical volume label on the disk will be left unchanged.
- There are volume label utilities on the market that allow the entry of
- illegal characters into the volume label. CATDISK will change these
- offending characters into spaces when it encounters them. This will
- not affect the physical label on the disk, but rather the way CATDISK
- stores them in its catalog files.
- If the label on the disk to be cataloged already exists in the
- catalog, you will be notified of this situation, and will be given an
- opportunity to abort the operation. This feature has been added as a
- safeguard against a situation where two disks of the same volume id may
- be overriding each other and clobbering the catalog contents of the
- other disk. If you specified the "/NW" option on at startup, this
- warning will not be issued.
- If you specified /ALIAS in your startup options, a screen will appear
- showing you what the current volume label is on the disk you are about
- to catalog. A prompt will appear below this asking you for a name
- under which you would like the disk to be cataloged. The current
- volume label will be displayed in this area, and you will be allowed to
- change it before the cataloging process takes place. This can be very
- handy in certain situations such as vendor disks that insist that the
- volume label remain unchanged, as the software uses the volume label to
- identify the disk. The volume label on the disk may not mean anything
- to you, and using an alias may be desirable in this case.
- As flexible as the ability to catalog under an alias can be, there are
- a couple of drawbacks that should be considered before you decide to
- make the name in the catalog different from the volume label on the
- disk. Firstly, if you go to re-catalog the disk at a later time and
- don't provide exactly the same alias that was used initially, you can
- wind up with duplicate entries in the catalog file, as CATDISK
- currently has no way of knowing that the disk has already been
- cataloged. Secondly, if at a later date, you use option #3 in CATDISK
- to change the volume label on a disk that has already been cataloged,
- CATDISK will have no way of knowing that it should give you the
- opportunity to change the entries in the catalog to reflect the new
- volume label, as the entries are not cataloged under the old volume
- label.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 27
- The best advice would be that if you never intend to re-catalog a disk
- in the future, then it would be ok to use an alias, otherwise, it's
- best to stick with a meaningful volume label.
- Once the name of the disk has been established for cataloging purposes,
- the directory and any archive or library entries (if the ARCHIVE auto
- extract feature option is turned on - it is by default) will be read
- (if the ARCHIVE auto extract is set to QUERY, you will be asked for
- verification before a given archive or Library will be read). This
- process will be repeated for each sub-directory on the disk as well.
- All existing levels of sub-directories will be searched.
- If the ZIP comment extract feature is turned on (see sub-option #8 in
- the settings & toggles menu), CATDISK will extract the graphic
- resolution and color information of any GIF files that it encounters
- during its operation and place this information in the comment field
- (if it is a new file, or an existing entry in the catalog file that is
- blank) as the default comment. For example, a picture contained in a
- GIF file that has a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels and contains 256
- colors will appear as "640x480x256".
- If CATDISK encounters a ZIP, ZOO or DWC file, any comments that may be
- stored in that file will be read and included in the catalog file. If
- the operation is a re-cataloging operation and any extracted filenames
- already exist in the catalog file with comments attached, the comment
- from the archive file will be ignored.
- ZIP files, in addition to supporting comment entries for each file
- contained, can also have a main comment for the ZIP file itself. When
- CATDISK reads ZIP files and finds a main comment, it will insert that
- main comment in the catalog file for any entries in the ZIP file that
- do not already have comments. This feature of copying the main ZIP
- file comment can be turned on and off via the menus as desired.
- Upon completion of this, the catalog summary file and master catalog
- will be updated to reflect the current directory/directories of the
- disk. If any files have been added, they will be added to the catalog;
- if any files have been changed, they will be updated; if any files
- have been deleted, they will be removed from the catalog.
- If, while reading the disk, CATDISK cannot find any files there, it
- will ask you if you would like to add that disk to the catalog anyway.
- Why would you want to add such a disk to the catalog? The answer to
- this question can best be explained by an example.
- You're maintaining a collection of disks for a computer users group.
- One day, you decide to clean up your collection, eliminating any
- duplicates that may have crept into the collection. While you're
- eliminating the duplicates, several of the disks in the sequence become
- completely empty. In this case, it is desirable to have the disk
- showing in the summary file as having its capacity completely available
- to accept new files. Additionally, all the files that were eliminated
- from that disk will be un-cataloged by CATDISK through its normal
- function. If the disk has never been cataloged before, this method
- represents a way to "pre-allocate" the disks to the collection and
- initialize their entries in the catalog file.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 28
- If you would like to have the blank disk included in the catalog,
- answer YES to the prompt, otherwise, answer NO. If you elect not to
- include the disk in the catalog file, and it has already been cataloged
- before, it would be advisable to remove that volume listing from the
- catalog file using option #5.
- Keep in mind, that deletion of an ARCHIVE file will cause any files
- existing within that ARCHIVE file to be uncataloged. Also, turning the
- Auto ARCHIVE Extraction feature OFF, or answering <No> to a Extract
- ARCHIVE prompt to a cataloged ARCHIVE will cause any files in an
- ARCHIVE file on that disk to be uncataloged as well.
- Should the disk become full when the cataloging process is underway,
- the process will be aborted with an error message. The old catalog
- file will remain intact (i.e. no changes made), but the summary file
- will reflect either the presence of the new disk, or the current status
- of that disk if it already existed in the catalog. This means that the
- catalog file will not be accurate as to what's on the disk that you
- attempted to catalog. If this error is encountered, you should either
- try to free up some space on disk on which the catalog file exists, or
- move the .DTA and .SUM files to another disk (see CONFIGURING CATDISK
- for details on how to access catalog files on other drives and
- directories) and retry the operation.
- The cataloging operation is completely automatic and does not require
- any further input from the operator once started, unless, of course,
- the ARCHIVE extract state is set to QUERY.
- If you have turned on the auto-comment feature either from the
- command line or from the toggles menu, you will be taken to a section
- of the program that will allow you to add/update file comments.
- See "<F1> - Adding/Updating File Comments" later in this manual for
- details.
- Please keep in mind that CATDISK has an internal limitation of being
- able to read in only the first 5000 files of the disk being cataloged.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 29
- There may be times when you will wish to remove a disk's files from the
- catalog. Select option #5 from the main menu, and you will be asked to
- enter the VOLUME NAME of the disk to be uncataloged. Enter it and hit
- <Enter>. If the volume label doesn't exist in the catalog, then you
- will be notified and returned to the main menu.
- Optionally, you can leave the volume ID blank at the prompt. CATDISK
- will bring up a point-and-shoot menu from which you can select a volume
- id from those in your current catalog. See the section entitled
- "Selecting A Volume Name From A List" previously discussed in this user
- manual.
- If the volume label is found in the catalog, its entry will be deleted
- along with all the file names under it.
- If you do not wish to carry out this operation, hit <Esc> at the volume
- label prompt and no action will be taken.
- Should the disk become full during the catalog update process, the
- process will be aborted with an error message, and the old catalog file
- will remain intact. Typically, this error should not occur, unless you
- have added more files to the disk, or another program has used up more
- disk space (such as a database expanding a file). Should this error
- occur, the summary file will no longer contain a reference to the
- diskette that was uncataloged, but the catalog file will still contain
- references to that diskette.
- Should this be the case, you should either free up some space on the
- disk, or copy the .SUM and .DTA files to another disk (see CONFIGURING
- CATDISK for details on accessing catalog files on other drives and
- directories), catalog the diskette in question, and uncatalog it again.
- This will remove any references to that disk from the catalog file.
- If you do not have access to that disk any more (you may have erased
- it), simply take a blank diskette, add one file to it, and label it the
- same as the diskette you wish to uncatalog. Carry out the above
- procedure, and you will obtain the same results.
- In practice, this should not happen, as you would have needed
- sufficient disk space to create the catalog file in the first place.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 30
- Selection of option #6 from the main menu will cause CATDISK to display
- an alphabetical list of VOLUME NAMES and some pertinent statistical
- information for each. This option is handy if, say, you have a bunch
- of utility disks and want to add a 14K utility program to one of them.
- This report can be quite useful in making efficient use of existing
- working diskettes.
- All the statistical items shown should be self-explanatory, except one;
- that is, the Slack % factor. The disks on which DOS stores it files
- are divided into allocation units called clusters. The size of each
- cluster varies with the type and size of disk. When DOS allocates
- space on a disk for a file, it is allotted in one cluster units to the
- file. Some common cluster sizes are 512 bytes on 160-180K diskettes,
- and 1024 bytes on 320-360K diskettes. Some hard disks have larger
- cluster sizes.
- Anyway, let's say, for example, that you have a file of 256 bytes. On
- a 360K diskette, DOS will allocate 1024 bytes to the file, even though
- it is only 256 bytes long. This means that three-quarters of that
- cluster is unused, or that you have 75% slack for that file. The
- figure that you see on the summary report is the overall slack
- percentage of all the files on the disk.
- Depending on where you have set your output destination, the following
- options are applicable:
- Printer: A hardcopy summary report will be printed on your printer.
- The disk volume names will be echoed to the screen as they
- are sent to the printer. Hitting <Esc> at any time during
- report generation will abort it and return to the main menu.
- Disk: A listing in the same format as the hardcopy summary report
- will be produced in a diskette file. The default name for
- this file is one with the same name as the current catalog
- filename with an extension of ".LST". This may be overridden
- at the time that the report is generated. Hitting <Esc> at
- any time during the generation of the report will abort it
- and return to the main menu.
- Screen: This will allow you to browse through your summary report on
- the screen. For a list of options available, please see the
- section entitled "SCREEN REPORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE" in this
- manual.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 31
- Selecting option #7 will cause CATDISK to display an alphabetical list
- of files for a particular disk. If you have the report destination set
- to "ASK ME", you will be asked for a report location. After the report
- destination is established, you will be asked for a volume ID. Simply
- enter it and hit <Return>, or hit <Esc> to return to the menu without
- producing a report.
- Once the report location has been determined, CATDISK will ask you for
- the volume name to match for the report. You can either enter the
- exact volume name to match, or a wild-card entry to match for the
- report. If you enter an exact entry, CATDISK will first find it in the
- summary file. If it does not exist, you will be notified, and the
- catalog scan will not even take place. If you want to obtain a report
- for a group of volumes, here's how the wildcard matching works:
- As CATDISK scans your catalog for matches, it does a character by
- character comparison of the pattern that you specified and the volume
- name for each entry in your catalog. As soon as a mismatch occurs, the
- catalog entry is not included in the report. Two characters have a
- special meaning in these comparisons. The question mark (?) will match
- any character in the position which the question mark occupies. The
- asterisk (*) will match any characters to either the end of the volume
- name, or the next non-asterisk character in the pattern, if there are
- any. As a result of this logic, any characters between two asterisks
- that may occur in the search pattern are ignored.
- One special case with the asterisk feature is when a pattern is placed
- in between two asterisks. CATDISK will then match any volume that
- contains the pattern anywhere in the name.
- To better illustrate, here are some examples:
- Pattern Volume ID Match?
- ----------- ----------- ------
- VOLUME 1 VOLUME 2 NO - not an exact match
- VOL????? VOLUME 1 YES - any 8 char name beginning with "VOL"
- VOL????2 VOLUME 2 YES - any 8 char name beginning with "VOL"
- that ends with "2"
- VOL*1 VOLUME 1 YES - any name beginning with "VOL" and
- ending in "1" (any number of chars)
- VOL*1 VOLUME 2 NO - doesn't end in "1"
- *1 VOLUME 1 YES - any name ending in "1" (any number of
- chars)
- *1 VOLUME 2 NO - doesn't end in "1"
- ???????? VOLUME 1 YES - any 8 char volume name
- ????????? VOLUME 2 NO - volume ID is not 9 characters long
- * ANYVOLUME YES - any volume ID, any number of chars
- AB*CD*EF ABEF YES - "CD" in the middle ignored
- *MISC* CATMISC1 YES - Contains "MISC" in the volume name.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 32
- Note that in the last example, the presence of a leading and trailing
- asterisk will cause CATDISK to search for the characters enclosed
- between them as they appear literally. Wildcard characters must not
- appear between these delimiters, as they cannot exist in a valid DOS
- filename (i.e. the volume id) and therefore will not be matched. For
- example," *DI?K*" will cause CATDISK to search for "DI?K" in the volume
- id. The question mark is not a valid character in a DOS filename,
- therefore no matches will be found.
- Optionally, you can leave the volume ID blank. CATDISK will bring up a
- point-and-shoot menu from which you can select a volume id from those
- in your current catalog. See the section entitled "Selecting A Volume
- Name From A List" previously discussed in this user manual.
- Depending on where you have set your output destination, the following
- options are applicable:
- Printer: A hardcopy file report will be printed on your printer. The
- filenames will be echoed to the screen as they are sent to
- the printer. Hitting <Esc> at any time during report
- generation will abort it and return to the main menu.
- Disk: A listing in the same format as the hardcopy file report will
- be produced in a diskette file. The default name for this
- file is one with the same name as the current catalog
- filename with an extension of ".LST". This may be overridden
- at the time that the report is generated. Hitting <Esc> at
- any time during the generation of the report will abort it
- and return to the main menu.
- Screen: Upon entering the search spec, scanning of the catalog will
- commence. If you have status indicators turned on, a counter
- will increment each time a matching file is found. If at the
- and of the search, no files were found, an error message will
- be issued and you will be returned to the main menu.
- When the search has completed successfully, the file names
- will be shown alphabetically, along with the volume name,
- archive name, and other directory information for that file.
- For a list of options available, please see the section
- entitled "SCREEN REPORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE" in this manual.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 33
- Selecting option #8 will cause CATDISK to display an alphabetical list
- of files for a particular archive. If you have the report destination
- set to "ASK ME", you will be asked for a report location. After the
- report destination is established, you will be asked for a Archive to
- list. Simply enter it and hit <Return>, or hit <Esc> to return to the
- menu without producing a report. If you wish to obtain a report for a
- group of similarly named archives, you may use wildcards in your search
- spec. Here's how they work:
- As CATDISK scans your catalog for matches, it does a character by
- character comparison of the pattern that you specified and the volume
- name for each entry in your catalog. As soon as a mismatch occurs, the
- catalog entry is not included in the report. Two characters have a
- special meaning in these comparisons. The question mark (?) will match
- any character in the position which the question mark occupies. The
- asterisk (*) will match any characters to either the end of the volume
- name, or the next non-asterisk character in the pattern, if there are
- any. As a result of this logic, any characters between two asterisks
- that may occur in the search pattern are ignored.
- One special case with the asterisk feature is when a pattern is placed
- in between two asterisks. CATDISK will then match any archive that
- contains the pattern anywhere in the name.
- To better illustrate, here are some examples:
- Pattern Archive ID Match?
