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- This document is an attempt to provide interpretations for the
- prophetic material in Robert Jordan's _The_Wheel_of_Time_. The prophecies
- are extracted from the Wheel of Time FAQ, maintained by Pam Korda
- <mailto:kor2@kimbark.uchicago.edu>. The entire document is available at
- <ftp://faser.cs.olemiss.edu/pub/jordan/Current.FAQ>. It is also available
- on many of the major other on-line services and by e-mail from myself
- or a number of other people. These interpretations are usually a synthesis
- of the general opinion on the 'net. No attempt at attribution has been
- made. Corrections and/or additions are welcome.
- Aaron Bergman
- <mailto:abergman@minerva.cis.yale.edu>
- 7.0========================READERS GUIDE TO PROPHECY========================
- Interpretations will usually be made on a sentence by sentence basis.
- Items prefaced by "-----" are prophecy.
- 7.1..........................................................EGWENE'S DREAMS
- 7.1.1 <TGH: 12, 213, Woven in the Pattern, 180>
- -----She saw Rand sleeping on the ground, wrapped in a cloak.
- Rand sleeping near the portal stone with Hurin and Lan.
- -----A woman had been standing over him, looking down. Her face was in shadow,
- -----but her eyes seemed to shine like the moon, and Egwene had known
- -----she was evil.
- Lanfear.
- -----Then there was a flash of light, and they were gone.
- -----Both of them.
- Lanfear transporting Rand to the "mirror of the wheel."
- -----And behind it all, almost like another thing
- -----altogether, was the feel of danger, as if a trap was just beginning
- -----to snap shut on an unsuspecting lamb, a trap with many jaws."
- Lanfear is attempting to snare Rand.
- 7.1.2 <TDR: 25, 290, Questions, 233-4>
- -----She had dreamed of Seanchan, too, of women in dresses with
- -----lightning bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line
- -----of women who wore Great Serpent rings, forcing them to call
- -----lightning against the White Tower.
- Some Aes Sedai have been captured, but not in the numbers seemingly
- indicated by the statement "long line." This is then probably
- related to the dreams and visions of Seanchan capturing the tower.
- See also <>, <> and <>.
- -----...And the dream about Whitecloaks binding her father's hands.
- The whitecloaks in the Two Rivers during _The_Shadow_Rising_.
- 7.1.3 <TDR: 25, 290, Questions, 234>
- -----There had been a dream of Rand, reaching for a sword that
- -----seemed to be made of crystal, never seeing the fine net
- -----dropping over him.
- The "sword...of crystal" is Callandor. The net is the trap set by Be'lal.
- Lanfear and Mesaana probably were involved, too.
- -----And one of him kneeling in a chamber where a parched wind blew
- -----dust across the floor, and creatures like the one on the Dragon
- -----banner, but much smaller, floated on the wind, and settled into
- -----his skin.
- Rhuidean. The part about the small animals seems to be just metaphorical
- of Rand getting the Dragon markings on his arms. There is a small
- possibility, however, that this is as yet unfulfilled, though.
- -----There had been a dream of him walking down into a great hole in
- -----a black mountain, a hole filled with a reddish glare as from vast
- -----fires below,
- Rand entering the Bore at Shayol Ghul.
- -----and even a dream of him confronting Seanchan.
- This happened in "A Short Spear," but there is probably more to it.
- 7.1.4 <TDR: 25, 290-1, Questions, 234>
- -----Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder, and Perrin with a hawk.
- The falcon is Faile as evidenced by her name. The hawk is
- Berelain as evidenced by her banner. Their behavior further
- bears this out.
- -----Only the hawk held a leash in her talons--Egwene was somehow
- -----convinced both the hawk and falcon were female--and the hawk
- -----was trying to fasten it around Perrin's neck. That made her
- -----shiver even now; she did not like dreams about leashes.
- Berelain is slightly less well-intentioned than Faile.
- -----And that dream of Perrin--with a beard!--leading a huge pack
- -----of wolves that stretched as far as the eye could see.
- This occurred at the end of _Lord_of_Chaos_. This is probably
- not the last time, however.
- -----...Mat, placing his own left eye on a balance scale.
- Mat will lose an eye in a sacrifice to save the world. Related
- to Mat's answer from the Aelfinn. <>. See also <>
- and <>
- -----Mat, hanging by his neck from a tree limb.
- Mat, after his visit to the Eelfinn in Rhuidean.
- -----There had been a dream of Mat and Seanchan too but she was willing
- -----to dismiss that as a nightmare. It had to have been just a nightmare.
- This seems to be related to the fact that Mat will marry the Daughter of
- the Nine Moons. This, and other prophecies, imply that this may not
- necessarily be good. See also <>, <>, <>, and
- <>.
- -----Just like the one about Mat speaking the Old Tongue.
- Mat can speak in the Old Tongue, now.
- 7.1.5 <TDR: 37, 423, Fires in Cairhien, 352-3>
- -----She had dreamed of Perrin with a wolf, and with a falcon, and a
- -----hawk -- and the hawk and falcon fighting --
- The wold is probably Hopper. For the rest, see above <>
- -----of Perrin running from someone deadly,
- Slayer?
- -----and Perrin stepping willingly over the edge of a towering cliff
- -----while saying, 'It must be done. I must learn to fly before I reach
- -----the bottom.'
- Refers to dealing with wolfbrotherness?
- -----There had been one dream of an Aiel and she thought that had to do
- -----with Perrin too, but she was not sure.
- Gaul?
- -----And a dream of Min, springing a steel trap but somehow walking through
- -----it without so much as seeing it.
- The Tower Coup? That doesn't quite fit, though.
- -----Mat with dice spinning 'round him
- Probably just refers to his luck.
- -----Mat being followed by a man who was not there ... or maybe more than
- -----one, but in some way there was no one there...
- Gray men chasing Mat.
- -----Mat riding desperately toward something unseen in the distance that
- -----he had to reach,
- Rescuing Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve from Comar.
- -----and Mat with a woman who seemed to be tossing fireworks about.
- -----An Illuminator, she assumed, but that made no more sense than
- -----anything else.
- Aludra.
- -----Men and women breaking out of a cage, then putting on crowns.
- The Forsaken.
- -----A woman playing with puppets, and another dream where the strings on
- -----puppets led to the hands of larger puppets, and their strings led
- -----to still greater puppets, on and on until the last strings vanished
- -----into unimaginable heights.
- Very general referring to the conspiracies within conspiracies, although
- the "woman" could be the Amyrlin seat.
- -----Kings dying, queens weeping, battles raging.
- It's all happened.
- -----Whitecloaks ravaging the Two Rivers.
- Happened.
- -----She had even dreamed of the Seanchan again.
- Not much one can say here.
- 7.1.6 <TDR: 48, 553, Following the Craft, 468-9>
- -----Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder,
- See above <>
- -----choosing between ax and hammer;
- Symbolically this seems to refer to choosing between creation
- and destruction, or violence and The Way of the Leaf. <>
- -----A Whitecloak putting Master Luhhan in the middle of a
- -----huge, toothed trap for bait;
- Ordeith/Fain trying to lure Rand to the Two Rivers.
- -----Mat dicing with the Dark One,
- Mat's "bet" with Rahvin.
- -----shouting "I am coming!" at her;
- Mat chasing Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve to Tear.
- -----Rand sneaking through utter darkness toward Callandor while all
- -----around him six men and five women walked, some hunting him and
- -----some ignoring him, some trying to guide him toward the shining
- -----crystal sword and some trying to stop him from reaching it, appearing
- -----not to know where he was, or only to see him in flashes.
- Rand, the Forsaken and their varying agendas.
- -----One of the men had eyes of flame, and he wanted Rand dead with a
- -----desperation she could nearly taste;
- Ishamael
- -----Rand in that dry, dusty chamber again, with those small creatures
- -----settling into his skin.
- See above <>
- 7.1.7 <TDR: 48, 553, Following the Craft, 468-9>
- -----Rand confronting a horde of Seanchan.
- Still to come would be my guess. See also <>, <> and
- <>.
- -----Rand confronting her, and the women with her, and one of *them*
- -----was a Seanchan.
- Egwene is the Amyrlin seat, so Rand will probably confront her in that
- capacity. The Seanchan might be Egeanin, Cerandin or a Seanchan we haven't
- met.
- 7.1.8 <TSR: 11, 207, What Lies Hidden, 145>
- -----Rand as tall as a mountain, walking through cities, crushing
- -----buildings beneath his feet, with screaming people like ants fleeing
- -----from him.
- Metaphor of the destrucyion he has caused and might stillcause.
- -----Rand in chains, and it was he who was screaming.
- The possibly cross-references to the possibility is that Rand might be
- captured by the Seanchan and have a bracelet put on him. His hand would
- then be cut off to prevent him from dying. This relates to the missing
- hand prophecy seen in <>, and <>
- -----Rand building a wall with him on one side and her
- -----on the other, her and Elayne and others she could not make out. "It
- -----has to be done," he was saying as he piled up stones. "I'll not let
- -----you stop me now."...
- Implies that Rand might do something that other people would think as
- stupid. This could be the breaking of the seals. See also <>
- -----Aiel fighting each other, killing each other, even throwing away
- -----their weapons and running as if they had gone mad.
- Rand telling the Aiel of their origins and the repercussions.
- -----Mat wrestling with a Seanchan woman who tied an invisible leash
- -----to him.
- This is another thing that does not bode well for Mat's upcoming marriage.
- See also <> and <>.
- -----A wolf - [Perrin] - fighting a man whose face kept changing.
- Slayer/Luc.
- -----Galad wrapping himself in white as though putting on his own shroud,
- Galad becoming a whitecloak.
- -----and Gawyn with eyes full of pain and hatred.
- Gawyn's hatred of the Aes Sedai because of Elayne et al's disappearence.
- -----Her mother weeping.
- Could refer to the whitecloaks in the Two Rivers.
- 7.1.9 <TFoH: 15, 300-1, What Can Be Learned in Dreams, 214>
- -----Rand sitting down in a chair, and somehow she knew that the
- -----chair's owner would be murderously angry at having her chair
- -----taken.
- Rand being in control of Andor. The chair is the throne and the owner
- is Morgase.
- -----Perrin, lounging with Faile on his lap, kissing
- -----her while she played with the short-cut beard that he wore in
- -----the dream. Behind them tow banners waved, a red wolf's head and
- -----a crimson eagle. A man in a bright yellow coat stood near to
- -----Perrin's shoulder, a sword strapped to his back; in some way she
- -----knew that he was a tinker, though no tinker would ever touch a
- -----sword. And every bit of it except the beard seemed important.
- -----The banners, Faile kissing Perrin, even the tinker. Every time
- -----he moved closer to Perrin it was if a chill of doom shot through
- -----everything.
- The Tinker is Aram. Him being close to Perrin is bad, it seems.
- -----Mat throwing dice with blood streaming down his face, the wide
- -----brim of his hat pulled down low so she could not see his would,
- Mat has lost an eye. See <>, <> and <>.
- -----while Thom Merrilin put his hand into a fire
- -----to draw out the small blue stone that now dangled on Moiraine's
- -----forehead.
- Thom rescues Moiraine, possibly via the Tower of Ghenjei. Some people
- believe that Moiraine is dead, however. If that is the case, then this
- is open for interpretation.
- -----Or a dream of a storm, great dark clouds rolling
- -----without wind or rain while forked lightning bolts, every one
- -----identical, rent the earth.
- The battle of Cairhien?
- 7.1.10 <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- -----Twice, right on top of each other, she dreamed of taking [Gawyn] by the
- -----shoulders and trying to turn him to face the other way against his will.
- -----Once he brushed her hands away roughly; the other time she was somehow
- -----stronger than he. The two blended tongether hazily. In another,
- -----[Gawyn] began swinging a door closed on her, and she knew if that
- -----narrowing gap of light vanished, she was dead.
- The issue of Egwene and Gawyn is still unresolved. However, Egwene's life
- depends on Gawyn. See also <>
- 7.1.11 <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- -----Perrin came and stood before her, a wolf lying at his feet, a hawk and a
- -----falcon perched on his shoulders glaring at each other over his head.
- The Hawk and the Falcon are Berelain and Faile, respectively (see <>).
- -----Seemingly unaware of them, he kept trying to throw away that axe of his
- -----until finally he ran, the axe floating through the air chasing
- -----him.
- Perrin wants to escape the axe--escape violence, but is unable because
- of the world. Or something else. <>
- -----Again Perrin; he turned away from a Tinker and ran, faster and
- -----faster though she called for him to come back.
- This tinker might be Aram. See <>
- 7.1.12<LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- -----Mat spoke words she almost understood - the Old Tongue, she thought
- Why Egwene thinks she almost understands the Old Tongue (also
- mentioned in _The_Eye_of_the_World_) is still unknown, although it
- might indicate that she is someone reborn.
- -----and two ravens alighted on his soulders, claws sinking through his coat
- -----into the flesh beneath.
- The ravens would seem to be the two Ravens on the spear he received from
- the Eelfinn. Whether this is related to the Seanchan is undetermined
- although the fact that he will have a relationship with the Daughter of
- the Nine Moons, someone known to be of the Seanchan, seems to indicate
- that there is a relation. This might indicate that there could be
- two Seanchan involved with Mat. See also <>, <>, <>
- and <>
- -----He seemed no more aware of them that Perrin
- -----had been on the hawk and the falcon, yet the defiance passed across
- -----his face, and the grim acceptance.
- Mat will be forced into marriage with the Daughter of the Nine Moons?
- -----In another a woman, face shrouded
- -----in shadow, beckoned him toward great danger; Egwene did not know what,
- -----only that it was monstrous."
- Again, this might be another thing forboding bad things for Mat's marriage
- to the Daughter of the Nine Moons. See also <>, <>,
- <>, and <>.
- 7.1.13 <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- -----Several concerned Rand, not all bad, but all odd. Elayne, forcing him to
- -----his knees with one hand."
- No idea.
- -----Elayne and Min and Aviendha, sitting in a silent circle around him,
- -----each in turn reaching out to lay a hand on him."
- Related to the fact that all three love Rand and vice versa. Laying
- hands may have something to do with healing.
- -----Him walking toward a burning mountain, something crunching
- -----beneath his boots. She stirred and whimpered; the crunching things
- -----were the seals on the Dark One's prison, shattering with his every
- -----step."
- The mountain is Shayol Ghul. The seals being broken cross references to
- Herid Fel's note: "Have to clear rubble before you can build." and
- <>
- 7.2...........................................................MIN'S VIEWINGS
- 7.2.1 <TEotW: 15, 215-6, Strangers and Friends, 181>
- -----*LAN: Seven ruined Towers
- The seven broken towers of Malkier.
- --------A babe in a cradle holding a sword.
- Lan, after Malkier destruction. (Or right before, possibly.)
- -----*THOM: A man--not him--juggling fire
- Owyn.
- --------The White Tower
- Thom is involved with the White Tower in a few ways. He probably has in his
- hands the name of several Red Ajah who may be dead soon.
- -----*MAT: A red eagle
- The red eagle of Manetheren. Refers to Mat probably being Aemon reborn.
- --------A eye on a balance scale
- Mat will lose an eye. See also <>, <>, and <>.
- --------A dagger with a ruby
- The dagger from Shadar Logoth.
- --------A horn
- The Horn of Valere
- --------A laughing face
- No idea. A possibility is that this refers to Halima/Aran'gar/Balthamel
- as Balthamel was described as giggling.
- -----*RAND A sword that isn't a sword
- Callandor.
- -------A golden crown of laurel leaves
- The crown of illian.
- -------A beggars staff,
- Something bad might happen to Rand. Cross references to <>.
- -------Him pouring water on sand
- Rand making rain an al'Cair Dal.
- -------A bloody hand and a white hot iron
- Rand might lose a hand. See <> and <>.
- -------Three woman standing over a funeral bier with him on it,
- -------Black rock wet with blood
- Rand's gonna die, although possibly in a weird way. See <>.
- 7.2.2 <TDR: 6, 99, The Hunt Begins, 62-3> and above.
- -----*PERRIN: A wolf
- Perrin is a wolfbrother.
- -------A broken crown
- The broken crown of Saldea.
- -------Trees flowering around him
- Unknown. Possibly refers to the Song of the Tuatha'an. There is also a
- scene where Perrin returns to the Two Rivers in _The_Shadow_Rising_
- that might fit.
- -------An Aielman in a cage
- Gaul.
- -------A Tuatha'an with a sword
- Aram.
- -------A falcon and a hawk, perching on his shoulders, both female.
- Faile and Berelain. See <>.
- -------A darkness swirling around him.
- The darkness scene around Mat, Perrin and Rand in many of Min's
- visions.
- 7.2.3 <TGH: 24, 362, New Friends and Old Enemies, 305>
- <TGH: 43, 605, A Plan, 511>
- -----*ELAYNE The Rose Crown of Andor,
- Elayne will become Queen.
- -------A severed hand, not hers,
- Possibly refers to Rand's hand. See <> and <>
- -------A red-hot iron and an ax.
- Possibly how the hand will be cut off?
- 7.2.4 <TGH: 43, 605, A Plan, 511>
- -----*NYNAEVE: Man's ring of heavy gold.
- Lan's ring.
- 7.2.5 <TGH: 24, 362, New Friends and Old Enemies, 305>
- -----*EGWENE A white flame
- Egwene is Amyrlin.
- 7.2.6 <TSR: 17, 284, Deceptions, 198>
- -----*LOGAIN A halo of gold and blue, signifying glory to come.
- Colors may or may not be significant. Glory might refer drawing
- Callandor. Ungentled, he may also challenge Taim. See also <>
- 7.2.7 <TSR:1, 25, Seeds of Shadow, 21>
- <TSR: 47, 786-7, The Truth of a Viewing, 544>
- -----*GAWYN A heron marked sword,
- Gawyn is a blademaster.
- -------his or threatening His banner with a field of green rather
- -------than white
- The banner of the Younglings.
- -------Either breaking Egwene's neck or kneeling to her.
- Again, the issue is still unresolved. See <>.
- -----*ANANDA Yellow Ajah-wore a sickly brown halo, shriveled
- -------and split by rotting fissures that fell in and widened as they
- -------decayed.
- Bad things. Either the tower coup or Seanchan attack. Same for all
- "Bad things" below. More likely the tower coup for most. See also <>
- and <>, <>
- -----*GREEN AJAH And on her shoulder, as if nestled among the grape
- -------vines and flowering apple branches worked on her shawl, sat a
- -------human skull. A small woman's skull, picked clean and
- -------sun-bleached.
- Bad things.
- -----*ANOTHER WOMAN ...seemed to be casting cool blue eyes on
- -------the petitioners through tattered curtain of blood, crimson
- -------streamers running down her face.
- Yet more bad things.
- -----*ANANDAN AND TWO OTHER AES SEDAI All three of them! Light! What chance
- -------was there that three Aes Sedai would die on the same day?
- Still more bad things.
- -----*ACCEPTED bars floated in front of her apple-cheeked face, like a
- -------cage.
- Possibly even more bad things.
- -----*SHERIAM face battered and bruised.
- The bad things never end.
- -----*BROWN AJAH aura faded like a guttered candle flame.
- Bad things.
- -----*WARDERS bloody faces, or gaping wounds. Swords and spears
- -------danced about their heads, threatening...auras flashed wildly,
- -------flickered on the knife edge of death...dead men walking, knew
- -------they would die on the same day as the Aes Sedai in the entry
- -------hall, or at most a day later.
- Bad things.
- -----*SERVANTS bore signs of violence.
- The interminable bad things.
- -----*AES SEDAI appeared to have chains in the air around her
- Guess.
- -----*AES SEDAI seemed for most of those few strides to wear a silver
- -------collar around her neck.
- The Seanchan attack. See <>, <> and <>.
- -----*LEANE a transparent mask of her own face, a screaming mask.
- The tower coup.
- -----*SIUAN SANCHE lying on the floor, naked. Aside from her being only
- -------in her skin, there was something odd about the image, but it vanished
- -------before Min could say what
- The tower coup.
- 7.2.8 <TFoH: 26, 446, Sallie Daera, 317>
- -----*SHERIAM: "Rays of silver and blue flashed about her fiery hair,
- -----and a soft golden light; Min could not say what it meant."
- Possibly related to Logain's halo <>.
- 7.2.9 <TFoH: 26, 447, Sallie Daera, 317>
- -----*CARLINYA: "a raven floating beside her dark hair; more of a drawing of
- -----the bird than the bird itself. She thought it was a tattoo..."
- The raven seems to be both associated with the Dark One and the Seanchan.
- 7.2.10 <TFoH: 26, 452, Sallie Daera, 320>
- -----*EDESINA: "[...] a silvery collar suddenly appeared, snug around the
- -----woman's neck, and as suddenly seemed to shatter. Min shivered.
- -----She did not like viewings connected to the Seanchan. At least
- -----Edesina would escape somehow."
- Edesina was one of the Aes Sedai sent to Tarabon which is currently
- under the control of the Seanchan. This indicates that she will
- be collared and then released.
- 7.2.11 <TFoH: 28, 484, Trapped, 343>
- -----*SS/GARETH BRYNE: 'When Bryne came in, I had a viewing. An aura, and
- -----a bull ripping roses from around its neck, and ...
- The symbol for Gareth Bryne is a bull with roses around its neck
- signifying the Rose Crown of Andor. This signifies Bryne
- disassociating himself from Morgase.
- -----None of it matters except the aura. I didn't even really understand
- -----that, but more than anything else.' 'How much did you understand?'
- -----'If you want to stay alive, you had better stay close to him.'
- -----Despite the heat, Min shivered. She had only ever had one other
- -----viewing with an 'if' in it, and both had been potentially deadly.
- -----It was bad enough sometimes knowing what would happen; if she
- -----started knowing what might ... 'All I know is this. If he
- -----stays close to you, you live. If he gets too far away, for too
- -----long, you are going to die. Both of you. I don't know why I
- -----should have seen anything about you in his aura, but you seemed
- -----like part of it.'
- Pretty obvious. Also probably related to the relationship between Siuan
- and Bryne.
- 7.2.12 <TFoH: 50, 835, To Teach and Learn, 592>
- -----*FAOLAIN: 'A nasty woman,' Min murmured, squinting after Faolain ...
- -----'You'd think, if there was any justice, she would have an
- -----unpleasant future ahead of her.'
- This seem to imply that Faolain has a pleasent future ahead of her,
- although Min might see nothing at all around her.
- 7.2.13 <TFoH: 50, 844, To Teach, and Learn, 598-9>
- -----'Those three you brought with are trouble, and that is a viewing.'
- -----'I only caught glimpses of aura, and just out of the corner of my
- -----eye. Never when I was looking right at them, where I might have
- -----made something out.'
- Marigan is Moghedien. The significance of the other two is still unknown
- although they do have some Talents.
- 7.2.14 <TFoH: 50, 844-5, To Teach, and Learn, 598-9>
- -----Elayne leaped off the cliff. "Min, you had a viewing about Rand
- -----and me, didn't you?" [...]
- -----"Yes." It was a wary word.
- -----"You saw that we were going to fall in love."
- -----"Not exactly. I saw you'd fall in love with him. I don't know
- -----what he feels for you, only that he's tied to you some way."
- -----[...] "And you saw there would be someone else. Someone I'd have
- -----to ... share ... him with."
- -----"Two, " Min said hoarsely. "And .... And I'm one."
- -----[...] "Who is the third?"
- -----"I don't know," Min mumbled. "Only that she has a temper. Not
- -----Nynaeve."
- The three are Min, Elayne and Aviendha. See also <>
- 7.2.15 <LoC: 41, A Threat, 527>
- -----*RAND: Contless thousands of sparkling lights, like stars or fireflies,
- -----rushed into a great blacknes, trying to fill it up, rushed in and were
- -----swallowed. Theree seemed to be more lights than she had ever seen
- -----before, but the darkness swallowed them at a greater rate, too.
- The darkness metaphor again.
- -------And there was something else, something new, an aura of yellow and
- -----brown and purple that made her stomach clench.
- See
- 7.2.16 <LoC: 41, A Threat, 532>
- -----*RAND: "I saw an aura around you in the throne room. Aes Sedai are
- -----going to hurt you. Women who can channel, anyway. It was all
- -----confused; I'm not sure about the Aes Sedai part. But it might happen
- -----more than once."
- This relates to <> which says that something bad will happen twice.
- The first is the taking at the end of _The_Lord_of_Chaos_. Min
- being sure about Aes Sedai seems to imply that the second will not
- be Aes Sedai. While the Sharrans or the Atha'an Miere are possible,
- the Seanchan seem the most likely as evidenced by <>, <>.
- Other cross-references are to <>, <>, and <>.
- 7.2.17 <LoC: 41, A Threat, 534>
- -----*MELAINE: 'You will have two daughters,' Min murmured. 'Twins like
- -----mirrors.'
- Pretty obvious.
- 7.2.18 <LoC: 46, Beyond the Gate, 578-9>
- -----*RAND/PERRIN: "When you two were together, I saw those fireflies and the
- -----darkness stronger than ever.... But with two of you in the same room,
- -----the fireflies were holding their own instead of being eaten faster than
- -----they can swarm, the way they do when you're alone."
- -----"Twice he's going to have to be there, or you [Rand]...." "If he's not,
- -----something bad will happen to you." "Very bad."
- -----Rand: "Then I'll just have to keep him around."
- -----Min: "I don't know that that will be enough,
- -----it _will_ happen if he is not there, but nothing I saw said it won't
- -----because he is. It will be very bad, Rand. Just thinking of that viewing
- -----makes me...."
- Perrin will have to save Rand twice. He did once, already. The second is
- yet to come. See <> and it's references.
- 7.2.19 <LoC: 50, Thorns, 626>
- -----*MISC. NOBLES: "Maringil...was going to die by poison. Colavaere...
- -----would die by hanging.
- -------Meilan...would die by the knife.
- -------Aracome and Maraconn and Gueyam were all going to die too, bloody
- -----deaths, in battle.
- Help. I don't have my book. What does this relate to? I need an
- interpretation here.
- <LoC: 50, Thorns, 628>
- -----*BERELAIN: "a man in white who will make her fall head over heels."
- Galad is one theory. Also is that it will be a Gai'Shain, possibly even
- Rhuarc, although a Rhuarc relationship doesn't make sense to me as it
- seems like they have a father daughter relationship.
- 7.3.......................................................VARIOUS PROPHECIES
- 7.3.1 <TEOTW: prologue, xv, Dragonmount, xv>
- -----And it came to pass in those days, as it had come beofre and would come
- -----again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land an weighed down the hearts of
- -----men, and the green things failed, and hope died. And men cried out to
- -----the Creator, saying, O Light of the Heavens, Light of the World, let the
- -----Promised One be born of the mountain, according to the prophecies, as he
- -----was in ages past and will be in ages to come. Let the Prince of the
- -----Morning sing to the land that green things will grow and the valleys
- -----give forth lambs. Let the arm of the Lord of the Dawn shelter us from
- -----the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend us. Let the Dragon ride
- -----again on the winds of time. (from _Charal Drianaan te Calamon, The
- -----Cycle of the Dragon._ Author unknown, the Fourth Age)
- Nice and flowery. Not much, except for the possible reference to
- Hawking's sword "Justice."
- 7.3.2 <TEotW: 26, 389, Whitebridge, 327>
- The prophecy for the Horn of Valere:
- -----In the last, lorn fight
- -----'gainst the fall of long night,
- -----the mountains stand guard,
- -----and the dead shall be ward,
- -----for the grave is no bar to my call.
- Again, not much.
- 7.3.3 <TEOTW: 40, 614, The Web Tightens, 514>
- Elaida's Foretelling:
- -----'This I Foretell...and swear under the Light that I can say no
- -----clearer. From this day Andor marches toward pain and division. The
- -----Shadow has yet to darken to its blackest, and I cannot see if the
- -----Light will come after. Where the world has wept one tear, it will
- -----weep thousands....This, too, I Foretell. Pain and division come to
- -----the whole world, and this man [Rand] stands at the heart of it.'
- Again, not much.
- 7.3.4 <TDR: Trailer Prophesy, 675, 578>
- -----And it was written that no hand but his should wield the Sword
- -----held in the Stone, but he did draw it out, like fire in his
- -----hand, and his glory did burn the world. Thus did it begin. Thus
- -----do we sing his Rebirth. Thus do we sing the beginning.
- Rand draws forth Callandor, the Sword in the Stone.
- 7.3.5 <TSR: 15, 253, Into the Doorway, 177>
- -----To marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons.
- The Daughter of the Nine Moons is a high figure in Seanchan society,
- probably a daughter of the empress, or possibly the empress herself.
- See also <>, <>, <> and <>.
- -----To die and live again, and live once more a part of what was.
- Mat has "died" twice. Once in Rhuidean when he was hung on Avendesora and
- had to be revived by Rand, the other in Caemlyn when he was revived by
- Rand's use of balefire on Rahvin.
- -----To give up half the light of the world to save the world.
- Mat will lose an eye. See <>, <>, and <>.
- 7.3.6 <TSR: 19, 315-6, The Wavedancer, 220-1>
- The Jendai Prophecy: The prophecy of the Coramoor.
- -----He can wield the One Power
- Rand can.
- -----... and he holds the Sword That Cannot Be Touched.
- Rand held Callandor and one point. An interesting point is that there
- are indications that Rand will not wield Callandor again. However,
- everything else in the prophecy seems to indicate Rand, so...
- -----The Aiel have come over the Dragonwall to his call.
- They did.
- -----... The Stone of Tear has fallen, and war breaks over the nations
- -----of the land.
- Happened.
- -----Those who once ruled have returned, and been driven
- -----back for the first time.
- The Seanchan came and were driven back. However, theu have returned.
- -----... The White Tower shall be broken by his name,
- Done.
- -----and Aes Sedai shall kneel to wash his feet and dry them with
- -----their hair.
- The feet washing bears a resemblance to the ceremony of installing an
- Amyrlin.
- 7.3.7 <TSR: 23, 385, Beyond the Stone, 270>
- (Moiraine, Melaine, and Seana in conversation on Chaendaer)
- -----"We did not see Egwene or Mat Cauthon at all. It was no more than
- -----an even chance that the young man who calls himself Rand al'Thor
- -----would come. If he did not, it was certain that he would die, and
- -----the Aiel too. Yet he has come, and if he survives
- -----Rhuidean, some of the Aiel at least will survive.
- It is prophecized that Rand will break the Aiel so that only a "remnant
- of a remnant will remain."
- -----This we know. If you [Moiraine] had not come, he would have died.
- Moiraine had to be there to go throught the rings.
- -----If Aan'allein had not come, you would have died.
- Aan'allein is Lan. If he hadn't come, Moiraine would have died.
- -----If you did not go through the rings..."
- Then Lanfear would have probably killed Rand or Lews Therin might have
- taken over.
- 7.3.8 <TSR: 25, 408, The Road to the Spear, 285-6>
- >From Rhuidean:
- -----The stone that never falls will fall to announce his coming.
- The Stone of Tear fell.
- -----Of the blood, but not raised by the blood,
- He is of Aiel blood, but not raised by Aiel.
- -----he will come from Rhuidean at dawn,
- He did.
- -----and tie you together with bonds you cannot break.
- The fact that he told the Aiel of their history?
- -----He will take you back, and he will destroy you.
- He has broken the Aiel with his telling of their history.
- 7.3.9 <LoC: Header Epigraph>
- This is interesting as to whether it can be taken to be prophecy or not.
- It is supposedly a children's song overheard in Arvalon of the Fourth
- Age. Anyways, here are some interpretations:
- -----The lions sing
- Lion could refer to Andor.
- -----and the hills take flight.
- Hills could refer to Cairhein originally comes from "Golden Dawn Hill."
- -----The moon by day,
- Moon could refer to Tear.
- -----and the sun by night.
- Could be the Whitecloaks.
- -----Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.
- I haven't seen any substantiated theories for these.
- -----Let the Lord of Chaos rule.
- What the Dark One said to Demandred.
- 7.3.10 <LoC: 14, Dreams and Nightmares, 255>
- -----*NICOLA'S FORETELLING: "The lion sword, the dedicated spear, she who sees
- -----beyond.
- These three are Elayne, Aviendha and Min.
- -----Three on the boat, and he who is dead yet lives."
- He who is dead yet lives in Rand. See <> and <>.
- -----The great battle done, but the world not done with battle.
- Probably indicating more to come after Tarmon Gai'don. Or maybe Tarmon
- Gai'don isn't the battle. Maybe Tarmon Gai'don comes after a large battle
- -----The land divided by the return
- The return is probably the Seanchan as they call themselves the return.
- It could also be the return of the Dragon or the Forsaken. See <>
- -----and the guardians balance out the servants.
- The guardians are the Asha'man and the servants are the Aes Sedai.
- -----The future teeters on the edge of a blade."
- Metaphor, although it could be taken literally to mean that a blade will
- have some significance later on.
- 7.3.11 <LoC: 19, Matters of Toh, 312-3>
- -----Wise Ones Dreams: "Melaine and Bair dreamed of you [Rand] on a boat
- -----with three women whose faces they could not see,
- The three women are Elayne, Aviendha and Min. See <>
- -----and a scale tilting first one way and then the other."
- Metaphor.
- -----Melaine and Amys dreamed of a man standing by your side with a
- -----dagger to your throat, but you did not see him.
- Rand thinks that this is a Gray Man. I think it is Taim.
- -----Bair and Amys dreamed of you cutting the wetlands in two
- -----with a sword.
- Besides the obvious, see <>
- -----All three had this dream, which makes it especially significant.
- -----Rain, coming from a bowl. There are snares and pitfalls around
- -----the bowl. If the right hands pick it up, they will find a treasure
- -----perhaps as great as the bowl. If the wrong hands, the world is
- -----doomed. "The key to finding the bowl is to find the one
- -----who is no longer."
- A lot is obvious. My favorite candidate for the "one who is no longer" is
- Moiraine although Lews Therin has been mentioned.
- 7.3.12 <LoC: REF?>
- -----Behind the Red Doorway in Tear: "He [Rand] knew he had a chance to live,
- -----if a seemingly impossible one. _If_you_would_live_, _you_must_die_."
- See <> Seems to indicate that Rand will die, but something funny
- will happen.
- 7.4........................................................THE DARK PROPHECY
- I have some question as to whether this is actually prophecy. Parts of
- it could be and other parts could be a taunt.
- 7.4.1<TGH: 7, 105-6, Blood Calls Blood>
- -----Daughter of the Night, she walks again.
- Lanfear
- -----The ancient war, she yet fights.
- Battle between Dragon and Shadow/Light and Shadow
- -----Her new lover she seeks, who shall serve her and die, yet serve still.
- Rand is the new lover. The second part is why I do not believe that all of
- this is prophecy. If it is, however, then it seems to imply that Rand will
- serve Lanfear for a while. This may or may not tie in with the beggar theory.
- -----Who shall stand against her coming?
- -----The Shining Walls shall kneel.
- Tar Valon will kneel
- -----Blood feeds blood.
- -----Blood calls blood.
- -----Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.
- -----The man who channels stands alone.
- Rand.
- -----He gives his friends for sacrifice.
- Could refer to something in the future.
- -----Two roads before him, one to death beyond dying, one to life eternal.
- -----Which will he choose? Which will he choose?
- -----What hand shelters? What hand slays?
- -----Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom.
- Luc is Lord Luc, Morgase's brother.
- -----Isam waited in the high passes.
- Isam is Lan's cousin. See "More Tales of the Wheel" in TEOTW.
- -----The hunt is now begun. The Shadow's hounds now course, and kill.
- Metaphorical. Along the lines of "The Game's Afoot!".
- -----One did live, and one did die, but both are.
- Luc and Isam combined and are Slayer.
- -----The Time of Change has come.
- The end of an age.
- -----The Watchers wait on Toman's Head.
- They wait for the return of the Seanchan in Falme.
- -----The seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree.
- The Hammer is Artur Hawkwing, his seed are the Seanchan, and the tree is
- probably Avendesora metaphorically signifying peace although it could
- be literal.
- -----Death shall sow, and summer burn, before the Great Lord comes.
- -----Death shall reap, and bodies fail, before the Great Lord comes.
- Battle type stuff.
- -----Again the seed slays ancient wrong, before the Great Lord comes.
- What is the ancient wrong? Possibly the continent ignoring the people who
- left with Uther and not keeping to their oaths.
- -----Now the Great Lord comes.
- The Dark One is breaking out.
- 7.5....................................................THE KARAETHON CYCLE
- 7.5.1 <TGH Header Prophecy>
- ----- And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered,
- -----and the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the DO shall
- -----once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men
- -----quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither
- -----shall anything stand nor abide...
- ----- Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow...and there shall be
- -----wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashes
- -----shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his
- -----coming, tearing apart all ties that bind. Like the unfettered dawn shall
- -----he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the
- -----Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us the Light. Let
- -----tears flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation.
- Not much here.
- 7.5.2 <TGH: 22, 328, Watchers, 275>
- Vandene talking to Moiraine:
- -----'Five ride forth, and four return.
- The five are Hurin, Ingtar, Rand, Mat and Perrin. Ingtar did not return.
- -----Above the watchers shall he proclaim himself, bannered cross
- -----the sky in fire...'
- Rand declared himself above the Do Miere A'vron, the Watchers over the Sea.
- 7.5.3 <TGH: 26, 387, Discord, 325-6> <TSR: 9, 180, Decisions, 126>
- Thom to Rand:
- -----Twice and twice shall he be marked,
- The herons and the Dragons.
- -----twice to live, and twice to die,
- Seems to imply Rand's going to die.
- -----Once the heron to set his path.
- In the other world throught he portal stone.
- -----Twice the heron, to name him true.
- At Falme where he was first proclaimed.
- -----Once the Dragon for remembrance lost.
- The remembrance of the Aiel at Rhuidean.
- -----Twice the Dragon for the price he must pay.
- His death? This also implies that the double dragon marking at
- Rhuidean might only constitute a single dragon marking in the context of the
- prophecy.
- 7.5.4 <TGH: 26, 387, Discord, 326>
- Thom to Rand:
- -----Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.
- There might be an eclipse during Tarmon Gai'don.
- -----Once for mourning, once for birth.
- He dies and then the world is reborn. Rand could be reborn in someway
- too.
- -----Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul.
- Rand's wound will open and he'll probably die too. His "blood" could
- also refer to the Aiel. See also <>
- -----In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow.
- Rebirth of world. One man dies to save world in classic Christ figre
- fashion.
- 7.5.5 <TDR: 6, 93, The Hunt Begins, 57>
- Moiraine in conversation:
- -----He has yet to break the nations, or shatter the world.
- Rand's doing that.
- -----Even scholars who have studied the Prophecies for their entire
- -----lives do not know how to interpret them all. What does it mean
- -----that he shall 'slay his people people with the sword of peace,
- -----and destroy them with the leaf'?
- The breaking of the Aiel. The leaf is the Way of the Leaf, refering to
- the Aiel's origins. See above and TSR.
- -----What does it mean that he 'shall bind the nine moons to serve him'?
- He shall control the Seanchan in some manner. Maybe related to Mat's marriage.
- -----Yet these there are given equal weight with Callandor in the Cycle.
- -----There are others. What 'wound of madness and cutting of hope' has he
- -----healed?
- Could refer to the taint.
- -----What chains has he broken, and who put into chains?
- Could refer to Asmodean. Also, there are kids of the empress put
- to the question. They might be in the Tower of Ravens in chains. See
- above. Chains might be the a'dams of the Seanchan.
- 7.5.6 <TDR: Header Prophesy, ix, ix>
- -----And his paths shall be many, and who shall know his
- -----name, for he shall be born among us many times, in
- -----many guises, as he has been and ever will be, time
- -----without end. His coming shall be like the sharp edge of
- -----the plow, turning our lives in furrows from out of the
- -----places where we lie in our silence. The breaker of bonds;
- -----the forger of chains. The maker of futures; the unshaper
- -----of destiny.
