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- ID:WN Microsoft Windows and Applications
- Quarterdeck Technical Note
- by Stan Young
- *** QEMM-386 4.2 ***
- Using QEMM-386 4.2 with Microsoft Windows 2.1 and EXCEL 2.1
- If you have QEMM.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS file, Windows 2.1 will
- refuse to install itself. We have not found a conflict, and so
- you should try to overcome this restriction. One way to do this
- is to edit your CONFIG.SYS file so that the line:
- DEVICE=QEMM.SYS {with existing switches}
- says instead:
- REM DEVICE=QEMM.SYS {existing switches} EXT=64
- Install Windows normally and then edit the QEMM line of the
- CONFIG.SYS file to remove the REM statement before QEMM.SYS. If
- the Windows installation has added a device called HIMEM.SYS to
- your CONFIG.SYS file, move the line that specifies the HIMEM.SYS
- driver so that it loads after QEMM.SYS. You SHOULD NOT reboot
- the machine, so Windows install will see that you have expanded
- memory. It is enough that the REM statement is put before the
- QEMM line. After you install Windows, be sure to remove the REM
- statment.
- ------------------------
- QEMM-386 and Windows 386
- Windows 386 and QEMM-386 are not compatible. This is because
- Windows 386 does its own memory management of the memory above
- 640K. You may however, run QEMM-386 with Windows 286 or Windows
- Run-time programs (such as PageMaker) on a 386 machine and
- Windows 286 can take full advantage of the memory provided by
- QEMM. Operation in this fashion provides expanded memory for
- programs whether they are running in Windows or not, while
- providing full support for Windows 286's desire for EMS 4.0
- compatible memory. The WIN86.COM program provided with Windows
- 386 is a subset of Windows 286 and can be run with QEMM-386.
- ----------------------------------------------
- Using QEMM-386 4.2 with Microsoft Windows 2.03
- Microsoft Windows 2.03 cannot tolerate more than 1 mappable area
- larger than 48K, between 640K and 1MB. Use the QEMM.COM program
- to see what areas are available above A000. If more than one
- area larger than 48K is "Mappable", then you will need to use
- either the EXCLUDE or RAM parameter to keep QEMM from reporting
- more than 1 area larger than 48K to Windows. It's not necessary
- to EXCLUDE or RAM all of the memory, just enough to make the
- mappable memory sizes less than 48K. If you don't do this,
- Windows will start but will not run any programs.
- *** DESQview 2.2 ***
- Running Windows 286 in DESQview:
- First, you will want to set up Windows so that it does not
- implement the HIMEM.SYS driver. This is because the same memory
- area that is used by Windows to obtain 60K of extra usable memory
- will be used by QEMM to give 60K of extra memory for ALL windows,
- not just the Windows window, so it makes sense to have QEMM
- manage this memory. To bypass Window's use of the HIMEM.SYS
- driver, you should install Windows as shown above and when it
- comes to the section of the Windows install where it asks if you
- "want to use extended memory for Windows", answer "No". Windows
- will not install the HIMEM.SYS driver.
- Your CONFIG.SYS file would not require the "EXT=64" parameter as
- shown above, since the memory for HIMEM.SYS need not be reserved.
- It is also possible to simply remove the HIMEM.SYS driver from
- your CONFIG.SYS driver without reinstalling Windows. When
- started in this fashion, Windows will always report an error
- message saying "Your memory configuration has changed...", but
- you can simply hit escape to continue, with no further problem.
- In a sense, Windows and Windows applications run in DESQview
- windows just as any other large graphics based applications do
- and their installation can be approached from that standpoint.
- Only Windows 286 (not Windows 386) can be run in DESQview, and it
- is important that Windows be operating in a display mode that is
- supported by DESQview's video drivers and that you are able to
- open a window with sufficient memory (approximately 450K), but
- those are the only requirements.
- Windows and many Windows applications are not shown as selections
- on the DESQview Add a Program menu, but can be easily configured
- by adding the "PageMaker" entry from Add a Program and then using
- Change a Program, modifying the "Program Name", "Program" and
- "Directory" fields to be correct for the specific application.
- All other settings should be correct.
- Please also note that you should use the "Maximum Expanded
- Memory" field in Change a Program to limit the amount of expanded
- memory the Windows application can take, or it will take it all.
- This will cause unnecessary swapping to disk, even on systems
- with large amounts of memory. Judging the amount to set as
- maximum depends on the size of the data you have, but you should
- be able to determine this by running the program and loading your
- largest data file and see how much it takes.
- ____________________________
- Windows 2.1 Runtime
- The runtime version of Windows 2.1 which comes with some Windows
- specific applications searches the path for WIN.COM and if it
- finds it loads the full copy of Windows. This will be a problem
- when running QEMM or DESQview if the WIN.COM it finds is Windows
- 386, for the reasons stated above. If you have this problem,
- rename the file WIN.COM to WIND.COM. This will allow your
- runtime programs to load properly.
- _____________________________________
- Hint for loading Windows applications
- Windows applications which don't come with a Windows run-time normally
- have to be run from the Windows MS-DOS executive. This makes an extra
- step when loading, taking time and creating extra overhead (for the
- Executive). It appears you can load faster, and preserve more memory
- for the application, by using a little known and perhaps undocumented
- loading method. Windows supports loading directly into an application
- without loading the MS DOS Executive as follows:
- WIN :C:\PROGRAM\progname.exe
- assuming the application was program.exe and the directory was
- C:\PROGRAM. The key seems to be that the parameter starts with a
- colon.
- This makes particular sense when loading the programs in DESQview
- windows, because it allows the programs to load directly, just
- like other graphics programs. To load in this fashion in a
- DESQview window, the "Program" field would be WIN.COM and the
- "Parameters" field would be :C:\PROGRAM\program.exe.
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *