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- Who is the mayor of McDonaldland?Mayor McCheese
- Whose last concert ended with a rendition of
- "Can't Help Falling in Love"?Elvis Presley's
- What aging Mouseketeer designed the club's
- Mickey Mouse hats?Roy
- What legendary guitarist's last No. 1 hit in
- Britain was "Voodoo Chile"?Jimi Hendrix's
- What fairy tale character is the heroine of
- Rossini's opera "La Cenerentola"?Cinderella
- What TV hero is the "Robin Hood of the Old
- West"?The Cisco Kid
- What TV show says in its theme that "these
- days are ours"?"Happy Days"
- Which of "Laugh-In"'s hosts smokes on camera?Dan Rowan
- Who is the two-legged star of the 1946
- western "My Pal Trigger"?Roy Rogers
- What Shakespeare play is Akira Kurosawa's
- film "Throne of Blood" based on?"Macbeth"
- What Beatles song gushes: "She promises the
- Earth to me and I believe her"?"Girl"
- Who does Ricky Nelson say hello to before
- saying goodbye to his heart?Mary Lou
- Who is the real father of Christopher, the
- adopted son of TV's Bobby and Pam Ewing?J.R. Ewing
- What dainty entertainer made Miss Jan his
- second wife?Tiny Tim
- What British lord played Lord Marchmaine in
- TV's "Brideshead Revisited"?Laurence Olivier
- What TV network receives viewers' mail at
- 1330 Avenue of the Americas, New York City?ABC
- What TV series was based on the novel
- "Cyborg"?"The Six Million Dollar Man"
- What kind of 1958 Ford does Cindy Williams
- drive, in "American Graffiti"?An Edsel
- What James Bond movie had the smallest
- budget?"Dr. No"
- What Bill Haley hit complains: "You never
- do nothin' to save your dog-gone soul"?"Shake, Rattle and Roll"
- Who scored the most top 20 hits in Britain
- between 1955 and 1974?Elvis Presley
- What state did the title character buy a
- diner in, on TV's "Flo"?Texas
- What weekly prime-time news show did ABC
- start airing on Thursdays in 1979?"20/20"
- What war is the setting for the Buster
- Keaton movie "The General"?The U.S. Civil War
- Who does Elliot want to leave for Lee, in a
- 1985 Woody Allen flick?Hannah
- What 1933 monster movie's viewers hear its
- heroine chalk up more than 75 screams?"King Kong"'s
- Whose 1983 movie saw her dubbed "the most
- versatile single talent since Orson Welles"?Barbra Streisand's
- What's Jim Anderson's regal-sounding pet
- name for Betty, on "Father Knows Best"?Princess
- Which earned more money in 1986 - CBS or
- "Wheel of Fortune"?"Wheel of Fortune"
- What installation does James Bond save from
- Operation Grandslam?Fort Knox
- What character on TV's "Peyton Place"
- married Betty Anderson twice?Rodney Harrington
- What Gene Hackman movie centers on the
- Hickory Huskers?"Hoosiers"
- Who does a 1978 Eric Clapton song ask to lay
- down?Sally
- What TV reporter claimed in 1987 that he was
- the No. 2 name on a Colombian hit list?Geraldo Rivera
- What kind of animal co-starred with Clark
- Gable in the 1931 movie "Sporting Life"?A horse
- What TV sitcom might have been called
- "McArdle & Lowell"?"Kate & Allie"
- What's the name of the oldest child in TV's
- Partridge family?Keith
- What TV soap character announced in 1986:
- "Pam, it's over. None of that happened"?Bobby Ewing
- What quintet scored a 1970 hit with "ABC"?The Jackson 5
- Who is credited with handling the "boxing
- choreography" in "Rocky"?Sylvester Stallone
- Who became the first third- generation Oscar
- winner, after her father and grandfather?Anjelica Huston
- What New York City nightspot was the
- subject of a 1984 Richard Gere movie?The Cotton Club
- What New York thoroughfare does Second Hand
- Rose call home?Second Avenue
- What color does Darth Vader dress in?Black
- What TV adventure series features a
- lion-riding chimp named Judy?"Daktari"
- What does Lloyd Price claim in song that his
- girlfriend walks and talks with?Personality
- What does Arlo Guthrie say is the only thing
- you can't get at Alice's Restaurant?Alice
- What Bob Dylan hit opens: "Once upon a time
- you dressed so fine"?"Like a Rolling Stone"
- What shabby TV detective drives a beat-up
- Peugeot?Columbo
- How many decades did Henry Fonda's movie
- career span?Six
- Who claimed, on his hit 1972 album, that
- he'd "seen the needle and the damage done"?Neil Young
- What country was Ricardo Montalban born in?Mexico
- What line in a Johnny Cash song follows:
- "Because you're mine"?I walk the line
- What did NBC call the update of
- "Concentration" it introduced in 1987?"Classic Concentration"
- What crooner almost became a goalkeeper for
- the champion soccer team Real Madrid?Julio Iglesias
- What western writer is the favorite author
- of "M*A*S*H"'s Colonel Potter?Zane Grey
- What Steve Martin movie was hyped as "the
- comedy that proves one's a crowd"?"All of Me"
- What French actress starred in the movie
- "Lili"?Leslie Caron
- What model took over from Farrah Fawcett in
- 1978 as the hottest thing in posters?Cheryl Tiegs
- What's Dan Rather's native state?Texas
- What cigarette's ads offered "filter,
- flavor, flip-top box"?"Marlboro"'s
