home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Uses
- Crt,
- Turbo3,
- DOS;
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$M 32150,1250,1250} {Declared here suffices for all Units as well!}
- {$V-}
- type
- astr = String[160]; { generic string type for parameters }
- { note the change from Waynes str => Astr }
- const
- buffer_max = 5120;
- CONST strlen=160;
- maxusers=500;
- dsaves : Integer = 0;
- TYPE restrictions=(rlogon,rchat,rvalidate,rbackspace,ramsg,rpostan,
- rpost,remail,rvoting,rmsg);
- acrq='@'..'G';
- newtyp=(rp,lt,rm);
- str40=string[40];
- deflts=(spcsr,onekey,wordwrap,pause,mmnu,ansi,color,music);
- pnr=record name:string[40]; number:string[14]; hs:byte; end;
- anontyp=(no,yes,forced,dearabby);
- ansttype=(postn,emailn,pana,sanm,cosysop,lcosysop);
- opts=(alert,smw,nomail);
- dlnscan=set of 0..39;
- emary=array[1..20] of integer;
- clrs=array[false..true,1..8] of byte;
- clrs2=array[false..true,0..9] of byte;
- slr=record
- ttime:byte;
- mallowed:integer;
- emails,posts:byte;
- anst:set of ansttype;
- end;
- messages=record
- ltr:char;
- number:integer;
- ext:byte;
- end;
- smalrec=record
- name:string[25];
- number:integer;
- end;
- userrec=record
- name:string[21];
- realname:string[18];
- deleted:boolean;
- pw:string[8];
- ph:string[12];
- waiting:byte;
- laston:string[10];
- loggedon:integer;
- msgpost:integer;
- emailsent:integer;
- feedback:integer;
- linelen:byte;
- pagelen:byte;
- defaults:set of deflts;
- ontoday:byte;
- illegal:byte;
- ttimeon:real;
- dlnscn:dlnscan;
- sl:byte;
- ac:set of restrictions;
- ar:set of acrq;
- qscan:array[1..19] of messages;
- qscn:array[1..19] of boolean;
- macro:array[1..2] of string[79];
- comptype:byte;
- option:set of opts;
- vote:array[1..9] of byte;
- sbn:byte;
- dsl:byte;
- uploads,downloads:integer;
- uk,dk:integer;
- age:byte;
- sex:char;
- note:string[39];
- forusr:integer;
- cols:clrs; (* Res[2] will be last file area *)
- res:array[1..72] of byte; (* Res[1] will be last msg base *)
- citystate:string[26];
- street:string[21];
- zipcode:string[10];
- occupation:string[40];
- wherebbs:string[40];
- lockedout:boolean;
- lockedfile:string[8];
- computer:string[14];
- cols2:clrs2;
- end;
- boardrec=record
- name:string[30];
- filename:string[12];
- sl:byte;
- maxmsgs:byte;
- pw:string[10];
- anonymous:anontyp;
- ar:acrq;
- key:char;
- postsl:byte;
- end;
- msgstat=(validated,unvalidated,deleted);
- messagerec=record
- title:string[30];
- messagestat:msgstat;
- message:messages;
- owner:integer;
- date:integer;
- mage:byte;
- end;
- boardpw:string[20];
- sysoppw:string[20];
- hmsg:messages;
- users:integer;
- lastdate:string[8];
- callernum:integer;
- activetoday:integer;
- callstoday:integer;
- msgposttoday:integer;
- emailtoday:integer;
- fbacktoday:integer;
- uptoday:integer;
- closedsystem:boolean;
- comport:byte;
- maxbaud:integer;
- msgpath:string[79];
- gfiledate:string[8];
- lowtime,hitime:integer;
- res:array[1..185] of byte;
- sysopcolor:byte;
- usercolor:byte;
- maxlines:byte;
- special:boolean;
- clearmsg:boolean;
- bbspw:string[20];
- matrix:boolean;
- engage:string[79];
- endchat:string[79];
- alias:boolean;
- echoc:char;
- sysopin:string[79];
- sysopout:string[79];
- note:array[1..2] of string[79];
- lprompt:string[40];
- lansi:boolean;
- init:string[40];
- wait:string[79];
- app:boolean;
- fone:boolean;
- sysopmacro:array[1..9] of string[72];
- forcevoting:boolean;
- multitask:boolean;
- gfilepath:string[79];
- pause:string[79];
- hangup:string[40];
- answer:string[40];
- result300:integer;
- result1200:integer;
- result2400:integer;
- nocarrier:integer;
- tries:byte;
- newsl:byte;
- newdsl:byte;
- newar:set of acrq;
- newac:set of restrictions;
- newfp:integer;
- newuk:integer;
- bwindow:boolean;
- bsdelay:byte;
- mcimsg:boolean;
- b300lowtime,b300hitime:integer;
- dllowtime,dlhitime:integer;
- b300dllowtime,b300dlhitime:integer;
- lock300:boolean;
- result4800:integer;
- result9600:integer;
- SysopFirst:String[12];
- SysopLast:String[16];
- BBSName:String[40];
- BBSPhone:String[12];
- ANSIq:String[40];
- WantQuote:Boolean;
- Menupath:string[79];
- autosl:byte;
- autodsl:byte;
- autoar:set of acrq;
- autoac:set of restrictions;
- END;
- blk=array[1..255] of byte;
- mailrec=record
- title:string[30];
- from,destin:integer;
- msg:messages;
- date:integer;
- mage:byte;
- end;
- gft=record
- num:integer;
- title:string[40];
- filen:string[12];
- end;
- smr=record
- msg:astr;
- destin:integer;
- end;
- vdatar=record
- question:string[79];
- numa:integer;
- answ:array[0..9] of record
- ans:string[25];
- numres:integer;
- end;
- end;
- ulrec=record
- name:string[25];
- filename:string[12];
- password:string[10];
- dsl:byte;
- maxfiles:integer;
- key:char;
- ulpath:string[39];
- dlpath:string[40];
- agereq:byte;
- ar:acrq;
- end;
- ulfrec=record
- filename:string[12];
- description:string[60];
- filepoints:byte;
- res:array[1..16] of byte;
- nacc:integer;
- ft:byte;
- blocks:integer;
- owner:integer;
- date:string[8];
- daten:integer;
- end;
- strptr=^strrec;
- strrec=record
- i:astr;
- next,last:strptr;
- end;
- zlogt=record
- date:string[8];
- active,calls,post,email,fback,up:integer;
- end;
- { expro=record
- descr:string[30];
- rcmd:string[50];
- scmd:string[50];
- xferok:integer;
- end;}
- CONST dcols:clrs=((7,7,15,15,15,112,7,143),(3,1,11,9,14,31,4,140));
- dcols2:clrs2=((15,7,7,15,15,15,112,7,143,7),(15,3,1,11,9,14,31,4,140,10));
- var sf:file of smalrec;
- uf:file of userrec;
- bf:file of boardrec;
- { xp:file of expro;}
- mailfile:file of mailrec;
- ulf:file of ulrec;
- uboards:array[0..39] of ulrec;
- { protocals:array [0..4] of expro;}
- maxulb:integer;
- sysopf:text{[1024]};
- slf:file of slr;
- seclev:array[0..255] of slr;
- systatf:file of systatrec;
- systat:systatrec;
- sr:smalrec;
- thisline,chatr,buf,spd,irt,lastname,ll,i:astr;
- thisuser,user:userrec;
- boards:array[1..19] of boardrec;
- fw,extramsgs,mread,board,numboards,t,usernum,numprotocals:integer;
- pap,lil,realsl,realdsl,ftoday,ptoday,etoday:integer;
- c,ID:char;
- rep,hungup,useron,next,chatcall,doneday,echo,hangup,incom,outcom:boolean;
- extratime,chattime,timeon:real;
- mailread,smread,macok,lan,enddayf,ch,quit,beepend:boolean;
