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- What city's 1983 crime commission listed
- 1,081 unsolved mob murders since 1919?Chicago's
- What oil company did Chevron buy for more
- than $13 billion in 1984?Gulf Oil Corporation
- Who did "Fortune" magazine claim was the
- world's richest woman in 1987?Queen Elizabeth II
- What country imported $700 million worth of
- Iranian oil during the summer of 1987?The U.S.
- How many U.S. states legally allowed
- cockfighting in 1987?Five
- What country allowed its Baptist Union to
- import 20,000 Bibles and hymn books in 1987?The Soviet Union
- What dropped 508.32 points on October 19,
- 1987?The Dow Jones Industrial Average
- How many men did Bernhard Goetz shoot?Four
- Who was born last - Jessica Hahn, Fawn Hall
- or Donna Rice?Jessica Hahn
- What name was shared by all three candidates
- for the South Korean presidency in 1987?Kim
- What Reagan staff member's weight problems
- earned him the nickname "The Heifer"?Howard Baker's
- What magnate spent $2 million dredging a
- channel to accommodate his 282-foot yacht?Donald Trump
- What kind of weapon did James Barrett Drake
- try to hijack an Air Canada jet with in 1987?An ax
- What South Pacific country celebrated its
- 200th year of white settlement in 1988?Australia
- What troubled U.S. automaker's British
- subsidiary was renamed Talbot in 1980?Chrysler's
- What was the world's largest debtor nation at
- the end of 1988?The United States
- What do stock market vets call October 19,
- 1987?
- Black Monday
- Whose 1,000th day as a hostage was December
- 10, 1987?Terry Anderson's
- What country did Vietnam officials confirm it
- lost 50,000 invaders in?Kampuchea (Cambodia)
- Who said in 1988: "The Soviet people want ...
- full-blooded and unconditional democracy"?Mikhail Gorbachev
- What scandal was the Tower Commission chosen
- to investigate?The Iran-Contra scandal
- What year saw the Dow Jones Industrial
- Average hit 2,000 for the first time?1987
- What year marked the bicentennial of the
- French Revolution?1989
- What magazine is former Secretary of Defense
- Caspar Weinberger publisher of?"Forbes"
- What Latin leader was accused of selling U.S.
- secrets to Cuba and the Soviet Union in 1987?Manuel Antonio Noriega
- What former U.S. president blew out 75
- birthday candles on July 14, 1988?Gerald Ford
- What U.S. city endured more gang murders in
- 1988 than all the homicides in all of Europe?Los Angeles
- What widow said no to major involvement in
- Philippine politics, on September 4, 1983?Corazon Aquino
- What's the first grade in which Georgia
- school kids start receiving sex education?Grade One
- What country did Iraq accuse of supplying
- Iran with arms, way back in July, 1983?The United States
- What president's autographed photo was worth
- $350 in 1988?Ronald Reagan's
- Who called Ronald Reagan's programs "voodoo
- economics" in April, 1980?George Bush
- What country builds Silkworm missiles?China
- What does the U.S. Surgeon General refer to
- as "STDs"?Sexually transmitted diseases
- Who admitted, fifty years after the fact: "My
- compass froze. I guess I flew the wrong way"?Wrong-Way Corrigan
- What country did Pope John Paul II ask in
- 1983 to abolish martial law?Poland
- Who introduced Teddy Kennedy at the 1988
- Democratic National Convention?John Kennedy Jr.
- What Charles Manson devotee was sent to a
- women's prison in Marianna, Florida, in 1988?Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme
- What country announced the results of the
- largest census in history in 1982?China
- Who angered Israel by according Yasir Arafat
- a private audience in 1982?Pope John Paul II
- Who amassed one percent of the vote at Iowa's
- 1988 Democratic Presidential Primary?Gary Hart
- What U.S. agency finally caught up with the
- Reverend Sun Myung Moon in 1982?The Internal Revenue Service
- What Greek island did Michael Dukakis'
- father leave to seek his fortune in 1912?Lesbos
- Who once asked the free world to "leave
- Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history"?Ronald Reagan
- What city saw 241 Marines killed just two
- days before 1900 of them stormed Grenada?
- Beirut
- Who began steering the Soviet ship of state
- after Yuri Andropov dropped off?Konstantin Chernenko
- What organization was outlawed in Poland in
- 1981?Solidarity
- What was being processed in the 19 jungle
- labs raided by Colombian cops in March, 1984?Cocaine
- What country was the world's biggest lender
- at the end of the 1980s?Japan
- Which country invaded the other first in 1980
- - Iran or Iraq?Iraq
- What drug brought huge riches to former
- Colombian TV and whisky smuggler Fabio Ochoa?Cocaine
- What was the first independent labor union in
- the Soviet bloc?Solidarity
- What country did Ronald Reagan claim was the
- victim of a Sandinista "invasion" in 1988?Honduras
- What "first" was achieved when Lee Roy Young
- Jr. was sworn in as a Texas Ranger in 1988?The first black Texas Ranger
- What's the FBI sting name "Abscam" short for?Arab scam
- Who did Jimmy Carter hope would arrive home
- on his last full day in office?The American hostages in Iran
- What U.S. city was the first to aid blind
- tourists with Braille maps?Washington, D.C.
