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- From: ninetiger@aol.com (Nine Tiger)
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- The following interview with Robert Jordan was taped on
- November 1, 1994 at ACT Studios in Arlington, Virginia for FAST
- FAST FORWARD is a half-hour public access television
- program produced monthly and broadcast on cable systems in the
- Greater Washington, D.C. area, and on systems in Minnesota and
- New York City. Each program consists of book and media reviews,
- listings of upcoming area events of interest to fans of science
- fiction and fantasy, and an extended interview with an author,
- editor or artist. FAST FORWARD is a production of Da'Guys, Inc.,
- in cooperation with Arlington Community Television, Channel 33.
- Featured guests on FAST FORWARD in 1994 included Paula
- Volsky, Michael Swanwick, Brian Jacques, Lois McMaster Bujold and
- Josepha Sherman. The interview with Mr. Jordan starts off the
- 1995 series of broadcasts, airing during January on the D.C. area
- cable systems. Future 1995 programs will feature interviews with
- Tad Williams, Jane Yolen and Greg Bear. If you have any
- questions or comments, the producers can be reached at
- fstfwdcsf@aol.com
- *****************************************************************
- Robert Jordan Interview on FAST FORWARD: CONTEMPORARY
- FAST FORWARD: We're back, and we're here with the author of THE
- WHEEL OF TIME fantasy series, Robert Jordan. Welcome back, sir.
- Robert Jordan: Thank you for having me.
- FF: When we talked last, you had just finished the third book in
- RJ: Yes.
- FF: Since then, on a regular basis, like clockwork, a novel of
- six to seven hundred pages has arrived at bookstores everywhere
- in October, the latest of which is LORD OF CHAOS. Now that's
- six. When we talked the last time you were here, you didn't have
- a definite number of volumes that the story was going to take to
- tell. At the time you had estimated six or seven -- it was very
- nebulous. We're at number six, and after having read the book,
- my impression was that it was going to take more than one more
- novel to complete this story.
- RJ: Oh, yes.
- FF: Do you have a feel for how much longer it will take? Any
- ideas?
- RJ: There will be several more books.
- FF: Several.
- RJ: There will be some more books. There will be a FEW more
- books. But not too many.
- FF: Not too many.
- RJ: I know the last scene of the last book, I've known it from
- the beginning, I just have to get there.
- FF: Well, let's talk about getting there. Let's talk about the
- process. Let's take a look at LORD OF CHAOS from the moment you
- start it.
- RJ: All right.
- FF: Because you are walking toward a final scene, and because
- you aren't sure how long it's going to take to get there, in
- terms of the events that are going to happen, the people that we
- are going to meet -- let's talk about how you wrote LORD OF
- CHAOS, and the discipline you placed upon yourself to generate
- this 700 page book. How did you go about putting this last novel
- together?
- RJ: Well, first off, along with knowing what the last scene is,
- there are certain events that I know I want to happen. Certain
- things that I want to happen, both in relationships between
- people, and in the world, if you will. I picked out some of
- those events to see if I could fit them in -- from the position
- everyone was in, the position the world was in at the end of the
- last book. I then began to roughly sketch out how I would get
- from one of those to the next. And then I sat down and began
- writing, in the beginning eight hours a day, five or six days a
- week. And -- I do my rewriting while I am doing the writing.
- When I hit the end, I only allow myself to give a final polish.
- I keep going back while I am writing and rewriting the previous
- stuff. By the end of the book I was doing twelve to fourteen
- hours a day, seven days a week. I did that for the last five
- months of LORD OF CHAOS, except that I did take one week off to
- go fly fishing with some brothers and cousins and nephews up in
- the Big Horn and Yellowstone. It was terrific. It kept my brain
- from melting.
- FF: The more intense schedule -- was this a more difficult book
- to write and get to the end of, in terms of the amount of time
- you had to spend than some of the others in the series?
- RJ: No, not really. They're ALL like that. The only difficulty
- this time was that I perhaps went to the seven day a week and
- fourteen hour day a little sooner that I would normally. Partly
- that's because each of these books takes MORE than a year to
- write. The publisher likes to publish them once a year, though.
- With the result that with each book I've slipped a little bit
- more beyond the deadline, and I DON'T LIKE being beyond the
- deadline. So the further beyond the deadline I get, the more I
- want to put the pedal to the floor and get done.
- FF: Does having to put that much time in per day affect your
- focus, your ability to work? I mean, do you ever get the feeling
- when you turn something in that if you had another month to do it
- you could have put more of a "shine" on it, or are you satisfied
- with the product when it is turned in?
- RJ: I'm satisfied and I'm not satisfied. It doesn't have
- anything to do with the time. The effect of the time is that I
- have to work to disengage my mind so that I can go to sleep. I
- have to read somebody else who will engage my thoughts. Charles
- Dickens is always great for that. If I don't do that, I will lie
- there all night thinking about what I'm writing, sure that I will
- go to sleep in just a few minutes now, and then it gets light
- outside, and I haven't been to sleep yet. What happens is that I
- get this DESIRE to keep writing. Once upon a time, before I was
- married, I used to write for thirty hours at a stretch.
- FF: Good Lord.
- RJ: And then I would sleep for nine or ten. I didn't do this
- all year round, it was just when I was working on a book. When I
- get going, I want to keep going. And about the other thing, I
- ALWAYS think I can make the book better. I'd probably spend
- five, six, ten years on a book if I was left to myself, trying to
- polish each phrase. So it's just as well I do have deadlines to
- bring me into the real world.
- FF: When you started this series, with EYE OF THE WORLD -- it
- came put in trade paperback, the second book came out in trade
- paperback, and then they started coming out, initial releases, in
- hard cover.
- RJ: They were in hard cover at the beginning, also.
- FF: For the library editions.
- RJ: Yes, and it was very small printings. The publisher did not
- even offer them to bookstores. And the publisher was frankly
- quite surprised when book stores found out about the hard covers
- and began ordering them. After all, it's a very fat book, a very
- EXPENSIVE book by an essentially unknown writer. They didn't
- think anybody but libraries would buy it.
- FF: Did you think it would be the kind of phenomenon it is? The
- last two have been on the best seller lists.
- RJ: Are you kidding?!
- FF: Did you have any idea it was going to have this kind of
- success?
- RJ: Of course not! I mean you hope for something like this.
- Nobody writes a book and hopes for a flop. And, all right, maybe
- if you write something you've turned out in a month just to get
- enough money to pay the rent, you're not hoping really, with any
- real thought of it making THE NEW YORK TIMES, say. But any book
- you write ordinarily, you hope it's going to be successful, and
- maybe in the back of your head there's some little dream that,
- "Yes this one, this one will make THE TIMES. And they'll invite
- me to Stockholm as well." You know, if your going to dream, why
- not dream? But practicality says, "Forget it Jack."
- FF: But there's additional pressure when you have this level of
- success. I recently plugged into the Internet -- late in my
- life, of course. But I'm there and I'm mostly lurking. You have
- an extremely intense following on the Net. You have your own
- board and discussion group for THE WHEEL OF TIME.
- RJ: So I've been told.
- FF: You have a group of incredibly dedicated fans who have
- labeled themselves "the Darkfriends."
- RJ: I've heard about that, too.
- FF: Which is a little strange, that they're identifying with the
- people your protagonists are struggling against.
- RJ: Well, some people think the snake has all the lines. (Sorry
- George).
- FF: And your work has undergone an INCREDIBLY intense analysis.
- I mean, you have people dissecting PARAGRAPHS, trying to find
- hidden meanings, trying to forecast future events. Trying to
- determine where you drew certain elements of the religions and
- the beliefs and the customs that you have presented in these six
- books.
- RJ: It's all part of the plan. (Laughs)
- FF: It's all part of the plan?
- RJ: Well, not really. Not that anybody would go into that depth
- of analysis. But I want to make the books as layered as
- possible, so that you could read them on the surface and have a
- good time, and no more than that. I have twelve year olds who
- write me fan letters, and I'm certain that's how they read the
- books. But I wanted layers beneath that, and layers beneath
- THAT, so that no matter how many times you read the books there
- would always be something new to find.
- FF: Does it ever present a challenge to you, or do you ever find
- it disconcerting when things that -- you have a progression of
- story, you have some events you want to happen. There are
- certain things that are foreshadowed -- sometimes specifically in
- dreams or in auras that are presented to particularly talented
- people. Are there ever times when people start making
- assumptions that certain things are going to happen that are
- either totally wrong --
- RJ: Oh YES.
- FF: -- or that you don't want them to know that much about
- what's going ahead that has resulted in a rethinking how you're
- going to present things? Has it had any effect on the writing
- itself?
- RJ: No. Not to any real extent. There are two things. One,
- occasionally I will find that the speculation is perhaps getting
- a little too close to something that I want to keep hidden for a
- while yet. So I try to become a little more subtle in talking
- about that. The other thing is that sometimes I discover that
- there's intense discussion over something that I assumed was
- quite obvious. I wasn't trying to hide anything at all, thought
- I was being quite straightforward, and I think, "Maybe I need to
- find a way to slip in something, a mention if it just happens to
- come up anyway, to let them know that this is the way that is
- supposed to be." It's simply a matter of how things come about,
- how it occurs with my work if it happens to come up.
- FF: One of the things I found particularly affecting in this
- latest book -- I enjoy the major characters, I've followed the
- major characters through six volumes. But there are certain
- scenes that really strike me as being very real and very
- personal. For example, in the middle of the book, Mat -- who has
- been sent on a particular mission by Rand -- meets a young boy
- named Olver?
