home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- { $B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$V-}
- Unit FileSc;
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Common,
- Turbo3,
- Unit1,
- Unit0,
- UnitX;
- function dcs:boolean;
- procedure idl;
- procedure newfiles(b:integer; var abort:boolean);
- procedure dlbatch;
- procedure lfii;
- procedure iul;
- procedure unlisted_download(i:astr);
- procedure term;
- procedure dir(cd,x:astr; all,tf:boolean);
- procedure dirf(tf:boolean);
- procedure searchb(b:integer; fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- procedure searchbd(b:integer; ts:astr; var abort:boolean);
- procedure search;
- procedure searchd;
- procedure nf;
- procedure sort;
- procedure yourfileinfo;
- procedure listfiles;
- procedure remove;
- procedure move;
- procedure editfiles;
- procedure setdirs;
- procedure pointdate;
- procedure listboards(z:astr);
- Implementation
- var
- Zmodem:boolean;
- Fpneed:integer;
- procedure ansig(x:integer; y:integer);
- begin
- pr1(#27+'['+cstr(y)+';'+cstr(x)+'H');
- gotoxy(x,y);
- end;
- procedure freebytes;
- var r:real; regs:registers;
- begin
- regs.dx:=0;
- regs.ax:=$36*256;
- MsDos(regs);
- r:=(regs.ax)*(regs.bx)*(regs.cx);
- prompt(cstrr(r,10)+' Bytes');
- end;
- function dcs:boolean;
- begin
- dcs:=cs or (thisuser.dsl>=200);
- end;
- function stripname(i:astr):astr;
- var i1:astr; n:integer;
- function nextn:integer;
- var n:integer;
- begin
- n:=pos(':',i1);
- if n=0 then
- n:=pos('\',i1);
- if n=0 then
- n:=pos('/',i1);
- nextn:=n;
- end;
- begin
- i1:=i;
- while nextn<>0 do
- i1:=copy(i1,nextn+1,80);
- stripname:=i1;
- end;
- function tcheck(s:real; i:integer):boolean;
- var r:real;
- begin
- r:=timer-s;
- if r<0.0 then r:=r+86400.0;
- if (r<0.0) or (r>32760.0) then r:=32766.0;
- if trunc(r)>i then tcheck:=false else tcheck:=true;
- end;
- function tchk(s:real; i:real):boolean;
- var r:real;
- begin
- r:=timer;
- if r<s then r:=r+86400.0;
- if (r-s)>i then tchk:=false else tchk:=true;
- end;
- function uc(s:astr):astr;
- var x:astr; i:integer;
- begin
- x:=s;
- for i:=1 to length(s) do
- x[i]:=upcase(x[i]);
- uc:=x;
- end;
- procedure ymbadd(fn:astr);
- var t1,t2:real; f:file; inte:integer;
- begin
- nl;
- assign(f,fn); {$I-} reset(f,1024); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then
- print('File doesn''t exist')
- else begin
- inte:=value(spd); if inte=0 then inte:=1200;
- t1:=(filesize(f))*12960.0/inte;
- close(f);
- t2:=ymbtt+t1;
- if t2>nsl then
- print('Not enough time left in queue.')
- else
- if ymodemfiles=20 then
- print('Too many files in queue.')
- else
- begin
- ymodemfiles:=ymodemfiles+1;
- ymbary[ymodemfiles].fn:=fn;
- ymbary[ymodemfiles].tt:=t1;
- ymbtt:=t2;
- print('File added to batch queue.');
- print('Batch - Files: '+cstr(ymodemfiles)+' Time: '+ctim(ymbtt));
- end;
- end;
- nl;
- end;
- procedure ymbdel(n:integer);
- var c:integer;
- begin
- if (n<=ymodemfiles) and (n>0) then begin
- ymbtt:=ymbtt-ymbary[n].tt;
- if n=ymodemfiles then
- ymodemfiles:=ymodemfiles-1
- else begin
- for c:=n to ymodemfiles-1 do begin
- ymbary[c].fn:=ymbary[c+1].fn;
- ymbary[c].tt:=ymbary[c+1].tt;
- end;
- ymodemfiles:=ymodemfiles-1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$I DLP1.PAS}
- function exist(fn:astr):boolean;
- var f:file;
- begin
- assign(f,fn);
- {$I-} reset(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin close(f); exist:=true end else exist:=false;
- end;
- function align(fn:astr):astr;
- var f,e,t:astr; c,c1:integer;
- begin
- c:=pos('.',fn);
- if c=0 then begin
- f:=fn; e:=' ';
- end else begin
- f:=copy(fn,1,c-1); e:=copy(fn,c+1,3);
- end;
- while length(f)<8 do f:=f+' ';
- while length(e)<3 do e:=e+' ';
- if length(f)>8 then f:=copy(f,1,8);
- if length(e)>3 then e:=copy(e,1,3);
- c:=pos('*',f); if c<>0 then for c1:=c to 8 do f[c1]:='?';
- c:=pos('*',e); if c<>0 then for c1:=c to 3 do e[c1]:='?';
- c:=pos(' ',f); if c<>0 then for c1:=c to 8 do f[c1]:=' ';
- c:=pos(' ',e); if c<>0 then for c1:=c to 3 do e[c1]:=' ';
- align:=f+'.'+e;
- end;
- function fit(f1,f2:astr):boolean;
- var tf:boolean; c:integer;
- begin
- tf:=true;
- for c:=1 to 12 do
- if (f1[c]<>f2[c]) and (f1[c]<>'?') then tf:=false;
- fit:=tf;
- end;
- procedure fiscan(var pl:integer);
- var f:ulfrec;
- begin
- assign(ulff,systat.gfilepath+uboards[FILEBOARD].filename+'.DIR');
- {$I-} reset(ulff); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- rewrite(ulff);
- f.blocks:=0;
- write(ulff,f);
- end;
- seek(ulff,0);
- read(ulff,f);
- pl:=f.blocks;
- bnp:=false;
- end;
- procedure recno(fn:astr; var pl,rn:integer);
- var c:integer;
- f:ulfrec;
- begin
- fn:=align(fn);
- fiscan(pl); rn:=0; c:=1;
- while (c<=pl) and (rn=0) do begin
- seek(ulff,c); read(ulff,f);
- if pos('.',f.filename)<>9 then begin
- f.filename:=align(f.filename);
- seek(ulff,c); write(ulff,f);
- end;
- if fit(fn,f.filename) then rn:=c;
- c:=c+1;
- end;
- lrn:=rn;
- lfn:=fn;
- end;
- procedure nrecno(fn:astr; var pl,rn:integer);
- var c:integer;
- f:ulfrec;
- begin
- rn:=0;
- if (lrn<pl) and (lrn>=0) then begin
- c:=lrn+1;
- while (c<=pl) and (rn=0) do begin
- seek(ulff,c); read(ulff,f);
- if pos('.',f.filename)<>9 then begin
- f.filename:=align(f.filename);
- seek(ulff,c); write(ulff,f);
- end;
- if fit(lfn,f.filename) then rn:=c;
- c:=c+1;
- end;
- lrn:=rn;
- end;
- end;
- procedure pbn(var abort:boolean);
- var i,i1:astr; next:boolean;
- begin
- if not bnp then begin
- nl;
- i:=#3+#3+uboards[FILEBOARD].name+' '+#3+#2+'#'+#3+#4+cstr(FILEBOARD);
- i1:=#3+#0+'---'; while length(i1)<length(i) do i1:=i1+'-';
- nl; nl;
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- printacr(i1,abort,next);
- nl;
- cl(7); print('Filename Blks Pts Description');
- end;
- bnp:=true;
- end;
- procedure dlx(f1:ulfrec; rn:integer; var abort:boolean);
- var inte,pl,c:integer; ok,tl:boolean; u:userrec; rl:real; i,ii:astr; Z:INTEGER;
- begin
- nl; nl;
- if okansi then begin
- cl(2);prompt('─────────────────────────');
- for z:=1 to (length(f1.description)-13) do
- prompt('─');
- cl(1);
- end;
- nl;
- prompt('Filename : ');cl(3);print('"'+f1.filename+'"');
- prompt('Description: ');cl(3);print(f1.description);
- prompt('# of blocks: ');cl(5);print(cstr(f1.blocks)+'-'+cstr((f1.blocks+7)div 8));
- prompt('Aprox. time: ');cl(5);print(ctim(rte*f1.blocks));
- reset(uf); seek(uf,f1.owner); read(uf,u); close(uf);
- prompt('U/L''d by : ');cl(4);print(u.name+' #'+cstr(f1.owner));
- prompt('U/L''d on : ');cl(4);print(f1.date);
- prompt('Times D/L''d: ');cl(4);print(cstr(f1.nacc));
- prompt('File points: ');cl(4); if (f1.filepoints<>999) and (f1.filepoints<>-1) then
- print(cstr(f1.filepoints)) else begin
- if f1.filepoints=999 then
- begin cl(8); print('<New>'); end else
- begin
- cl(9); print('Ask (Request File)');
- end;
- end;
- if okansi then begin
- cl(2);prompt('─────────────────────────');
- for z:=1 to (length(f1.description)-13) do
- prompt('─');
- cl(1);
- end;
- nl; nl;
- ft:=f1.ft;
- if ft<>255 then print('File type: '+cstr(ft));
- if timer<timeon then timeon:=timeon-24.0*60*60;
- tl:=(nsl>(rte*f1.blocks));
- fpneed:=f1.filepoints;
- if f1.filepoints<>-1 then begin
- if thisuser.filepoints>=f1.filepoints then begin
- if tl then begin
- if exist(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+f1.filename) then begin
- send1(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+f1.filename,ok,abort);
- if ok then begin
- f1.nacc:=f1.nacc+1;
- seek(ulff,rn);
- write(ulff,f1);
- end;
- end else print('File isn''t really there!');
- end else print('Not enough time left to download');
- end else
- if f1.filepoints>998 then print('You can''t download UNVALIDATED files.') else
- print('You don''t have enough file points to download this file.');
- end else print('This is a REQUEST file -- Ask '+systat.sysopfirst+' '+systat.sysoplast+' for it.');
- end;
- procedure dl(fn:astr);
- var pl,rn:integer; f:ulfrec; abort:boolean;
- begin
- recno(fn,pl,rn); abort:=false;
- if rn=0 then print('File not found.') else begin
- while (rn<>0) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f); dlx(f,rn,abort);
- nrecno(fn,pl,rn);
- end;
- end;
- close(ulff);
- end;
- procedure copyfile(srcname,destname:astr);
- var buffer: array[1..16384] of byte;
- dfs,nrec:integer;
- src, dest: file;
- procedure dodate;
- var r:registers; od,ot,ha:integer;
- begin
- srcname:=srcname+#0;
- destname:=destname+#0;
- with r do begin
- ax:=$3d00; ds:=seg(srcname[1]); dx:=ofs(srcname[1]); msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5700; msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- od:=dx; ot:=cx; bx:=ha; ax:=$3e00; msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- ax:=$3d02; ds:=seg(destname[1]); dx:=ofs(destname[1]); msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5701; cx:=ot; dx:=od; msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- ax:=$3e00; bx:=ha; msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- end;
- end;
- begin
- assign(src,srcname); reset(src,1);
- if destname[2]=':' then dfs:=freek(ord(destname[1])-ord('@')) else dfs:=freek(0);
- if trunc(longfilesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs then begin
- print('Disk full.');
- close(src);
- end else begin
- assign(dest,destname); rewrite(dest,1);
- nl; print('Copying...');
- repeat
- blockread(src,buffer,16384,nrec);
- blockwrite(dest,buffer,nrec);
- until nrec<16384;
- close(dest);
- close(src);
- dodate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure dl1(n:integer);
- var f1:ulfrec; abort:boolean;
- begin
- nl; nl;
- seek(ulff,n); read(ulff,f1);
- dlx(f1,n,abort);
- nl;
- end;
- procedure ul(fn:astr);
- var x,pl,c,cc,ob,np:integer; f,f1:ulfrec; uls,ok:boolean; fi:file of byte;
- begin
- if freek(ord(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath[1])-ord('@'))>100 then begin
- uls:=incom;
- ok:=true; fn:=align(fn);
- if (fn[1]=' ') or (fn[10]=' ') then ok:=false;
- for x:=1 to length(fn) do
- if not (fn[x] in ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','.',' ','-']) then ok:=false;
- np:=0; for x:=1 to length(fn) do if fn[x]='.' then np:=np+1;
- if np<>1 then ok:=false;
- if ok then
- if incom then
- if exist(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn) then
- if dcs then begin
- print('There already is one.');
- ynq('Do it anyways? ');
- ok:=yn;
- uls:=false;
- end else
- ok:=false
- else
- ok:=true
- else
- ok:=exist(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn)
- else print('Illegal filename.');
- if (not incom) then
- if ok then print('Am using the file in '+uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath)
- else begin print('To put in a file from keyboard, it must already be');
- print('present in the dloads directory.'); end;
- nl; nl;
- if ok and incom and uls then begin
- assign(fi,uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn); {$I-} rewrite(fi); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- {$I-} close(fi); {$I+} cc:=ioresult;
- ok:=false;
- end else begin close(fi); erase(fi); end;
- end;
- if not ok then print('Can''t use that filename, sorry.') else begin
- fiscan(pl);
- if pl>=uboards[FILEBOARD].maxfiles then print('This directory is full.') else begin
- ynq('Upload "'+fn+'" ? ');
- if yn then begin ok:=true;
- nl; print('Enter a single "\" in front of the description if it');
- print('for the Sysop.');nl;
- print('Please enter a one line description.'); prt(':');
- inputl(f.description,60);
- if (f.description[1]='\') or (rvalidate in thisuser.ac) then begin
- close(ulff);
- fiscan(pl);
- end;
- if f.description[1]='\' then f.description:=copy(f.description,2,80);
- ok:=true; ft:=255;
- if uls then receive1(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn,ok);
- nl; nl;
- if not ok then print('Not saved.') else begin
- f.filename:=fn;
- f.owner:=usernum;
- f.date:=date;
- f.daten:=daynum(date);
- for x:=1 to 17 do f.res[x]:=0;
- f.ft:=ft;
- f.nacc:=0;
- assign(fi,uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn);
- {$I-} reset(fi); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- f.filepoints:=999;
- f.blocks:=trunc((longfilesize(fi)+127.0)/128.0);
- close(fi);
- for x:=pl downto 1 do begin
- seek(ulff,x); read(ulff,f1);
- seek(ulff,x+1); write(ulff,f1);
- end;
- seek(ulff,1);
- write(ulff,f);
- seek(ulff,0); read(ulff,f); f.blocks:=pl+1;
- seek(ulff,0); write(ulff,f);
- sysoplog('Uploaded "'+fn+'" on '+uboards[FILEBOARD].name);
- print('File successfully uploaded.');nl;cl(3);
- {print('Download credits granted.');}
- end else begin
- print('System Error. Not saved.');
- sysoplog('Error uploading "'+fn+'"');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- close(ulff); FILEBOARD:=ob;
- end;
- nl; nl;
- end else begin
- nl; nl; print('Sorry, not enough disk space.');
- nl;
- end;
- end;
- procedure idl;
- var i:astr; down:boolean;
- begin
- down:=true;
- if systat.dllowtime<>systat.dlhitime then begin
- if systat.dlhitime>systat.dllowtime then begin
- if (timer<=(systat.dllowtime*60.0)) or (timer>=(systat.dlhitime*60.0))
- then down:=false;
- end else begin
- if (timer<=(systat.dllowtime*60.0)) and (timer>=(systat.dlhitime*60.0))
- then down:=false;
- end;
- end;
- if spd='300' then begin
- if systat.b300dllowtime<>systat.b300dlhitime then begin
- if systat.b300dlhitime>systat.b300dllowtime then begin
- if (timer<=(systat.b300dllowtime*60.0)) or (timer>=(systat.b300dlhitime*60.0))
- then down:=false;
- end else begin
- if (timer<=(systat.b300dllowtime*60.0)) and (timer>=(systat.b300dlhitime*60.0))
- then down:=false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if not down then printfile(systat.gfilepath+'dlhours.msg');
- if down then begin
- nl; print('You have '+cstr(thisuser.filepoints)+' file points.');
- nl; print('Download -'); nl; prt('Enter filename: '); mpl(12); input(i,12);
- dl(i);
- nl; nl;
- end;
- end;
- procedure iul;
- var i:astr;
- begin
- nl; nl; print('Upload -'); nl; prt('Enter filename: '); mpl(12); input(i,12);
- ul(i);
- nl;
- end;
- procedure setdta;
- var r:registers;
- begin
- r.ds:=seg(dta[1]);
- r.dx:=ofs(dta[1]);
- r.ax:=$1a00;
- msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- end;
- function vdir(var d:astr):boolean;
- begin
- if d[length(d)]='\' then d:=copy(d,1,length(d)-1);
- vdir:=true;
- end;
- procedure fix(var fn:astr);
- var i,i1:astr; c1,c2:integer; ok:boolean;
- begin
- if vdir(fn) then fn:=fn+'\';
- c1:=pos('\',fn); ok:=true;
- (* if c1<>0 then begin
- i:=copy(fn,1,c1-1);
- fn:=copy(fn,c1+1,15);
- if not vdir(i) then ok:=false;
- end else i:='';*)
- if i='' then i:=uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath;
- if fn='' then fn:='*.*';
- fn:=i+'\'+align(fn);
- (* if (pos('.MSG',fn)=0) and (pos('.TXT',fn)=0) and (pos('?',fn)=0) and (not so) then ok:=false;*)
- if not ok then fn:='';
- end;
- procedure ffile(fn:astr);
- var r:registers; c:integer;
- begin
- for c:=0 to 80 do dta[c]:=#0;
- setdta;
- filenamef:=fn+#0;
- r.ds := seg(filenamef[1]);
- r.dx := ofs(filenamef[1]);
- r.ax := $4e00;
- r.cx := 0;
- msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- if r.ax=0 then found:=true else found:=false;
- end;
- procedure nfile;
- var r:registers;
- begin
- r.ax:=$4f00;
- msdos(Dos.Registers(r));
- if r.ax=0 then found:=true else found:=false;
- end;
- function fname:astr;
- var i1:astr; c1:integer;
- begin
- i1:=''; c1:=31;
- while (dta[c1]<>#0) and (c1<44) do begin i1:=i1+dta[c1]; c1:=c1+1; end;
- fname:=i1;
- end;
- function ti(i:integer):astr;
- var i1:astr;
- begin
- str(i,i1);
- if length(i1)=1 then i1:='0'+i1;
- ti:=i1;
- end;
- function info:astr;
- var res,i1,f,e:astr; c1,c2:integer; rl:real;
- begin
- i1:=fname;
- if (ord(dta[22]) and $10)=$10 then begin
- res:=i1;
- while length(res)<13 do res:=res+' ';
- res:=res+'<DIR> ';
- e:='';
- end else begin
- c1:=pos('.',i1);
- if c1=0 then begin
- res:=i1;
- while length(res)<12 do res:=res+' ';
- end else begin
- f:=copy(i1,1,c1-1); e:=copy(i1,c1+1,3);
- while length(f)<8 do f:=f+' ';
- while length(e)<3 do e:=e+' ';
- res:=f+' '+e;
- end;
- rl:=0;
- for c1:=30 downto 27 do
- rl:=(rl*$100)+ord(dta[c1]);
- i1:=cstrr(rl,10);
- while length(i1)<9 do i1:=' '+i1;
- res:=res+i1;
- end;
- c1:=ord(dta[26])*$100+ord(dta[25]);
- i1:=cstr((c1 shr 5) mod 16); if i1[0]=#1 then i1:=' '+i1;
- i1:=i1+'-'+ti(c1 mod 32)+'-'+ti(80+(c1 shr 9));
- res:=res+' '+i1+' ';
- c1:=ord(dta[24])*$100+ord(dta[23]);
- c2:=(c1 shr 11);
- if (c2<12) then f:='a' else begin f:='p'; c2:=c2-12; end;
- if c2=0 then c2:=12;
- i1:=cstr(c2); if i1[0]=#1 then i1:=' '+i1;
- res:=res+i1+':'+ti((c1 shr 5) mod 64)+f;
- info:=res;
- end;
- procedure dir(cd,x:astr; all,tf:boolean);
- var
- abort,next:boolean;
- x1,xx:astr; dfs,kk:integer;
- begin
- cd:=uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath;
- nl;print('Directory of '+copy(cd,1,length(cd)-1));
- xx:='';kk:=0;
- ffile(cd+x);
- nl; abort:=false;
- while found and not abort do begin
- x1:=align(fname);
- if tf then
- printacr(info,abort,next)
- else
- begin
- kk:=kk+1;if kk=5 then xx:=xx+x1 else xx:=xx+x1+' ';
- if kk=5 then begin printacr(xx,abort,next);kk:=0;xx:='';end;
- end;
- nfile;
- end;
- if (not found) and (kk>0) and (kk<6) then printacr(xx,abort,next);
- if cd[2]=':' then dfs:=freek(ord(cd[1])-ord('@')) else dfs:=freek(0);
- nl; printacr(' Free space = '+#3+#3+cstr(dfs)+#3+#1+'k',abort,next);
- end;
- procedure dirf(tf:boolean);
- begin
- all:=false;
- if not (vdir(ix[2]) or (ix[2]='')) and so then all:=true;
- fix(ix[2]);
- (* c1:=pos('\',ix[2]);
- s1:=copy(ix[2],1,c1-1);
- s2:=copy(ix[2],c1+1,12);
- if s1='' then s1:=uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath; *)
- s1:=uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath;
- s2:='*.*';
- nl; dir(s1,s2,all,tf);
- end;
- procedure gfn(var fn:astr);
- begin
- nl;
- print('<CR>=all files');
- prt('File mask: '); input(fn,12);
- if fn='' then fn:='*.*';
- fn:=align(fn);
- end;
- function aln(i:astr; n:integer):astr;
- begin
- while length(i)<n do i:=' '+i;
- aln:=i;
- end;
- procedure pfn(f:ulfrec; var abort,next:boolean);
- var i:astr;
- begin
- i:=#3+#3+f.filename+#3+#2+':'+#3+#4+aln(cstr(f.blocks),4)+#3+#2+':';
- if (f.filepoints<>999) and (f.filepoints<>-1) then i:=i+#3+#4+aln(cstr(f.filepoints),3) else begin
- if f.filepoints=999 then i:=i+#3+#8+'New';
- if f.filepoints=-1 then i:=i+#3+#9+'Ask';
- end;
- i:=i+#3+#2+':'+#3+#5+copy(f.description,1,55); if length(f.description)>55 then i:=i+#3+#3+'+';
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- end;
- procedure searchb(b:integer; fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- var oldboard,pl,rn:integer; f:ulfrec;
- begin
- oldboard:=FILEBOARD; FILEBOARD:=b;
- recno(fn,pl,rn);
- while (rn<=pl) and (not abort) and (not hangup) and (rn<>0) do begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f);
- pbn(abort);
- pfn(f,abort,next);
- nrecno(fn,pl,rn);
- end;
- close(ulff);
- FILEBOARD:=oldboard;
- end;
- procedure searchbd(b:integer; ts:astr; var abort:boolean);
- var oldboard,pl,rn:integer; f:ulfrec; next:boolean;
- begin
- oldboard:=FILEBOARD; FILEBOARD:=b; fiscan(pl);
- rn:=1;
- while (rn<=pl) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f);
- if pos(ts,uc(f.description))<>0 then begin
- pbn(abort);
- pfn(f,abort,next);
- end;
- rn:=rn+1;
- end;
- close(ulff);
- FILEBOARD:=oldboard;
- end;
- procedure search;
- var fn:astr; bn:integer; abort:boolean;
- begin
- nl; nl; print('Search all directories.');
- gfn(fn);
- bn:=0; abort:=false;
- while (not abort) and (bn<=maxulb) and (not hangup) do begin
- if (thisuser.dsl>=uboards[bn].dsl) and (thisuser.age>=uboards[bn].agereq)
- and (uboards[bn].ar='@') or (uboards[bn].ar in thisuser.ar)
- then
- searchb(bn,fn,abort);
- bn:=bn+1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure searchd;
- var fn:astr; bn:integer; abort:boolean;
- begin
- nl; nl; print('Find a description -'); nl;
- print('Enter what to search description for.');
- abort:=false;
- prt(': '); input(fn,20);
- if fn<>'' then begin
- nl; print('Searching for "'+fn+'"'); nl;
- ynq('Search all directories? ');
- if yn then begin
- bn:=0;
- while (not abort) and (bn<=maxulb) and (not hangup) do begin
- if (thisuser.dsl>=uboards[bn].dsl) and (thisuser.age>=uboards[bn].agereq)
- and (uboards[bn].ar='@') or (uboards[bn].ar in thisuser.ar)
- then
- searchbd(bn,fn,abort);
- bn:=bn+1;
- end;
- end else searchbd(FILEBOARD,fn,abort);
- end;
- end;
- procedure newfiles(b:integer; var abort:boolean);
- var oldboard,pl,rn,ldn:integer; f:ulfrec; next:boolean;
- begin
- oldboard:=FILEBOARD; FILEBOARD:=b; fiscan(pl);
- ldn:=daynum(ldat);
- rn:=1;
- while (rn<=pl) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f);
- if f.daten>=ldn then begin
- pbn(abort);
- pfn(f,abort,next);
- end;
- rn:=rn+1;
- end;
- close(ulff);
- FILEBOARD:=oldboard;
- end;
- procedure nf;
- var bn:integer; abort:boolean;
- begin
- nl; print('Search for new files.'); nl;
- ynq('Search all directories? ');
- if yn then begin
- bn:=0; abort:=false;
- while (not abort) and (bn<=maxulb) and (not hangup) do begin
- if (thisuser.dsl>=uboards[bn].dsl) and (bn in thisuser.dlnscn) and
- (thisuser.age>=uboards[bn].agereq) and (uboards[bn].ar='@')
- and (uboards[bn].key<>'%')
- or (uboards[bn].ar in thisuser.ar) then newfiles(bn,abort);
- bn:=bn+1;
- end;
- end else newfiles(FILEBOARD,abort);
- end;
- procedure deleteff(rn:integer; var pl:integer);
- var f:ulfrec; i:integer;
- begin
- if (rn<=pl) and (rn>0) then begin
- pl:=pl-1;
- for i:=rn to pl do begin
- seek(ulff,i+1); read(ulff,f);
- seek(ulff,i); write(ulff,f);
- end;
- seek(ulff,0); f.blocks:=pl; write(ulff,f);
- end;
- end;
- function gtr(f,f1:ulfrec):boolean;
- begin
- if sortbd and (f1.daten<>f.daten) then
- if f1.daten<f.daten then
- gtr:=false
- else
- gtr:=true
- else
- if f1.filename>f.filename then
- gtr:=false
- else
- gtr:=true;
- end;
- procedure sortd(c:integer);
- var oldboard,trn,srn,i,i1,pl:integer; f,f1:ulfrec;
- begin
- oldboard:=FILEBOARD; FILEBOARD:=c; fiscan(pl);
- nl; print('Sorting '+uboards[FILEBOARD].name);
- for i:=1 to pl-1 do begin
- seek(ulff,i); read(ulff,f); trn:=i;
- for i1:=i+1 to pl do begin
- seek(ulff,i1); read(ulff,f1);
- if gtr(f,f1) then begin
- f:=f1; trn:=i1;
- end;
- end;
- seek(ulff,i); read(ulff,f1); seek(ulff,i);
- write(ulff,f); seek(ulff,trn); write(ulff,f1);
- end;
- close(ulff);
- FILEBOARD:=oldboard;
- end;
- procedure sort;
- var bn:integer;
- begin
- nl; nl; ynq('Sort by date? '); if yn then sortbd:=true else sortbd:=false;
- nl; ynq('Sort all boards? ');
- if yn then
- for bn:=0 to maxulb do
- sortd(bn)
- else
- sortd(FILEBOARD);
- end;
- procedure yourfileinfo;
- begin
- if okansi then begin
- cls;
- nl;
- cl(0); print(' File points: ');
- cl(0); print(' Your SL: ');
- cl(0); print(' Your DSL: ');
- cl(0); print(' You D/L''d: ');
- cl(0); print(' You U/L''d: ');
- cl(5); ansig(16,2); prompt(cstr(thisuser.filepoints));
- cl(5); ansig(16,3); prompt(cstr(thisuser.sl));
- cl(5); ansig(16,4); prompt(cstr(thisuser.dsl));
- cl(5); ansig(16,5); prompt(cstr(thisuser.dk)+'K in '+cstr(thisuser.downloads)+' files');
- cl(5); ansig(16,6); prompt(cstr(thisuser.uk)+'K in '+cstr(thisuser.uploads)+' files');
- end else begin
- nl; nl;
- print('File pts : '+cstr(thisuser.filepoints));
- print('Your SL : '+cstr(thisuser.sl));
- print('Your DSL : '+cstr(thisuser.dsl));
- print('You D/L''d : '+cstr(thisuser.dk)+'K in '+cstr(thisuser.downloads)+' files');
- print('You U/L''d : '+cstr(thisuser.uk)+'K in '+cstr(thisuser.uploads)+' files');
- end;
- end;
- procedure listfiles;
- var abort:boolean; fn:astr;
- begin
- nl; nl; print('List files.');
- gfn(fn); abort:=false;
- searchb(FILEBOARD,fn,abort);
- end;
- procedure listf(n:integer; var abort:boolean);
- var f:ulfrec; i,i1:astr; next:boolean;
- begin
- seek(ulff,n); read(ulff,f);
- i:=#3+#4+cstr(n); while length(i)<5 do i:=' '+i;
- i:=i+#3+#2+': '+#3+#3+f.filename;
- while length(i)<24 do i:=i+' ';
- i1:=cstr(f.blocks); while length(i1)<5 do i1:=' '+i1; i:=i+i1;
- i:=i+' '+f.date+' '; i1:=cstr(f.owner); while length(i1)<3 do i1:=' '+i1;
- i:=i+i1;
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- end;
- {$I dlp2.pas}
- procedure local_input1(var i:astr; ml:integer; tf:boolean);
- var cp:integer;
- cc:char;
- r:real;
- begin
- cp:=1;
- repeat
- cc:=readkey;
- if not tf then cc:=upcase(cc);
- if (cc>=' ') and (cc<chr(127)) then
- if cp<=ml then begin
- i[cp]:=cc;
- cp:=cp+1;
- write(cc);
- end else else case ord(cc) of
- 8:if cp>1 then begin
- cc:=chr(8);
- write(cc);write(' '); write(cc);
- cp:=cp-1;
- end;
- 21,24:while cp<>1 do begin
- cp:=cp-1;
- write(#8);write(' ');write(#8);
- end;
- end;
- until (cc=#13) or (cc=#14);
- i[0]:=chr(cp-1);
- writeln;
- end;
- procedure local_input(var i:astr; ml:integer); (* Input uppercase only *)
- begin
- local_input1(i,ml,false);
- end;
- procedure local_inputl(var i:astr; ml:integer); (* Input lower & upper case *)
- begin
- local_input1(i,ml,true);
- end;
- procedure term;
- var c:char; done,bac,eco,LFEEDS:boolean;
- hs:byte;
- ns:array[1..9] of pnr;
- fil:file of pnr;
- lnd,i:integer;
- maxs:byte;
- rl:real;
- r:registers;
- procedure ul;
- var dok,abort:boolean; i:astr; f:file;
- begin
- writeln; writeln; ft:=255;
- prompt('Send file: ');
- input(i,70);
- assign(f,i);
- {$I-} reset(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- close(f);
- send1(i,dok,abort);
- end else print('File not found.');
- incom:=false;
- hangup:=false;
- outcom:=false;
- writeln;
- end;
- procedure dl;
- var dok:boolean; i:astr; f:file;
- begin
- writeln; writeln; ft:=255;
- prompt('Receive file: ');
- input(i,70);
- assign(f,i);
- {$I-} reset(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- {$I-} rewrite(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- close(f);
- dok:=true;
- end else begin
- dok:=false;
- print('Illegal filename.');
- end;
- end else begin
- close(f);
- print(#7+'File already exists.');
- prompt('Overwrite? ');
- dok:=yn;
- end;
- if dok then
- receive1(i,dok);
- hangup:=false;
- incom:=false;
- outcom:=false;
- end;
- procedure pc(s:astr);
- var i:integer;
- begin
- s:=s+chr(13);
- for i:=1 to length(s) do o1(s[i]);
- end;
- procedure cs(hs:byte);
- begin
- writeln;
- case hs of
- 0:begin
- set_baud(300);
- tc(1);write('--- ');tc(3);write('300 BAUD ');tc(1);writeln('---');
- end;
- 1:begin
- set_baud(1200);
- tc(1);write('=== ');tc(3);write('1200 BAUD');tc(1);writeln(' ===');
- end;
- 2:begin
- set_baud(2400);
- tc(1);write('=-=');tc(3);write(' 2400 BAUD ');tc(1);writeln('=-=');
- end;
- 3:begin
- set_baud(4800);
- tc(1);write('=*=');tc(3);write(' 4800 BAUD ');tc(1);write('=*=');
- end;
- 4:begin
- set_baud(9600);
- tc(1);write('*=*');tc(3);write(' 9600 BAUD ');tc(1);write('*=*');
- end;
- end;
- writeln;
- end;
- procedure tab(x:integer);
- begin
- while wherex<x do write(' ');
- end;
- procedure dial;
- var i:integer; done:boolean; c:char; s:astr;
- begin
- done:=false;
- repeat
- writeln;
- tc(10);
- write('Dial: ');tc(11);write('1-9,M,Q,? : ');tc(2);
- repeat
- read(kbd,c); c:=upcase(c);
- until c in ['1'..'9','M','Q','?'];
- writeln(c); writeln;
- if c='Q' then begin done:=true; writeln; writeln('Back in term mode.'); writeln; end;
- if c='?' then begin
- clrscr;
- tc(15);writeln('N NAME NUMBER SPD');
- tc(9);writeln('─ ──────────────────────────────────────── ───────────── ────');
- for i:=1 to 9 do begin
- tc(11);write(i,' ');tc(14);
- WRITE(ns[i].name); tab(45); tc(15);write(ns[i].number); tc(3);tab(60);
- case ns[i].hs of
- 0:writeln(' 300');
- 1:writeln('1200');
- 2:writeln('2400');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if c='M' then begin
- write('Which (1-9) ? ');
- repeat
- read(kbd,c);
- until c in ['1'..'9',#13];
- if c in ['1'..'9'] then begin
- i:=value(c);
- clrscr;
- writeln('Number: ',i);
- writeln;
- tc(14);writeln('Old Name: ',ns[i].name);
- tc(11);write('New Name: ');MPL(40); inputl(s,40);
- if s<>'' then ns[i].name:=s;
- writeln;
- tc(14);writeln('Old Number: ',ns[i].number);
- tc(11);write('New Number: '); MPL(40);input(s,14);
- if s<>'' then ns[i].number:=s;
- writeln;
- tc(14);write('Old Speed: ');
- case ns[i].hs of
- 0:writeln(' 300');
- 1:writeln('1200');
- 2:writeln('2400');
- end;
- writeln;tc(11);
- writeln('0 = 300');
- if maxs>0 then writeln('1 = 1200');
- if maxs>1 then writeln('2 = 2400');
- write('New speed? '); read(kbd,c); if (c<'0') or (c>'2') then c:=#0;
- writeln(c); writeln;
- if (value(''+c)<=maxs) and (c<>#0) then ns[i].hs:=value(''+c);
- reset(fil); seek(fil,i-1); write(fil,ns[i]); close(fil);
- c:=' ';
- end;
- end;
- if c in ['1'..'9'] then begin
- done:=true;
- i:=value(c);
- clrscr; lnd:=i;
- hs:=ns[i].hs; cs(hs);
- tc(14);writeln('Dialing: ',ns[i].name);tc(11);
- writeln('At : ',ns[i].number);
- writeln;
- pc('ATDT'+ns[i].number);
- end;
- until done;
- end;
- function cdet:boolean;
- begin
- cdet:=((port[base+6] and 128)<>0)
- end;
- procedure hang;
- var rl:real;
- begin
- dump;
- term_ready(false); rl:=timer;
- while cdet and (abs(timer-rl)<1.5) do;
- term_ready(true);
- end;
- procedure redial;
- var c:char; done:boolean; try:integer; rl,rl1,rl2:real; int:integer; i,i1:astr;
- begin
- clrscr; try:=0;
- hs:=ns[lnd].hs; cs(hs); rl:=timer;
- pc('ATM0Q0V0E0S7=16');
- tc(14);writeln('Re-Dialing: ',ns[lnd].name);tc(11);
- writeln('At : ',ns[lnd].number);
- writeln('Try : 0');
- writeln('Time : 00:00');
- writeln; writeln('Hit <ESC> to abort'); done:=false;
- delay(500); dump;
- repeat
- pc('ATDT'+ns[lnd].number);
- try:=try+1;
- gotoxy(13,6); writeln(try);
- rl1:=timer; if rl1<rl then rl:=rl+24.0*3600.0;
- rl2:=abs(rl1-rl); if rl2>32000 then rl2:=32000;
- int:=trunc(rl2);
- i:=cstr(int div 60);
- if length(i)=1 then i:='0'+i;
- i1:=cstr(int mod 60);
- if length(i1)=1 then i1:='0'+i1;
- i:=i+':'+i1;
- gotoxy(13,7); writeln(i); dump;
- while (not done) and (not commpressed) do begin
- if keypressed then begin
- read(kbd,c); if c=#27 then begin done:=true; o1('A'); end;
- end;
- end;
- delay(100);
- if cdet then done:=true else dump;
- until done;
- if cdet then for try:=1 to 6 do begin
- sound(1200); delay(200); nosound; delay(100);
- end else begin
- delay(500); pc('ATM1Q0V1E1S7=30');
- end;
- gotoxy(1,14); writeln; writeln('Back in term mode...');
- end;
- procedure help;
- var x,y,c:integer;
- begin
- x:=wherex; y:=wherey;
- tc(4);
- for c:=1 to 12 do begin
- gotoxy(42,c); write(#$b3);
- end;
- gotoxy(42,13); write(#$c0);
- while wherex<>1 do write(#$c4);
- window(43,1,80,12); clrscr;
- window(45,1,80,12); gotoxy(1,1);
- tc(15);
- writeln('Alt-B = backspacing toggle');
- writeln('Alt-C = clear screen');
- writeln('Alt-D = dial number');
- writeln('Alt-E = echo toggle');
- writeln('Alt-H = hang up phone');
- writeln('Alt-Q = redial last number');
- writeln('Alt-S = speed toggle');
- writeln('Alt-X = exit');
- writeln('Alt-L = line feeds toggle');
- writeln('Alt-R = Shell to DOS');
- writeln('PgUp = send file from dloads');
- write('PgDn = receive file into dloads');
- window(1,1,80,25); gotoxy(x,y); tc(3);
- end;
- procedure om(ch:char);
- begin
- r.ax:=$0200;
- r.dx:=ord(ch);
- msdos(r);
- end;
- procedure pp(s:astr);
- var i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=1 to length(s) do