- What Pole did some 1.5 million Zaireans flock
- to see in 1980?Pope John Paul II
- What two nations went to war in 1980 over the oil-rich province of Khuzistan?Iran and Iraq
- What kind of plants did the U.S. Supreme
- Court give states the power to ban in 1983?Nuclear power plants
- Who called the assassination of Benigno
- Aquino a "communist rub-out job"?Ferdinand Marcos
- What group did the Boland Amendment nix
- covert aid to?The Contras
- What river's water flow was the greatest in
- the U.S. in June of the hot summer of '88?The Columbia's
- What gift did Palm Springs mayor Sonny Bono
- take to Ed Koch on a 1988 visit to New York?A palm tree
- What Latin leader's not-so-perfect complexion
- earned him the nickname "The Pineapple"?Manuel Antonio Noriega's
- What Marxist country has often closed down
- its only opposition newspaper, "La Prensa"?Nicaragua
- What reformed jewel thief addressed President
- Reagan's 1987 National Prayer Breakfast?Jack "Murph the Surf" Murphy
- What southern U.S. city elected Xavier
- Suarez its first Cuban-born mayor?Miami
- What court did Robert Bork quit before
- hitting the lecture circuit in 1988?The Federal Court of Appeals
- What country had Iraq sold 150 captured
- Iranian tanks to by November, 1987?Iran
- What pipe-puffer succeeded Robert McFarlane
- as U.S. National Security Advisor?John Poindexter
- What country became a debtor nation in 1985,
- for the first time since 1914?The U.S.
- What Reagan cabinet member testified before
- grand juries 11 times in 1987?Ed Meese
- Who was the youngest leader of the Soviet
- Union before Mikhail Gorbachev took over?Joseph Stalin
- Who was the only Reagan cabinet member to
- sport a tiger tattoo on his buttocks?George Schultz
- Who prophetically announced, on being
- re-elected: "You ain't seen nothin' yet"?Ronald Reagan
- What already troubled nation saw 392 killed
- in Africa's worst-ever train wreck in 1984?Ethiopia
- What was the deadliest war of the 1980s?The Iran-Iraq War
- What did Jesse Jackson propose should be made
- a state?Washington, D.C.
- What politician repeatedly called Ted Koppel
- "Dan" during a 1988 interview on "Nightline"?George Bush
- What industry did the U.S. government impose
- the Windfall Profits Tax on in 1980?The oil industry
- What did NASA name the 85-ton orbiter built
- to replace the "Challenger"?"Discovery"
- What feverishly spiritual country demanded
- $24 billion from the U.S. in December, 1980?Iran
- What age did Mark David Chapman and John
- Hinckley share when they shot to infamy?Twenty-five
- What country was called an "aircraft carrier"
- for Contra actions against Nicaragua?Honduras
- What European power elected its first
- Socialist president in 1988?France
- What politician was Londell Williams arrested
- for threatening to kill in 1988?Jesse Jackson
- What breed of dog were seven U.S. citizens
- killed by in 1986?The pit bull
- What country's air force wiped out Iraq's
- nuclear reactor in 1981?Israel's
- What were 15 Wall Street workers arrested for
- using as currency in financial deals in 1987?Cocaine
- Who pleaded not guilty - Mark David Chapman
- or John Hinckley Jr.?John Hinckley Jr.
- What organization did 100,000 Italians
- demonstrate against in Palermo in 1982?The Mafia
- What scheme did Ronald Reagan call "a vision
- of the future which offers hope"?The Strategic Defense Initiative
- What child was William Stern awarded custody
- of on March 31, 1987?Baby M
- What company claimed to be the largest U.S.
- employer of unskilled workers in 1987?McDonald's
- What Nobel Prize winner landed a job at the
- Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk, Poland?Lech Walesa
- What did Aloha Flight 243 lose 18 feet of
- while flying over Hawaii in 1988?Its fuselage
- How much was Mary Beth Whitehead to be paid
- for giving birth to Baby M?$10,000
- What dioxin-containing defoliant did 20,000
- Vietnam vets claim in 1983 to be infected by?Agent Orange
- Who called Oliver North "every secretary's
- dream of a boss"?Fawn Hall
- What Reagan cabinet member was finally
- succeeded by Richard Thornburgh?Ed Meese
- What superpower did the Vatican finally
- accord complete diplomatic links to in 1982?The U.S.
- What state was the site of the Baby M trial?New Jersey
- What war did the United Nations outline an
- end to with Resolution 598?The Iran-Iraq War
- Who was the only U.S. presidential hopeful to
- meet with Fidel Castro in 1984?Jesse Jackson
- What year in the '80s did the U.S. end
- diplomatic ties with Iran?1980
- What New England senator succeeded Cyrus
- Vance as Secretary of State in 1980?Edmund Muskie
- What company became the largest U.S. firm to
- file for bankruptcy in April, 1987?Texaco
- What was the Soviet Union's 94-year-old
- Vyacheslav Molotov allowed to rejoin in 1984?The Communist Party
- What African leader admitted in 1984 that
- he'd sent arms to the Sandinistas?Muammar Khadafy
- What Latin American leader's riot troops were
- dubbed "The Dobermans"?Manuel Antonio Noriega's
- What East Coast governor signed the first
- U.S. bill to try to stop acid rain?Mario Cuomo
- What state holiday did Arizona governor Evan
- Mecham cancel?Martin Luther King Day
- Who, in 1987, referred to the recently-bombed
- warship "U.S.S. Stark" as a "plane"?Ronald Reagan
- What country had the third-largest defense
- budget at the end of the '80s?Japan
- What crime family lost its head when "Big
- Paul" Castellano was erased by bullets?The Gambinos
- Which two seasons of 1987 saw Americans
- watching the Iran-Contra hearings live on TV?Spring and summer
- What country promised a memorial in 1988 to
- 13,000 troops killed in action?The Soviet Union
- What Caribbean country's presidency did Henri
- Namphy assume after a 1988 military coup?Haiti
- Who won the most states in the 1984
- Democratic presidential primaries?Gary Hart