- smf:file of smr;
- vqu:array[1..9] of boolean;
- ldate:integer;
- cmd:char;
- bread:byte;
- bchanged:boolean;
- cf:text; cfo,okt:boolean;
- elevel:byte;
- curco:byte;
- sll:astr;
- andwith:byte;
- checkit:boolean;
- geek:astr;
- lmain:boolean;
- lmsg:boolean;
- windowon,entry,wantfilename,nofile,nofeed:boolean;
- nopfile:boolean;
- reading_a_msg,write_msg:boolean;
- wantout:boolean;
- wcolor:boolean;
- Filv:Text;
- N:Astr;
- noc : integer;
- found : boolean;
- directive,menuprompt:astr;
- FILEBOARD:integer;
- first_time:boolean;
- ulff:file of ulfrec;
- crc:integer;
- doit:boolean;
- sortbd,doneft:boolean;
- ldat:astr;
- ix:array[1..9] of string[79];
- ymodem,ucrc,bnp:boolean;
- c1,c2,c3:integer;
- chksum:byte;
- lrn:integer;
- lfn:astr;
- all:boolean;
- ft:byte;
- ymbtt:real;
- ymodemfiles:integer;
- ymbindx:integer;
- ymbary:array[1..20] of record
- fn:string[80];
- tt:real;
- end;
- dta:string[44];
- filenamef,s1,s2,s3:astr;
- donedos,dld,d1,d2,done,abort:boolean;
- cd,cmdlist,start_dir:astr;
- returna,quitafterdone:boolean;
- answerbaud:integer;
- topheap:^byte;
- i1:astr;
- f,f1:file of byte;
- x:byte;
- lastvar:byte;
- function tch(i:astr):astr;
- begin
- if length(i)>2 then i:=copy(i,length(i)-1,2) else
- if length(i)=1 then i:='0'+i;
- tch:=i;
- end;
- function date:astr;
- var reg:registers;
- m,d,y:string[4];
- begin
- reg.ax:=$2a00; msdos(Dos.Registers(reg)); str(reg.cx,y); str(reg.dx mod 256,d);
- str(reg.dx shr 8,m);
- date:=tch(m)+'/'+tch(d)+'/'+tch(y);
- end;
- function checkpw:boolean;
- begin
- checkpw:=true;
- end;
- procedure prompt(i:astr);
- begin
- write(i);
- end;
- procedure print(i:astr);
- begin
- writeln(i);
- end;
- procedure cl(i:integer);
- begin
- textcolor(i);
- end;
- function okansi:boolean;
- begin
- okansi:=true;
- end;
- procedure savesystat; (* save systat *)
- begin
- reset(systatf); write(systatf,systat); close(systatf);
- end;
- function cstr(i:integer):astr;
- var c:astr;
- begin
- str(i,c); cstr:=c;
- end;
- procedure prt(i:astr);
- begin
- cl(9);
- write(i);
- end;
- procedure nl;
- begin
- writeln;
- end;
- procedure onek(var c:char; ch:astr); (* 1 Key example: onkey(c,'1234'); *)
- var i1,i:astr; tf:boolean;
- begin
- tf:=false;
- repeat
- c:=readkey;
- c:=upcase(c);
- tf:=true;
- until (pos(c,ch)>0);
- writeln(c);
- end;
- function mln(i:astr; l:integer):astr;
- begin
- while length(i)<l do i:=i+' ';
- mln:=i;
- end;
- function mn(i,l:integer):astr;
- begin
- mn:=mln(cstr(i),l);
- end;
- function value(I:astr):integer;
- var n,n1:integer;
- begin
- val(i,n,n1);
- if n1<>0 then begin
- i:=copy(i,1,n1-1);
- val(i,n,n1)
- end;
- value:=n;
- if i='' then value:=0;
- end;
- procedure cls;
- begin
- clrscr;
- end;
- procedure checkhangup;
- begin
- end;
- procedure local_input1(var i:astr; ml:integer; tf:boolean);
- var cp:integer;
- cc:char;
- r:real;
- begin
- cp:=1;
- repeat
- cc:=readkey;
- if not tf then cc:=upcase(cc);
- if (cc>=' ') and (cc<chr(127)) then
- if cp<=ml then begin
- i[cp]:=cc;
- cp:=cp+1;
- write(cc);
- end else else case ord(cc) of
- 8:if cp>1 then begin
- cc:=chr(8);
- write(cc);write(' '); write(cc);
- cp:=cp-1;
- end;
- 21,24:while cp<>1 do begin
- cp:=cp-1;
- write(#8);write(' ');write(#8);
- end;
- end;
- until (cc=#13) or (cc=#14);
- i[0]:=chr(cp-1);
- writeln;
- end;
- procedure getkey(c:Char);
- begin
- c:=readkey;
- end;
- procedure local_input(var i:astr; ml:integer); (* Input uppercase only *)
- begin
- local_input1(i,ml,false);
- end;
- procedure local_inputl(var i:astr; ml:integer); (* Local_Input lower & upper case *)
- begin
- local_input1(i,ml,true);
- end;
- Procedure Tcenter(Z:Astr);
- Var Y,P:Integer;
- Begin
- P:=40-(length(z) div 2);
- y:=wherey;
- gotoxy(p,y);
- writeln(z);
- End;
- Procedure Tcenter2(Z:Astr);
- Var Y,P:Integer;
- Begin
- P:=40-(length(z) div 2);
- y:=wherey;
- gotoxy(p,y);
- write(z);
- End;
- var a:integer; s:astr;
- Begin
- hangup:=false;
- assign(systatf,'status.dat');
- reset(systatf); read(systatf,systat);close(systatf);
- repeat
- window(1,1,80,25);
- clrscr;
- gotoxy(1,1);
- textbackground(1);
- cl(15);clreol;Tcenter('STATUS.DAT -- Crash Recovery By Carl Mueller');
- textbackground(0); gotoxy(1,10);
- textcolor(14);
- Writeln('<< Crash Recovery for STATUS.DAT >>'); Writeln;
- cl(15);
- Writeln('1) # of users 5) Gfiles Drive/Path');
- Writeln('2) # of callers 6) Message Drive/Path');
- Writeln('3) Com port 7) Menus drive/Path');
- Writeln('4) Maximum Baud Q) Quit to DOS');
- cl(10); writeln;
- Write('Selection: '); cl(9);
- onek(c,'12Q34567');
- case c of
- '1':begin
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Current number of users is ',systat.users,'.');
- textcolor(12);
- write('Please enter new number: '); textcolor(10);
- local_input(s,3);
- systat.users:=value(s);
- end;
- '2':begin
- textcolor(15);
- Writeln('Current number of callers is ',systat.callernum,'.');
- textcolor(12);
- write('Please enter new number: '); textcolor(10);
- local_input(s,5);
- systat.callernum:=value(s);
- end;
- '3':begin
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Current comport is ',systat.comport,'.');
- textcolor(12);
- writeln('Enter new comport #: '); textcolor(10);
- local_input(s,1);
- systat.comport:=value(s);
- end;
- '4':begin
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Maximum baud is ',systat.maxbaud,'.');
- textcolor(12);
- write('Enter new maximum baud: '); textcolor(10);
- local_input(s,4);
- systat.maxbaud:=value(s);
- end;
- '5':begin
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Gfiles drive/path is ',systat.gfilepath,'.');
- textcolor(12);
- write('Enter new drive/path: '); textcolor(10);
- local_input(s,79);
- systat.gfilepath:=s;
- end;
- '6':begin
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Message drive/path is ',systat.msgpath,'.');
- textcolor(12);
- write('Enter new drive/path: '); textcolor(10);
- local_input(s,79);
- systat.msgpath:=s;
- end;
- '7':begin
- textcolor(15);
- writeln('Menus drive/path is ',systat.menupath,'.');
- textcolor(12);
- write('Enter new drive/path: '); textcolor(10);
- local_input(s,79);
- systat.menupath:=s;
- end;
- end;
- until (c='Q');
- savesystat;
- end.