- if s[i]='{' then o1(#13) else o1(s[i]);
- end;
- var geei,geez,golly,len:integer; geeg,xx:astr;
- begin
- window(1,1,80,25);
- clrscr; lnd:=0; eco:=false;
- if systat.maxbaud=300 then maxs:=0;
- if systat.maxbaud=1200 then maxs:=1;
- if systat.maxbaud=2400 then maxs:=2;
- if systat.maxbaud=4800 then maxs:=3;
- if systat.maxbaud=9600 then maxs:=4;
- assign(fil,systat.gfilepath+'numbers.dat');
- reset(fil);
- for i:=1 to 9 do read(fil,ns[i]);
- close(fil); tc(1);
- writeln('┌────────────────────────────────┐');
- write('│ ');tc(11);write('Telegard Mini-Term Version 1.4');
- tc(1);writeln(' │');
- writeln('└────────────────────────────────┘'); writeln;
- tc(10);write(' Press ');tc(11);WRITE('[');tc(14);WRITE('HOME');
- tc(11);WRITE(']');tc(10);WRITELN(' for help');
- writeln;
- hs:=maxs; cs(hs); bac:=false;
- done:=false;
- pc('ATQ0V1E1S2=43M1S11=50');
- rl:=timer;
- repeat
- if commpressed then begin
- c:=cinkey;
- if c=chr(12) then clrscr else
- if c=chr(8) then begin
- om(c);
- if bac then begin
- om(' '); om(#8);
- end;
- end
- else
- if c<>chr(0) then om(c);
- end else begin
- if timer<rl then rl:=rl-24.0*3600.0;
- if timer-rl>10.0*60.0 then done:=true;
- end;
- if keypressed then begin
- read(kbd,c);
- if c=chr(27) then
- if keypressed then begin
- read(kbd,c); case ord(c) of
- 48:begin bac:=not bac; writeln; writeln;
- if bac then writeln('-Destructive-') else writeln('=Non-Destructive=');
- writeln; writeln;
- end;
- 44:begin
- clrscr;
- gotoxy(27,12); returna:=true;
- write('Returning to WFC & Answering Phone'); done:=true;
- end;
- 45:begin
- clrscr; gotoxy(32,12); returna:=false;
- write('Returning to WFC ...'); done:=true; end;
- 59..67:begin geei:=(ord(c)-58);pp(SYSTAT.SYSOPMACRO[GEEI]);END;
- 68:begin
- nl;nl;
- clrscr;
- for geei:=1 to 9 do begin
- tc(11);
- write(cstr(geei)+'] '); tc(9);
- if systat.sysopmacro[geei]='' then systat.sysopmacro[geei]:='[Blank]';
- writeln(systat.sysopmacro[geei]);
- end;
- tc(14); writeln;
- write('Change which macro? '); local_input(xx,1); geez:=value(xx);
- if geez in [1..9] then begin
- writeln; writeln('Enter macro now, "{"=<CR>');
- writeln;tc(9);write(':');tc(11);
- readln(geeg);systat.sysopmacro[geez]:=geeg;writeln;writeln;
- end;
- end;
- 31:begin hs:=hs+1; if hs>maxs then hs:=0; cs(hs); end;
- 32:dial;
- 38:begin WRITELN;WRITELN;if lfeeds then BEGIN
- 16:if (lnd>0) and (lnd<10) then redial;
- 19:SysopShell;
- 35:begin writeln; writeln('Hanging up...'); writeln; hang; hang; hang; hang; end;
- 73:ul;
- 75:if okansi then pp(#27+'[D');
- 77:if okansi then pp(#27+'[C');
- 72:if okansi then pp(#27+'[A');
- 80:if okansi then pp(#27+'[B');
- 27:pp(#27);
- 81:dl;
- 71:help;
- 46:clrscr;
- 18:begin eco:=not eco; writeln; writeln;
- if eco then writeln('-= ECHO ON =-') else writeln('=- ECHO OFF -=');
- writeln; writeln;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- om(c)
- else begin o1(c); if eco then om(c); end;
- rl:=timer;
- end;
- until done;
- hang; delay(1000); pc('ATS0=0Q0V0E0M0S2=1S7=30'); delay(100); dump;
- end;
- procedure lfi(fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- var next:boolean; i1,i2:astr;
- begin
- if exist(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn) and (not abort) then
- if (pos('.ARC',fn)<>0) or (pos('.LBR',fn)<>0) then begin
- nl;
- i1:=align(fn); i2:=''; while length(i1)>length(i2) do i2:=i2+'-';
- printacr(i1,abort,next);
- printacr(i2,abort,next);
- nl;
- if not abort then begin
- if pos('.ARC',fn)<>0 then arcl(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn,abort);
- if pos('.LBR',fn)<>0 then lbrl(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn,abort);
- end;
- nl;
- end;
- end;
- procedure lfin(rn:integer; var abort:boolean);
- var f:ulfrec;
- begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f); lfi(f.filename,abort);
- end;
- procedure lfii;
- var fn:astr; pl,rn:integer; abort:boolean;
- begin
- nl; print('Enter file to list interior files of');
- prt(': '); mpl(12); input(fn,12);
- recno(fn,pl,rn);
- abort:=false;
- if rn=0 then print('File not found.') else begin
- while (rn<>0) and (not abort) do begin
- lfin(rn,abort);
- nrecno(fn,pl,rn);
- end;
- end;
- close(ulff);
- end;
- Procedure Unlisted_Download(i:astr);
- var dok,abort:boolean; f:file;
- begin
- ft:=255;
- assign(f,i);
- {$I-} reset(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- close(f);
- send1(i,dok,abort);
- end else print('File not found.');
- end;
- END.