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- From: tmc@glasgow-caledonian.ac.UK ("T.McCormick")
- Hi there,
- Well here's my story, back in November I sent an email to the
- SF-Lovers asking if anybody had any questions they wanted Robert
- Jordan author of the Wheel of Time asked as I was going to a book
- signing of his, here in Glasgow.
- However to my dismay, I discovered I couldn't make it to the book
- signing in the afternoon, so I typed a small letter to Robert Jordan
- explaining my situation and including a list of the questions which I
- had received via the internet, asking if he could possibly answer the
- questions at his leisure. I also give him a copy of the Wheel of Time
- FAQ which I had received via email and which I had printed and
- bound.
- A couple of weeks later I received a reply.
- I would have emailed this response to Sf-lovers sooner however my
- rights to the network had been restricted, however my position has
- now changed and what follows is the questions I posed then the
- letter he sent me.
- *************************************
- Questions
- *************************************
- Question 1
- When will the next book be released (UK & USA) and what will it be
- titled?
- Question 2
- Do you currently think it will be 7 or 8 books total, also will the books
- continue to remain as 'chunky' as tFoH
- & tSR?
- Question 3
- In tFoH, in the chapters "The Far Snows" and "A Short Spear," was
- the timing of events deliberately precalculated by him, or not? If the
- first is true, I'm not asking for an explanation -- presumably we'll get
- that in a later book. I'm just asking for a yes or a no.
- (If he wants to know why the question was put, please just say the
- two words "time zones.")
- Question 4
- Ask him if he knows about all the Jordan junkies on the network.
- Tell him we love his books and are frenzied to know when the next
- one is coming out. Get him to confirm that Verin is not Black. (not
- that he will of course; then again, those of us who know, know
- that she isn't) Please find out if Lews Therin balefired himself in the
- prologue in EotW, or if he just drew too much of the OP. If it isn't
- critical to the continuing plot, I'm sure he'll say.
- Question 5
- We don't want to pry however it was rumoured that you had suffered
- a heart attack recently and your devoted readers are concerned for
- your welfare;
- Question 6
- What is the name of the next book and will Perrin be in it a bit more
- than tFoH.
- Question 7
- I have found and read your Conan books, however are there any
- other books that you have had published and are there any other
- books unrelated to the Wheel of Time that you are working on?
- ********************************************
- Robert Jordans Reply
- ********************************************
- I found the compendium fascinating. It is startling how much your
- group has puzzled out correctly, but I have to tell you that some of
- what you worked out is wrong, concerning both me and the books,
- but I have it in mind not to tell you which parts. That way you can
- have the pleasure of figuring out for yourselves where you went
- astray. (Easy to say that when I'm four or five thousand miles away.)
- With regard to the covers, both my editor and I have fought long and
- hard to get them to be the way they should be. And obviously with a
- high futility quotient. Countless descriptions of Trollocs, pointing out
- that Rand is approximately 6'5"--'6" tall, descriptions of the swords,
- of Perrin's axe, etc.
- The "dwarf Moiraine on a pony" problem was only the first, along
- with Lan being in armour and the Robin Hood clothes. I do not
- assign blame. On those occasions when either my editor or I have
- been able to speak directly to Darryl Sweet, the problems in
- sketches have been solved handily for the most part. (You did not
- realise that there were discrepancies in the sketches which never
- made it onto the covers, did you?) Sometimes you just give up after
- awhile; with Rand's height, for instance. After five books showing
- him as maybe 6' tall, I've simply bagged trying for the extra 6". As
- for the changing hair colours, I fear you must look to the printing
- process for that blame. When we see the cover painting, all colours
- are as we wish them to be, but then we must hope that the colours
- are reproduced with some degree of faithfulness on the actual
- covers. The expense of printing covers and/or dust jackets is such
- that no publisher is going to throw away a set and reprint simply
- because the characters' hair has changed colour.
- Now for your questions.
- l) The next book (#6; Lord OF CHAOS) should be released in the UK
- in November 1994. I'd have it out quicker if I could, but it does take a
- little time to write these books.
- 2) At present I am indeed hoping to complete the cycle in either
- seven or eight books. I am 90% confident that I can do it in seven,
- 95% confident that I can by eight. The thing is, as a famous manager
- of an American baseball team once said: "It ain't over till it's over." I
- know the last scene of the last book and the resolutions of all the
- major story lines. I have known these things since the very
- beginning. It is just a matter of getting there. And I am afraid the rest
- of the books very likely will be as large as SHADOW and FIRES.
- Sorry. I've been thinking about asking the publisher to include a
- shoulder strap. At least I haven't topped a thousand pages in
- Hardcover yet.
- 3) Yes, the timing was calculated. I know how far to the west
- Seanchan lies.
- 4) I know about the "Jordan junkies" (ahem! Blush!), now. Lews
- Therin did not use balefire on himself; he simply drew as much of
- the One Power as he could, then kept on pulling it in. As for Verin:
- read and find out. Surely you agree with Oscar Wilde about the
- suspense? I will try to keep you right a tiptoe as long as I can.
- 5) No, I did not have a heart attack, nor any sort of medical problem
- whatsoever. My wife did have heart surgery, she has made a full
- recovery); this may be the source of the rumours. Many
- thanks for your concern.
- 6) LORD OF CHAOS is the title of number six at present. (See #1.)
- A working title, but I like it. As for Perrin, he will definitely be back
- sooner or later.
- 7) I have been a writer for seventeen years now, and have had a
- number of other books published (Westerns, international intrigue,
- historical fiction), as well as essays, dance review and theatre
- criticism, but no other fantasy save the Conan novels. I've written
- only one piece of short fiction in my life, aside from school
- assignments, and it was never published. I will probably write in
- those other genres again from time to time; I enjoy them. I am
- working on something unconnected with THE WHEEL OF TIME,
- though I have not yet begun writing it. (Books percolate about in my
- head for a long time before anything goes onto paper.) It will be the
- next thing after THE WHEEL is complete. It will be fantasy, in a
- different universe than THE WHEEL.
- My editor says it will be people's chance to see a society like the
- Seanchan Empire, but that is simply because most of the action will
- take place in a culture much like Seanchan. The main male
- character, who is shipwrecked there, comes from a place that might
- he considered a cross between Elizabethan England and the Italian
- city-states of the Renaissance with touches of the seventeenth
- century. I intend him to be a man in his thirties, a man of some
- experience and worldliness in his own culture (though this does him
- only occasional good where he finds himself), in contrast to Rand's
- innocence and naiveti. The major female character is a
- noblewoman of the land where he is shipwrecked; by the law,
- whatever is cast up on the shores of her estates belongs to her: the
- ship, its cargo -- its crew. Of course, a good many details will surely
- change between now and the commencement of writing (they always
- do), but that is the general form. No working title yet beyond
- SHIPWRECK. I expect to do the story in two or possibly three books.
- As far as any message to the folks on the net.... It is really quite an
- honour to find out that so many of you want to discuss my books in
- such detail. Frankly, I'm both pleased and amazed that you have put
- so much time and effort into it. Well, I hoped Iwas writing something
- that would hold people's interest; it seems maybe I have.
- One thing -- don't think you've reached bottom in your digging. I tried
- to make the books fairly simple on the surface, and quite complex
- underneath. You've dug up a number of points that I thought I had
- buried well enough that they wouldn't come to light for some time yet
- (don't expect me to say which ones), and you've also
- dug up one or two that I never buried in the first place (no hints
- there, either). Jordan's Law, I think, can better be stated along these
- ~lines: "Ah, you think you know how the game goes now? Very good,
- gentlemen. what say we increase the bets just to make it
- interesting?".
- ***************************
- End of letter.
- ***************************
- .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
- |Tom McCormick, Network Supervisor |
- |Department of Computer Studies Tel : 041-331-3286 |
- |Glasgow Caledonian University Fax : 041-331-3277 |
- |Glasgow, G4 OBA Email: T.McCormick@Gcal.ac.uk |
- | "The Wheel Weaves as The Wheel Wills" R. Jordan |
- `---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'