- What word does the pet raven keep repeating
- on "The Munsters"?Nevermore
- What's the name of the oldest son on "The
- Brady Bunch"?Greg
- What European country was Bruce Willis born
- in?West Germany
- What two TV game shows did Merv Griffin sell
- to Coca-Cola for some $250 million?"Jeopardy!" and "Wheel of Fortune"
- What name did Davy Crockett give to his
- trusty rifle?"Betsy"
- What ex-Motowner had a 1986 hit with "Chain
- Reaction"?Diana Ross
- What's the nickname of the "A-Team"
- character whose real name is John?Hannibal
- What trio was first conceived to record the
- novelty song "Christmas, Don't be Late"?The Chipmunks
- Who played the tough Cossack leader in the
- 1962 movie "Taras Bulba"?Yul Brynner
- What knighted conductor won his 26th Grammy
- in 1987?Georg Solti
- What cartoon character cries "`Arriba! Arriba!'"?Speedy Gonzalez
- What movie opens with a shot of Glenn Ford
- standing outside a dreary city high school?"Blackboard Jungle"
- Who sang the Oscar-winning "Say You, Say Me"
- at the 1986 Academy Awards?Lionel Richie
- What William Hurt movie did a critic knock:
- "Love ... is never having to say anything"?"Children of a Lesser God"
- What color hatband goes with tan shoes and
- pink shoelaces, according to Dodie Stevens?Purple
- What TV character is head writer for "The
- Alan Brady Show"?Rob Petrie
- What British actor grappled nude with Oliver
- Reed during the filming of "Women in Love"?Alan Bates
- What was "good enough for me and my Bobby
- McGee"?Feelin' good
- What did Sade title her glittering debut
- album?"Diamond Life"
- What blond he-man does Dr. Frank N. Furter
- create, in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"?Rocky Horror
- What creatures does Chief Chirpa lead in
- "Return of the Jedi"?Ewoks
- Who is the last character to become shark
- food in "Jaws"?Quint
- What actress's shoes was Kirstie Alley hired
- to fill, on TV's "Cheers"?Shelley Long's
- Who created and hosted "The Twilight Zone"?Rod Serling
- Which Beatle's basement was "I Want to Hold
- Your Hand" written in?Paul McCartney's
- What blond country music star wrote and sang
- the theme for TV's "9 to 5"?Dolly Parton
- Who played TV's Tim O'Hara, Uncle Martin's
- favorite Earthling?Bill Bixby
- What talk show host was born in Kosciusko,
- Mississippi?Oprah Winfrey
- What Billy Joel hit begins with the plea:
- "Don't go changin' to try and please me"?"Just the Way You Are"
- What two-letter word is found in the title
- of four of The Beatles' first eight singles?Me
- What early TV western regularly ends with
- the two stars laughing?"The Cisco Kid"
- Who played the title role on TV's "The
- Farmer's Daughter"?Inger Stevens
- What German composer's music did Mark Twain
- say "is better than it sounds"?Richard Wagner's
- What does Elton John say in his first hit
- that "you can tell everybody"?This is your song
- What surname is shared by musicians Glenn,
- Mitch, Roger and Steve?Miller
- Whose TV wife got a job at station KTNS in
- Boulder, Colorado?Mork's
- How many dances are there in the land that
- Wilson Pickett had a hit singing about?A thousand
- What does a Pat Boone hit warn "can slip
- right through your fingers"?April love
- What's the rank of TV's Columbo?Lieutenant
- What talk show host did "Rolling Stone" call
- "the most self-conscious man on earth"?Dick Cavett
- What anti-war song's hero is both 5-foot-2
- and 6-feet-4?"The Universal Soldier"'s
- What expensive BBC saga was the last major
- series to be filmed in black and white?"The Forsyte Saga"
- Who composed the operetta "Bastien und
- Bastienne" at the age of 12?Wolfgang Mozart
- What war is the setting for "The Blue Max"?World War I
- What weapon does Daniel Boone throw at the
- start of his TV episodes?A tomahawk
- What movie hero won the "Millennium Falcon"
- from Lando Calrissian in a gambling session?Han Solo
- What city is "Rocky" set in?Philadelphia
- What show did Tom Brokaw graduate from to
- anchor the "NBC Nightly News"?"Today"
- What U.S. TV network began airing "The
- Disney Sunday Movie" in 1984?ABC
- What Dire Straits song claims: "We gotta
- install microwave ovens"?"Money for Nothing"
- Who played Bob's wife, Emily, on "The Bob
- Newhart Show"?Suzanne Pleshette
- Whose mom owns the station on "WKRP in
- Cincinnati"?Arthur Carlson's
- Which of the Maverick brothers did Jack
- Kelly portray on TV?Bart
- What TV series features spaced-out pilots
- Starbuck and Apollo?"Battlestar Galactica"
- Did the 1980 LP "Chipmunk Punk" go gold?No
- What blonde do the Munsters consider the
- black sheep of the family?Marilyn
- What state is TV's Fernwood found in?Ohio
- What movie cast Steve Martin as a dentist
- who's into leather?"Little Shop of Horrors"
- What famed composer reportedly died saying:
- "I shall hear in heaven"?Ludwig van Beethoven
- What TV game show did classical violinist
- Itzhak Perlman appear on, in 1987?"Hollywood Squares"
- What Italian tenor was described: "He made
- the gramophone and the gramophone made him"?Enrico Caruso