- -------- ---------- ------
- MISC1 MISC2 NO - not an exact match
- MI??? MISC1 YES - any 5 char name beginning with "MI"
- MI??2 MISC2 YES - any 5 char name beginning with "MI"
- that ends with "1"
- MI*1 MISC1 YES - any name beginning with "MI" and ending
- in "1" (any number of chars)
- MI*1 MISC2 NO - doesn't end in "1"
- *1 MISC1 YES - any name ending in "1" (any number of
- chars)
- *1 MISC2 NO - doesn't end in "1"
- ????? MISC1 YES - any 5 char volume name
- ???????? MISC2 NO - archive ID is not 8 characters long
- * ANYARCH YES - any archive ID, any number of chars
- AB*CD*EF ABEF YES - "CD" in the middle ignored
- *GAME* AGAME001 YES - Contains "GAME" in the archive name
- Note that in the last example, the presence of a leading and trailing
- asterisk will cause CATDISK to search for the characters enclosed
- between them as they appear literally. Wildcard characters must not
- appear between these delimiters, as they cannot exist in a valid DOS
- filename (i.e. the archive id) and therefore will not be matched. For
- example," *DI?K*" will cause CATDISK to search for "DI?K" in the
- archive id. The question mark is not a valid character in a DOS
- filename, therefore no matches will be found.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 34
- Depending on where you have set your output destination, the following
- options are applicable:
- Printer: A hardcopy file report will be printed on your printer. The
- filenames will be echoed to the screen as they are sent to
- the printer. Hitting <Esc> at any time during report
- generation will abort it and return to the main menu.
- Disk: A listing in the same format as the hardcopy file report will
- be produced in a diskette file. The default name for this
- file is one with the same name as the current catalog
- filename with an extension of ".LST". This may be overridden
- at the time that the report is generated. Hitting <Esc> at
- any time during the generation of the report will abort it
- and return to the main menu.
- Screen: Upon entering the search spec, scanning of the catalog will
- commence. If you have status indicators turned on, a counter
- will increment each time a matching file is found. If at the
- and of the search, no files were found, an error message will
- be issued and you will be returned to the main menu.
- When the search has completed successfully, the file names
- will be shown alphabetically, along with the volume name,
- archive name, and other directory information for that file.
- For a list of options available, please see the section
- entitled "SCREEN REPORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE" in this manual.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 35
- Selecting option #9 will cause CATDISK to display an alphabetical list
- of files. If you have the report destination set to "ASK ME", you will
- be asked for a report location. After the report destination is
- established, you will be asked for a filespec. This filespec follows
- the conventional DOS filespec search conventions including wildcard
- searches. Hit <Esc> to return to the menus without generating a
- report.
- Examples:
- *.* - search for everything
- * - same as *.*
- *. - search for files with no extension
- CATDISK*.* - search for files starting with CATDISK and having
- any file extension
- CATDISK* - same as CATDISK*.*
- CATDISK*. - search for files starting with CATDISK and having
- no file extension
- *.COM - search for files ending in .COM
- A*.EXE - search for files starting with A and ending in .EXE
- CATDISK.EXE - search specifically for CATDISK.EXE
- *.?Q? - search for files with an extension containing Q as
- its second character
- ??.DOC - search for files with two letters as it filename
- and .DOC as its extension
- Please refer to the DOS manual for further information on file
- searching patterns.
- In addition to the standard DOS wildcard matching specifications,
- CATDISK adds capabilities similar to the pattern matching discussed
- earlier in the manual under volume name matching and archive id
- matching. To apply it to a filename, simply split the filename into
- its two sections (the part before the period is referred to as the
- name, and the part after the period is the extension), and apply the
- principals to each part. A couple of examples would be:
- *D.* - match any filename whose name ends in "D" and has any
- extension.
- C?T*.EXE - match any filename whose name has a "C" in the first
- position, any character in the second postion, a "T" in
- the third position, and has an extension of ".EXE".
- *.*M - match any file with any extension that ends in "M".
- C*K.* - match any file with any extension whose name starts with
- "C" and ends with "K".
- *DISK*.* - match any file whose name contains the characters "DISK".
- Note that in the last example, the presence of a leading and trailing
- asterisk will cause CATDISK to search for the characters enclosed
- between them as they appear literally. Wildcard characters must not
- appear between these delimiters, as they cannot exist in a valid DOS
- filename and therefore will not be matched. For example," *DI?K*.*"
- will cause CATDISK to search for "DI?K" in the files name. The
- question mark is not a valid character in a DOS filename, therefore no
- matches will be found.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 36
- Although this is a slight departure from the DOS standard for file
- pattern matching, I'm sure that you will find that these extensions add
- a little more flexibility and power to CATDISK's reporting
- capabilities.
- Depending on where you have set your output destination, the following
- options are applicable:
- Printer: A hardcopy file report will be printed on your printer. The
- filenames will be echoed to the screen as they are sent to
- the printer. Hitting <Esc> at any time during report
- generation will abort it and return to the main menu.
- Disk: A listing in the same format as the hardcopy file report will
- be produced in a diskette file. The default name for this
- file is one with the same name as the current catalog
- filename with an extension of ".LST". This may be overridden
- at the time that the report is generated. Hitting <Esc> at
- any time during the generation of the report will abort it
- and return to the main menu.
- Screen: Upon entering the search spec, scanning of the catalog will
- commence. If you have status indicators turned on, a counter
- will increment each time a matching file is found. If at the
- and of the search, no files were found, an error message will
- be issued and you will be returned to the main menu.
- When the search has completed successfully, the file names
- will be shown alphabetically, along with the volume name,
- archive name, and other directory information for that file.
- For a list of options available, please see the section
- entitled "SCREEN REPORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE" in this manual.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 37
- This option, if viewed on the screen will product a report in the same
- manner as option #9, except that ALL files in the catalog will be
- included in the list. It is similar to choosing option #9 and
- searching for "*.*".
- If you have the report destination set to "ASK ME", you will be asked
- for a report location before any further action takes place.
- You may sort the full list on various criteria. Currently, you can
- sort by filename, file extension, subdirectory, volume id, archive id,
- comment, or file date.
- Additionally, there are two other "sorting" options here that will show
- you just the unique files in your catalog file, or just the duplicate
- files in your catalog. These two items were placed in this menu for
- lack of a better place to include them in the existing menus. The
- criteria for these last two reports is based solely on the filename,
- and optionally, on the file size (you will be asked whether or not you
- want it to be included before the catalog scan takes place), and not
- other items such as subdirectory, file date or file size.
- To start the report, just select one of the criteria from the menu that
- appears and CATDISK will take care of the rest. If you decide that you
- do not want to generate a report at this time, you may press <Esc> to
- return to the main menu without taking any further action.
- If, during the sorting process (if necessary), CATDISK runs into a disk
- problem (such as a full disk), or a disk media problem (read or write
- error), the process will be aborted and no report will be produced.
- If you opt to view the list sorted by filename, the catalog scan and
- sort will not take place, as the list is stored by filename anyway.
- If you opt to view the unique or duplicate file list, a full scan will
- be made through the catalog file in the same manner as before the
- equivalent screen report appears before any printing takes place. The
- reason for this is due to the method that CATDISK uses in comparing
- filenames to determine whether they are duplicate or unique.
- Due to the method by which CATDISK scans the catalog, there is a
- possibility that duplicate files may appear in the unique file reports
- and vice versa when file size is used as a criteria if the given
- entries being compared are not right together in the catalog file. An
- example may make this clearer:
- Filename.Ext Volume ID File Size
- TEST .GIF GIF0001 123,456
- TEST .GIF GIF0002 123,789
- TEST .GIF GIF0003 123,456
- In the unique file report, for example, if the file size is ommitted
- from the search criteria, the report will show none of the above three
- files, which would be correct.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 38
- If, however, the file size is included, all three of the files will
- show up due to the fact that the second entry in the file list has a
- different file size. The first file is compared to the second one, and
- the second one is compared to the third during the sequential search of
- the catalog. Due to the possibility that there can be many files of
- the same name occurring in the catalog file, this cannot be currently
- circumvented.
- A similar situation can happen in the duplicate files report. Leaving
- the file size out of the criteria will yield the correct results.
- Including it may cause all three files to be left out of the report for
- the same reasons as in the unique file report.
- Depending on where you have set your output destination, the following
- options are applicable:
- Printer: A hardcopy file report will be printed on your printer. The
- filenames will be echoed to the screen as they are sent to
- the printer. Hitting <Esc> at any time during report
- generation will abort it and return to the main menu.
- Disk: A listing in the same format as the hardcopy file report will
- be produced in a diskette file. The default name for this
- file is one with the same name as the current catalog
- filename with an extension of ".LST". This may be overridden
- at the time that the report is generated. Hitting <Esc> at
- any time during the generation of the report will abort it
- and return to the main menu.
- Screen: When the screen is selected and a sorting option of filename
- is selected, the list will appear immediately, as the catalog
- file itself is arranged in that order and no physical sorting
- is necessary. + name, archive name, and other directory
- information for that file.
- When all is ready, the file names will be shown
- alphabetically, along with the volume name, archive name, and
- other directory information for that file.
- For a list of options available, please see the section
- entitled "SCREEN REPORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE" in this manual.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 39
- There are two places from which this feature can be activated; either
- at the conclusion of the cataloging process, or from the main menu.
- If you select <F1> from the main menu, you will get a sub-menu that
- will allow you to specify one of two methods for deciding which files
- to bring up on the screen for commenting, or to be able to bring in
- comments from an external file.
- If you select sub-option #1, you will be asked to specify a disk
- volume. Upon entry of such, CATDISK will go through the catalog and
- bring up a list of files that currently reside on that disk volume.
- Optionally, you can leave the volume ID blank at the prompt. CATDISK
- will bring up a point-and-shoot menu from which you can select a volume
- id from those in your current catalog. See the section entitled
- "Selecting A Volume Name From A List" previously discussed in this user
- manual.
- If you select sub-option #2, you will be asked for a filespec on which
- to base the search. It functions quite similarly to option #9 (see it
- for details).
- If during the cataloging process (option #4), you have the auto-comment
- feature turned on (either from the command line or the toggles menu),
- this section will be activated after cataloging a disk, just as if you
- had specified the Volume ID of the disk that you just cataloged; those
- files will appear on the screen.
- Once CATDISK has found a group of files for commenting, they will
- appear on the screen in a format similar to the "COMMENT" screen output
- format, the main difference being that one of the comments (or blanks)
- are highlighted in an inverse field.
- To change a comment, simply move the highlight to the file that you
- wish to comment, and start typing. When you are done, hit the <Return>
- key.
- Other editing keys are as follows:
- <Left Arrow> - move cursor one character to the left.
- <Right Arrow> - move cursor one key to the right.
- <Home> - move cursor to the beginning of the line
- (once you have started typing).
- <End> - move cursor to the end of the line
- (once you have started typing).
- <Ctrl>-<End> - erase from the cursor to the end of the line.
- <Del> - delete the character at the cursor and shift the
- characters on the right to the left.
- <Backspace> - delete the character before the cursor and shift the
- characters on the right to the left.
- <Ins> - toggle insert/overstrike mode
- - in insert mode the cursor will be slightly fatter
- than the one in overstrike mode.
- <Esc> - cancel the changes and restore the line to its
- original contents.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 40
- In some (and probably most) cases, the file list will be too large to
- fit on the screen. The list may be browsed through by using the keys
- on the cursor keypad. Their functions:
- <UP> & <DOWN> will move the highlight bar up or down one file. If
- you at a screen margin, and there are still more
- files to be browsed, the listing on the screen will
- scroll in the appropriate direction. If you can't move
- any more, you will hear a short beep.
- <PgUp> & <PgDn> will move you 15 files forward or backward in the list
- If you can't move any more, you will hear a short beep.
- <Home> & <End> will move you to the beginning or end of the group of
- files respectively.
- <F9> will repeat Last Entered Comment: This is handy if
- you want to repeat a single comment at different places
- in the list where <F10> (see below) won't suffice, as
- the comment desired is not directly above the current
- position. If no comment was previously entered, or
- the last entered comment was blank, no action will be
- taken.
- <F10> will "Ditto": Pressing this key will copy the comment
- from the entry above. It is handy if you want to copy
- a comment down a consecutive list of files, or one that
- was already previously entered at an earlier
- time, if it is directly above the current position. If
- the comment above is blank, or you are at the top of
- the list, no action will be taken.
- <Grey Plus> move down through the list 1/15th of the total length
- of the list (see the appendix regarding the SCROLL BAR
- later in this manual).
- <Grey Minus> move up through the list 1/15th of the total length of
- the list (see the appendix regarding the SCROLL BAR
- later in this manual).
- <Tab> This will toggle the information shown on the left of
- the comment area between showing the subdirectory,
- archive and volume information and showing the archive,
- file size and date information. This option is not
- shown at the bottom of the screen due to lack of room
- on the instruction line.
- <Esc> Return to the main menu when you are done.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 41
- Sub-Option #3 - Merging Comments From A Text File
- -------------------------------------------------
- Sub-option #3, import comments from a text file, will allow you to
- bring in file comments from an external source, be it a bbs listing
- that you've either downloaded or captured with your communications
- package, or any file that contains plain text. This file can contain
- anything: filesizes, dates, times, etc. The only limitations are that
- the file contain no tabs, and that each line be no longer then 255
- characters.
- Many utilities such as Norton's fileinfo (FI) utility can re-direct
- their output to a text file simply by appending ">TEXTFILE" (without
- the quotes) to the command. Using Norton's FI utility as an example,
- you could use "FI A: /C/L >TEXTFILE" to produce a file called TEXTFILE
- that would contain comments for many of the files on a floppy disk.
- Please refer to your Norton Utilities manual for details on how to
- maintain those comments with FI.
- Once you select sub-option #3, a screen containing the controlling
- settings for the expected text file will appear. These settings can be
- stored in a setup file (profile) for later retrieval. To avoid disk
- clutter, profiles are stored in the same directory as your catalog
- files. This eliminates the need for having to remember the settings
- for, say, the file dump from Norton's FI as described earlier on. You
- can enter the settings once, save them to a profile and be able to
- recall them later on. The first item on the screen indicates what file
- that the current settings came from.
- The second item is the filename of the textfile from which the comments
- will be read. The next 8 settings will depend on the characteristics
- of the file being read. The pre-filled numbers assume that you are
- reading comments from CATDISK's own report printed to disk showing both
- statistics and comments.
- The first setting is the beginning and ending character positions of
- the filename as it appears on each line. These settings are critical
- for CATDISK to be able to identify where to put each comment, and must
- contain a value greater than zero.
- The second setting is the beginning and ending character positions of
- the subdirectory, if it exists in the text file. If the text file
- contains the subdirectory in which each file resides, you may include
- it with these settings, or if either the file does not contain
- subdirectory information, or you do not wish to use it, you may set the
- beginning and ending positions to zero. CATDISK will then ignore them.
- The third setting is the beginning and ending character positions of
- the volume id, if it exists in the text file. If the text file
- contains the volume id for the disk on which each file resides, you may
- include it with these settings, or if either the file does not contain
- this information, or you do not wish to use it, you may set the
- beginning and ending positions to zero. CATDISK will then ignore them.
- Finally, the last setting is the starting and ending character
- positions of the file comment. These values must also be set to
- something that is greater than zero, as CATDISK needs a comment to
- insert for each file that it finds in your catalog file.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 42
- The easiest way to determine the appropriate settings for the text file
- you will be importing is to first load it into your favorite text
- editor. Place the cursor on the beginning and ending characters of the
- various items discussed above, and note what column the editor
- indicates that the current cursor position is. These will be the
- values that you will fill in to the control screen.
- Here are a few important notes regarding the text file. There is
- really no need to edit blank lines and headings out of the file before
- processing, as the chances of CATDISK matching a filename, subdirectory
- and volume id found in the appropriate character positions in a heading
- with a file entry in the catalog file are quite slim. It is important
- that each data line (not the headings) in the file be structured the
- same way (i.e. all the columns line up as in a report). If this is not
- the case, chaos in the comments fields in the affected files will
- result. Lastly, CATDISK has an internal limitation of being able to
- read in only the first 32,767 non-blank lines in the file. The rest
- will be ignored.
- All this said, changing the settings is a matter of using the <Up> and
- <Down> arrow keys to highlight the desired setting, typing the new
- information for that setting and hitting <Enter>. Pressing <Esc> when
- not editing a setting will return you to the menu with no further
- action taken.
- Retrieving and saving profiles is a simple matter of typing in the
- desired filename on the first line of the screen. When you do so, you
- will be asked if you would like to read settings in from that file, or
- save the current ones to that file. If you attempt to read in a
- profile that does not exist, you will be given an error message and no
- settings will be changed. If, however, the file does exist and either
- a disk read error occurs or it is determined that the file is not a
- valid profile, the default settings (that which were supplied the first
- time you used this feature) will be brought in.
- If you wish to save the current settings to disk, CATDISK will first
- check to see if the file already exists. If so, you will be given a
- warning to enable you to abandon the operation before you accidentally
- over-write a valuable program or data file.
- Any changes made in the settings during an import session will
- automatically be saved to the current profile on exit from the settings
- modification screen (via <Esc> or <F10>). Again, if the file named in
- the first line exists, you will be given an overwrite warning in case
- you don't actually want to overwrite the current saved settings with
- the new ones (i.e. the import operation is a one-time shot in this
- case).
- Once you have all the desired settings ready, press <F10> to initiate
- the insertion of comments in the catalog file. Here's what CATDISK
- does to accomplish this. First, it will read and sort all the entries
- in the text file. If CATDISK cannot find the text file, if there is an
- error in reading the text file, or there is an error in sorting the
- entries, the process will be aborted. If the sort is successful,
- CATDISK will scan your current catalog file for matching entries from
- the text file.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 43
- For each match that CATDISK finds, it will determine if the comment
- field from the catalog file is blank (CATDISK will not overwrite
- previously entered comments for the sake of integrity). If so, the
- first 30 characters of the comment from the text file will be inserted
- into the comment field for that file in the catalog file.
- Once this process has completed, a list of the modified entries will be
- brought into the comment editor for "massaging" if you would like to
- clean up any entries. It is highly recommended that you at least go
- through the list just to make sure that everything went ok. Below is a
- discussion on how you can view and change the comments of the modified
- entries.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 44
- Selecting option <F2> will cause CATDISK to display a list of files in
- accordance with a comment search spec that you supply. After selecting
- a report destination, you will be asked for a comment search spec that
- you wish the report to be based on.
- Just enter the string that you want to search for in the catalog's
- comments section and hit <Enter>, or hit <Esc> to abort the process
- without generating a report.
- Here's how the comments are sourced for your search spec. You enter a
- "phrase" or "substring" that you want to search for in the file
- comments.
- The "phrase" may be an entire comment that you want, it can be just one
- word, or even just one letter. When catdisk compares your "phrase" to
- a comment, it checks to see if that "phrase" is contained anywhere in
- that comment. If it does, that file will appear in your report.
- Example: "SOURCE" would match: CATDISK V4.13 source code
- CATDISK V4.13 Source code
- Source
- ... etc ...
- Please note: I have had some of my beta-testers ask for wild cards in
- the comment search (for example, they might not know whether they had
- "Word Processor" or "Word Proc" for a comment). This is not really
- necessary in this case, as, in the above case, entering "PROC" would
- match both comments.
- Depending on where you have set your output destination, the following
- options are applicable:
- Printer: A hardcopy file report will be printed on your printer. The
- filenames will be echoed to the screen as they are sent to
- the printer. Hitting <Esc> at any time during report
- generation will abort it and return to the main menu.
- Disk: A listing in the same format as the hardcopy file report will
- be produced in a diskette file. The default name for this
- file is one with the same name as the current catalog
- filename with an extension of ".LST". This may be overridden
- at the time that the report is generated. Hitting <Esc> at
- any time during the generation of the report will abort it
- and return to the main menu.
- Screen: Upon entering the search spec, scanning of the catalog will
- commence. If you have status indicators turned on, a counter
- will increment each time a matching file is found. If at the
- and of the search, no files were found, an error message will
- be issued and you will be returned to the main menu.
- When the search has completed successfully, the file names
- will be shown alphabetically, along with the volume name,
- archive name, and other directory information for that file.
- For a list of options available, please see the section
- entitled "SCREEN REPORT OPTIONS AVAILABLE" in this manual.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 45
- This option, although not really necessary, has been added in response
- to the numerous requests that I have had for this feature (shows that I
- am really paying attention to those suggestions, eh?). By selecting
- this option, CATDISK will be temporarily suspended and you will be
- returned to the DOS prompt. You may carry out any normal function that
- you would ordinarily be able to carry out from DOS, provided that there
- is enough memory remaining in which to run your desired program.
- When you are done, simply type "EXIT" and hit <Return> to return to
- Please note that due to the fact that this option will in all
- probability not be invoked all that often, it does not show on any of
- the menus. It is, however available from the main menu by pressing
- <F3>.
- Please note that if you have the disk cache active at the time you use
- this function, the contents of the cache will be pitched before calling
- DOS.
- When you are finished with DOS, and wish to return to CATDISK, simply
- type "EXIT" and hit <Return> to return to CATDISK. Please be sure and
- replace any disks that you had in your drives before returning to
- Possible errors that you may encounter when you use can vary greatly.
- Possibilities are: 1) There is not enough memory to load a second copy
- of the command interpreter (usually
- COMMAND.COM), or that memory has been corrupted
- by a resident program.
- 2) If you get an error after returning from DOS, it
- usually means that you've loaded a resident
- program while out in DOS. You should refrain
- from doing so.
- 3) Generally, this means that CATDISK was unable to
- find COMMAND.COM on the drive and directory
- defined by the SET COMSPEC= environment string
- (see the DOS manual for details on the SET
- command). This is usually set to the location
- from which COMMAND.COM was loaded when the
- system was booted. If COMMAND.COM was not found
- at the boot location, the root directory of the
- current drive is attempted.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 46
- To activate this feature, simply type the drive letter of the disk
- whose directory you wish to view. If you haven't included the /NW
- option in your command line when you started CATDISK,you will be
- prompted to insert a disk for drive D where D is the drive letter that
- you typed.
- You will then be asked for a filespec to match. This is the same as
- the filespec prompt in OPTION #9 - SHOW SELECTED FILES. Upon doing
- this, the label and directory contents will be read just like they
- would if they were about to be cataloged, but instead of adding them to
- your catalog, they will be shown directly on the screen in the same
- format as option #7 - Show Files For A Volume. The archive scanning
- feature functions as normal throughout the program.
- Upon entering the search spec, scanning of the catalog will
- commence. If you have status indicators turned on, a counter will
- increment each time a matching file is found. If at the and of the
- search, no files were found, an error message will be issued and you
- will be returned to the main menu.
- When the search has completed successfully, the file names will be
- shown alphabetically, along with the volume name, archive name, and
- other directory information for that file.
- For a list of options available, please see the section entitled
- Select this option when you are finished with CATDISK to terminate its
- operation. Upon exit, you will be returned to the DOS prompt.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 47
- When bringing up a screen report, you may have noticed a hatched bar on
- the left border of the screen with an inverse 'T' at the top of it and
- an inverse 'B' at the bottom. This is a scroll bar, which indicates
- roughly where you are located along the full length of the current
- report. Additionally, this feature will allow you to roughly position
- yourself in the report by hitting the <Grey Plus> and <Grey Minus>
- keys. These keys will move you forward and backward respectively along
- this scroll bar. These moves correspond to a move of one fifteenth of
- the total length of the report in the selected direction, as will be
- reflected in the page number which will be automatically set.
- The scroll bar position will also wrap from the top to the bottom if
- you are at the top and hit the <Grey Minus> key. The reverse is also
- true for the <Grey Plus> key.
- In a long report, this represents a much nicer way of getting to, say,
- the files beginning with "R" without having to hit the <PgDn> key a
- hundred times. Remember... the scroll bar is used to ROUGHLY position
- yourself among a group of files in a screen report.
- This scroll bar will appear in the point-and-shoot volume id selection
- screen as well. Its functionality is much the same as that discussed
- above for reports.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 48
- This version of CATDISK currently supports the archive utilities from
- System Enhancement Associates and PKWare, PAK files (similar to ARC
- files) created by the PAK utility from NoGate Consulting, ZIP files
- created by PKWare's PKZIP utilities, LZH files created by the LHARC
- utility from Haruyasu Yoshizaki, LZS files created by the LARC utility
- from K. Miki, DWC files created by the DWC utility from Dean W. Cooper,
- and the public domain Library Utility (LU).
- CATDISK can extract directory information from archives created with
- SEAWARE'S ARC utility, version 5.30 or earlier, PKWare's PKPAK version
- 3.61 or earlier, or any compatible archive generating program. These
- files commonly have a file extension of .ARC, and any files with this
- extension will be examined by CATDISK to see if it is a valid archive.
- If so, the directory information of each file in the archive will be
- extracted and added to the catalog if the Auto Archive Extraction
- feature is turned ON. Files extracted from an ARC file will have a
- file attribute of "*ARC".
- Similar to the above, any files with a .PAK extension will be examined,
- and if appropriate, the directory information will be extracted from
- the file in question. Files extracted from a PAK file will have a file
- attribute of "*PAK".
- ARC or PAK files created with utilities other than the ones listed
- above should work with CATDISK, but are not guaranteed.
- Files created with PKWare's PKZIP family of utilities are fully
- supported. These files usually have an extension of .ZIP, and any file
- found with this extension will be examined by CATDISK to see if it is a
- valid ZIP file. If this is so, and the Auto Archive Extraction Feature
- is turned ON, the directory information of each file in the library
- will be extracted and added to the catalog. Files extracted from a ZIP
- file will have a file attribute of "*ZIP". If the ZIP file contains
- comments, the first 30 characters will be extracted and included in
- your catalog file.
- ZIP files, in addition to supporting comment entries for each file
- contained, can also have a main comment for the ZIP file itself. When
- CATDISK reads ZIP files and finds a main comment, it will insert that
- main comment in the catalog file for any entries in the ZIP file that
- do not already have comments.
- Although ZIP files can contain subdirectory information, this is not
- the subdirectory that will appear in the catalog listing. The reason
- for this is due to the fact that the primary purpose of CATDISK is to
- be able to locate a given file. In order to be able to do so, the
- subdirectory of the ZIP file itself is shown. The destination of the
- file when being UNZIPPED is not relevant.
- Additionally, files created with Haruyasu Yoshizaki's LHARC utility are
- fully supported. These files commonly end with a .LZH extension. Any
- files with this extension will be examined by CATDISK to see if it is a
- valid LHARC file. If so, and you wish the directory contents to be
- extracted (via the program setting), the process will be carried out.
- Files extracted from a LZH file will have a file attribute of "*LZH".
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 49
- Files created by the LARC utility from K. Miki are supported in the
- same way as those created by the LHARC utility mentioned above. Files
- extracted from these files will have a file attribute of "*LZS".
- Files with a .ZOO extension will be examined to determine whether they
- are a valid ZOO file. If so, and Archive extraction is enabled, the
- directory contents of the file will be read and included in the catalog
- file. Files extracted from ZOO files will have the attribute "*ZOO".
- If the ZOO file contains comments, the first 30 characters will be
- extracted and included in your catalog file.
- Files with a .DWC extension will be checked to determine whether they
- are a valid DWC file. If so,and archive extraction is enabled, the
- directory contents of the file will be read and included in the catalog
- file. Files extracted from DWC files will have the attribute "*DWC".
- If the DWC file contains comments, the first 30 characters will be
- extracted and included in your catalog file.
- Files created by the Library Utility (LU) and conform to the fifth
- revision of the formal definition of the library file format are also
- fully supported. These files commonly have a file extension of .LBR,
- and any files with this extension will be examined by CATDISK to see if
- they are valid .LBR files. If this is so, and the Auto ARCHIVE
- Extraction Feature is turned ON, the directory information of each file
- in the library will be extracted and added to the catalog. Files
- extracted from a LBR file will have an attribute of "*LBR".
- Although not an archive file in the sense of the word, a GIF file
- (stands for Graphics Interchange Format) is a special file format that
- was developed by CompuServe in order to allow many different types of
- computers to be able to view a graphics image without having to modify
- the file itself. GIF viewers are available on a wide variety of
- hardware platforms to allow you to look at the images contained within
- a GIF file. These files can come in a very wide variety of resolutions
- and color combinations. CATDISK can look into a GIF file and extract
- this resolution and color information and include it as a default
- comment for that GIF file. For example, a picture that may be 640 by
- 480 pixels with 256 colors would have a comment entry of "640x480x256".
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 50
- As I said in the introduction, I will only offer advice and technical
- support to those who contribute via the SHAREWARE concept. Users who
- do contribute will be notified when updates and new products are
- available. Anyone wishing to offer advice and suggestions are most
- welcome to do so.
- I may be reached on CompuServe at I.D. # 73307,333, or on The PEARL
- BBS in WATERLOO, Ontario, Canada, under my name, Rick Hillier.
- You may also correspond via your FAX machine, if you have access to
- one. My FAX number is (519)-884-4887. This is the best daytime number
- at which to get an immediate response.
- Telephone support (or any support for that matter) is available to
- registered users only. My voice line is (519)-888-6763. Best time to
- reach me at this number is in the evening hours (6 pm to 10 pm Ontario
- Time).
- Those of you who register your copy of CATDISK and wish to receive an
- update to the latest version (from me and not The PEARL), please
- include an extra $10.00 with your registration to cover materials and
- shipping costs. I will send you the latest version of CATDISK upon
- receipt of your registration. Please specify the version of CATDISK
- that you currently have, or better yet, use the registration form at
- the end of this user manual. If there have not been any updates made
- since your version, I will wait until the next release of CATDISK to
- send your update.
- To receive CATDISK on a 3.5" diskette, please add an additional $2.50.
- Optionally, you may include a diskette and diskette mailer with your
- registration fee plus $5.00 to cover shipping costs, and I will send
- you the latest version of CATDISK.
- The most up to date version of CATDISK is always available on The
- PEARL, which may be reached at (519)-576-6754, 24 hrs. a day. Please
- note that The PEARL is a pay board (normally $25/year), but I have made
- arrangements with the owners to obtain memberships for CATDISK
- subscribers who include an extra five dollars with their subscription,
- along with their first name, last name, and a password to use on the
- board. One restriction must be made on this offer... you must live at
- least 50 miles outside the Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada area in
- order to qualify. You will be validated immediately upon my receiving
- your check or money order.
- Please note that if you are not a regular member of this BBS, or
- haven't taken advantage of the above upgrade offer, YOU WILL NOT BE
- Even if you do not wish to have a PEARL membership, you can still see
- what changes and revisions have been made to date by going to the
- bulletins section of the board. You do not have to be a registered
- PEARL user to use this feature.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 51
- If you do have a question, or a bug report, or whatever, in your
- correspondence, please indicate the following:
- 1) The version of CATDISK that you are using.
- 2) The version of DOS that you are using.
- 3) Your hardware configuration (Model, memory size, printer, etc.)
- 4) Any resident software that you have loaded in memory at the time.
- (i.e. Sidekick, SuperKey, Disk Caches, Print Spoolers, Ramdisks,
- etc.)
- This information will help me to track any problems and to suggest
- reasonable solutions to your problems.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 52
- As CATDISK has developed over the past while, I have received many
- questions regarding the operation of CATDISK. The most common are
- addressed in this section of the manual.
- Q. When I go to catalog a new disk, CATDISK aborts the catalog file
- update with an error message that the disk is full, even though
- there is still room on the disk containing the catalog files.
- A. When CATDISK updates a catalog file, it does so by merging the new
- information in with the old, building a new file from the old in the
- process. The catch here is that, at the end of the catalog file
- update, BOTH files actually exist, thereby taking up roughly double
- the size of the original catalog file. At the end of this
- procedure, if successful, CATDISK deletes the old file and renames
- the new temporary file to what the original catalog file was called.
- The reason this is necessary is that, while re-cataloging a disk,
- there is a possibility that files were removed from that disk. This
- method of updating the catalog provides a convenient mechanism for
- removing those files from the catalog.
- Q. CATDISK currently supports archive file comments in ZIP, ZOO and DWC
- files. Would it be possible to extract those from ARC files as
- well?
- A. ARC file comments were a non-standard extension provided by PKWare's
- PKARC/PKPAK series of archivers, and as such will not be supported
- at this time.
- Q. Would it be possible for CATDISK to support ARCHIVES within
- A. Unfortunately, the answer is no. In order to read the directory of
- an archive within another archive file, the original one must first
- be expanded into its separate files. Firstly, with the ever
- evolving compression methods employed with new versions of the
- archive utilities, this would be beyond the scope of this program.
- Secondly, there would always be the possibility of overwriting an
- existing file of the same name. It's just not feasible.
- Q. In the summary report, I see disk entries for which the amount of
- free space and the amount of space used adds up to more than the
- capacity of the disk itself. The % slack factor is also wrong.
- A. You probably have a corrupted file allocation table on that disk,
- and could be in for some serious trouble. Format a fresh disk and
- transfer the files to it, and re-catalog it from that new disk.
- Q. After starting the cataloging process on a diskette, I discovered
- that the label on the diskette was wrong. Would it be possible to
- abort the process, change the label and start over?
- A. Once the cataloging process is started, it cannot be stopped. If
- you've run into a situation like that above, let CATDISK finish the
- task, and use option #3 to change the label on the diskette.
- CATDISK has a mechanism to automatically change the old volume label
- to the new one throughout the catalog files. It's quick and
- painless.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 53
- Q. We have file comments for each file entry in the catalog file.
- Would it be possible to have comments for each disk in the summary
- file?
- A. At present, no, although this is not carved in stone. The main
- reason for this is that CATDISK keeps the entire disk summary in
- memory at all times. A comment on each disk would significantly
- increase the memory requirements of CATDISK.
- Q. I have some self-booting games. Would it be possible to create a
- dummy entry for that disk in the catalog?
- A. Doing this would defeat the purpose for which CATDISK was written.
- Self-booting games (those that CATDISK won't read) do not have a
- directory in the conventional sense. As there are no files per se
- there is nothing to look for on the diskette. You need only locate
- the disk itself in order to use it.
- Q. I have many disks with numerous insignificant files on them such as
- printer drivers, etc. Would it be possible to catalog only selected
- files from these disks?
- A. Unfortunately, not at this time. In order to keep the shareware
- version of CATDISK as simple to use as possible, all files get
- cataloged hands free. However, CATDISK PLUS, a commercial release
- of this program with many enhancements described in more detail in a
- later appendix, will handle this type of operation.
- Q. When cataloging my hard drive, CATDISK appears to be scanning for
- all the files, but I list the files for it, some are missing.
- A. Although CATDISK appears to be scanning all of your directories and
- archives for file entries, it has an internal limitation of being
- able to remember only the first 5000 files that it sees. After it
- reaches this number, it simply skips over the remaining entries.
- Q. Why does CATDISK slow down as my catalog files grow larger.
- A. As CATDISK catalogs each disk, it must make a pass through your data
- file to determine whether or not any files have been deleted or
- changed, so that the catalog file can be updated accordingly. Many
- other disk catalogers on the market that outperform CATDISK in their
- cataloging operation retain the entire catalog in RAM. While this
- is fast, there are two problems with it.
- Firstly, this imposes an extreme limitation on their ultimate
- capacity in terms of how many disks and files you can catalog. If
- you are serious at all about maintaining a catalog of all your files
- and that your library will possibly grow to many files, these types
- of catalogers are not at all suitable for your usage.
- Secondly, if you should experience a power outage before you've
- saved your work, you can kiss that work good-bye. By manipulating
- data on-disk, CATDISK does catalog your disks at a slower rate than
- the above mentioned type of cataloger, but it guarantees the
- integrity of your work.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 54
- CATLOOK is a stand alone reporting utility provided with CATDISK. It
- can come in handy on occasions when you either need to generate a quick
- and dirty report without having to run CATDISK itself, or when you need
- to generate a report after shelling out to DOS from within an
- application and there is not enough free memory left over to run
- CATDISK itself. CATLOOK will run in 64K of free memory.
- A summary of the usage of CATLOOK follows:
- CATLOOK parameters (each must be separated by a slash or a space)
- /Ffilename - Use this file for the catalog (Default is CATDISK).
- NOTE: No space is allowed between the filename and the
- /F.
- /Px - Set printer output format to report type x, where x is:
- 0 - Filenames + Statistics 1 - Filenames + Comments
- 2 - Filenames + Statistics + Comments
- /S - Show a summary report.
- /Vvolume - Show files for a volume report for the volume label
- specified.
- /Aarchive - Show files for an archive report for the archive
- specified.
- /Wpattern - Show files for a DOS wildcard spec based on the pattern
- given.
- /Ccomment - Show files containing the comment substring specified.
- /U - Show all files that are unique in the catalog file.
- /D - Show all files that have duplicates in the catalog
- file.
- /SIZE - Use file size as an additional criteria in generating
- the unique/duplicate file reports.
- /Ex - Show everything sorted by x, where x is:
- 0 - File Name 1 - File Extension 2 - Subdirectory
- 3 - Volume Name 4 - Archive ID 5 - Comment
- 6 - Date/Time
- Due to the simplicity of this utility, the reports generated by CATLOOK
- are not paginated, but rather produced with one heading at the top of
- the report followed by the appropriate listings (equivalent to setting
- the number of lines per page equal to 0 in the configuration utility).
- The output from CATLOOK can be redirected to a printer or disk file by
- using the standard DOS method if I/O redirection. For example:
- "CATLOOK /S >PRN" (without the quotes) - this will send a summary
- report to your printer.
- "CATLOOK /S >LISTING.TXT" - this will send the summary report to a
- disk file called "LISTING.TXT".
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 55
- Since its initial release in October of 1986, CATDISK has gone through
- many changes and has received tremendous support from the many
- corporations and individuals who have sent in their registration fees.
- CATDISK is currently in use world-wide in more applications than I
- could have possibly dreamed of. Judging from this response, I can
- safely say that the SHAREWARE system is alive and flourishing as a
- viable means of making quality software available at reasonable cost.
- Along the way, many individuals have requested features in the program
- that are not feasible in the current design of CATDISK. In creating
- this program, I set out to make the operation as simple and automatic
- as possible. Those requests that melded in with the current design
- have been implemented, and those that will compliment same will be
- implemented in the future.
- However, there have been numerous requests for features that would
- complicate the design of the shareware version of CATDISK - good
- requests.
- Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that a
- commercial release of the program, CATDISK PLUS, which will be produced
- by my software company, The DATAMEN Inc. The initial release date is
- expected to be in the spring of 1990.
- Please keep in mind that this shareware version will continue to be
- enhanced and supported - it's still "my baby"!
- Some of the features include:
- . A windowed desktop environment with pull down menus for ease of use.
- . Online context-sensitive help.
- . Support for the 43 line EGA and the 50 line VGA screen modes.
- . Full color customization.
- . All the functional features of the current shareware release.
- . The ability to selectively catalog files from your disks via three
- methods, all of which can be used at once: inclusion filespecs,
- exclusion filespecs, and a point and shoot list of files read.
- . A greater variety of reporting features will be available as well
- as a custom report generator where you can design your own reports.
- . Comment entries for each disk in the catalog.
- . Longer file comments.
- . Greater capacity for catalog size.
- . A full blown disk manager supporting all the archive file formats
- that CATDISK currently does.
- . The ability to print user-defined disk labels and jacket inserts.
- . Plus many more!
- One major consideration is that CATDISK PLUS will require a hard disk.
- Suggested retail price for this product is $69.95 Cdn + $8.00 for
- shipping and handling. Dealer inquiries are welcome.
- Please address all inquiries to:
- The Datamen Phone: (519) 888-6763
- 405 Barrington Lane FAX: (519) 884-4887
- Waterloo, ONTARIO
- Canada N2T 1H9
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 56
- For all you avid golfers out there, my software company, The DATAMEN,
- Inc. has a golf handicap system available, called HANDICAP II, that
- goes way beyond just calculating a simple golf handicap.
- Among the many features of this program are:
- . Pull down menus for ease of use.
- . On line context sensitive help.
- . Storage capacity for up to 100 different golf courses.
- . Storage capacity for up to 32767 rounds of golf.
- (score and number of putts on each hole can be logged)
- . Instant retrieval of past played games, and the ability to browse
- through them.
- . An expanded handicap card that is more informative than a standard
- handicap card.
- . A report showing your average score on each hole on each course.
- - good for spotting habitual trouble holes.
- . A report showing your average putts on each green on each course.
- - good for spotting habitual troublesome greens.
- . A report showing how often you hit each green in regulation.
- - good for analyzing your tee-to-green game on each hole.
- . Many more statistical reports of interest to you.
- . Full housekeeping routines to correct mistakes (but I'll bet that
- you never make any, right?!?)
- . Support for most popular printers.
- . ALL reports may be viewed on the screen or printed on your
- printer.
- . Pop up windows are used extensively, adding to the ease of use of
- the program.
- We also have a clubhouse version available with all of the above plus:
- . A simple date-differential entry system for those who do not wish
- to have all the detail of the enhanced reports.
- . Capacity to maintain handicaps for up to 32767 members (you are
- only limited by disk size).
- . Full system manager functions available only to authorized users.
- . A handicap listing (in alphabetical order by member name) of the
- handicaps of all the members in the system.
- . This version of HANDICAP II may be used on multi-user systems
- without user file conflict.
- Ordering Information
- The GOLFERS version of HANDICAP II is available for $69.95, and the
- CLUB HOUSE version is available for $295.00.
- Please note that these prices are in Canadian funds.
- They may be ordered from: The Datamen, Inc.
- 405 Barrington Lane
- Waterloo, Ontario
- Canada N2T 1H9
- Phone: (519)-888-6763
- FAX: (519)-884-4887
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 57
- ------- ----- ------------ ----
- Name: ______________________________________________________________
- Address: ______________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________
- Phone: _______________________ CompuServe ID Number
- (If applicable) ___________
- ____ Registration(s) of CATDISK @20.00 ea ___________
- ____ Registration(s) on The PEARL BBS @ 5.00 ea ___________
- (See "OUT OF TOWN CATDISK USERS" in appendix C)
- If the above offer is taken, specify desired password ___________
- ____ CATDISK Upgrade(s) (You Supply Diskette & Mailer) ___________
- @ 5.00 ea
- ____ CATDISK Upgrade(s) (I supply 5.25" Diskette & Mailer) ___________
- @ 10.00 ea
- ____ CATDISK Upgrade(s) (I supply 3.5" Diskette & Mailer) ___________
- @ 12.50 ea
- ONTARIO Residents Add 8% Provincial Sales Tax) ___________
- Total ___________
- Type of PC Used: ________________________ DOS Version: _______
- Hardware Configuration: ______________________________________________
- What Resident Software Do You Run: __________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- Comments and Suggestions: ____________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- Check or money order should be made payable to:
- Rick Hillier
- 405 Barrington Lane
- Waterloo, ONTARIO
- Canada N2T 1H9
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 58
- ------- ----- ---- ------- ----- ----
- Name: ________________________________________________________________
- Named person above will be responsible for obtaining all program
- support and upgrades.
- Company: _____________________________________________________________
- Address: _____________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________
- Phone: _____________________________________________________________
- ____ Registrations of CATDISK @ $__________ ea ........... __________
- (see fee schedule below)
- ____ Copies & Registrations of CATDISK @ $__________ ea .. __________
- (see fee schedule below)
- ____ CATDISK Upgrades @ $__________ ea ................... __________
- (see fee schedule below)
- (Ontario Residents Add 8% Provincial Sales Tax) ..... __________
- Total __________
- | Price per | Price per | Price per *
- Quantity | Disk & Registration | Registration Only | Upgrade
- --------------+---------------------+-------------------+------------
- | | |
- 2 - 5 | $ 24.25 | $ 19.50 | $ 4.75
- 6 - 19 | $ 22.50 | $ 18.00 | $ 4.50
- 20 - 99 | $ 20.00 | $ 16.00 | $ 4.00
- 100 - 299 | $ 17.50 | $ 14.00 | $ 3.50
- 300 - 499 | $ 15.50 | $ 12.50 | $ 3.00
- 500 - + | $ 12.50 | $ 10.00 | $ 2.50
- | | |
- --------------+---------------------+-------------------+------------
- * Please note that in order to receive upgrades under this agreement,
- you must have purchased the same number of either registrations only
- or the disk & registration combination previously.
- The address at which to send any orders or correspondence is:
- Rick Hillier
- 405 Barrington Lane
- Waterloo, ONTARIO
- Canada N2T 1H9
- Please make any cheques payable to Rick Hillier.
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 59
- ------- ----- ------ ----------- ----
- Company Name: _________________________________________________________
- Address: _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________
- Phone: _________________________________________________________
- Contact: _________________________________________________________
- What price are planning to charge for CATDISK? ________________________
- Would you like to receive major upgrades as they become available? ____
- I certify that the above named company is a legitimate shareware disk
- vendor, and that the above named company will adhere to the policies
- set forth in the "Public Domain and Shareware Libraries" section of the
- CATDISK User Manual.
- Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________
- In order that I can verify that you are a legitimate shareware vendor,
- I request that you include a copy of your product catalog with this
- application, along with a blank diskette and mailer. Once you have
- been approved, you will receive written permission from myself to
- include CATDISK in your library for distribution. Additionally, you
- will receive your diskette back containing the latest CATDISK release.
- I am also requesting that you send me revisions of your catalog as they
- are published. The main reason behind this is that a mailing list of
- active vendors will be maintained. My continued receipt of your
- catalog will both enable me to verify that you have the most recent
- CATDISK release (within reason), as well as know that your business is
- still active.
- When major revisions are made to the program, I will send you the
- latest upgrade such that your library is kept up to date.
- Send this application to:
- Rick Hillier
- 405 Barrington Lane
- Waterloo, ONTARIO
- Canada N2T 1H9
- Disk Catalog System (CATDISK) V4.50 Copr (C) 1986,1989 by Rick Hillier
- Page 60