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- *** Mwave Support 2.02 for OS/2 on IBM Thinkpads ***
- Revised 10/16/96
- by Jim Wilkerson
- This procedure is for the Mwave version 2.02 drivers on the IBM Thinkpad 755
- CE/CD/CsE/CV/CDV/CX and 760 C/CD/E/ED series machines. It is designed to work
- as is for OS/2 Warp Connect, OS/2 Warp with WINOS2 (Blue label packages), and
- with differences as noted for OS/2 Warp Connect for Windows, OS/2 Warp for
- Windows (Red label packages), and OS/2 2.11. This procedure will also work
- for OS/2 Warp version 4.
- Note: OS/2 2.11 is not supported on the Thinkpad 760 Series machines.
- The files listed in this procedure are available from the IBM PC Company BBS at
- phone: (919) 517-0001, anonymous ftp: ftp.pcco.ibm.com, and World Wide Web
- site: http://www.pcco.ibm.com.
- *** NOTE ***
- The actual file descriptions listed here may vary from the descriptions as
- posted on the BBS, the ftp site, and the WEB. The file name, size, and date
- should be exact.
- The Thinkpad should be placed on AC power and logged off of any network
- connections prior to beginning the Mwave installation. Failure to do so can
- cause various inconsistencies in the Mwave installation which will prevent
- Mwave from functioning normally. After successful installation, the Thinkpad
- can be run as it was before.
- Obtain the files from IBM as shown in the following table for the version of
- OS/2 and model of Thinkpad being used. Place the files into a temporary
- directory, run each and follow the instructions to create the diskettes as
- listed.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |File Name | Notes |File Size|File Date | Description |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |SYTPE143.EXE| - | 373061 | 08/30/96 |System Update Disk v1.41 |
- | | | | | 755CE/CsE/CD/CDV/CV/CX |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |SYTPF123.EXE| - | 408381 | 08/28/96 |System Update Disk v1.23 - TP 760C |
- | | | | | and L Series |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |SYTPG102.EXE| - | 767944 | 09/27/96 |System Update Disk v1.02 - TP 760E |
- | | | | | Series |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |UTTPG101.EXE| 4,5 | 1034113 | 06/04/96 |Utility Disk 1 v3.32 - Thinkpad |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |UTTPG201.EXE| 4,5 | 319910 | 06/04/96 |Utility Disk 2 v3.32 - Thinkpad |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |UTTPG301.EXE| 5 | 1247836 | 09/17/96 |Utility Disk 3 v3.33 - Thinkpad |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWD202-1.EXE| 2 | 1130232 | 06/21/96 |Thinkpad Mwave for DOS Disk 1 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWD202-2.EXE| 2 | 637836 | 06/21/96 |Thinkpad Mwave for DOS Disk 2 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWO202-1.EXE| 1,2,3 | 1280703 | 06/21/96 |Thinkpad Mwave for OS/2 Disk 1 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWO202-2.EXE| 1,2,3 | 993670 | 06/21/96 |Thinkpad Mwave for OS/2 Disk 2 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWOS2AUD.EXE| 1 | 268478 | 05/02/95 |Thinkpad Mwave Audio for OS/2 2.11 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWAUDOS2.EXE| 2,3 | 178878 | 06/04/96 |Thinkpad Mwave Audio for OS/2 Warp |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWW202-1.EXE| 1,2,3 | 1327391 | 06/21/96 |Thinkpad Mwave for Windows Disk 1 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWW202-2.EXE| 1,2,3 | 1226198 | 06/21/96 |Thinkpad Mwave for Windows Disk 2 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWMIDIO1.EXE| 2,3 | 408219 | 06/27/96 |Thinkpad Mwave OS/2 MIDI Support |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWMIDIW1.EXE| 1,2,3 | 354121 | 06/27/96 |Thinkpad Mwave Windows MIDI Support|
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWMIDI-2.EXE| 1,2,3 | 1381536 | 06/24/96 |Thinkpad Mwave MIDI Samples Disk 2 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWMIDI-3.EXE| 1,2,3 | 1381214 | 06/24/96 |Thinkpad Mwave MIDI Samples Disk 3 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWMIDI-4.EXE| 1,2,3 | 1331369 | 06/24/96 |Thinkpad Mwave MIDI Samples Disk 4 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWMIDI-5.EXE| 1,2,3 | 1358728 | 06/24/96 |Thinkpad Mwave MIDI Samples Disk 5 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWMIDI-6.EXE| 1,2,3 | 560315 | 06/24/96 |Thinkpad Mwave MIDI Samples Disk 6 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Notes
- 1. For OS/2 2.11.
