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- ID:BK Books of Interest to Users of QOS
- Quarterdeck Technical Note
- by Stan Young
- The following is a list of third-party books available on
- DESQview, QEMM, the DESQview API or books which contain
- information on multitasking or memory management, which might be
- of interest to our users. Prices given are based on current
- suggested retail and are subject to change.:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- "The Best Book of DESQview," Jack Nimersheim, Howard W. Sams &
- Company, 11711 North College, Suite 141, Carmel, IN 46032. 1st
- Edition 1990, 396 pages. Price $24.95
- A user-friendly guide to DESQview, the Companions, QEMM and
- Manifest. Contains many tips and a good discussion of the
- DESQview Learn feature.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- "Mastering DESQview," Johnathan Kamin, Scott, Foresman IBM
- Computer Books, 1900 E. Lake Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025. 1st
- Edition 1990, 387 pages. Price $24.95.
- A comprehensive guide to the use of DESQview, with emphasis on
- hints and techniques which enhance the use of DESQview. Special
- emphasis on creative use of DESQview's Learn (macro) facility.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- "DESQview - A Guide to Programming the DESQview Multitasking
- Environment," by Stephen R. Davis, M&T Books Publishing, 501
- Galveston Drive, Redwood City, CA 94063. 346 pages. 1st Edition,
- 1989.
- A very good source on programming using the DESQview API. This
- is a tutorial book with lots of examples. Would be useful to
- programmers who find our API manuals somewhat daunting. All
- examples are in "C" however, there is lots of general information
- which would be useful for developers programming in any language.
- Available direct from M&T and bookstores which specialize in
- technical works. Can be ordered from Quarterdeck order line at
- (213) 392-9851 for $24.95 ($39.95 with disk - 5 1/4 inch only).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- "The Official DESQview Sourcebook," Larry Joel Goldstein, Bantam
- Computer Books, 666 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10103. 351 pages.
- 1st edition - Sept. '89, price $22.95 ($27.95 Canada).
- A comprehensive guide to the use of DESQview, QEMM and the
- DESQview Companions. Contains a section on the DESQview API that
- may serve as an introduction, but this is not a programmer's
- book. A useful adjunct to the Quarterdeck manuals when you want
- similar information "from another view."
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- "MS-DOS Beyond 640K, Working With Extended and Expanded Memory,"
- James Forney, Windcrest Books, Division of TAB Books Inc., Blue
- Ridge Summit, PA 17294-0850. 1st Edition 1989. 235 pages. Price
- $19.95.
- Not a DESQview/QEMM book specifically, but an excellent book on
- the subject of memory, with many references to DESQview and QEMM.
- Highly recommended to users who really want to understand the use
- of memory in their PC's.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- "Extending DOS," Ray Duncan, Charles Petzold, M.Steven Baker,
- Andrew Schulman, Stephen R. Davis, Ross P. Nelson, Robert Moote,
- Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 432 Pages. Price $22.95
- An excellent work on DOS memory usage and some of the options for
- extending DOS. For advanced users and programmers. Quite a bit
- of example source code included. Covers IBM PC Programming
- Architecture, EMS, XMS, DOS Extenders, Windows, DESQview, VCPI,
- DPMI and Multitasking.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *