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- ID:AB Intel AboveBoard Plus
- Quarterdeck Technical Note
- by Stan Young
- Q: How do I set up my Intel AboveBoard Plus to best support
- DESQview or for use with QRAM?
- The Intel AboveBoard Plus supports in hardware many of the
- features of the EMS 4.0 software specification that DESQview and
- QRAM would like to use.
- It is capable of mapping EMS memory below the 640K barrier to
- support DESQview's multitasking. It also can map EMS memory into
- high memory addresses above 640K and below 1 Megabyte, a feature
- which is useful to both DESQview and QRAM in order to get more
- DOS memory.
- Obtaining these features, however requires that the board be set
- up in specific ways, and there are some restrictions in the way
- the board and driver work that are important to understand.
- 1. Backfilling Motherboard Memory: Backfilling motherboard
- memory is NOT important to the operation of QRAM. But, as in the
- examples given in Appendix B of the DESQview manual, for Enhanced
- Expanded Memory Boards if you want to have large expanded memory
- partitions in which you can multi-task programs, it is necessary
- to disable motherboard memory and have the AboveBoard Plus fill
- memory out to 640K. The lowest the AboveBoard Plus will place
- EMS4 pages is from 256K, so it is not to your advantage to
- backfill any lower than that, even if your machine will support
- backfilling from a lower address. If your machine will allow the
- board to fill out from 256K, you will be able to get expanded
- memory partitions of 384K. Unlike the examples in the manual
- shown for EEMS cards, the partitions will be 384K regardless of
- the type of video card you have, as the Intel hardware will not
- allow for any EMS expanded memory pages to be mapped into the
- video areas.
- Once the board is backfilling motherboard memory addresses, one
- very important configuration item remains relative to the driver.
- You must specify the "MC" (it means Map Conventional) parameter
- to the EMM.SYS driver. Reference to this parameter is somewhat
- buried in the Intel manual, but this parameter must be specified
- in order to have the driver set expanded memory pages in the
- 256K-640K range.
- 2. Set the "Page Frame" as low as possible: This is important
- for BOTH DESQview and QRAM users. The AboveBoard Plus driver
- will only map memory above 640K as one contiguous block, starting
- with the original 64K EMS page frame. Any other memory which to
- be mapped must be directly above and contiguous with the page
- frame. This perhaps might be changed in a future release of the
- driver as other EMS 4.0 drivers are not so restrictive as to
- where the additional memory resides.
- Because of this requirement, and because some versions of the
- Intel installation program default the page frame to a "D000"
- address, memory addresses that might be mapped are often
- bypassed. To get best use from the memory, set the page frame as
- low as possible.
- The AboveBoard driver which became available when Intel started
- shipping QRAM with it's boards, defaults the frame to the lowest
- possible address. Upgrade drivers are available from Intel
- directly and are posted on their electronic bulletin board.
- If you do not have such a driver, we have determined that the
- easiest way to be sure the frame is low is to change the
- CONFIG.SYS file so the the frame assignment (usually D000) is set
- to C000. While it is often the case that a C000 page frame
- setting might be in conflict with video ROMS, or other installed
- devices, it is our observation that the Intel driver generally
- detects these devices and on boot will determine that the setting
- is inappropriate and will select instead the lowest frame setting
- that is free -- just what we wanted. This method, while easy,
- may not be foolproof, so if you encounter difficulty with the
- frame the Intel driver selects, you will have to do some digging
- into your hardware documentation to see what area might be
- available.
- 3. Install the QEXT.SYS driver: Assuming you have an AT, you
- can configure some of the Intel AboveBoard Plus memory as
- exTENDed memory. By loading the QEXT.SYS driver in your
- CONFIG.SYS file (see page 148 in the DESQview manual), this
- driver allows you to take 60K of extended memory and make it
- available for running some of DESQview's code, thus lowering the
- overhead of DESQview in DOS and making your Maximum Available in
- Conventional Memory, as shown by Memory Status 60K bigger.
- Early versions of the AboveBoard Plus only allow you to configure
- extended memory in increments of 512K, so on these systems, you
- have to reserve 512K of extended memory to support the 64K QEXT
- driver. The remaining memory might be used as a VDISK, or by a
- disk cache, but will not be available as expanded memory.
- Intel has recently begun shipping boards which can allocate
- memory in 128K segements, and an upgrade for existing boards is
- available.
- If you have other extended memory on the machine, you may not
- want to allocate any of the AboveBoard as extended memory. You
- would simply install the QEXT.SYS driver and as long as the
- extended memory starts at 1 megabyte (1024K), QEXT will use it.
- As is usual, when using an expanded memory system, you will want
- to load DESQview using the XDV.COM loader as indicated on page
- 139 of the DESQview manual. The settings above should allow you
- to get the best memory sizes for DESQview. Your Memory Status
- program will probably show figures somewhat less than listed in
- the DESQview manual. This is because the AboveBoard Plus will
- not map into the video memory area, but the memory obtained in the
- windows should be adequate for most purposes.
- Intel Tech Support: 800-538-3373
- Intel BBS: 503-645-6275
- Intel Support FAX back: 503-629-7576
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *