home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- var
- fuku1:byte;
- fuku2:byte;
- procedure uedit(usern:integer);
- var user,user1:userrec; c:char; r:restrictions; i,i1,x:integer; save:boolean; ii,is:astr; f:file;
- mr:mailrec; byt:byte; zz:astr; abort,next:boolean; c1:integer; qq:integer;
- searchopt:record
- sslh,ssll:byte; bsl:boolean;
- sdslh,sdsll:byte; bdsl:boolean;
- scomp:byte; bcomp:boolean;
- ssex:char; bsex:boolean;
- sagel,sageh:byte; bage:boolean;
- sar:set of acrq; bar:boolean;
- slastonh,slastonl:integer; blaston:boolean;
- end;
- function filename(mrec:messages):astr;
- begin
- filename:=systat.msgpath+mrec.ltr+cstr(mrec.number)+'.'+cstr(mrec.ext);
- end;
- procedure isr(uname:astr;usernum:integer);
- var t,i,ii:integer; sr:smalrec;
- begin
- ii:=systat.users; i:=0;
- while (ii-i)>1 do begin
- t:=(ii+i) div 2;
- if uname<srl[t].name then
- ii:=t
- else
- i:=t;
- end;
- if srl[ii].name<uname then i:=ii;
- for ii:=systat.users downto i+1 do
- srl[ii+1]:=srl[ii];
- sr.name:=uname; sr.number:=usernum;
- srl[i+1]:=sr;
- systat.users:=systat.users+1;
- savesystat;
- rewrite(sf); for ii:=0 to systat.users do write(sf,srl[ii]); close(sf);
- end;
- procedure dsr(uname:astr);
- var i,rn:integer; sr:smalrec;
- begin
- rn:=0;
- for i:=1 to systat.users do
- if srl[i].name=uname then
- rn:=i;
- if rn<>0 then begin
- for i:=rn to systat.users-1 do srl[i]:=srl[i+1];
- systat.users:=systat.users-1;
- savesystat;
- rewrite(sf); for i:=0 to systat.users do write(sf,srl[i]); close(sf);
- end else sl1('*** Couldn''t delete "'+uname+'"');
- end;
- procedure rsm;
- var x:smr; i:integer;
- begin
- {$I-} reset(smf); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- i:=0; cl(1);
- repeat
- if i<=filesize(smf)-1 then begin seek(smf,i); read(smf,x); end;
- while (i<filesize(smf)-1) and (x.destin<>usernum) do begin
- i:=i+1; seek(smf,i); read(smf,x);
- end;
- if (x.destin=usernum) and (i<=filesize(smf)-1) then begin
- print(x.msg);
- seek(smf,i); x.destin:=-1; write(smf,x);
- smread:=true;
- end;
- i:=i+1;
- until (i>filesize(smf)-1) or hangup;
- close(smf);
- cl(1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure finduser(var usernum:integer);
- var t,i,i1,gg:integer;
- nn,duh:astr;
- begin
- input(nn,25);
- usernum:=value(nn); if usernum>0 then begin
- if usernum>filesize(uf)-1 then begin
- print('Unknown User.');
- usernum:=0; end
- else begin
- seek(uf,usernum);
- read(uf,user);
- end;
- end else begin
- for gg:=1 to systat.users do begin
- if pos(nn,srl[gg].name)<>0 then begin
- if srl[gg].name<>nn then begin
- prompt('Incomplete match--> ');cl(3);prompt(srl[gg].name);nl;
- prompt('Is this right? ');if yn then nn:=srl[gg].name;end;
- end;
- end;
- i:=1; i1:=systat.users; t:=(i1+i) div 2;
- while ((i1-i)>1) and (srl[t].name<>nn) do begin
- if srl[t].name<nn then
- i:=t
- else
- i1:=t;
- t:=(i1+i) div 2;
- end;
- usernum:=0;
- if srl[i].name=nn then usernum:=srl[i].number;
- if srl[i1].name=nn then usernum:=srl[i1].number;
- if srl[t].name=nn then usernum:=srl[t].number;
- if usernum=0 then print('Unknown User.');
- end;
- end;
- procedure pcuropt;
- var c:char;
- begin
- cls; nl; cl(5); print('Search Options');
- nl;
- prompt('1. Security level : ');
- if searchopt.bsl then
- print(cstr(searchopt.ssll)+' to '+cstr(searchopt.sslh))
- else
- print('Inactive');
- prompt('2. D/L Security level : ');
- if searchopt.bdsl then
- print(cstr(searchopt.sdsll)+' to '+cstr(searchopt.sdslh))
- else
- print('Inactive');
- prompt('3. Sex : ');
- if searchopt.bsex then
- if searchopt.ssex='M' then
- print('Male')
- else
- print('Female')
- else
- print('Inactive');
- prompt('4. Age : ');
- if searchopt.bage then
- print(cstr(searchopt.sagel)+' to '+cstr(searchopt.sageh))
- else
- print('Inactive');
- prompt('5. AR : ');
- if searchopt.bar then begin
- for c:='A' to 'G' do
- if c in searchopt.sar then outkey(c) else outkey(' ');
- nl;
- end else
- print('Inactive');
- prompt('6. Last On : ');
- if searchopt.blaston then
- print(cstr(searchopt.slastonl)+' days to '+cstr(searchopt.slastonh)+' days ago')
- else
- print('Inactive');
- nl;
- end;
- procedure stopt;
- var n:integer; c,ch:char; done:boolean; i:astr;
- procedure chbyte(var x:byte);
- var i:astr; n:integer;
- begin
- input(i,3); n:=x;
- if i<>'' then n:=value(i);
- if (n>=0) and (n<=255) then x:=n;
- end;
- procedure chword(var x:integer);
- var i:astr; n:integer;
- begin
- input(i,3); n:=x;
- if i<>'' then n:=value(i);
- if (n>=0) and (n<=32767) then x:=n;
- end;
- begin
- cls; done:=false; pcuropt;
- repeat
- prt('Change (?,Q) : ');
- onek(ch,'Q?123456TL');
- case ch of
- 'Q':done:=true;
- '?':begin
- nl;
- print('Q:uit Options ?:This Help');
- print('L:ist Options T:oggle options');
- print('1-6: Change Option #');
- nl;
- end;
- 'L':pcuropt;
- 'T':begin
- nl; prt('Which (1-6) ? '); onek(ch,#13'123456'); nl;
- case ch of
- '1':searchopt.bsl:=not searchopt.bsl;
- '2':searchopt.bdsl:=not searchopt.bdsl;
- '3':searchopt.bsex:=not searchopt.bsex;
- '4':searchopt.bage:=not searchopt.bage;
- '5':searchopt.bar:=not searchopt.bar;
- '6':searchopt.blaston:=not searchopt.blaston;
- end;
- ch:=#0;
- end;
- '1':if searchopt.bsl then begin
- nl; print('Security Level:');
- prompt('Lower limit ('+cstr(searchopt.ssll)+') ? ');
- chbyte(searchopt.ssll); fuku2:=searchopt.ssll;
- prompt('Upper limit ('+cstr(searchopt.sslh)+') ? ');
- chbyte(searchopt.sslh); fuku1:=searchopt.sslh;
- end;
- '2':if searchopt.bdsl then begin
- nl; print('Download Security Level:');
- prompt('Lower limit ('+cstr(searchopt.sdsll)+') ? ');
- chbyte(searchopt.sdsll);
- prompt('Lower limit ('+cstr(searchopt.sdslh)+') ? ');
- chbyte(searchopt.sdslh);
- end;
- '3':if searchopt.bsex then begin
- nl; prompt('Sex (M,F) ? '); onek(searchopt.ssex,'MF');
- end;
- '4':if searchopt.bage then begin
- nl; print('Age:');
- prompt('Lower limit ('+cstr(searchopt.sagel)+') ? ');
- chbyte(searchopt.sagel);
- prompt('Upper limit ('+cstr(searchopt.sageh)+') ? ');
- chbyte(searchopt.sageh);
- end;
- '5':if searchopt.bar then begin
- prompt('Which board? '); onek(c,#13'ABCDEFG'); c:=upcase(c);
- if c in ['A'..'G'] then if c in searchopt.sar then
- searchopt.sar:=searchopt.sar-[c]
- else
- searchopt.sar:=searchopt.sar+[c];
- end;
- '6':if searchopt.blaston then begin
- nl; print('Limits of number of days since last logon:');
- prompt('Lower limit ('+cstr(searchopt.slastonl)+') ? ');
- chword(searchopt.slastonl);
- prompt('Upper limit ('+cstr(searchopt.slastonh)+') ? ');
- chword(searchopt.slastonh);
- end;
- end;
- until done or hangup;
- end;
- procedure delusr;
- var vdata:file of vdatar; vd:vdatar; j:integer; i:integer;
- begin
- prompt('Delete? '); if yn and (not user.deleted) then begin
- save:=true; user.deleted:=true; dsr(user.name);
- i:=usernum; usernum:=usern; rsm; usernum:=i;
- user.waiting:=0; reset(mailfile);
- for i:=0 to filesize(mailfile)-1 do begin
- seek(mailfile,i); read(mailfile,mr); i1:=0;
- if (mr.destin=usern) or (abs(mr.from)=usern) then begin
- if abs(mr.from)=usern then i1:=mr.destin;
- assign(f,filename(mr.msg)); {$I-} erase(f); {$I+} x:=ioresult;
- mr.destin:=-1; mr.from:=0; seek(mailfile,i); write(mailfile,mr);
- end;
- if (i1>0) and (i1<filesize(uf)) then begin
- seek(uf,i1); read(uf,user1); user1.waiting:=user1.waiting-1;
- seek(uf,i1); write(uf,user1); if i1=1 then fw:=fw-1;
- end;
- end;
- close(mailfile);
- assign(vdata,systat.gfilepath+'voting.dat');
- reset(vdata);
- for j:=1 to filesize(vdata) do
- if user.vote[j]>0 then begin
- seek(vdata,j-1); read(vdata,vd);
- vd.answ[user.vote[j]].numres:=vd.answ[user.vote[j]].numres-1;
- seek(vdata,j-1); write(vdata,vd);
- user.vote[j]:=0;
- end;
- close(vdata);
- end;
- end;
- procedure renusr;
- begin
- if user.deleted then print('Can''t rename deleted users.') else begin
- nl;prompt('Enter new name or <CR>: '); input(ii,25);
- if (ii<>'') and (ii[1] in ['A'..'Z']) then begin
- dsr(user.name); isr(ii,usern); user.name:=ii; save:=true;
- if usern=usernum then thisuser.name:=ii;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure chhflags;
- begin
- save:=true;
- print('LCVBA*PEKM');
- nl;prompt('Which? ');onek(c,'LCVBA*PEKM'+#13); c:=upcase(c); print(c); nl;
- if c<>#13 then acch(c,user); save:=true;
- end;
- procedure autoval;
- begin
- user.sl:=systat.autosl; user.dsl:=systat.autodsl;
- user.ac:=systat.autoac; user.ar:=systat.autoar; save:=true;
- print('User Validated.'); pausescr;
- end;
- procedure chhsl;
- begin
- prompt('Enter new SL: '); input(ii,4);
- if ii<>'' then begin
- byt:=value(ii); save:=true; if thisuser.sl>byt then user.sl:=byt;
- if thisuser.sl<byt then sysoplog('Illegal SL change-Name:'+user.name+' to '+cstr(byt));
- end;
- if (user.sl=99) or (lcosysop in seclev[user.sl].anst) then begin
- prompt('Which board #? '); input(ii,2);
- if ii<>'' then user.sbn:=value(ii);
- save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- procedure chhdsl;
- begin
- begin prompt('Enter new DSL: '); input(ii,4);
- if ii<>'' then begin
- byt:=value(ii); save:=true; if thisuser.sl>byt then user.dsl:=byt;
- if thisuser.sl<byt then sysoplog('Illegal DSL change-Name:'+user.name+' to '+cstr(byt));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure printhelp;
- begin
- nl; cl(5); print('Extra Command Help');
- nl;
- print('[ - Up 1 Record ] - Down 1 Record');
- print('{ - Search up } - Search down');
- print('U - Find user D - Delete user');
- print('R - Restore user V - Validate quick');
- print('* - Autovalidate O - Search Options');
- print('% - NewInfoForm @ - Lock out user');
- nl;
- end;
- procedure search(i:integer);
- var n:integer; u:userrec;
- function okusr(n:integer):boolean;
- var ok:boolean;
- begin
- seek(uf,n); read(uf,u); ok:=true;
- with searchopt do begin
- if bsl then
- if (u.sl<ssll) or (u.sl>sslh) then ok:=false;
- if bdsl then
- if (u.dsl<sdsll) or (u.dsl>sdslh) then ok:=false;
- if bcomp then
- if u.comptype<>scomp then ok:=false;
- if bsex then
- if (ssex<>u.sex) and (u.sex<>' ') then ok:=false;
- if bage then
- if ((u.age<sagel) or (u.age>sageh)) and (u.age<>0) then ok:=false;
- if bar then
- if not (u.ar>=sar) then ok:=false;
- if blaston then
- if (daynum(u.laston)<daynum(date)-slastonh) or
- (daynum(u.laston)>daynum(date)-slastonl) then ok:=false;
- end;
- okusr:=ok;
- end;
- begin
- nl;print('Searching...');
- n:=usern;
- repeat
- usern:=usern+i;
- if usern=0 then usern:=filesize(uf)-1;
- if usern=filesize(uf) then usern:=1;
- until okusr(usern) or (usern=n);
- end;
- var s,geepw:astr;
- begin
- reset(uf);
- with searchopt do begin
- bsl:=false; bdsl:=false; bcomp:=false; bsex:=false; bage:=false; bar:=false; blaston:=false;
- sslh:=255; ssll:=0; sdslh:=255; sdsll:=0; scomp:=1; ssex:='M';
- sagel:=0; sageh:=255; sar:=[]; slastonh:=32767; slastonl:=0;
- fuku1:=sslh; fuku2:=ssll;
- end;
- repeat
- searchopt.sslh:=fuku1; searchopt.ssll:=fuku2;
- seek(uf,usern); read(uf,user); save:=false;
- if (usern=usernum) and useron then user:=thisuser;
- cls; abort:=false;
- with user do begin
- abort:=false;
- printacr(#3+#5+'Record #'+cstr(usern)+' of '+cstr(filesize(uf)),abort,next);
- nl;
- cl(1);
- s:=#3+#3+'N>'+#3+#0+'User Name:'+#3+#9+mln(name,22)+' #'+mln(cstr(usern),3)+' '+#3+#3+'D>'+#3+#0+'Status: ';
- if deleted then s:=s+#3+#8+'Deleted' else begin
- if lockedout then s:=s+#3+#8+'Locked out' else
- s:=s+#3+#9+'Normal';
- end;
- printacr(s,abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'E>'+#3+#0+'Real Name:'+#3+#9+mln(realname,21)+
- ' '+#3+#3+'S>'+#3+#0+'SL: '+#3+#9+mln(cstr(sl),3)+
- ' '+#3+#3+'T>'+#3+#0+'DSL: '+#3+#9+cstr(dsl),abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'P>'+#3+#0+'Phone No.:'+#3+#9+ph+' '+
- {+#3+#3+'G>'+#3+#0+'Age: '+#3+#9+mln(cstr(age),2)+}
- ' '+#3+#3+'C>'+#3+#0+'Computer type:'+#3+#9+computer,abort,next);
- s:=#3+#3+'$>'+#3+#0+'Password :'+#3+#9; if (realsl=255) or ((spd='KB') and (so))
- then s:=s+mln(pw,20) else s:=s+'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';
- {s:=s+' '+#3+#3+'X)'+#3+#0+'Sex: '+#3+#9;
- if sex='M' then s:=s+'Male ' else s:=s+'Female';}
- s:=s+' '+#3+#3+'B>'+#3+#0+'Board Access :'+#3+#9; for c:='A' to 'G' do
- if c in ar then s:=s+c else s:=s+' ';
- printacr(s,abort,next);
- s:=#3+#3+'1>'+#3+#0+'Messages Posted:'+#3+#9+mln(cstr(msgpost),3)+' '+
- #3+#3+'2>'+#3+#0+'Email Sent :'+#3+#9+mln(cstr(emailsent),3)+
- ' '+#3+#3+'A>'+#3+#0+'AC Restricts :'+#3+#9; for r:=rlogon to rmsg do
- if r in ac then s:=s+copy('LCVBA*PEKM',ORD(R)+1,1) else s:=s+' ';
- printacr(s,abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'3>'+#3+#0+'Feedback Sent :'+#3+#9+mln(cstr(feedback),3)+' '+#3+#3+'4>'+
- #3+#0+'Mail in Box:'+#3+#9+mln(cstr(waiting),3)+
- ' '+#3+#3+'#>'+#3+#0+'File points : '+#3+#9+cstr(filepoints),abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'5>'+#3+#0+'# of logons :'+#3+#9+mln(cstr(loggedon),3)+
- ' '+#3+#3+'6>'+#3+#0+'Logon today:'+#3+#9+mln(cstr(ontoday),3)+
- ' '+#3+#3+'!>'+#3+#0+'Lockout file : '+#3+#9+lockedfile+'.MSG',abort,next);
- s:=#3+#3+'K>'+#3+#0+'Upload/Download:'+#3+#9+mln(cstr(uploads),3)+'-'+mln(cstr(uk),5)+' / '+
- mln(cstr(downloads),3)+'-'+mln(cstr(dk),5)+' '+#3+#3+'X>'+#3+#0+'Sex : '+#3+#9;
- if sex='M' then s:=s+'Male ' else s:=s+'Female';
- s:=s+#3+#3+' G>'+#3+#0+'Age : '+#3+#9+cstr(age);
- printacr(s,abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'J>'+#3+#0+'City, State:'+#3+#9+mln(citystate,26)+' '+#3+#3+'Z>'+#3+#0+'Zipcode: '+#3+#9+
- mln(zipcode,10)+#3+#0+' Timeon: '+#3+#9+cstrr(ttimeon,10),abort,next);
- s:=#3+#3+'M>'+#3+#0+'Street Addr:'+#3+#9+mln(street,21)+' '+#3+#3+'L>'+#3+#0+'Alert : '+#3+#9;
- if alert in option then s:=s+'Yes' else s:=s+'No ';
- s:=s+#3+#0+' Mail : '+#3+#9;
- if (nomail in option) or (forusr<>0) then begin
- if nomail in option then
- s:=s+'Closed'
- else
- s:=s+'Forwarded';
- end else s:=s+'Open';
- printacr(s,abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'I>'+#3+#0+'Occupation :'+#3+#9+occupation,abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'W>'+#3+#0+'BBS refrnce:'+#3+#9+wherebbs,abort,next);
- printacr(#3+#3+'F>'+#3+#0+'User Note :'+#3+#9+note,abort,next);
- end;
- nl;
- searchopt.sslh:=fuku1; searchopt.ssll:=fuku2;
- cl(5);prompt('Option :'); cl(9);onek(c,'%X123456I$@HSWO*!JQSA[]#UBDKRNPELTVOCGFZ{}?'); c:=upcase(c);
- case c of
- '1': Begin
- Prompt('Enter # of message''s posted: '); input(ii,3); if ii<>'' then begin
- user.msgpost:=value(ii); save:=true; end;
- end;
- '2': Begin
- Prompt('Enter # of email sent: '); input(ii,3); if ii<>'' then begin
- user.emailsent:=value(ii); save:=true;
- end;
- End;
- '3': Begin
- Prompt('Enter # of feedback sent: '); input(ii,3); if ii<>'' then begin
- user.feedback:=value(ii); save:=true;
- end;
- End;
- '4': Begin
- Prompt('Enter # of mail waiting: '); input(ii,3); if ii<>'' then begin
- user.waiting:=value(ii); save:=true;
- end;
- End;
- '5': Begin
- Prompt('Enter # of logons: '); input(ii,3); if ii<>'' then begin
- user.loggedon:=value(ii); save:=true;
- end;
- End;
- '6': begin
- Prompt('Enter # of logons today: '); input(ii,3); if ii<>'' then begin
- user.ontoday:=value(ii); save:=true;
- end;
- End;
- '%': printfile(systat.gfilepath+'newuser.asw');
- 'B': begin
- cl(3);prompt('Which board? '); onek(c,#13'ABCDEFG'); c:=upcase(c);
- if c in ['A'..'G'] then if c in user.ar then user.ar:=user.ar-[c]
- else user.ar:=user.ar+[c];
- if c in ['A'..'G'] then save:=true;
- end;
- 'K': if so then begin nl;
- cl(3);prompt('Present record : ');
- cl(1);print('Uploads= '+cstr(user.uploads)+' for '+cstr(user.uk)+'k');
- print (' Dloads= '+cstr(user.downloads)+' for '+cstr(user.dk)+'k');
- nl; prt('Enter Uploads: '); mpl(4);input(ii,4);
- if ii <> '' then begin
- user.uploads := value(ii); ii:= '';
- prompt('How many Kbytes? '); mpl(6);input(ii,6);
- if ii <> '' then user.uk := value(ii);
- ii := ''; save:=true;
- end;
- nl; prt('Enter Downloads: '); mpl(4);input(ii,4);
- if ii <> '' then begin
- user.downloads := value(ii); ii:= '';
- prompt('How many Kbytes? '); mpl(6);input(ii,6);
- if ii <> '' then user.dk := value(ii);
- ii := ''; save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- 'O': begin stopt; searchopt.sslh:=fuku1; searchopt.ssll:=fuku2; end;
- 'F': begin prompt('Note: '); inputl(user.note,39); save:=true; end;
- 'G': begin
- prompt('New age? '); input(ii,3); byt:=value(ii);
- if (byt>8) and (byt<100) then begin
- user.age:=byt; save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- 'C':begin
- print('Enter new computer type');
- prt(':');mpl(14);inputl(ii,14); if ii<>'' then user.computer:=ii;
- c:=#0; save:=true;
- end;
- '}': search(1);
- '{': search(-1);
- 'X': begin
- nl; print('Sex (M,F)? '); onek(user.sex,'MF');
- save:=true;
- end;
- 'U': begin
- prompt('Enter user name, #, or partial search string: ');
- finduser(i); if i>0 then usern:=i;
- end;
- '[': begin
- usern:=usern-1; if usern=0 then usern:=filesize(uf)-1;
- end;
- ']': begin
- usern:=usern+1; if usern=filesize(uf) then usern:=1;
- end;
- 'A': chhflags;
- '*': autoval;
- 'S': chhsl;
- 'T': chhdsl;
- 'D': delusr;
- '#': begin
- print('Enter new amount of file points.');
- prompt(':'); input(ii,5); user.filepoints:=value(ii);
- save:=true;
- end;
- 'R': if user.deleted then begin save:=true; isr(user.name,usern); user.deleted:=false; end;
- 'N': renusr;
- 'P': begin prompt('New phone number: '); input(ii,12); if ii<>'' then
- begin user.ph:=ii; save:=true; end;
- end;
- 'E': begin prompt('New Real Name: '); inputl(ii,21); if ii<>'' then
- begin user.realname:=ii; save:=true; end;
- end;
- 'L': begin
- if alert in user.option then
- user.option:=user.option-[alert] else
- user.option:=user.option+[alert];
- save:=true;
- end;
- '?': begin printhelp; pausescr; end;
- '$': begin PROMPT('Enter new password:');mpl(20);input(geepw,20);if geepw<>'' then user.pw:=geepw;save:=true;end;
- 'V': begin chhsl;chhdsl;chhflags;end;
- '@': begin
- if user.lockedout then begin print('User is no longer locked out of system.'); pausescr; user.lockedout:=false;
- save:=true; end
- else begin print('User is now LOCKED out.'); user.lockedout:=true; save:=true; pausescr; end;
- end;
- '!': begin
- print('This file is printed when user attempts to log on when');
- print('locked out. *.MSG automatically included. This will be');
- print('found in your GFILES\ directory.');
- nl;
- prt('Enter locked file: '); mpl(8); input(ii,8); if ii<>'' then begin
- user.lockedfile:=ii;
- save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- 'H': begin
- print('Enter new house address');
- prt(':');mpl(21);input(ii,21);if ii<>'' then begin
- user.street:=ii;
- save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- 'Z': begin
- print('Enter new zip code (#####-####)');
- prt(':');mpl(10); input(ii,10);if ii<>'' then begin
- user.zipcode:=ii;
- save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- 'I': begin
- print('Enter new occupation');
- prt(':');mpl(40);inputl(ii,40);if ii<>'' then begin
- user.occupation:=ii;
- save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- 'J': begin
- print('Enter new city & state seperated by a comma');
- prt(':'); mpl(26);inputl(ii,26);if ii<>'' then begin
- user.citystate:=ii;
- save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- 'W': begin
- print('Enter new BBS reference');
- prt(':');mpl(40);inputl(ii,40);if ii<>'' then begin
- user.wherebbs:=ii;
- save:=true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if save then begin seek(uf,usern); write(uf,user); if usern=usernum then thisuser:=user; end;
- until (c='Q') or hangup;
- close(uf);
- end;
- procedure voteprint;
- var vdata:file of vdatar; vd:vdatar; vn:integer; t:text; i1,i2:integer; u:userrec;
- x:array[1..maxusers] of array[1..9] of integer;
- s1,s2:astr;
- begin
- assign(t,systat.gfilepath+'votes.txt');
- rewrite(t);
- writeln(t); writeln(t,'Votes as of '+dat);
- reset(uf);
- print('Beginning output to file "VOTES.TXT"');
- i1:=1;
- while (i1<filesize(uf)) do begin
- seek(uf,i1); read(uf,u);
- for i2:=1 to 9 do
- x[i1][i2]:=u.vote[i2];
- i1:=i1+1;
- end;
- close(uf);
- assign(vdata,systat.gfilepath+'voting.dat');
- reset(vdata);
- for vn:=1 to 9 do begin
- seek(vdata,vn-1); read(vdata,vd);
- if vd.numa<>0 then begin
- writeln(t); writeln(t,vd.question);
- print(vd.question);
- for i1:=1 to vd.numa do begin
- writeln(t,' '+vd.answ[i1].ans);
- for i2:=1 to systat.users do begin
- if x[srl[i2].number][vn]=i1 then begin
- writeln(t,' '+srl[i2].name+' #'+cstr(srl[i2].number));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- close(t);
- close(vdata);
- print('Output complete.');
- end;
- procedure tedit;
- var cur,nex,las,b4:strptr;
- top,bottom,used:strptr;
- tline,curline,c1,c2:integer;
- fil:text;
- abort,next,done,allread:boolean;
- i1,i2:astr;
- procedure inli(var i:astr);
- var cp,rp:integer; c,c1:char; cv,cc:integer;
- procedure bkspc;
- begin
- if cp>1 then begin
- if (i[cp-2]=#3) and (i[cp-1] in [#0..#9]) then begin
- cp:=cp-1;
- cl(1);
- end else
- if i[cp-1]=#8 then begin
- prompt(' ');
- rp:=rp+1;
- end else
- if i[cp-1]<>#10 then begin
- prompt(#8+' '+#8);
- rp:=rp-1;
- end;
- cp:=cp-1;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- rp:=1; cp:=1;
- i:='';
- if ll<>'' then begin prompt(ll); i:=ll; ll:=''; cp:=length(i)+1; rp:=cp;end;
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- case ord(c) of
- 32..255:if (cp<strlen) and (rp<thisuser.linelen) then begin
- i[cp]:=c; cp:=cp+1; rp:=rp+1; outkey(c); thisline:=thisline+c;
- end;
- 2:dm(' -'+#14+'/'+#14+'l'+#14+'\'+#14,c);
- 19:dm(' '+date,c);
- 8:bkspc;
- 24:begin
- cp:=1; for cv:=1 to rp-1 do prompt(#8+' '+#8);
- cl(1);
- rp:=1;
- end;
- 23:if cp>1 then repeat
- bkspc;
- until (cp=1) or (i[cp]=' ') or ((i[cp]=chr(8)) and (i[cp-1]<>#3));
- 14:if (not (rbackspace in thisuser.ac)) and (rp>1) and (cp<strlen) then begin
- prompt(chr(8)); i[cp]:=chr(8); cp:=cp+1; rp:=rp-1;
- end;
- 10:if (not (rbackspace in thisuser.ac)) and (cp<strlen) then begin
- prompt(c); i[cp]:=c; cp:=cp+1;
- end;
- 16:if okansi and (cp<strlen-1) then begin
- getkey(c1);
- if c1 in ['0'..'9'] then begin
- i[cp]:=#3;
- cp:=cp+1;
- i[cp]:=chr(ord(c1)-ord('0'));
- cp:=cp+1;
- cl(ord(i[cp-1]));
- end;
- end;
- 9:begin
- cv:=5-(cp mod 5); if (cp+cv<strlen) and (rp+cv<thisuser.linelen) then
- for cc:=1 to cv do begin
- rp:=rp+1; prompt(' ');
- i[cp]:=' '; cp:=cp+1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until (c=chr(13)) or ((rp=thisuser.linelen) and (wordwrap in thisuser.defaults)) or hangup;
- i[0]:=chr(cp-1);
- if c<>chr(13) then begin
- cv:=cp-1;
- while (cv>1) and (i[cv]<>' ') and ((i[cv]<>chr(8)) or (i[cv-1]=#3)) do
- cv:=cv-1;
- if (cv>(rp div 2)) and (cv<>cp-1) then begin
- ll:=copy(i,cv+1,cp-cv); for cc:=cp-2 downto cv do prompt(chr(8));
- for cc:=cp-2 downto cv do prompt(' ');
- i[0]:=chr(cv-1);
- end;
- end;
- nl;
- if c=chr(13) then i:=i+chr(1);
- end;
- function newptr(var x:strptr):boolean;
- begin
- if used<>nil then begin
- x:=used;
- used:=used^.next;
- newptr:=true;
- end else begin
- if (maxavail<0) or (maxavail>100) then begin
- new(x);
- newptr:=true;
- end else newptr:=false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure oldptr(var x:strptr);
