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- What Missouri city does State Line Road separate from Independence, Kansas?Kansas City
- What's the largest African country that the
- prime meridian passes through?Algeria
- What Michigan town's residents owned 3,723
- Pontiacs in May, 1986?Pontiac's
- What's Formosa otherwise known as?Taiwan
- What city's Chinese Chamber of Commerce is
- located at 730 Sacramento Street?San Francisco's
- What European country boasts the most cars?West Germany
- What Middle Eastern city is served by Lod
- Airport?Tel Aviv
- What U.S. state's highest point is the
- 6,643-foot Clingman's Dome?Tennessee's
- What's the most-spoken language in Gibraltar?Spanish
- What country's largest prison is Wormwood
- Scrubs?Britain's
- What's the highest peak in Grand Teton
- National Park?Grand Teton
- How many countries have beaches on the
- Sargasso Sea?Zero
- What U.S. state do tourists visit to see the
- Craters of the Moon Monument?Idaho
- What two countries are India's major trading
- partners?The Soviet Union and the U.S.
- What volcano's funicular chairlift inspired
- the song "Funiculi, Funicula"?Vesuvius's
- What U.S. city enjoyed a total of eight days
- without a slaying in 1986?New York
- What part of Hawaii is called "the Big
- Island"?Hawaii
- What modern Mediterranean country covers
- most of ancient Phoenicia?Lebanon
- What continent's western coast does the
- Benguela Current flow along?Africa's
- What famed U.S. hiking trail celebrated its
- 50th birthday in 1987?The Appalachian Trail
- What North American country leads the world
- in zinc production?Canada
- What country's tourist attractions include
- Ayers Rock?Australia's
- What communist country's two main newspapers
- are "Granma" and "Juventud Rebelde"?Cuba's
- What European country is Austria's major
- trading partner?West Germany
- What ocean does the Humboldt Current swirl
- through?The Pacific
- What U.S. state capital is the biggest city
- in the Valley of the Sun?Phoenix
- What U.S. city's thoroughfares include Ft.
- Duquesne Boulevard and Penn Avenue?Pittsburgh's
- What Asian country churns out the most tung
- wood oil?China
- What sea surrounds the island of Barbuda?The Caribbean
- What Colorado city is Adolf Coors
- headquartered in?Golden
- What Asian country's busiest port is Pusan?South Korea's
- What sea can you view from the northernmost
- summits of the Andes?The Caribbean
- What U.S. city boasts garbage with the
- highest proportion of waste paper?Washington, D.C.
- What royal name is shared by the capitals of
- Seychelles, Hong Kong and British Columbia?Victoria
- How many feet high is the Berlin Wall - 6, 9, or 12?Twelve
- What country, apart from the U.S., has the
- most airline passengers?The Soviet Union
- What country's international abbreviation is
- JUGO?Yugoslavia's
- What U.S. city's oldest restaurant is Ye
- Olde Union Oyster House?Boston's
- What U.S. island is home to the War in the
- Pacific National Historical Park?Guam
- What country's cities include Bloemfontein,
- Krugersdorp and Pietermaritzburg?South Africa's
- What famed Boston hotel's former waiters
- include Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X?The Parker House's
- What European country numbers Essen among
- its major cities?West Germany
- What capital city finds travelers boarding
- trains at Yaroslavsky Station?Moscow
- What two countries does Mongolia share
- borders with?China and the Soviet Union
- What language are most classes at Copernicus
- University in the city of Torun held in?Polish
- What's the largest port on France's Gulf of
- Lions?Marseilles
- Where do people pay for their vodka in
- zlotys?Poland
- What's Las Vegas Boulevard commonly known as?The Strip
- What's the closest communist country to
- Britain?Czechoslovakia
- What U.S. natural wonder can tourists view
- from the Torowcap Overlook?The Grand Canyon
- What city is Tulane University in?New Orleans
- What do hiking enthusiasts refer to as the
- "A.T."?The Appalachian Trail
- What ocean contains the countries Nauru and
- Niue?The Pacific
- What southeast Asian country's flag depicts
- the temple of Angkor Wat?Kampuchea's (Cambodia's)
- What Washington mountain's flank boasts the
- largest U.S. glacier outside Alaska?Mount Rainier's
- What country builds more than half the
- world's ships?Japan
- What country do tourists go to in order to
- see all of Niagara Falls?Canada
- What's the most-spoken language in Ireland?English
- Which is closer to California - Las Vegas or
- Reno?Reno
- What famed field does Chicago's Grant Park
- lead into?Soldier Field
- What European country is Libya's major
- trading partner?Italy
- What's the largest country in the
- Commonwealth?Canada
- What European country proudly claims the
- Isles of Scilly?Britain
- What Scandinavian country's capital lies on
- the island of Zealand?Denmark's
- What city boasts the Chrysler and Edsel Ford
- freeways?Detroit
- What's the biggest city south of the Tropic
- of Cancer?Mexico City
- What North American country produces the
- most platinum?Canada
- What's the biggest city in continental
- Europe?Paris
- Which is larger in area - North or South
- Korea?North Korea
- What country is known to its people as Suomi?Finland
- What community was the University of Georgia
- founded in?Athens
- What U.S. state includes the counties of
- Hidalgo, Uvalde, Zapata and Zavala?Texas
- What Mediterranean island's capital is
- Palermo?Sicily's
- What country is home to the headquarters of
- the electronics firm Bang & Olufsen?Denmark
- What African country is last alphabetically?Zimbabwe
- What river is Three Mile Island on?The Susquehanna
- What English city is home to the Royal Liver
- Building?Liverpool
- What country is the kingpin of the Council
- for Mutual Economic Assistance?The Soviet Union
- Which sees the most domestic telegrams
- sent - the Soviet Union or the U.S.?The Soviet Union
- How many "piazzas" are there in Venice?One
- What desert spreads from Botswana into South
- West Africa?The Kalahari
- What African capital has a name that means
- "hill of the impala"?Kampala
- What city do Madrilenos call home?Madrid
- What Asian island are Victoria, Aberdeen,
- Stanley and Tai Hang on?Hong Kong
- How many countries have more citizens than
- the Soviet Union?Two
- What's the most populous Spanish-speaking
- country?Mexico
- What city's Wild Animal Park is home to 14
- California condors?San Diego's
- What's the biggest city south of the equator?Sao Paulo
- What continent's native people wield weapons
- called woomeras and nulla-nullas?Australia's
- What continent is the major source of rubies?Asia
- What sea surrounds Spain's Balearic Islands?The Mediterranean
- What European country boasts the greatest
- length of paved roads?France
- What sea do weary travelers reach at the
- eastern end of the Trans-Siberian Railway?The Sea of Japan
- What Tennessee city is called The Athens of
- the South?Nashville
- Which coast of England does the Isle of
- Wight lie off - the east, south or west?The south
- How many countries border the Black Sea?Four
- What New Jersey city is headquarters for
- the Campbell's Soup Company?Camden
- What state is home to the amusement park
- called Six Flags Over Mid-America?Missouri
- What does a Mexican road sign reading
- "'Desvacion'" indicate?Detour
- What product is transported on Puerto Rico's
- only railroad?Sugar cane
- What U.S. city had 570 soup kitchens in
- operation in July, 1987?New York
- What country's food do Miami's Versailles
- and Malaga restaurants specialize in?Cuba's
- What's Sri Lanka's major export crop?Tea
- What's the biggest city in the South African
- province of Transvaal?Johannesburg
- How many times a day do citizens of Madrid
- have to deal with rush hour traffic?Four
- What two South American countries have names
- ending in the letter Y?Paraguay and Uruguay
- Which is farthest north - the Black Sea, the
- Red Sea or the White Sea?The White Sea
- What country's towns include Uzunkopra,
- Xanthi and Xylocastron?Greece's
- What two countries occupy the Scandinavian
- Peninsula?Norway and Sweden
- Which is farthest north - Estonia, Latvia or
- Lithuania?Estonia
- What's been dubbed "America's Dead Sea"?Great Salt Lake
- Which is a shorter drive from Phoenix - Los
- Angeles or San Diego?San Diego
- Which is farther east - Hong Kong or Peking?Peking
- What's Morocco's major seaport?Casablanca
- What country's flag flies over the snow-covered Queen Elizabeth Islands?Canada's
- What English palace was built on the site of
- James I's mulberry orchard?Buckingham Palace
- What state do most of India's Sikhs live in?The Punjab
- What's the westernmost national capital in
- the Americas?Mexico City
- What's the largest country to have the Union
- Jack on its flag?Australia
- What European city is known as The Venice of
- the North?Amsterdam
- How many bordering countries can tourists
- take a train to from Israel?Zero
- What nation publishes more daily newspapers
- than any other country in Asia?India
- What Asian country boasts Luzon and Mindanao
- as its two largest islands?The Philippines
- What country are tourists in when
- vacationing on the island of Cozumel?Mexico
- What color on the flag of Ireland represents
- Protestantism?Orange
- What bell has been heard by more people from
- more countries than any other?Big Ben