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Text File | 1995-04-28 | 51.9 KB | 1,094 lines |
- This contains the entries submitted for the "Plot Fires of Heaven Contest"
- held on rec.arts.sf.written a bit *before* TFoH was released. At the Third
- Darkfriend Social, we decided it might be nice to repost these for the newer
- people who weren't around for the contest. It's good for a few laughs in
- hindsight for us 'older' folks, too. Plus, it records the origin of the MPS
- in Sir MPS. Special thanks to Erica Sadun for coordinating the contest,
- ******************************************************************************
- The Board of Trustees of the
- proudly present
- V A R I O U S P L O T S
- F O R
- T H E F I R E S O F H E A V E N
- ******************************************************************************
- The categories:
- * Most Plausible
- * Most Novel
- * Most Humorous
- * Best >Overt< References to Lanfear
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Lars H. Tombre]
- |\// Submission 1 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
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- The definite storyline to 'The Fires of Heaven':
- 1) Rand will use the Aiel to get rid of his problems in Cairhien.
- 2) The fake 'He who comes with the dawn' will try his best to piss
- Rand off. He will have support by the majority of Aiel.
- 3) Rhuarc will lay down his spear and join the Tinkers.
- 4) Loial will reach the conclusion : Enough is enough ! and run home
- to his mother who immediately has him married off.
- 5) Logain will be the centre of a sinister plot by Siuan Sanche to regain
- position as head of the tower.
- 6) Perrin will spend his time fruitlessly hunting Slayer.
- 7) Mat is kidnapped one night while out gambling, and taken by the
- Seanchan over the Endless(!) Seas.
- 8) Elayne spends ger time fawning over Rand.
- 9) Egwene spends most of the book lost in tel'arinrhod (sp?). She only gets
- out after promising Birgitte to join the undead champions.
- 10)Min runs away from Siuan and helps Gawyn search for the ex-seat. Gawyn
- is on a search-and-destroy mission sent by Elaida.
- 11)Lanfear sees the wrong of her ways and decides to try seducing Gaul
- instead of Rand.
- 12)Nynaeve spends her time muttering 'Burn that woman' (Else see 8, switch
- with Lan)
- 13)Lan is stoically brave as always, and won't let personal gratification
- come in the way of duty.
- 14)Bayle Domon will once again mysteriously enter the scene of action. This
- time he is the captain of a vessel hijacked by the Seanchan. (The vessel
- incidentally takes Mat to the New World.
- 15)Moiraine is her own mysterious self. She decides to forgo Rand for awhile
- to help Siuan in her quest.
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Geoff Wiseman]
- |\// Submission 2 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
- ========================
- Rand chases down Couladin, faces his down, and gets that bit resolved, then
- brings the Aiel to war against the lands west of the Three-fold land. At
- the end of the book, he's married Elayne, and is on the throne of Camelyn.
- He also defeats Sammael, having learned from Asmodean. More sexual
- tension with Lanfear, but no coital activies (sorry, Roy).
- Perrin goes awandering again, with Faile & Aram, and ends up finding the song.
- Siuan Sanche and Leane catch up with Elayne/Nyneave/Seanchan and track the
- BA a little more. The escaped false dragon ends up with the BA (Taim? Is
- that who it was?). The BA continue to elude them.
- Elayne learns more about the dreamworld, and she and Perrin track down
- "Slayer" somewhat, but don't catch him. (Isam is going to have to have
- a showdown with Lan).
- Mat gets capture in the hopes of getting Rand to follow along, and is taken
- to the courts of the nine moons.
- Who am I forgetting? Lan meets up with Isam, Moiraine clashes with
- Eleida, and uh ... that's pretty much it.
- Now, 'bout the "fires of heaven". My best guess is that Rand (with the
- one massive sa'angreal) and Lanfear (with the other) have a little tiff.
- *grin*
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Emma Pease]
- |\// Submission 3 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
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- Tam and Abell (Mat's father, I think I got the name right) are told
- what their sons have been up to. Haven't decided who will do the
- telling. Obvious candidates are Perrin, Faile, Loial, and Verin.
- Nasty one would be one of the forsaken or another of the DO's
- creatures who would put a particularly bad slant on it.
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Arthur Bernard Byrne]
- |\// Submission 4 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
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- Prediction: (obvious) the Seachan will get their hands on the
- sa'adam by capturing the ship before it goes overboard. (The deep spot
- it's to be thrown into is off of some islands, which the begining of the
- 4th book shows to be under Seachan control.)
- Prediction: The invasion of Cairhein will be completed by the end
- of book 5 or 6, and Rand al'Thor will seat Moiraine Damodred on the throne,
- whether she wants to be there or not. (Begining book 4, he says he has a
- candidate in mind.)
- Prediction: Faile is second in line for the throne of Saladea. (known)
- Her aunt, the Queen, is an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah, and her Father
- the Queen's warder. Both will be killed by the book's end, leaving Perrin
- Goldeneyes lord of Manetheren, ruling from the Blight in the north to
- the Manetherendrelle on the south. (Side guess: the manetheren crown jewels will
- be found behind the falls of Eldrene's veil.)
- Prediction: Gra'endal (sp?) is either suldam in the Court of the
- Nine Moons, or the suldam raised to the blood. Matrim, when he encounters
- her in book 6, will be protected by the amulet from the Aelfar, and will
- leash her.
- Prediction (Wild): One of the Hundred companions will return, having
- spent the last three thousand years sheilding himself behind the Mirrors
- of the wheel from its grinding, if not the dark one's taint.
- Prediction: Elaine will be threatened by one of the Forsaken, and
- Thom Merrilin, having overheard one too many lectures on the One Source,
- will discover his own trainable ability to channel, aiding Elaine in the
- capture of the Forsaken.
- Prediction: At least half of these predictions will be wrong. :)
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Michael "Sir MPS" Macchione]
- |\// Submission 5 \//| [Winner: First Place, Best Lanfear References]
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
- ========================
- The Fires of Heaven
- Plotline:
- Rand begins to get bored with his studying and repeatedly gets annoyed
- with Asmodean. Lanfear appears tries to convince Rand to continue to
- study with him. Rand repeatedly refuses. Lanfear seduces him. They have
- mad passionate sex. Rand changes his mind.
- After having been hung, Mat finds that his luck is changing for the worse.
- He eventually finds himself captured by the Seanchan. After getting
- himself in even worse trouble with the Seanchan, he is forced to marry the
- Daughter of the Nine Moons. After getting one look at her, Mat attempts
- to blind himself so that he won't have to look at that hideous face. He
- is stopped after only blinding one eye. On the night before the wedding
- Lanfear approaches Mat, and since she pities him, they have mad passionate
- sex. Mat's luck turns back around.
- Perrin and Faile have marital difficulties. She keeps wanting to go out
- and get into the thick of it all; He wants her safe and sound. After an
- intense argument, his animal nature breaks through and he, having lost
- control, runs off into the woods. Lanfear finds him and coaxes him back
- to humanity. At which point, other parts of his animal nature come
- through. They have mad passionate sex. Perrin learns to control his
- wolven nature.
- After spending so much time with the other 12 members of the Black Ajah,
- Liandrin comes to the realization that she, like all members of the Red
- Ajah, is a lesbian. At one point, Lanfear visits her, to give her some
- new orders. Liandrin attempts to seduce Lanfear. They _don't_ have mad
- passionate sex. Liandrin is toast.
- While experimenting with traveling, Rand inadvertently travels back in
- time to the First Age. He encounters a young man, and accidently brings
- him back to the Third Age. Lanfear attempts to console the poor misplaced
- man. They have mad passionate sex. Roy finally gets to know if Lanfear
- is good in bed.
- All of the major females in the story get upset that Lanfear has made out
- eith their men and try to cut her down. Galad, now Whitecloak
- captain, notices this woman being attacked by so many women who can channel
- and comes to her rescue. He spirits her away from the clash. They
- have mad passionate sex. During the orgasmic experience, Lanfear
- discovers that he can channel. She coaches him for a while (having seen
- Asmodean teach Rand), but soon the revolt finds them. They use the
- Kick-ass sa-angreals and cause fires to rain down from the heavens
- destroying all of the pesky females. Galad fears that he may have broken
- a rule someplace and goes into hiding.
- Logain makes his way to Tear, in an effort to grab Callandor. Lanfear
- stops him, telling him it would destroy him. He insists that he must grab
- the sword. She stops him the only way she knows how. They have extremely
- mad and passionate sex. And as he plunges his "sword which isn't a sword"
- into her, the two share an experience unlike any before. The experience
- ungentles Logain and in a combined uncontrolled outburst of the One Power
- from the two lovers a seal is broken and Ishmael is once again killed.
- Logain comes into his glory as the only man in Randland that can satisfy
- Lanfear.
- :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):*):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Judith Ellen Ghirardelli]
- |\// Submission 6 \//| [Winner: First Place, Most Plausbile]
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
- ========================
- Here is my plot line for The Fires of Heaven :
- In the Waste : Asmodean teaches Rand to shield his dreams, to
- channel, to travel. He learns Couladin has taken an army of
- Aiel and is marching on Cairhein. Rand realizes that his army
- from Tear is in Cairhein, so he and his Aiel army set off for
- there also. Egwene, Moiraine, Mat and Lan go with him.
- In Saldaea: Fear runs rampant. Trollocs are everywhere, the
- Blight creeps closer. Queen Tenobia is viciously murdered; no
- one saw anyone enter her chambers, but that doesn't make her
- any less dead. Runners are sent out searching for the heir-
- apparent, who ran off some 8 months ago. Reward is offered
- for any info of where Zarine Bashere might be found...
- Near Saldaea: A faction of BA have helped Mazrim Taim to escape.
- His joy at being free is short-lived; he soon discovers he is a
- pet of the BA, and is forced to do nefarious things under the
- name of Rand Al'Thor. Rumors of Rand Al'Thor's "madness" and
- cruelty travel like the wind...
- In the Tower: Elaida's joy at being Amyrlin at last is also short-
- lived. She learns she is under the control of the BA (Alviarin and
- Danelle) and that Siuan Sanche and Leanne did truly walk in the
- Light. She is told they never could have pulled off the coup
- without Elaida's help, and when the BA finally get their hands
- on the 3 Accepted Brats, they will all be turned to the Shadow.
- Then Elaida is stilled...
- In Caemlyn: The armies of Andor are preparing to march to Cairhein
- under Lord Gaebril's orders. Morgase hears of the coup in the
- Tower, and is worried about Elayne, Galad and Gawyn. She confronts
- Gaebril. She orders that the troops stay at home and a small
- contingent escort her to Tar Valon. Gaebril/Rahvin decides he is
- tired of playing with this particular queen. He says no, they
- march on Cairhein. Morgase -"Just who do you think you are??!!".
- He responds "It's about time I told you. I am Rahvin, you
- stupid bitch! *I* am in control here. We march on Cairhein."
- Morgase is horrified. She sends a note via Tallvanor to Gareth
- Bryne. He reads it, and then is almost killed by a grey man.
- He flees Caemlyn, vowing to return to save his Queen...
- Meanwhile, back at home: Tam, Abel, the Luhhans, and the Al'Vere's
- sit Perrin and Faile down and ask them to tell them what is going
- on. What are they involved in? Where are Mat, Rand , Egwene
- and Ny, really? Why have Perrin's eyes changed color, etc.
- Perrin and Faile are forced to tell them the truth ("Perrin,
- they deserve to know".) Tam seems to be not too surprised.
- He *has* been out in the world, and knows the Prophecies after
- all. A peddler comes to town and announces the news out of Tar
- Valon, Tear and Saldaea - the Tower has fallen, the Tairen army
- marches on Cairhein, and good Queen Tenobia of Saldaea is dead,
- the Light protect her soul. According to the peddler, they are now
- looking for Zarine Bashere, who will be Queen. And the Dragon
- Reborn is outside Saldaea. He is called Rand AL'Thor, and has
- gone mad and started breaking the world, first with Saldaea. Perrin
- and Faile are stunned and overwhelmed. They decide to go to
- Saldaea to put Faile on the throne and for Perrin to try to
- reason with "Rand". ("how did he get from Tear to Saldaea??"
- "Well, he *is* the Bloody Dragon Reborn!!"). Now, when Perrin,
- Faile, Tam, Alanna and some others are about to leave, no sign can
- be found of Verin. Her warder is found dead...
- Meanwhile in tanchico: the Seanchan attack, taking the city.
- Elayne is captured and leashed. Ny fights her way free (with
- the Dream Ring). Ny tells Egwene about it through the DreamWorld.
- Offshore Egeanin and Bayle Domon are captured, before dumping the
- sad bracelets into the Mariana trench. Suroth knows what to do
- with those bracelets...
- Rand, while marching to Cairhein, learns from Egwene about the
- attack and Elayne's capture. He and Mat travel or portal stone to
- Tanchico. To cover up his Aiel looks, Rand disguises himself as a
- blind beggar. Mat is captured. Mat and Elayne are shipped off
- to Seanchan. There the daughter of the Nine Moons takes a liking
- to Mat, and inspects him. She finds the Raven and the Tower symbols
- on him. To save him, she marries him. It all happened too fast
- for him to follow...
- Gareth Bryne meets up with SS, Leanne, Logain, Min and others
- (including Sheriam and Anaiya). They sneak into Caemlyn to
- find that Rahvin has killed Morgase. Bryne kills Rahvin, whom
- they surprised. Padan Fain, although present, is not noticed,
- and he slips away... Now the armies of Andor have started
- marching, and there is no one to stop them. Where is that
- fool girl Elayne???
- Gawyn hears there is turmoil in Andor and leaves the Tower.
- The Seanchan armies take all of the west coast, almost to Saldaea,
- and Mazrim Taim, who they think is Rand and the Dragon, is sad
- braceleted. Faile and Perrin, now in Saldaea, stop the advancing
- hoard. They think Rand has been captured.
- The Seanchan army now turns west, to attack the Tower, and salt the
- ground it stands on...
- Rand, who snuck onto the ship carrying Mat and Elayne to Seanchan,
- sneaks into Elayne's room. He finds her collared, but the
- bracelet is hanging empty on a peg. They embrace, while a sul'dam
- sneaks up on them, and puts the bracelet around Rand's wrist.
- They both start to die screaming. In their pain, they both
- touch the source, channeling enough to cause the earth to shudder.
- Back at home, Dragonmount errupts, and fires rain down from Heaven.
- A seal is broken somewhere. Back in Seanchan, Mat runs to their
- aid, kills the sul'dam, and cuts off Rand's hand with his spear.
- They cauterize it with a white hot iron.
- Meanwhile, Egwene and some Aiel have left the main army to
- head towards the Tower. they meet Gareth Byrne and Co. They
- proclaim Egwene Amyrlin. In walks Gawyn, who grabs her about the
- neck and asks "Where is my sister?". Egwene tells him, and
- convinces him that they fight for the Dragon and the Light.
- At his time, the ash from Dragonmount obliterates the sun,
- plunging them all into dark. When the ash subsides, and the sun
- shines again, Gawyn says "Then you just fight for the Light.
- Word comes from the Seanchan South of Saldaea. Rand Al'Thor
- is dead." They are all shocked. (Of course, *Taim* is dead
- now, killed by too much sad bracelet channeling; Rand just
- needs a hand about now.)
- The good Aiel (under Rhuarc) and the Tairen Army defeat Couladin's
- army before the Andor army arrives. Word is out that Morgase
- is dead, and so is Rand Al'thor. The sun is obliterated by
- ash, and when the ash clears, Rand and Elayne (having traveled)
- stand amongst them, shining like the sun. Thus is Elayne
- crowned Queen. Thus does the day dawn twice.
- Thus book 5 ends with Elayne Queen and Rand probable King of Andor.
- He places Moiraine on the throne of Cairhein. The Seanchan hold
- most of the west (except Saldaea) and Tar Valon. Mat is
- still with the Seanchan, not having been able to escape. Faile is
- Queen of Saldaea. She, Perrin and the Two-Rivers folk, along
- with Gareth Byrne's Company (SS, Logain, Egwene, etc) all believe
- Rand to be dead.
- Ending Prophecy :
- Thus when the time shall come, the Dragon will burn us for
- his pain, and the fires from heaven will rain down upon us.
- And in his pain shall be his joy, that his wounds of madness
- might be healed. What cutting of hope is this? Oh, People,
- pray for his pain, that we might have fire, and blood, and
- healing. And the Light will shine once more.
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Erica Sadun]
- |\// Submission 7 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
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- TFOH starts with Bayle Domon and Egeanin being taken by the Seanchin.
- The sad bracelets are taken at the same time.
- Min, Logain and SS are on their way to Tear. When Logain arrives in
- tear, he will pull the sword.
- Ordeith/Fain heads up from two rivers to Camlyn, spreading bad word about
- "Lord Perrin Goldeneyes", the upstart to Morgase through Rahvin/Gaebril.
- She orders Perrin's arrest. When Perrin & Faile arrive in Caemlyn, they
- are immediately arrested. Perrin makes it away and heads to Saldea, meets
- up with Faile's father Gen. Bashire and brings an army down into Caemlyn
- bringing that city to ruins. They then run off to the far far far east
- to escape retribution.
- Nynaeve and Elayne start back to Tar Valon, believing their mission is done.
- They head that way via Carhein, bumping into Rand and company who are
- arriving from the three-fold land. Rand has been in training with
- Asmodeus and is becoming far better at channeling and control. Mat, still
- with Rand, is sent with Elayne to the island of the Wind Channelers to
- spread the word about Rand however, since this island is controlled by
- the Seanchin already, they are taken captive and Elayne is collared.
- Berelain, proud descendant of Artur is clawing her way into becoming the
- next Empress. Mat is tortured because of his raven staff.
- [Alternatively: Nynaeve and Elayne do not meet up with Rand and are taken
- captive by teh Whitecloaks. Rand attempts to save them, is beat up by several
- Forsaken, has his hand cut off and is cut off from the one power as Logain
- pulls the sword].
- Lanfear keeps looking out for all the good guys and begins to think that
- Logain isn't so bad looking himself.
- Nynaeve and Lan/Moiraine and Thom finally...well YOU know!
- Oh. And did I mention that Egwene, now turned to the dark, becomes
- the Amyrlin seat and deposes Elaida who was good after all?
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- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Judith Ellen Ghirardelli]
- |\// Submission 8 \//| [Winner: Second Place, Most Humorous (tie)]
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/| [Winner: Third Place, Best Lanfear References]
- ======================== [Winner: Third Place, Most Novel]
- Plot - line for The Fires of Heaven
- In the Waste: Bubbles of evil burst forth, attacking Mat
- and Rand, who master them eventually.
- Back in the 2 Rivers: Perrin just awakens when a cock
- crows 3 times. Faile's undergarments come alive and
- attack him. Perrin fights them, while not making any noise
- to awaken Faile, who needs her sleep since she has PMS
- (probably morning sickness). Perrin, not wanting to damage
- her underclothes, finally masters them by grabbing them when
- they come close and putting them on. At last the fight is
- over. Faile awakens to her horror, seeing Perrin wearing her
- lingerie. She becomes the 1st woman in Randland to suspect
- her husband is a cross-dresser.
- In Tar Valon, the long lost Jaim Farstrider has finally
- shown up with the story about the Eye of the World. He got
- lost between the stedding and the Tower, turned east instead of
- west, and has spent the last 20 years with the people east of the
- Waste, for whom he was their love slave. At last he was freed,
- by some woman dressed in white and silver. The most beautiful
- and unsatisfiable woman he had ever met. She frees him,
- talking mysteriously about how some men just reach out and grab
- *things*, while for others it must be forced upon them. Very
- confused, he completes his trip to Tar Valon to deliver his story.
- The Aes Sedai don't even care since it is now known that the Eye
- is gone. There, he runs into Laras, whom he embraces! He never
- thought he'd find her again. We learn that Laras is really his
- long lost twin sister, Jain Farstrider! Jaim and Jain are
- reunited at last!
- Meanwhile in the 2 rivers, Aram the Tinker goes off on a kind
- of pilgrimage into the Mountains of Mist. There he finds a
- treasure - da Song at last! He is very confused though as
- to the meaning of da Song. It begins "Since my baby left me,
- I've found a new place to dwell...". Through very subtle hints
- by Jordan, we find out that the remains of Graceland lie in the
- Mountains of Mist, and that Aram is actually Elvis Reborn (This
- will become a new trilogy, the books being _The Hole of the Dougnut_,
- _The Great Hips_, and _The "King" Reborn_.)
- Meanwhile in Caemlyn, Padan Fain for some odd reason has started
- referring to the dagger from Shadar Logoth as "my precious".
- It is discovered that east of the lands east of the Waste live
- dwarves and elves. (the Net revolts!)
- Jordan gives hints to indicate that the great spike in the middle
- of the bowl in the mountain is actually the long lost Mars Observer.
- In Tanchico, Liandrin of course realizes at last that she is a
- lesbian. After meeting Suroth again, they fall in love. When
- Bors comes to visit, Suroth gets ideas about letting him into
- their love sessions. Liandrin is digusted and rejects Bors.
- Bors makes some disparaging remark which contains the words
- "dyke bitch". Liandrin *hates* to be called that, and toasts
- Bors.
- Logain and Co. make it to Tear, where he pulls the Sword from
- the Stone, and is ungentled in the process. After re-examining
- the Prophecies, it is discovered that *Logain* is the true Dragon
- Reborn, and that Rand is just another False Dragon on a Tar
- Valon leash. Book 5 ends, ending the Series with Logain dying
- and saving the world, and Rand being gentled and living happily
- ever after as Lanfear's love slave in the lands east of the
- waste.
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- ========================
- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Mark Looi]
- |\// Submission 9 \//| [Winner: Second Place, Most Plausible]
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
- ========================
- My plot for the Fires of Heaven
- --------------------------------
- Logain and Siuan find themselves developing a kinship (probably because
- they've both been stilled). Upon reaching Tear, Logain attempts to
- pull out Callandor. The traps Rand have set trigger. The traps were
- designed to redirect any use of the One Power back into the channeller,
- destroying the channeller in the process. The traps result in Logain
- being unstilled. Logain becomes the new leader of Tear.
- One of the first things that Rand learns from Asmodean is the skill of
- Travelling. Rand Travels to Cairhien to join up with the Tairen army
- primarily to remind them of their mission and to show them how powerful
- he is. He finds that the High Lords sent with the Tairen army have been
- disregarding his instructions and attempting to conquer the Cairhiens.
- In a fit of rage, Rand destroys the High Lords with balefire. Rand
- finds that he has been betrayed by Asmodean, and that his Travelling
- ability is imperfect and he is unable to Travel without the assistance
- of Asmodean. Rand is unable to return to the Aiel Waste. Asmodean
- escapes and hides, waiting for the shields to fade.
- Couladin leads some of the Aiel into Cairhien to destroy Rand. Egwene
- continues her studies in Dreaming and gets a message to Rand about
- Couladin's army. Rand instructs the Wise Ones (and Egwene) to bring
- the rest of the Aiel army to him. This army is led by Rhuarc. Mat,
- Egwene, Moiraine, Lan and Aviendha go with the army.
- In the ensuing battle between Aiel, all water oaths are forgotten and
- Aiel kill Aiel beyond the Spine of the World. The devastation is
- extensive, and only a handful of Aiel survive. Mat, Egwene, Moiraine,
- Lan and Aviendha all survive. Rand leads the remaining Aiel and the
- Tairen army onwards into Cairhien and takes control of the Sun Throne.
- Meanwhile, Bayle Domon sets sail for a deep part of the ocean. Egeanin
- sails with him. They sail right into the path of Lady Suroth's fleet,
- where they are captured. Because of her attraction to Domon, Egeanin
- saves him, by pretending that they were sailing to present the sad
- bracelets as a gift to the Empress - a method of controlling male
- channellers. They are taken to the Seanchan land.
- Elayne and Nynaeve can't find anymore of the Black Ajah in Tanchico and
- decide to return to the tower. They do find something that throws
- even more suspicion on Moiraine. They tell Egwene of their discoveries
- and their plans through their meeting in Tel'aran'rhiod, but urge her
- not to tell Moiraine. Their meeting is cut short by the arrival of
- some Black Ajah in Tel'aran'rhiod who are now hunting Elayne and
- Nynaeve there.
- Min finds out that Rand is now in Cairhien and immediately leaves Tear
- to join Rand. She carries word of the Tar Valon coup to the party at
- Cairhien. Egwene realises in dismay that Elayne and Nynaeve are
- walking right back into trouble. Unable to confide in Moiraine, she
- leaves Cairhien in the middle of the night, but is surprised by Lan.
- When Lan finds out that Nynaeve is headed for the tower, he finally
- breaks his bonds to Moiraine (emotionally, not Warderly) and joins
- Egwene in a mad rush to the tower. Elayne and Nynaeve too afraid to
- enter Tel'aran'rhiod again and as such are unable to meet Egwene there.
- In the tower, we find out that Shemerin (one of those involved in the
- coup) is really the Forsaken Semirhage. She is now trying to take over
- control of the tower. Elayne and Nynaeve arrive at the tower first,
- and are imprisoned by Elaida who is under the influence of Semirhage.
- Semirhage is afraid that she will be exposed by Elayne and Nynaeve and
- has them sentenced to be stilled. In desperation, Elayne enters
- Tel'aran'rhiod and manages to contact Egwene. In the ensuing attack,
- Semirhage is exposed, Elaida and Sheriam are killed, and finally
- Semirhage is killed by Egwene. In the confusion, it is assumed that
- the three girls have been raised to full sisters and Egwene is elected
- the new Amyrlin Seat.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ========================
- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Stephanie Mason]
- |\// Submission 10 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
- ========================
- *****************************************************************
- as revealed to <deleted>
- Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Who has recently developed the Talent of Prophesy <Giggle>
- *****************************************************************
- Egwene completes her training as a dreamer and returns to
- the Tower. On her way she hears about the coup. As she comes
- closer to Tar Valon she gathers many of the scattered Aes Sedai
- around her. They go on to take back the Tower.
- In the process we learn that Egwene's Accepted Test was
- fairly accurate because the ring Ter Angreal reacted with the
- Testing Ter Angreal forcing her into a world much closer to the
- one they currently live in. Elaida is "Blacker than the rocks of
- Shayol Ghul!" (How can this be reconciled with the glimpse into
- her mind in TSR? Simple!)
- Elaida has long been a power hungry Wench! Her first
- prophetic experience convinced her (in her natural Red zeal to
- defeat the Dark One) that the most powerful position for her was
- to guide the Andor line in its role against the DO. She set
- aside her aspirations to the Amyrlin seat to become the Aes Sedai
- appointed to the court of Andor. Shortly after her arrival in
- Andor she sent Red Ajah after Thom's nephew Owyn knowing that he
- would go to Owyns rescue without telling Morgase why. Thus she
- eliminated her only rival for most trusted advisor.
- Then after Morgase returns from Tar Valon mad as hell that
- SS would not tell her where Elayne was She sends Elaida packing.
- On her return to Tar Valon, Elaida becomes convinced that SS is
- up to something and maybe it is time that somebody else is AS.
- She confides in The White sister whose name I can't remember.
- (BUT we already knew all this. now for some completely new
- insight into the background on the coup)
- For her efforts in the coup Elaida is taken by her friend in
- white (who is BA) to a gathering of 13 BA and 13 Myrdraal where
- she is turned against her will to the DO.
- *****************************************************************
- Now my brain is completely strained to remember anything so this
- is all for now maybe I'll send more later
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ========================
- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Christopher T. Flora]
- |\// Submission 11 \//| [Winner: First Place, Most Humorous]
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/| [Winner: Third Place, Most Plausible]
- ========================
- The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that
- become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten
- when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the
- third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose
- in the Spine of the World. The wind was not the beginning. THere are
- neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time.
- But it was *a* beginning.
- Rand al'Thor was trotting along, his horse underneath him.
- Aviendha was still spouting some nonsense about Elayne. The Light
- burn her! He wished that he had Perrin's knack with girls. Or even
- Mat's. Mat always seemed to get around with the ladies. In the
- background, one of those wretched Aiel was playing a set of pipes,
- while some others were dancing merrily. He recognized the tune as
- "The Weeping Willow," but they called it "The Dance of Death". He
- reflected on the vast differences in culture that he had discovered on
- his jouney, how the name of a song could be so indicative of the
- culture he was passing through, wreaking havoc and turmoil along the
- way. "Why do they have to play that blasted pipe?" he muttered
- angrily.
- Moiraine suddenly appeared and said,"The will weaves the wind
- mill, Rand. Tell me your dreams. Only I have anything like the
- strenghth of mind to unravel them. What are your plans? You cannot
- possibly be so foolish as to beleive that after you have come this far
- in your career, you could possibly not need me now. You _are_
- a'tavern."
- Rand jumped. "Light, woman! Shut up. Get out of my sight."
- Perrin just could not understand Faile. It seemed as if she talked a
- different language. He wished that he had the knack with women that
- Rand and Mat did. Light, Rand had the daughter-heir of Andor hanging
- all over him. He never had the sort of problems that Perrin
- constantly had with Faile. But Light, Rand was the Bloody Dragon
- Reborn! How would Tam like to hear that? "Well, sir, Rand's doing
- fine, except that he's due to go crazy in, oh, say, a few weeks from
- now. Then he'll start blasting everybody across Hell and half of
- Georgia." Light!
- One of the villages looked at him. It always made Perrin jump
- when people looked at him. It didn't matter if they cared about his
- yellow eyes or not. He just hated it. The cravings he'd been getting
- lately didn't help much. Why, just last week, Master Luhhan had found
- him out in the stable, devouring a raw cow that he had recently ripped
- the throat out of. For some reason, though, every time he thought
- about his eyes or his connection to the wolves, the back of his mind
- itched. *Light! No! I _will_ not!* Angrily, he pushed it back.
- Everyone in the village thought it was strange that he had begun
- decorating his rooms with wolf skins and heads, but he didn't care.
- He watched warily as someone walked up to him. Light, just because
- someone was walking up to him didn't mean he was bloody a'tavern!
- "Perrin? I have these two sets of shoes. Which ones do you
- think I should put on?"
- Perrin responded slowly. "Well, which ones do you think you
- should put on?"
- "Well, this pair doesn't have any soles, toes, or heels. I
- was thinking of throwing them away and wearing my other pair."
- Perrin responded slowly. "Well, perhaps that is what you
- should do."
- "Okay. Thanks."
- Why did everybody continue coming to him with these stupid
- questions?
- "I'm _not_ bloody a'tavern!!!!!"
- Mat knew as the knife ran through his heart that his luck had run out.
- He wished that he had the knack with girls that Perrin and Rand did.
- He gurgled something under his breath around the blood that was
- trickling out. He heard someone mutter, "Light! The old tongue!"
- Egwene finally returns to the White Tower. She is immediately
- stilled, collared, and killed.
- Logain reaches Tear. He grasps Callandor. He feels the One Power
- coursing through his veins. He thinks, "the traps that Rand set must
- have backfired! I can channel again!" The traps come back on line,
- and he is fried, extra crispy.
- Rand decides it is time to really ruin some Forsaken's day. He makes
- a beeline to the one that he is least expected to go to, muttering
- about it the entire time. Ba'alzamon starts running, realizing that
- he's probably gonna have to die *again* at the end of this novel.
- Probably twice, two.
- Nynaeve and Elayne strangle each other.
- The White Tower exterminates all women within 100 leagues of the White
- Tower, including Leane, Suian Sanche, and Min. And themselves.
- And all the damane that the Seanchan were bringing.
- Rand finds some more Myrdraal and Trollocs and bastes them.
- The Final Chapter.
- "BA'ALZAMON!!!!!!!!!"
- "Look, can't we talk about this?"
- The Cat in the Barrel meets Dog in Heat.
- The Troubled Millpond meets Hurricane Hugo.
- The Mad Panicked Flight meets Death Incarnate.
- "Shit. Not again!"
- "BA'ALZAMON!!!!!!!!"
- Rand says,"I did it. I killed Shai'tan well and truly, this time!"
- Moiraine says, "You Fool! Do you dare mention his name?"
- Rand replies,"Piss off. Go somewhere."
- Lan twitches an eyebrow, which is the same as the death yawp in most
- men.
- "And it came to be that the Dragon Reborn kicked heap big ass."
- Chief Running Away, fourth age
- The End of the Fifth Book of The Wheel Of Thyme
- Book six: The Death of Rand - coming in December '99
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ========================
- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Erica Sadun]
- |\// Submission 12 \//| [Winner: First Place, Most Novel (tie)]
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/| [Winner: Second Place, Most Humorous (tie)]
- ========================
- Rand is approached by one of the Wise Ones. She gives him a ring that was
- left to him by his uncle. Together with his friends, merry Matrim and
- grinning Perrin, he go off to fight Sauron...I mean the evil one. The ghost
- of his desceased mother, who was really one of the bene gaes sedai leads
- him on his way as he becomes addicted to spice and rides the sand worms.
- Golem, I mean Padain Fain meets them on the way and slices Rand's finger...no!
- his entire hand off before plummeting into Shayol Ghul and his water is
- retrieved for all.
- Meanwhile when Egwene wakes up from the world of dreams with a broken leg
- and a concussion in a small resthome run by two wisdoms, she realizes that
- one of her eight sisters is out to get her to prevent her from taking
- over the throne that her real father has abandoned. She begins to believe that
- she has been suffering from amnesia, that the mayor and his wife are not
- really her parents and that, in fact, she is living in only a shadow of
- the Real World of which Tel'ar'rhiond is just a part. She keeps thinking
- about unicorns. She begins to understand that Lanfear has taken over
- Garnet...Sapphire...something like that and intends to keep her in this
- rest home forever. She overcomes the wisdoms, dresses in silver and black,
- the colors of house Jhereg, and begins the ShadowWalk home through the
- ter'angreal.
- Elsewhere, the Aiel freemen point Rand in the direction of his next conquest
- over the spine of the world. He has sired an illegitimate child on his
- hitherto unknown sister. His marriage to Avienda is on the rocks because
- of this seduction and because she was seduced by Lan and betrayed his
- trust. Meanwhile, he is uniting all the countries of the world and giving
- them the true law.
- Siuan Sanche, cut off from laran, decides to bed Logain now that fear
- for clogging her channels has passed. However, the fling is so electrifying
- that he is ungentled and starts calling himself Conan.
- Loial decides that he is sick of being just an Ogier and takes up assasination,
- and his best friend Kiera the Thief helps place him in the house of the
- Jhereg when Egwene arrives. Just as the Seanchin are going to blind her and
- throw her into the dungeon by the grace of Lanfear, Mat pleads for her life and
- sacrifices one of his own eyes for her.
- Bayle Domon learns that his true name is Beldomon and that he is heir to a
- small island country and is destined to rule the west. Egeanin reveals that
- she is not entirely human and is in fact part tree. Beldomon cuts her up
- and uses her to build a new ship. He hires crewmen Scotty and Bones to
- help him run this new schooner.
- Nynaeve is busy trying to establish herself as the twin sister of the
- ruler of Illian. She keeps trying to hide her claws and the other evidence
- of her Shanir nature. Lan, in penitence for his affair with Avienda, keeps
- showing up at the Catteracts, but is not permitted entrance into the forbidden
- tower.
- In the end, Sauron dies.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ========================
- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Joe "Uno" Shaw]
- |\// Submission 13 \//| [Winner: First Place, Most Novel (tie)]
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/| [Winner: Second Place, Best Lanfear References]
- ========================
- _The Fires of Heaven_ plot summary:
- The story begins:
- "The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving
- memories that become as legendary as Roy's lust for Lanfear. Legend
- fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten, like our real work
- will be when the Fires of Heaven is finally released, when the Age
- that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by
- some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in The Spine
- of the World as Lanfear blew a long-distance kiss to Rand. The wind
- was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to
- the Wheel of Time, as Lanfear's love for Lews Therin is eternal. But
- it was _a_ beginning.
