home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- procedure arcl(fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- type ei=record l,h:integer; end;
- archead=record
- name:array[1..13] of char;
- size:ei;
- date,time,crc:integer;
- len:ei;
- end;
- var f:file; b:byte;
- head:archead;
- done,next:boolean;
- function unsigned(i:integer):real;
- begin
- if i>=0 then
- unsigned:=int(i)
- else
- unsigned:=65536.0+int(i);
- end;
- function valueei(x:ei):real;
- var rl:real;
- begin
- rl:=unsigned(x.h)*65536.0+unsigned(x.l);
- if rl>=32768.0*65536.0 then
- rl:=65536.0*65536.0-rl+1;
- valueei:=rl;
- end;
- function tw(n : integer):astr;
- var s : string[2];
- begin
- s:=cstr(n);
- while length(s)<2 do
- s:='0'+s;
- tw:=s;
- end;
- function fourhex(n : integer):astr;
- var h : integer;
- i : integer;
- he : astr;
- const hexdigit : array [0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
- begin
- he:='';
- for i := 1 to 4 do begin
- h := (n shr 12) and $000F;
- he:=he+hexdigit[h];
- n := n shl 4
- end;
- fourhex:=he;
- end;
- procedure pfn;
- var i,i1:astr; try,press:byte; dy,mo,yr,hh,mm,ss:integer;
- const mon : array [1..12] of string[3] =
- ( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
- 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' );
- begin
- b:=0; try:=0;
- while not eof(f) and (b<>26) and (try<5) do begin
- blockread(f,b,1);
- try:=try+1;
- end;
- if try>=5 then longseek(f,filesize(f)-2.0);
- if longfilepos(f)+27<longfilesize(f) then begin
- {! 31. ^LongFile operations are no longer available in Turbo 4.0.}
- blockread(f,press,1);
- if press<>0 then begin
- if press=1 then begin
- blockread(f,head,sizeof(head)-sizeof(ei));
- head.len:=head.size;
- end
- else
- blockread(f,head,sizeof(head));
- i:=''; b:=1;
- while (head.name[b]<>#0) and (b<=13) do begin
- i:=i+head.name[b];
- b:=b+1;
- end;
- i:=align(i)+' ';
- i1:=cstrr(valueei(head.len),10);
- while length(i1)<9 do i1:=' '+i1;
- i:=i+i1+' ';
- case press of
- 1 : i:=i+'1 Stored ';
- 2 : i:=i+'2 Stored ';
- 3 : i:=i+'3 Packed ';
- 4 : i:=i+'4 Squeezed';
- 5 : i:=i+'5 crunched';
- 6 : i:=i+'6 Crunched';
- 7 : i:=i+'7 Crunched';
- 8 : i:=i+'8 Crunched';
- 9 : i:=i+'9 Squashed'
- else begin
- i1:=cstr(press);
- while length(i1)<2 do
- i1:=i1+' ';
- i:=i+i1+' Unknown';
- end;
- end;
- i1:=cstr(100 - trunc(100.0 * valueei(head.size) / valueei(head.len)));
- while length(i1)<5 do
- i1:=' '+i1;
- i:=i+i1+'% ';
- i1:=cstrr(valueei(head.size),10);
- while length(i1)<8 do i1:=' '+i1;
- i:=i+i1+' ';
- yr:=(head.date shr 9) and $7f;
- mo:=(head.date shr 5) and $0f;
- dy:= head.date and $1f;
- hh:=(head.time shr 11) and $1f;
- mm:=(head.time shr 5 ) and $3f;
- ss:=(head.time and $1f) * 2;
- i:=i+tw(dy)+' '+mon[mo]+' '+tw((yr+80) mod 100)+' ';
- i:=i+tw(hh)+':'+tw(mm)+':'+tw(ss)+' ';
- i:=i+fourhex(head.crc);
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- end else done:=true;
- longseek(f,longfilepos(f)+valueei(head.size));
- {! 32. LongFile o^perations are no longer available in Turbo 4.0.}
- end;
- end;
- begin
- cl(0); print('Name Length # Storage SF Size now Date Time CRC');
- cl(4); print('------------ -------- ---------- ---- -------- --------- ------ ----');
- assign(f,fn);
- reset(f,1); done:=false;
- while (longfilepos(f)+27.0<longfilesize(f)) and not (abort or done) do
- {! 33. Lo^ngFile operations are no longer available in Turbo 4.0.}
- pfn;
- close(f);
- end;
- procedure lbrl(fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- var f:file;
- c,n,n1:integer;
- x:record
- st:byte;
- name:array[1..8] of char;
- ext:array[1..3] of char;
- index,len:integer;
- fil:array[1..16] of byte;
- end;
- next:boolean;
- i,i1:astr;
- begin
- assign(f,fn);
- reset(f,32);
- blockread(f,x,1);
- c:=x.len*4-1;
- for n:=1 to c do begin
- blockread(f,x,1); i:='';
- if (x.st=0) and not abort then begin
- for n1:=1 to 8 do i:=i+x.name[n1];
- i:=i+'.';
- for n1:=1 to 3 do i:=i+x.ext[n1];
- i:=align(i)+' ';
- i1:=cstrr(x.len*128.0,10);
- while length(i1)<7 do i1:=' '+i1;
- i:=i+i1;
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- end;
- end;
- close(f);
- end;
- procedure remove;
- var pl,c,rn:integer; f:ulfrec; fn:astr; ff:file; u:userrec; tf:boolean; ch:char;
- begin
- print('Enter filename to remove.'); prt(': '); mpl(12);
- input(fn,12);
- if fn<>'' then begin
- recno(fn,pl,rn); ch:=' ';
- while (rn<>0) and (not hangup) and (ch<>'Q') do begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f);
- if (usernum=f.owner) or dcs then begin
- nl; nl;
- print('Filename : "'+f.filename+'"');
- print('Description : '+f.description);
- print('# of blocks : '+cstr(f.blocks));
- reset(uf); seek(uf,f.owner); read(uf,u); close(uf);
- print('U/L''d by : '+u.name+' #'+cstr(f.owner));
- print('Downloaded : '+cstr(f.nacc)+' times');
- nl;
- ynq('Delete this (Y/N/Q) ? ');
- cl(3); onek(ch,'QYN');
- if ch='Y' then begin
- DELETEFF(rn,pl);
- lrn:=lrn-1;
- sysoplog('Deleted "'+f.filename+'"');
- if dcs then begin
- ynq('Erase file too? ');
- tf:=yn;
- end else tf:=true;
- if tf then begin
- assign(ff,uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+f.filename);
- {$I-} erase(ff); {$I+}
- c:=ioresult;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- nrecno(fn,pl,rn);
- end;
- close(ulff);
- end;
- nl; nl;
- end;
- procedure move;
- var x,pl,c,rn,int,dbn:integer; f,f1:ulfrec; fn:astr; ff:file; i:astr;
- abort,next:boolean; fl:astr;
- begin
- print('Enter filename to move.'); prt(': '); mpl(12);
- input(fn,12);
- if fn<>'' then begin
- recno(fn,pl,rn);
- if rn<>0 then begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f);
- abort:=false; nl; pfn(f,abort,next); nl; nl;
- ynq('Move this? ');
- if yn then begin
- nl;
- for int:=0 to maxulb do
- print(cstr(int)+' : '+uboards[int].name);
- nl; nl;
- prompt('To which directory? '); input(i,3);
- dbn:=value(i); if (dbn=0) and (i<>'0') then dbn:=-1;
- if (dbn<0) or (dbn>maxulb) then print('Can''t move it there.')
- else begin
- print('Moving file ...');
- fl:=uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+f.filename;
- copyfile(fl,uboards[dbn].dlpath+f.filename);
- assign(ff,fl);
- {$I-} erase(ff); {$I+}
- deleteff(rn,pl);
- close(ulff);
- int:=FILEBOARD; FILEBOARD:=dbn; fiscan(pl);
- for x:=pl downto 1 do begin
- seek(ulff,x); read(ulff,f1);
- seek(ulff,x+1); write(ulff,f1);
- end;
- seek(ulff,1);
- write(ulff,f);
- f.blocks:=pl+1;
- seek(ulff,0); write(ulff,f);
- sysoplog('Moved "'+f.filename+'"');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- close(ulff);
- end;
- end;
- procedure editfiles;
- var u:userrec;
- pl,rn,int,dbn,x:integer; f,f1:ulfrec; fn,fd,lm,s:astr; ff:file; i:astr;
- fuku:integer; d:char; abort:boolean;
- begin
- print('Enter filename to edit'); prt(': '); mpl(12); abort:=false;
- input(fn,12); nl; nl;
- recno(fn,pl,rn);
- if (fn<>'') and (pos('.',fn)<>0) and (rn<>0) then begin
- while (fn<>'') and (rn<>0) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f);
- reset(uf); seek(uf,f.owner); read(uf,u);
- if rn<>0 then begin
- repeat
- reset(uf); seek(uf,f.owner); read(uf,u);
- abort:=false;
- nl; printacr(#3+#5+'File Editor',abort,next); nl;
- printacr('<1> File name : '+f.filename,abort,next);
- printacr('<2> Description : '+f.description,abort,next);