- 2. For OS/2 Warp for Windows and OS/2 Warp Connect for Windows (Red Label).
- 3. For OS/2 Warp with WINOS2 and OS/2 Warp Connect (Blue Label).
- 4. For the Thinkpad 755 Series.
- 5. For the Thinkpad 760 Series.
- *** Base Multimedia Support ***
- Consult the README file on the System Update disk for the respective system
- being used and follow the instructions for use.
- For OS/2 2.11, install multimedia support using the MMPM/2 install disks which
- came with the package. Select ONLY Software Motion Video and CD Audio support
- (NO sound card). Perform a proper shutdown and reboot the system.
- For OS/2 Warp, if Multimedia Software support was not installed during the
- installation of OS/2, then use Selective Install to install the support. The
- hardware selection on the System Configuration page should be 'None'. For the
- Thinkpad 755CD/CDV and 760CD/ED series, CD-ROM support must be present (i.e.
- support should have been installed when OS/2 was installed) in the machine
- during the install of Multimedia support in order to get a CD Audio object in
- the Multimedia folder. Perform a proper shut down and reboot the system.
- Note:
- If the customer has attempted to install the Multimedia support with a sound
- device or if multiple Digital Audio or other icons appear in the Multimedia
- folder, then Multimedia support must be removed completely and reinstalled.
- For OS/2 2.11, manually remove all references in the CONFIG.SYS to MMOS2,
- delete the Multimedia folder from the Desktop, shut down and reboot the system,
- and then delete the \MMOS2 subdirectory and all subdirectories under it. For
- OS/2 Warp, use Selective Uninstall in the System Setup folder to remove
- Multimedia support.
- *** Thinkpad Mwave Management Device Driver ***
- Install the Thinkpad Features for OS/2 using the INSTALL2 program from the
- Thinkpad Utility diskette 1. The INSTALL2 program can be run from an OS/2
- window. Remove the check on the Install Personalization Editor, select
- Install, and follow the instructions to complete the installation. After the
- installation completes, go into Device Driver Install from System Setup, insert
- the Thinkpad Utility diskette 2, select Install and choose the Thinkpad System
- Management Device Driver (make sure to HIGHLIGHT this selection). Perform a
- proper shut down and reboot the system. Verify that the line
- is placed in the CONFIG.SYS. This driver MUST be present in order for Mwave to
- function. For best results, this line should come before the Mwave lines in
- CONFIG.SYS as shown in the sample CONFIG.SYS on the following page.
- *** OS/2 Mwave Support ***
- Install Mwave support by using the SETUP command from the Thinkpad Mwave OS/2
- Disk 1 in an OS/2 window. After the second disk is read, there should be a
- confirmation message: 'OS/2 Mwave Manager Operating System Installed'.
- Perform a proper shut down and reboot.
- During boot up, there should be a message 'MWAVEDD.SYS (v2.125A)' and an icon
- should appear on the Desktop titled "Mwave for OS/2."
- *** OS/2 Mwave Audio Support ***
- For OS/2 Warp, install Mwave Audio support (not including MIDI), by using the
- SETUP command from the Thinkpad Mwave Audio for OS/2 Warp disk in an OS/2
- window. Select the IBM Mwave Adapter (this is the default). Perform a proper
- shut down and reboot the system.
- For OS/2 2.11, use the Mwave Audio for OS/2 2.11 disk. Run the SETUP command
- on the disk and follow the same directions as for OS/2 Warp.
- *** OS/2 Mwave MIDI Support - OS/2 Warp and OS/2 Warp Connect Only ***
- For Mwave MIDI support, run the SETUP command from the Thinkpad OS/2 MIDI
- Support Disk from an OS/2 window. For OS/2 for Windows packages (Red Label),
- answer 'Yes' to the 'Do you want your Windows MIDI Synthesizer to use this set
- of MIDI Samples' prompt. For all versions of OS/2 Warp, answer 'Yes' to the to
- the prompts for OS/2 MIDI samples. When the program asks for 'Disk 2', insert
- Thinkpad MIDI Samples Disk 2. For 'Disk 3' use MIDI Samples Disk 3 and so on
- through all five of the MIDI samples diskettes.
- OS/2 MIDI support will not work with OS/2 2.11.
- Note:
- If OS/2 Warp is installed on a different partition from DOS/Windows, AND OS/2
- Warp Blue Label is being used, answer 'No' to the prompt for the Windows MIDI
- samples if no updates to the Native DOS/Windows side are desired.
- The OS/2 CONFIG.SYS should reflect the following changes:
- .
- .
- .
- REM ***********************************************************
- REM Note: The Mwave MWAVEVDD.SYS device driver MUST be loaded *
- REM before the VEMM.SYS OS/2 driver in the CONFIG.SYS. *
- REM ***********************************************************
- .
- .
- DEVICE=C:\MWAVEOS2\BIN\mwbd0400.sys BUS=1150000
- (This line will usually be near the COM.SYS driver.)
- .
- .
- (This line is in OS/2 Warp only.)
- (These two lines are in OS/2 2.11 only.)
- (OS/2 2.11 will also include C:\MMOS2\AUDIODD in this line.)
- (These two lines are in OS/2 2.11 only.)
- .
- .
- .
- Note that these changes should be in the order shown with the only exception as
- noted for the Mwave device to function properly.
- Edit the CONFIG.SYS file to reflect the following changes:
- The (2,2f8,3) is necessary to allow OS/2's COM driver to pick up the DSP modem,
- which is normally at COM2. If the DSP modem is set to COM1, then use
- (1,3F8,4).
- If Faxworks for OS/2 is installed, change the FMD.SYS line to:
- DEVICE=C:\<path>\FMD.SYS (2,2F8,3)
- where <path> is the subdirectory in which FaxWorks for OS/2 is installed.
- Note:
- FaxWorks for OS/2 will install itself into a subdirectory called 'FAXWORKS'.
- If the Windows version of FaxWorks is installed on the machine, then this
- directory must be changed during the installation to avoid conflicts.
- Save the changes made to the CONFIG.SYS, shut down and reboot. The modem
- should be set up as a Class 2 device under Faxworks.
- *** Reinstallation of Mwave ***
- If the Mwave installation becomes damaged and fails to function properly, it
- will be necessary to fully remove all Mwave AND Multimedia support prior to
- reinstallation. This is necessary to insure a clean reinstall of all features.
- For OS/2 2.11:
- - Edit the CONFIG.SYS and remove all references to \MMOS2 and \MWAVEOS2.
- - Delete the Multimedia and Mwave folders from the Desktop.
- - Shutdown and restart the system.
- - Use the Drives object to remove the \MMOS2 and \MWAVEOS2 subdirectories.
- - Proceed with the installation as outlined above.
- For OS/2 Warp:
- - Edit the CONFIG.SYS and remove all references to \MWAVEOS2.
- - Do a Selective Uninstall of Multimedia support and delete the Multimedia
- and Mwave folders from the Desktop.
- - Shutdown and reboot the system.
- - Use the Drives object to remove the \MMOS2 and \MWAVEOS2 subdirectories.
- - Proceed with the installation as outlined above.
- WINOS2 Mwave support can be reinstalled independently of OS/2 support, i.e. if
- OS/2 Mwave support is working correctly, then it is not necessary to
- remove/reinstall OS/2 support in order to reinstall WINOS2 support. In
- general, WINOS2 Mwave support does not need to be removed before it is
- reinstalled.
- *** Miscellaneous Application Considerations ***
- For HyperACCESS, the modem type should be set up as an 'Mwave Windsurfer Comm
- Adapter' or 'Mwave 28,800 bps Modem' on whichever port (COM1 or COM2 only) that
- the modem is set for.
- For communications programs that do not have a specific selection for the Mwave
- modem, choose a Hayes compatible.
- For the modem to function with OS/2 telecommunications/fax programs, it must be
- initialized with the Mwave Modem icon in the Mwave for OS/2 folder. The
- Discriminator function will also launch. Both Modem and Discriminator will not
- be visible on the Desktop, but will show up in the Window List and can be
- switched to if necessary.
- For IBM LAN Distance to function properly, edit the PROTOCOL.INI file and add
- PCMCIA=YES to the ╘COMx╥ stanza. If the modem fails to connect successfully to
- the LAN Distance server at high speed (19200 to 28800), then it will be
- necessary to set the modem speed to 14400 for proper operation.