- RJ: Uh-Huh.
- FF: And their meeting, where as Mat is talking to him, Olver is
- showing him his possessions: his little cache of coins, the game
- his father has made for him, and his red hawk's feather and his
- turtle shell.
- RJ: Um-Hum.
- FF: That was a very personal moment, that was a very real, very
- human moment.
- RJ: I try to make it so.
- FF: Which you don't see a lot in some fantasy. That one, and
- Rand's looking into the face of one of the maidens after she has
- died protecting him from an attack. Memorizing her face and name
- because he has vowed to memorize the face and name of all the
- maidens who had sworn to give their lives to protect him. Let's
- talk about that scene in particular, I'm curious about it. You
- had two tours in Vietnam, you've had military experience, you're
- a graduate of the Citadel. Does something like that particularly
- come out of the people you've met in the military and the kinds
- of personalities you met in the military, do you draw any of that
- kind of thing from that?
- RJ: Some of it. I suppose, actually, that particular thing came
- from the only time I was really shaken in combat in shooting at
- somebody, or shooting AT somebody. I had to, uh, I was shooting
- back at some people on a sampan and a woman came out and pulled
- up an AK-47, and I didn't hesitate about shooting her. But that
- stuck with me. I was raised in a very old-fashioned sort of
- way. You don't hurt women -- you don't DO that. That's the one
- thing that stuck with me for a long, long time.
- FF: And that resonates in Perrin's fighting his way toward Rand
- in the climatic scene in this battle. He basically refuses to
- think of them as males or females, because if he thought of the
- person in front of him, trying to kill him, as a female --
- because there is a mixture of both in the group they are fighting
- -- he wouldn't be able to proceed, and he'd end up being killed.
- So he has to blank that out of his mind so he can be purely
- reactive. So it's almost a repeat of that.
- RJ: Yes, in a way it is. It's something that comes out of the
- way they think. And it fits with the society, as well, as it's
- been devised. Three thousand years ago men destroyed the world.
- In effect, O.K. it was the male Aes Sedai, but it was MEN that
- did it. For three thousand years the world has been afraid of
- men who can channel. You have that sort of history, and women
- are going to have power, women are going to have influence and
- prestige. There is not going to be the same sort of subjugation
- of women you find in other cultures in our world. Given that,
- and given the fact that men are, quite simply, stronger than
- women. There's no two ways about it, on the average man is
- stronger than woman.
- FF: We're talking physically stronger.
- RJ: Right. Physically stronger. It's going to be, in many
- cases, a very strong cultural prohibition against a man using
- that strength against a woman. It seemed to me to fit very well
- with the way the cultures are set up.
- FF: We had talked, a little bit, about your schedule and how
- much time you've had to put into the writing, especially the
- latter part of a cycle of completing a book. Do you have to
- think very carefully about taking time away from the writing in
- order to maintain the schedule you keep? I know there has been
- incredible interest in your book tour, which you are currently
- on. As a matter of fact, the reason you are here in Washington,
- D.C. is because the fans of Robert Jordan and THE WHEEL OF TIME
- in this area pitched such a fit --
- RJ: They burned a couple of embassies, I heard.
- FF: -- on the Internet, that TOR added this to your already
- extensive tour schedule. Which allows you to be here, so we
- appreciate that very much -- thank you folks, for doing that.
- But does it make it difficult for you to do the other things you
- want to do in your life? Do you find yourself calculating more
- what it's costing you away from the book?
- RJ: Yes. My vacations are almost inevitably now a few DAYS
- tacked on to the end of a business trip. The fishing trip was an
- aberration of wild dimensions. I stuck with that despite various
- people saying, "Can you really do that, can you really take the
- time out?" I said, "I plan to get my brothers and cousins and
- nephews together. We're going to fly fish, we're going to fly
- fish, I don't CARE, we're going to FLY FISH, and catch some
- trout." But generally I have to think about things like that. I
- don't go to conventions very much anymore, I used to go to a lot
- of them, I don't have the time.
- FF: And that's why, of course, your time is so valuable when you
- are available to people around here. Well, WE'RE out of time, as
- a matter of fact. Mr. Jordan, thank you for being here. Tad
- Williams, when he was on this show, basically called his
- DRAGONBONE CHAIR TRILOGY the "story that ate my life", which it
- seems like THE WHEEL OF TIME, based on our discussion, is at
- least nibbling on the edges of this portion of your life. Which
- for our sakes, in terms of finding out what the end of the story
- will be, we hope won't be TOO much longer. And for your sake
- too, so that you can afford to take a couple of months to go fly
- fishing with your family.
- RJ: It would be nice, but if a book is worth doing, if it's
- worth wrestling down, it's always going to eat your life.
- FF: And on that note we say thank you very much.
- ---- END ----