- Born among snow-capped peaks that seemed to touch the heavens,
- the peaks glowing in the moonlight like Lanfear's thighs that time she
- was wearing one of Rand's shirts in tGH, the chill wind howled east and
- down, between rugged peaks of dark rock as smooth of vegetation as
- Lanfear's skin is smooth, the contrast between the rock and snow
- reminiscent of Lanfear's hair against her bare back. Over rock-strewn
- hills as confused as Rands thoughts about Lanfear, the wind blew itself
- dry of moisture long before it began to sweep over the vast
- scapes of the Aiel Waste, a land as barren as Lanfear's heart would be
- without her love for Lews Therin. Were it daylight, the wind would be
- heated by the sun as if in were passing through the furnace of Lanfear's
- passionate desire, but it was a cool, dry wind that made Jasin Nateel
- shiver, pulling his gleeman's cloak as many-colored as Lanfear has moods
- tighter around him as he sat to the left of a man that
- seemed oblivious to the wind with his red coat hanging unbuttoned, a
- man harder than the Aiel scattered around the camp and yet softer than
- Lanfear's busom, Rand al'Thor, the _Car'a'carn_, He Who Comes With the
- Dawn, The Dragon Reborn, and the object of Lanfear's affections..."
- The scene fades to black, and then we see a contemporary living room
- with two seedy looking youths sitting on a couch in what admittedly
- amounts to nothing but a cheap way to throw in another Lanfear
- reference:
- "heh heh heh... Lanfear is Babe-a-licious... heh heh heh"
- The story starts out with Rand et al. waiting at Alcair Dal for the
- rest of the clan chiefs to arrive, with Aviendha still shadowing
- Rand as closely as the mark Lanfear made on his neck. Moiraine is
- still being the same insufferable b*tch she always has. The night
- after the last clan chief arrives and acknowledges Rand as the
- _Car'a'carn_, the camp is attacked by Trollocs/Myrddraal as a
- diversion while Grey Men try to kill Rand, Mat and Asmodean/Nateel.
- (Why? Because _every_ book so far has started out with a Trolloc
- raid in the first few chapters!)
- Couladin, meanwhile, leads 'his' Aiel toward the Spine of the World,
- and takes them through Jangai Pass into Cairhien. Rahvin (aka Lord
- Gaebril) convinces Morgase to send forces into Cairhien. Of course,
- the armies Rand sent from Tear into Cairhien. There is a big battle
- among the three armies where "Morgase, by the Grace of the Light, Queen
- of Andor, Protector of the Realm, Defender of the People, High Seat
- of House Trakand, and not Lanfear" does something as dumb as believing
- one of Ishmael's lies when she tries the same stunt that Queen Modrellein
- did in Elayne's story in tDR ch 16. She dies with one of Couladin's
- spears through her chest before Rahvin, whose lust for Power is as
- strong as Lanfear's lust for Rand, decides to cut his losses while he
- still has any power, and tries to high-tail it back to Camelyn because
- he knows Rand bringing the rest of the Aiel into the battle. Rand,
- The Aiel and the forces of Tear defeat Couladin.
- Word arrives that Sammael, aka Lord Brend of Illian, whose envy of
- Rand is as strong as Roy's envy of Rand for being the apple of
- Lanfear's eye, is laying siege to Tear while everybody's away. Rand
- sends the Armies of Tear back to meet them, with Mat as their general.
- Moghedian, who escaped into _tel'aran'rhiod_ 'in the flesh', meets
- up with Slayer/Isam. Since Moghedian and Nynaeve are now arch-enemies,
- Moghedian falls in love with Isam in a remarkable parallel to Nynaeve
- falling in love with Lan. Nynaeve and Moghedian are destined to duke
- it out in the wildest catfight possible without Lanfear being one of the
- participants, but that doesn't happen until a later book.
- Egeanin and Bayle set sail, Egeanin steals the Collar and Bracelets
- and the ship, setting Bayle adrift in a lifeboat. In an amazing
- coincidence (since there no did be no _ta'veren_ around), Domon is
- rescued by the Sea Folk, specifically Coine and Jorin.
- The Seanchan return in force lead by the Empress, using Tremalking
- as a gathering place. High Lady Suroth is killed when she reveals
- her knowledge that _sul'dam_ can channel to the Empress. Egeanin
- returns to Tremalking, presents the bracelets to the Empress and
- is raised to the Blood and given High Lady Suroths position.
- When word reaches Ghealdan that the Whitecloaks want to kill Rand,
- Masema leads all his followers of the Dragon in a successful attack
- against the Fortress of the Light in Amador. Most of the Whitecloaks
- were away, near Tar Valon, where Galad becomes their new leader.
- Siuan, Leane, Min and Logain gather up the Aes Sedai who escaped from
- the White Tower during the Coup. They randomly head south toward
- Cairhien and meet up with Rand et al after Mat takes the army of
- Tear south. Rand makes Logain King of Cairhien, bringing Min's
- viewing of a "halo of gold and blue signifying glory to come" come
- to pass, since Cairhien's symbol is a golden sun on a field of blue.
- The Aes Sedai following Siuan elect a certain woman from the Two
- Rivers to lead them in reclaiming the White Tower that Lanfear called
- a "little farmgirl".
- Elayne and Nynaeve keep chasing the Black Ajah, catching and stilling
- Marillin Gemalphin and one more whose name we haven't been given yet.
- Perrin goes to visit his new in-laws in Saldaea with Faile (of course),
- Loial, the three Aiel and his "Companions" who refuse to quit following
- him around, like Lanfear refuses to quit following Rand around. Verin
- tags along so she won't miss a minute of _ta'veren_. They end up in
- a battle against Mazrim Taim and Demandred, the Forsaken who had freed
- him from the Aes Sedai bringing him to the White Tower. Demandred,
- who hate for Rand is as fierce as Lanfear scorned, has taught Taim
- how to use the One Power effectively. Perrin manages to kill Demandred
- with the help of Hopper and some other wolves in _tel'aran'rhiod_, but
- Mazrim Taim escapes.
- Rahvin declares himself King of Andor and forces the people into
- accepting it. Rand follows Rahvin back to Camelyn, where he and
- some of the Aiel sneak into the Palace where a battle ensues and
- Rahvin is killed in a battle reminiscent of Rand's battle with
- Ishmael in Tear. Lanfear shows up again and again tries to convince
- Rand that she really does love him.
- Mat, muttering some saying about luck in the Old Tongue, confronts
- Sammael. The foxhead amulet protects Mat from the One Power, and
- he stabs Sammael with his Raven Spear, injuring him badly but not
- a killing blow. Sammael escapes back to Illian. Mat becomes High
- Lord of Tear when he pulls _Calandor_ from the Stone; his foxhead
- amulet protects him from Rand's trap. Mat decides to store
- _Calandor_ back in the Stone; Rand's trap protects it since it
- was never disabled.
- The first signs of Rand beginning to go mad appear when he posts
- a story on r.a.s.w about a strange dream he had about meeting
- Robert Jordan.
- Finally, Rand gets sick of Lanfear following him around like a
- love-sick puppy, and tells her to "get a hobby". Lanfear, hurt
- and a trifle offended, tells him that "This _is_ my hobby!"
- Verin, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, makes lots of puns involving
- "FAQ" like FAQsimile, "just the FAQs, ma'am", etc. for no apparent
- reason, leading everyone to suspect that either there's _another_
- prophesy that Verin knows about that Jordan hasn't bothered to tell
- his readers, or its just more evidence that Verin may be Black Ajah.
- "And it did come to pass that the Fires of Heaven did burn the
- land, did it no, as it did be written that the price of salvation
- would no be cheap; yet the price did have to be paid, as it did
- be paid in ages past and will do be paid in ages to come. Weep,
- unless ye no have no heart, for it do be written that only the
- tears of all may quench the Fires of Heaven, as it do be known
- that no but the Prince of the Morning may quench the passionate
- flame of the Daughter of the Night."
- Bayle Domon, _The Myriad Legends of the Atha'an Miere_, The Fourth Age.
- In the later books:
- Rand truly goes mad when he posts stories on r.a.s.w about how
- he lusts after Lanfear.
- Both Elyas and Perrin are accidentally killed by Rand in an event
- foreshadowed in TSR (when Rand melts the wolves on the fireplace
- mantel in Tear while Egwene and Elayne are trying to teach him
- about the One Power.)
- The 'luck' _ter'angreal_ stolen from the White Tower by the Black Ajah
- is used against Mat is battle. The armies under Mat's command come
- close to losing, but manage to win in the end because Mat understands
- the limitation of the _ter'angreal_. As Master Gill said in tDR after
- Mat tossed 'The Dark Ones Eyes', "That's the best toss or the worst.
- It depends on the game you are playing".
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ========================
- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Carl Traber]
- |\// Submission 14 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
- ========================
- We learned in tSR that Aielmen currently sing only when going into
- battle, and for funerals (Rhuarc stated this when the Taardad
- were singing the "Wash the Spears" song). But we also know that
- (a) Loial will be singing to the apple trees to honor Perrin's
- slain kinfolk, (b) Gaul, Chiad and Bain will be there to accompany
- Perrin and Faile, (c) Aram the Tinker is likely to be there too
- since he is sticking to Perrin as if Perrin is Aram's lifesaver,
- and therefore (d) all the necessary people and conditions are set
- for the song to be found.
- I feel sure that Gaul, Chiad and Bain will see this as a funeral,
- and thus will sing. And from the fact that many laments in our
- world are wordless (e.g. most of the mid-east ones I have heard)
- even if they are heart-felt expressions, the Aiel song has a high
- probability of fitting in with Loial's to form the "true?" song
- form that Rand learned of in Rhuidean via his ancestors' memories.
- Even though there is no Nym present to braid the song into a full
- field-enrichening one, as Rand "heard," it should be noted that
- only the Ogier and the Aiel actually sang even back at the breaking
- (at least as far as we know). Further, Loial also saved at least
- a part of the Green Man (as that final Nym was called) in tEotW,
- to the degree that the blight was again held back by that oak.
- So there is a reasonable chance that the Nym may be recovered as
- a race as well.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ========================
- |//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//| [Roy Navarre]
- |\// Submission 15 \//|
- |\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/|
- ========================
- I really need to reread SR before trying this! However, no time lately.
- My plot would be much better if SR was fresher in my mind. Thus, I give
- you this lame attempt, rather than no attempt at all. :)
- The Seanchan invade the mainland. Boyle is captured before he can
- dispose of the collar.
- Rand will finally lead his army into war. Somewhere in FoH Rand and his
- Aiel will fight a major battle. One of the Forsaken will be killed in the
- battle.
- The Dark One will play a much bigger role. He will be Rands major
- adversary by the _end_ of the book.
- The forsaken will finally mount a successful attempt against Rand.
- Lanfear will for one reason or another have to stand aside. Rand will
- be collared by the Seanchan, but a forsaken will be behind this. We will
- find out the there has been plotting by the Forsaken on a level we had not
- previously suspected.
- Mat will return to the realm of snakes and foxes and be blinded in the
- process.
- Rand will begin to feel more for Lanfear. He will realize that he _almost_
- loves her, but because of what she is, he must oppose her. Lanfear will
- pursue Rand as a lover for the first time.
- Rand will be made to do horrible things while collared. He will turn on
- his own Aiel. An act of love will make it possible for him to break free.
- The Seanchan will capture Tar Valon. Rand and his Aiel will free Tar Valon.
- The Seanchan will become Vassals of the Dragon. The main threat will come
- from the blight by books end. A huge army will march out of the blight with
- creatures ffar more hideous than any we have seen thus far. Initially the
- forces of good will have to oppose them without Rand's help.
- Morraine will die.
- Lan will wed nynaevae.
- Rand will fall in love with Min.
- Egwene will be the new Amyrylin seat.
- Someone will actually have sex. (Most unbelievable prediction of all!)
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