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- ID:CS QOS Technical Support on Compuserve
- Quarterdeck Technical Note
- by Gene Venable
- With half a million subscribers, CompuServe is more of an
- electronic city than a community, yet somehow it has the feel of the
- best of both worlds. Subscribers can get information on virtually any
- subject, and experts are usually available to explain that information
- in a way that matches the user's level of expertise. CompuServe,
- however, is not just an information service, it is a band of friends,
- ready to help or argue or commiserate or point out, as the situation
- requires.
- CompuServe rates are $6.00 an hour for communications below 1200
- baud and $12.50 an hour for 1200-2400 baud. Your communications program
- can probably be left at its standard settings, since CompuServe allows
- typical bulletin board settings of 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
- You may subscribe to CompuServe using a registration package that you
- may obtain at most computer and software stores. Many users minimize the
- cost of going online and getting information by using TAPCIS or AUTOSIG,
- two popular programs that automate interaction with CompuServe, thus
- greatly speeding online activities and allowing the transmitting and
- receiving of hundreds of selected messages or files in minutes. TAPCIS
- may be downloaded from the TAPCIS forum on CompuServe, and AUTOSIG is
- available from Library 1 of the IBMCOM forum.
- Quarterdeck participates in Section 1 of the PCVENB forum, which
- you may reach by typing GO PCVENB at a prompt. The first time that you
- enter the PCVENB forum you will be asked to join it, which you should
- do, since it involves no additional cost and gives you access to
- everything available in the PCVENB forum; all you need to do is agree
- to join the forum and give your name. After entering the PCVENB forum,
- type MES BRO SEC:1 to browse thru the messages in Section 1, choosing
- which messages you wish to read. To browse through the files available
- for download, enter LIB 1 and at the following prompt enter BRO. To get
- help on CompuServe, simply enter HELP at a prompt. Another popular
- hangout for Desqview users is the Multitasking section of the IBMSYS
- forum, Section 4.
- Here is a typical selection of "threads," or topics, discussed in Section 1
- of the PCVENB forum:
- 53997 NG and DV's new version
- 53948 Windows 3.0 and QEMM
- 54016 Startup Video
- 53957 DV/Zoom/Sight Problem
- 53989 QEMM-386 start-up
- 53969 [ 1] QEMM 5.1-FACTS
- 54025 ?dvansi + dos4.01?
- 54036 QEMM 50/60
- 54007 Carbon Copy Plus
- 53966 DV.bat
- 53964 [ 1] Multitasking/Procomm
- 53941 [ 1] DV 2.26 and WP 5.1
- 53976 DV 2.26 and Quattro Pro
- 53987 Dv and LAN
- The opportunity for users of Quarterdeck products to exchange
- information and opinions via CompuServe and other electronic information
- services is invaluable; our users are often very concerned with keeping
- up with the latest developments in software and hardware, and nowhere
- else is it possible to find out what's happening now with such
- immediacy. Users who want to squeeze out faster performance or more
- memory would have to have mighty good connections to match the
- incredible resources of advice, expertise, and knowledge available to
- anyone who accesses CompuServe. We welcome your participation.
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *