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- What agency did Frank Borman say in 1987 was
- "comatose" and "mesmerized"?NASA
- What type of craft was the "Kitty Hawk",
- which crossed North America nonstop in 1980?A balloon
- What company's personal computer ranked third
- in U.S. sales in 1986?TANDY's
- What brand of dog food was the favorite of
- North American dog owners in 1987?ALPO
- What phenomenon prompted the slogan: "Don't
- die of ignorance"?AIDS
- What is vacuumed out of your body if you
- undergo "liposuction"?Fat
- What ailment was responsible for 157 million
- lost workdays in the U.S. in 1987?Headaches
- What viral disease killed 14 million people
- from 1981 to 1988?Measles
- What illegal activity would CBS's Copycode
- system make difficult or impossible?Home taping
- What are you hoping to reduce your level of
- by taking the drug lovastatin?Cholesterol
- What year did U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett
- Koop target for a "smoke-free society"?2000
- Who was hyped in 1988 ads as "The Guru of
- Good Times"?Spuds MacKenzie
- What disease was described as a "metaphor for
- the problems of society"?AIDS
- What toothpaste's 1988 ads informed the world
- that "tartar isn't sexy"?Close-Up's
- What luxury auto did Mazda introduce after
- the 323 and 626?The 929
- What jeans brand uses a question mark on its
- label?GUESS
- What make of car do you own after
- you spring for a "Sentra"?Nissan
- What disease do California gas pumps warn
- gasoline is a potential cause of?Cancer
- What Plymouth minivan is the corporate twin
- of the Dodge Caravan?The "Voyager"
- What Ford is the corporate twin of the
- Mercury "Sable"?The "Taurus"
- What meat do Americans hate the most,
- according to a Roper survey?Liver
- What cereal could you buy to get a
- secret decoder pen in 1988?KELLOGGS' FROSTED FLAKES
- What Asian capital welcomed its first
- Christian Dior boutique in 1981?Beijing
- What did the Pentagon admit that atomic war
- would block, resulting in "nuclear winter"?The sun
- What 1986 date saw a record-setting 257
- marriages in New York City?February 14
- What city's '80s in-crowd swarmed to the
- restaurants "Exterminator Chili" and "Cafe Pig"?New York's
- How many of every 100 1986 U.S. robberies
- were committed in a bank?One
- What metal in jewelry is the most common
- cause of skin allergies?Nickel
- What color label did the fashion chain
- Benetton make its mark with?Green
- What country banned the sale of booze before
- 2:00 p.m. in 1985?The Soviet Union
- What was wrapped around the peanuts in the
- new 1982 snack TATER NUTS?Potato chips
- What was the first brand of CD player
- available to U.S. retailers?SONY
- What word denotes flights you don't change
- planes on, but that make at least one stop?Direct
- What continent's 1988 birthrate was estimated
- at seven babies born per second?Asia's
- What are cigarettes as addictive as,
- according to the U.S. Surgeon General?Heroin
- What Asian country's citizens were the first
- to be served by door-to-door condom salesmen?Japan's
- What section of Manhattan has a tuberculosis
- rate more than 13 times the national average?Harlem
- What tape company first plastered the market
- with POST-IT NOTES in 1980?3M
- What credit card company claims in ads that
- "Membership has its privileges"?AMERICAN EXPRESS
- How many of every 100 U.S. kindergarten
- teachers in 1987 were men?One
- What country did 75 percent of the Jews
- leaving the Soviet Union in 1987 head for?The U.S.
- What medical acronym required the biggest
- type size for an '80s "Life" magazine cover?AIDS
- What country had 183,895 privately-owned
- machine guns in 1987?The U.S.
- What Madonna hit was slammed by officials of
- Planned Parenthood?"Papa Don't Preach"
- What soft drink said of its caffeine content,
- "Never had it, never will"?7-UP
- What's the brand name of Kodak's disposable
- camera, flung on the market in 1987?FLING
- What continent was the last Volkswagen
- Beetle rolled out in, in 1987?Africa
- What was the first airline to mount TVs on
- the back of passenger seats?Northwest
- What did Congress tell cigarette
- companies to rotate?Health warnings
- How many photos can you take with a
- disposable Fuji QUICK SHOT?Twenty-four
- What was the first country to approve the
- AIDS drug AZT?Britain
- What eating disorder did a high percentage of
- cosmetic surgery junkies suffer as teens?Anorexia
- What Scandinavian country led the world in
- per capita use of electricity in 1987?Norway
- What hamburger chain named the giant bacon
- burger in its French franchises the "Texan"?Burger King
- What telephone company calls itself "The
- Right Choice"?AT&T
- What pain killer bills itself as "Advanced
- medicine for pain"?ADVIL
- What national park is featured on a 1988
- 25-cent U.S. postage stamp?Yosemite
- What elective surgery was uppermost for
- 115,000 U.S. women in 1986?Silicon breast implants
- How many pounds of chemical additive does an
- average American consume yearly: 3, 6, or 9?Nine
- What did the U.S. government seize 3,590,979
- tabs of in 1985?LSD
- How many of the 3 bestselling automobiles in
- 1985 were pickup trucks?Two
- What country's populace spent 37 billion
- hours waiting in line for food in 1985?The Soviet Union's
- What do 87% of professional boxers suffer
- from?Brain damage
- How many of every five firefighters' meals
- are interrupted?three
- What German-made car's sales increased 350%
- between 1975 and 1986?BMW's
- What musical instrument's keys were
- 2,200,000 Americans pressing in 1986?The accordion's
- What fraction of the world's population
- cooked with wood or charcoal in 1985?One-half
- What was the most popular activity in
- Catholic churches besides Mass?Bingo
- What kind of nuts did the U.S. import $14.8
- million worth of from Iran in 1986?Pistachio nuts
- What country makes two out of every three
- pianos?Japan
- What nationality were 50 of the world's 129
- billionaires in 1988?American
- What men's cologne shares its name with a New
- Mexico city?Santa Fe
- What Nabisco cookie did an A&P spokesman
- call "the HULA HOOP of 1988"?TEDDY GRAHAMS
- What percent of all U.S. prisoners were women
- in 1988: 4, 14, or 24?4 percent
- What deodorant's motto is: "Anything less
- would be uncivilized"?RIGHT GUARD
- What did thieves steal 1,224,100 of in 1986?Automobiles
- What animated character was the top selling
- stuffed animal of Christmas 1988?Roger Rabbit
- What electronics chain claims to be "The
- technology store"?Radio Shack
- What service delivered the slogan: "We run
- the tightest ship in the shipping business"?United Parcel Service
- What superpower's citizens made an average of
- $4,212 per year in 1988?The Soviet Union's
- What country did a Soviet trade deputy
- say is "state No.1" in management in 1988?The U.S.
- How many U.S. households lacked telephones in
- 1988 - four, five or six hundred thousand?Six hundred thousand
- What machines can come down with "viruses"?Computers
- What did "M&A" mean to a Wall Street wizard in 1988?Mergers and Acquisitions
- What's the "L" in the buyout term "LBO"?Leveraged
- What chain overtook Sears in 1985 to become
- the biggest U.S. retail store?K mart
- What Sears insurance company pitched in
- 58 percent of Sears' profits in 1987?Allstate
- What Sears credit card finally hit the
- black in 1988?Discover
- What was "Rogaine", with 2 percent minoxidil,
- the first FDA-approved treatment for?Baldness
- What did "Fortune" magazine call "the year
- faxmania hit Main Street"?1988
- What company shot up business markets with
- the "Faxphone 20"?Canon
- What were the "American Eagles" you bought if
- you called 1-800-USA-GOLD?Gold coins
- What rental outfit's employees "tried harder"
- because they owned it?Avis'
- What city is home to the Japanese-run Hotel
- Beijing-Toronto?Beijing
- What currency was 70 percent of world trade
- conducted with in 1988?U.S. Dollars
- What currency was Number Two in international
- bank deposits in 1988?The Deutsche Mark
- What airline was so inefficient by 1981 that
- native comics dubbed it as "Bloody Awful"?BRITISH AIRWAYS
- What international airline carried more
- passengers by 1986 than any other?BRITISH AIRWAYS
- What's the definition of the television
- acronym IDTV?Improved Definition Television
- What booze were you calling for with the '80s
- buzzword "Stoli"?STOLICHNAYA Vodka
- What country's Formosa Plastics saw a billion-dollar future in its Texas plant in 1988?Taiwan's
- What U.S. auto sloganized: "What a luxury car
- should be."?LINCOLN
- What computer equipment corporation's acronym
- is DEC?Digital Equipment Corporation's
- What company's HANDYCAM runs on Video 8?Sony's
- Can you eat chili burgers in China?Yes
- What country's "President" money mag doubled
- "Fortune"'s circulation?Japan's
- What soda outfit invited the media to taste
- "the REAL real thing" in 1985?Pepsi-Cola
- Which back pocket boasts the red tab on
- millions of "Levi's" worn in the '80s?The right pocket
- How many of every four American grocery
- stores had magazine racks by 1987?Three
- How many of every 10 truck drivers were women
- according to a 1987 U.S. Census report?One
- What did 7 percent of Americans say a
- bankrupt person had the right to do?Commit suicide
- What university's students gazed at a
- banner saying: "We're Making Magic Together"?Disney University's
- What company publishes "USA Today" and runs
- the largest U.S. outdoor billboard outfit?Gannett
- What U.S. oil city boasted Saudi Arabia as
- its top trading partner in the early '80s?Houston
- Which law officers rated more positively in a
- 1985 Harris poll - local or federal?Local
- Which news medium did a 1985 Harris poll say
- Americans trusted more - TV or print?TV news
- What Iron Curtain capital was only 400 miles
- from Chernobyl?Warsaw
- What outfit's trucks are billed "Built fun
- tough"?Ford's
- What snuffed over half of the 126
- firefighters killed on the job in 1986?Heart attacks
- What southern state had a nation-leading 254
- inmates on death row in 1987?Florida