- printacr('<3> File points : '+cstr(f.filepoints),abort,next);
- printacr('<4> Uploaded By : '+u.name+' #'+cstr(f.owner),abort,next);
- printacr('<5> Change uploader''s file points',abort,next);
- printacr('<6> Make file a request file',abort,next);
- printacr('<Q> Quit <SpaceBar> Next',abort,next);
- nl;
- abort:=false;
- prt('Enter # (1-6,Q) : ');
- onek(c,'123456Q ');
- case c of
- '1':begin
- print('Enter new file name');
- prt(':');mpl(12);input(fn,12);
- if fn<>'' then begin
- if exist(uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn) then print('Can''t use that filename.') else begin
- assign(ff,uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+f.filename);
- {$I-} rename(ff,uboards[FILEBOARD].dlpath+fn); {$I+} x:=ioresult;
- f.filename:=align(fn);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- '2':begin
- print('Enter new description');
- prt(':');mpl(60);inputl(s,60); if s<>'' then f.description:=s;
- end;
- '3':begin
- print('Enter new amount of file points');
- prt(':'); mpl(5); input(s,5); if s<>'' then f.filepoints:=value(s);
- end;
- '4':begin
- Print(u.name+' uploaded this file.');
- Print('Enter Name or # of user who uploaded it.');
- prt(':'); finduser(fuku); if fuku=0 then print('This user does not exist.');
- if fuku<>0 then f.owner:=fuku;
- end;
- '5':begin
- nl;
- print('<1> Take file points');
- print('<2> Give file points');
- nl; prt('Enter # (1,2) : ');
- onek(d,'12');
- case d of
- '1':begin
- prompt('How many file points to take away [Current: '+cstr(u.filepoints)+'] :');
- input(s,5); u.filepoints:=u.filepoints-value(s);
- end;
- '2':begin
- prompt('How many file points to add [Current: '+cstr(u.filepoints)+'] : ');
- input(s,5); u.filepoints:=u.filepoints+value(s);
- end;
- end;
- reset(uf); seek(uf,f.owner); write(uf,u);
- if f.owner=usernum then thisuser:=u;{user}
- end;
- '6':begin
- ynq('Make a request file? '); if yn then f.filepoints:=-1 else f.filepoints:=0;
- end;
- end;
- until (c=' ') or (c='Q') or (hangup);
- if c='Q' then abort:=true;
- seek(ulff,rn); write(ulff,f);
- end;
- nrecno(fn,pl,rn);
- end;
- close(uf);
- close(ulff);
- end;
- end;
- procedure setdirs;
- var i:astr; c1,c2:integer; done:boolean;
- procedure listit;
- var c:integer; abort,next:boolean; i:astr;
- begin
- nl; prompt('Dir''s to scan marked with "');cl(8);prompt('*');cl(1);print('"'); nl;
- if dcs then c:=0 else c:=1;
- abort:=false;
- while (c<=maxulb) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- if c in thisuser.dlnscn then
- i:=#3+#8+'* '
- else
- i:=' ';
- if c<10 then i:=i+' ';
- i:=i+#3+#3+cstr(c)+#3+#4+'. '+#3+#1+uboards[c].name;
- if (thisuser.dsl>=uboards[c].dsl) then printacr(i,abort,next);
- c:=c+1;
- end;
- nl;
- end;
- begin
- listit; done:=false;
- repeat
- nl; prt('Enter number, Q, ? : ');
- input(i,3);
- if i='Q' then done:=true;
- if i='?' then listit;
- c1:=value(i);
- if not (i[1] in ['0'..'9']) then c1:=-1;
- if (c1<0) or ((c1<1) and (not dcs)) then c1:=-1;
- if (c1>maxulb) then c1:=-1;
- if c1<>-1 then
- if thisuser.dsl>=uboards[c1].dsl then begin
- nl;
- if c1 in thisuser.dlnscn then begin
- print(uboards[c1].name+' will NOT be scanned.');
- thisuser.dlnscn:=thisuser.dlnscn-[c1];
- end else begin
- print(uboards[c1].name+' WILL be scanned.');
- thisuser.dlnscn:=thisuser.dlnscn+[c1];
- end;
- end;
- until done or hangup;
- end;
- procedure pointdate;
- var i:astr; n:integer;
- begin
- nl; nl; nl;
- print('Enter limiting date for new files -');
- print('Date is currently set to '+ldat);
- print(' mm/dd/yy');
- prt(':'); mpl(8); input(i,8);
- nl; nl;
- n:=daynum(i);
- if n=0 then
- print('Illegal date.')
- else
- ldat:=i;
- nl; print('Current limiting date is '+ldat);
- end;
- procedure listboards(z:astr);
- var b:integer; i:astr; abort,next:boolean; c:char; fuku:integer;
- begin
- if z='' then c:=' ' else c:=z[1];
- nl;nl; print('Directories available to you:'); nl; nl;
- if dcs then b:=0 else b:=1; abort:=false;
- if c='' then c:=' ';
- dumb2:=c; fuku:=0;
- while (b<=maxulb) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- if (uboards[b].dsl<=thisuser.dsl) and (thisuser.age>=uboards[b].agereq)
- and (uboards[b].ar='@') and (uboards[b].key=c)
- or (uboards[b].ar in thisuser.ar) then begin
- if b<10 then i:=i+' ';
- i:=i+#3+#3+cstr(b);
- i:=i+' '#3+#1+'- '+#3+#0+uboards[b].name;
- fuku:=fuku+1; if fuku=2 then begin fuku:=0; printacr(i,abort,next); i:=''; end else
- if fuku=1 then i:=mln(i,46);
- end;
- b:=b+1;
- end;
- nl;nl;
- end;
- procedure dlbatch;
- var ch:char; n:integer; hua,done:boolean; dok,abort,next:boolean; i:astr; fi:file of byte;
- function info(n:integer):astr;
- var i,i1:astr;
- begin
- i:=cstr(n)+'. '; if length(i)=3 then i:=' '+i;
- i:=i+stripname(ymbary[n].fn);
- while length(i)<20 do i:=i+' ';
- i:=i+ctim(ymbary[n].tt);
- info:=i;
- end;
- var nfn:astr; t:integer;
- begin
- done:=false;
- if ymodemfiles=0 then
- print('Batch queue empty.')
- else
- repeat
- nl;
- prt('Ymodem/Zmodem Batch: Q,L,D,R,C,? : ');
- onek(ch,'QLDRC?');
- case ch of
- 'Q':done:=true;
- '?':begin
- print('Q:uit to D/L Menu L:ist files in queue');
- print('D:ownload queue R:emove file from queue');
- print('C:lear queue');
- end;
- 'R':begin
- prt('Number to remove (1-'+cstr(ymodemfiles)+') ? ');
- input(i,2); n:=value(i);
- if (n>0) and (n<=ymodemfiles) then begin
- ymbdel(n);
- print('Deleted out of queue.');
- end;
- if ymodemfiles=0 then begin
- done:=true;
- print('Queue empty.');
- end;
- end;
- 'D':if incom and (ymodemfiles>0) then begin
- nl; nl; ynq('Hang up after transfer? '); hua:=yn;
- nl; prt('Download 1) Ymodem 2) Zmodem :');
- onek(c,'12'); if c='1' then ymodem:=true;
- if c='2' then ymodem:=false;
- ucrc:=true;
- nl; nl; print('Transmitting batch - Files: '+cstr(ymodemfiles)+
- ' Time: '+ctim(ymbtt));
- nl;
- repeat
- if nsl>=ymbary[1].tt then begin
- if ymodem then
- send(ymbary[1].fn,dok,true,rte)
- else begin
- nfn:='';
- for t:=1 to length(ymbary[1].fn) do
- if ymbary[1].fn[t]<>' ' then nfn:=nfn+ymbary[1].fn[t];
- exec('\command.com','/c del '+nfn);
- exec('\command.com','/c dsz sz '+nfn);
- end;
- if dok then
- sysoplog('Downloaded (Batch) "'+stripname(ymbary[1].fn)+'"')
- else
- sysoplog('Tried D/L "'+stripname(ymbary[1].fn)+'"');
- end;
- ymbdel(1);
- until (not dok) or hangup or (ymodemfiles<1);
- if dok then
- endbatch;
- done:=true;
- if hua then hangup:=true;
- end;
- 'L':begin
- abort:=false; n:=1;
- while (not abort) and (not hangup) and (n<=ymodemfiles) do begin
- printacr(info(n),abort,next);
- n:=n+1;
- end;
- end;
- 'C':begin
- ynq('Clear queue? ');
- if yn then begin
- ymodemfiles:=0;
- ymbtt:=0.0;
- done:=true;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until done or hangup;
- end;