- For successful coexistence with IBM TCP/IP, IBM LAN Requestor and/or Netware
- Requestor for OS/2; all of the MMOS2 and Mwave drivers, with the exception of
- the MWAVEVDD.SYS driver, should come after the TCP/IP lines in the CONFIG.SYS
- file.
- For CD audio on the 755CD/CDV and 760CD/ED to function, the Auxiliary Control
- must be running from the Mwave for OS/2 folder. This is not necessary if the
- CD is set for Digital Transfer.
- If Audio is playing and an incoming telephone signal is detected by the modem,
- then the Mwave Manager will terminate the Audio automatically to free up the
- the necessary Mwave resources for the Discriminator/Modem. Audio should resume
- after the Modem is through with its process (telephone, FAX, or Modem).
- It is possible to use a PCMCIA modem and the DSP modem at the same time. For
- best results, install OS/2 with the Infrared enabled as COM1, Serial disabled,
- and the DSP modem at COM2 (defaults). Use the Thinkpad Features to disable
- Infrared and Serial. Install PCMCIA support and select PCMCIA Modem/FAX as the
- device. The PCMCIA modem will show up as COM1 to applications. It is not
- possible to use the Serial ports or the Infrared in this configuration due to
- interrupt conflicts.
- *** WINOS2 Mwave Support ***
- For OS/2 Warp for Windows (Red label), boot back into native DOS, make sure to
- exit completely out of Windows and any menu type applications, then run the
- INSTALL program on the Thinkpad Mwave for DOS Disk 1. After installing the
- second disk, reboot the system.
- Start Windows and run the SETUP program on the Thinkpad Mwave for Windows Disk
- 1. Follow the instructions and install both disks. Restart Windows for the
- changes to take effect.
- For MIDI support, run the SETUP program on the Thinkpad Mwave Windows MIDI
- Support Disk. The specified path should be the same as used for the OS/2 MIDI
- samples installed in the previous steps. If MIDI samples were installed under
- OS/2, then select 'Cancel' when prompted for MIDI Samples Disk 2. Otherwise,
- when the program asks for 'Disk 2', insert Thinkpad MIDI Samples Disk 1. For
- 'Disk 3' use MIDI Samples Disk 2 and so on through all five MIDI samples
- diskettes.
- For OS/2 2.11 and OS/2 Warp with WINOS2 (Blue label), run the SETUP program on
- the Thinkpad Mwave for Windows Disk 1 and follow the instructions. Make sure
- to run the SETUP program from a WINOS2 Full Screen session. For MIDI support,
- run the SETUP program from the Thinkpad Mwave Windows MIDI Support Disk and
- follow the same instructions as for OS/2 Warp Red Label.
- The Thinkpad Mwave DOS drivers are not needed for OS/2 2.11 or OS/2 Warp Blue
- Label.
- The following two lines should be added/appended in the AUTOEXEC.BAT in the
- root of the bootable drive:
- Note:
- If it becomes necessary to use Selective Install to reinstall WINOS2 support,
- these two lines will need to be manually added back to the AUTOEXEC.BAT for
- Mwave to function in WINOS2 sessions.
- The first use of MIDI from the Media Player will give a warning 'This file may
- not play correctly with the default MIDI setup'. Check the 'Don't display this
- warning in the future' box and continue.
- For WINOS2 sessions, the modem will function reliably with telecommunications
- programs only. The FaxWorks for Windows (Callcenter) will work reliably under
- WINOS2. FaxWorks for OS/2 included in the Bonus Pak for OS/2 Warp works fine
- with WINOS2 applications for faxing. FaxWorks PRO for OS/2 also works.
- *** Other Mwave Fixes and Utilities ***
- The following is a list and description other Mwave fixes and enhancements that
- are available from the IBM PC Company BBS and other vendors.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- |File Name |Description |
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- |FWVMW058.EXE|Updated FaxWorks Callcenter for Windows. |
- | |Necessary for full function with Mwave. |
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- | |For version 1.10 and 2.0 Mwave. |
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- |MWVOD100.EXE|Upgrade to allow Voice Over Data |
- | |capability. For version 2.0 Mwave only. |
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- |MDM.ZIP |Fix for Lotus modem aware applications |
- | |and the Mwave Modem. For v2.0 Mwave. |
- | |Available from Lotus BBS at 415-691-0401. |
- | | |
- --------------------------------------------------------------