- begin
- x^.next:=used;
- used:=x;
- end;
- procedure pline(cl:integer; var cp:strptr; var abort:boolean);
- var next:boolean; i:astr;
- begin
- if not abort then begin
- if cp=nil then i:=' '+#3+#5+'['+#3+#3+'END'+#3+#5+']' else begin
- i:=cstr(cl);
- while length(i)<4 do i:=' '+i;
- i:=i+': '+cp^.i;
- end;
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- end;
- end;
- procedure pl;
- var abort:boolean;
- begin
- abort:=false;
- pline(curline,cur,abort);
- end;
- begin
- nl; allread:=true;
- used:=nil;
- top:=nil;
- bottom:=nil;
- ix[2]:=systat.gfilepath+''+ix[2];
- (* if (pos('.MSG',ix[2])=0) and (pos('.TXT',ix[2])=0) then ix[2]:='';*)
- if ix[2]='' then print('Illegal filename.') else begin
- assign(fil,ix[2]); abort:=false;
- {$I-} reset(fil); {$I+}
- tline:=0;
- new(cur);
- cur^.last:=nil;
- cur^.i:='';
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- {$I-} rewrite(fil); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- print('Illegal filename.');
- abort:=true;
- end else begin
- close(fil); erase(fil);
- print('New file.');
- tline:=0;
- cur:=nil; top:=cur; bottom:=cur;
- end;
- end else begin
- abort:=not newptr(nex);
- top:=nex;
- print('Loading...');
- while (not eof(fil)) and (not abort) do begin
- tline:=tline+1;
- cur^.next:=nex;
- nex^.last:=cur;
- cur:=nex;
- readln(fil,i1);
- cur^.i:=i1;
- abort:=not newptr(nex);
- end;
- close(fil);
- cur^.next:=nil;
- if tline=0 then begin cur:=nil; top:=nil; end;
- bottom:=cur;
- if abort then begin print('Not all of file read.'); allread:=false; end;
- abort:=false;
- end;
- if not abort then begin
- print('Total lines: '+cstr(tline));
- cur:=top;
- if top<>nil then top^.last:=nil;
- curline:=1;
- done:=false;
- pl;
- repeat
- prompt(':');CL(3);
- input(i1,10);
- if i1='' then i1:='+';
- if value(i1)>0 then begin
- c1:=value(i1);
- if (c1>0) and (c1<=tline) then begin
- while c1<>curline do
- if c1<curline then begin
- if cur=nil then begin
- cur:=bottom;
- curline:=tline;
- end else begin
- curline:=curline-1;
- cur:=cur^.last;
- end;
- end else begin
- curline:=curline+1;
- cur:=cur^.next;
- end;
- pl;
- end;
- end else case i1[1] of
- '+':if cur<>nil then begin
- c1:=value(copy(i1,2,9));
- if c1=0 then c1:=1;
- while (cur<>nil) and (c1>0) do begin
- cur:=cur^.next;
- curline:=curline+1;
- c1:=c1-1;
- end;
- pl;
- end;
- '?':begin
- cl(3);prompt('P');cl(1);prompt(':rint line ');cl(3);prompt('L');cl(1);print(':ist');
- cl(3);prompt('-');cl(1);prompt(':back line ');cl(3);prompt('+');cl(1);print(':forward line');
- cl(3);prompt('T');cl(1);prompt(':op ');cl(3);prompt('B');cl(1);print(':ottom');
- cl(3);prompt('I');cl(1);prompt(':nsert lines ');cl(3);prompt('D');cl(1);print(':elete line');
- cl(3);prompt('R');cl(1);prompt(':eplace line ');cl(3);prompt('C');cl(1);print(':lear workspace');
- cl(3);prompt('Q');cl(1);prompt(':uit ');cl(3);prompt('S');cl(1);print(':ave');
- cl(3);prompt('*');cl(1);print(':center line');
- end;
- '-':begin
- c1:=value(copy(i1,2,9));
- if c1=0 then c1:=1;
- if cur=nil then begin
- cur:=bottom;
- curline:=tline;
- c1:=c1-1;
- end;
- if cur<>nil then
- if cur^.last<>nil then begin
- while (cur^.last<>nil) and (c1>0) do begin
- cur:=cur^.last;
- curline:=curline-1;
- c1:=c1-1;
- end;
- pl;
- end;
- end;
- 'C':begin
- prompt('Clear workspace? ');
- if yn then begin
- tline:=0; curline:=1;
- cur:=nil; top:=nil; bottom:=nil;
- release(topheap);
- end;
- end;
- 'P':pl;
- 'D':begin
- c1:=value(copy(i1,2,9));
- if c1=0 then c1:=1;
- while (cur<>nil) and (c1>0) do begin
- las:=cur^.last;
- nex:=cur^.next;
- if las<>nil then las^.next:=nex;
- if nex<>nil then nex^.last:=las;
- oldptr(cur);
- if bottom=cur then bottom:=las;
- if top=cur then top:=nex;
- cur:=nex;
- tline:=tline-1;
- c1:=c1-1;
- end;
- pl;
- end;
- 'R':if cur<>nil then begin
- pl;
- i2:=cstr(curline); while length(i2)<>4 do i2:=' '+i2;
- i2:=i2+': '; prompt(i2);
- inli(i1);
- cur^.i:=i1;
- end;
- '*':if cur<>nil then cur^.i:=#2+cur^.i;
- 'I':begin
- abort:=false; ll:='';NL;
- print(' Enter "." on a seperate line to exit insert mode.');
- print(' [ ^S : Sign Date ^B : Spinning Cursor ] ');
- if okansi then begin
- cl(2);
- print(' ═════════════════════════════════════════════════');
- end;
- i1:=''; thisuser.linelen:=thisuser.linelen-6;
- while (not hangup) and (not abort) and (i1<>'.') and (i1<>'.'+#1) do begin
- i2:=cstr(curline); while length(i2)<>4 do i2:=' '+i2;
- i2:=i2+': '; prompt(i2);
- inli(i1);
- if (i1<>'.') and (i1<>'.'+#1) then begin
- abort:=not newptr(nex);
- if not abort then begin
- nex^.i:=i1;
- if (top=cur) then
- if cur=nil then begin
- nex^.last:=nil;
- nex^.next:=nil;
- top:=nex;
- bottom:=nex;
- end else begin
- nex^.next:=cur;
- cur^.last:=nex;
- top:=nex;
- end
- else begin
- if cur=nil then begin
- bottom^.next:=nex;
- nex^.last:=bottom;
- nex^.next:=nil;
- bottom:=nex;
- end else begin
- las:=cur^.last;
- nex^.last:=las;
- nex^.next:=cur;
- cur^.last:=nex;
- las^.next:=nex;
- end;
- end;
- curline:=curline+1;
- tline:=tline+1;
- end else print('No room left.');
- end;
- end;
- thisuser.linelen:=thisuser.linelen+6;
- end;
- 'T':begin
- cur:=top;
- curline:=1;
- pl;
- end;
- 'B':begin
- cur:=nil;
- curline:=tline+1;
- pl;
- end;
- 'L':begin
- abort:=false;
- nex:=cur;
- c1:=curline;
- while (not abort) and (nex<>nil) do begin
- pline(c1,nex,abort);
- nex:=nex^.next;
- c1:=c1+1;
- end;
- end;
- 'Q':done:=true;
- 'S':begin
- if not allread then begin
- prompt('Not all of file read. Save anyway? ');
- allread:=yn;
- end;
- if allread then begin
- done:=true; c1:=0;
- writeln('Saving...');
- sysoplog('TEDIT: Saved "'+ix[2]+'"');
- rewrite(fil);
- cur:=top;
- while cur<>nil do begin
- writeln(fil,cur^.i);
- cur:=cur^.next;
- c1:=c1+1;
- end;
- if c1=0 then writeln(fil);
- close(fil);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until done or hangup;
- end;
- end;
- release(topheap);
- end;
- (*procedure ren;
- begin
- fix(ix[2]); fix(ix[3]); abort:=false; nl;
- if (ix[2]='') or (ix[3]='') then begin abort:=true; print('Illegal filename.'); end;
- if not abort then begin
- assign(f,ix[2]); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- close(f); assign(f,ix[3]); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- {$I-} rewrite(f); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- close(f); erase(f); assign(f,ix[2]); rename(f,ix[3]);
- print('Renamed.');
- end else print('Illegal filename.');
- end else begin close(f); print('Filename already in use.'); end;
- end else print('File not found.');
- end;
- end;
- *)
- procedure copyfile(srcname,destname:astr);
- var buffer: array[1..16384] of byte;
- dfs,nrec:integer;
- src, dest: file;
- procedure dodate;
- var r:registers; od,ot,ha:integer;
- begin
- srcname:=srcname+#0;
- destname:=destname+#0;
- with r do begin
- ax:=$3d00; ds:=seg(srcname[1]); dx:=ofs(srcname[1]); msdos(r);
- ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5700; msdos(r);
- od:=dx; ot:=cx; bx:=ha; ax:=$3e00; msdos(r);
- ax:=$3d02; ds:=seg(destname[1]); dx:=ofs(destname[1]); msdos(r);
- ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5701; cx:=ot; dx:=od; msdos(r);
- ax:=$3e00; bx:=ha; msdos(r);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- assign(src,srcname); reset(src,1);
- if destname[2]=':' then dfs:=freek(ord(destname[1])-ord('@')) else dfs:=freek(0);
- if trunc(longfilesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs then begin
- print('Disk full.');
- close(src);
- end else begin
- assign(dest,destname); rewrite(dest,1);
- nl; print('Copying...');
- repeat
- blockread(src,buffer,16384,nrec);
- blockwrite(dest,buffer,nrec);
- until nrec<16384;
- close(dest);
- close(src);
- dodate;
- end;
- end;