- Not much here.
- 7.5.7 <TSR: 3, 99, Reflection, 71>
- -----His blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul, washing away
- -----the Shadow, sacrifice for man's salvation.
- Not much here beyond the other than the reference to blood at Shayol
- Ghul. See also <>
- 7.5.8 <TSR: 6, 131, Doorways, 93>
- -----Power of the Shadow made human flesh
- -----wakened to turmoil, strife and ruin.
- -----The Reborn One, marked and bleeding,
- Rand's been marked in a few ways,
- -----dances the sword in dreams and mist,
- Metaphor?
- -----chains the Shadowsworn to his will,
- Asmodean.
- -----from the city, lost and forsaken,
- Rhuidean.
- -----leads the spears to war once more,
- Leads the Aiel.
- -----breaks the spears and makes them see,
- -----truth long hidden in the ancient dream.
- Rand telling the Aiel of their origins.
- 7.5.9 <TSR: 21, 349, Into the Heart, 244>
- -----Into the heart he thrusts his sword,
- -----into the heart, to hold their hearts.
- -----Who draws it out shall follow after,
- -----What hand can grasp that fearful blade?
- Rand put Callandor into the Heart of the Stone. This seems to imply
- that Rand will not be the person who will take Callandor out of the
- stone. One possiblity is Logain. Also, Mat's amulet may allow someone
- to get through Rand's traps.
- 7.5.10 <TFOH: Header Prophecy>
- -----With his coming are the dread fires born again.
- ???
- -----The hills burn, and the land turns sere.
- Hills could refer to Cairhein.
- -----The tides of men run out, and the hours dwindle.
- ???
- -----The wall is pierced,
- Shara? It is mentioned that all the Sharran cities have large walls
- around them.
- -----and the veil of parting raised.
- This is interesting. Too bad I have no idea what it means. It seems
- to imply some sort of separation. Maybe it refers to the Seanchan or
- the Sharrans.
- -----Storms rumble beyond the horizon,
- Besides the entire drought thing, there is the fact that Nynaeve's
- weather sense tells her that a storm is coming. See also <>
- -----and the fires of heaven purge the earth.
- The fires at the battle of Cairhein?
- -----There is no salvation without destruction, no hope this side of death.
- Rand has to break the world in the process of saving it.
- 7.5.11 <LoC: Trailer Prophecy>
- >From The Prophecies of the Dragon, translation by Jeorad Manyard:
- -----The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign.
- The end of _Lord_of_Chaos_.
- -----The seas rage, and stormclouds gather unseen.
- Besides the obvious metaphor, this could be taken literally with the seas
- possibly referring to the Atha'an Miere and the stormclouds being related
- to the weather. Metaphorically, "stormclouds gather unseen" could refer to
- the Dark One's plot against Rand among others. See also <>
- -----Beyond the horizon, hidden fires swell, and serpents nestle in
- -----the bosom.
- "Beyond the horizon, hidden fires swell" could refer to the Seanchan, the
- Sharamen, or both. "Serpents nestle in the bosom" could refer to bad things
- happening at home, too.
- -----What was exalted is cast down; what was cast down is raised up."
- This is almost too vague to give any interpretation. It could merely refer
- to the upheavel that Rand brings with him. "What was exalted" more
- specifically could refer to the White tower and "what was cast down" could
- refer to male channelers. There could be a lot more to this, though.
- -----Order burns to clear his path.
- Well, he _is_ The Lord of Chaos...
- 7.6..........................................................PERRIN'S DREAMS
- 7.6.1 <TDR: 43, 504, Shadowbrothers, 426>
- -----Egwene and Nynaeve and Elayne stood looking at a huge metal
- -----cage, with a raised door held on a heavy spring. They stepped
- -----in and reached up together to loose the catch.
- Egwene et al springing the trap in Tear
- -----The barred door snapped down behind them. A woman with her
- -----hair all in braids laughed at them, and another woman all
- -----in white laughed at her.
- Liandrin and Lanfear.
- 7.6.2 <TDR: 43, 504, Shadowbrothers, 425>
- -----Mat, rattling a dice cup. His opponent stared at Mat with eyes
- -----of fire.
- Ishamael.
- -----Mat did not seem to see the man, but Perrin knew him.
- -----"Mat!" he shouted. "It's Ba'alzamon. Light, Mat, you're dicing
- -----with Ba'alzamon!"
- Mat going to Tear?
- 7.6.3 <TSR: 28, 458, To the Tower of Ghenjei, 320-1>
- -----Rand stood amid swirling stormwinds, laughing wildly, even madly,
- -----arms upraised, and on the winds rode [dragons];
- Maybe Rhuidean again?
- -----hidden eyes watched Rand, and there was no way of telling whether
- -----he knew it;
- Isendre or Lanfear watching Rand.
- -----Nynaeve and Elayne stalking cautiously through a demented
- -----landscape of twisted, shadowed buildings, hunting some dangerous
- -----beast.
- Nynaeve and Elayne going to Tanchico?
- ----- Mat, standing where a road forked ahead of him. He flipped
- -----a coin, started down one branch, and suddenly was wearing a
- -----wide-brimmed hat and walking with a staff bearing a short sword
- -----blade.
- Mat going with Rand? He has all the accoutrements mentioned.
- -----Egwene and a woman with long white hair
- Amys, probably.
- -----were staring at him in surprise while behind them the White Tower
- -----crumbled stone by stone.
- The breaking of the tower, possibly by Seanchan. See <>, <>.
- 7.7.3 <TSR: 53, 882, The Price of a Departure, 612>
- -----Egwene stood among a crowd of women, fear in her eyes; slowly the
- -----women knelt around her, Nynaeve was one of them, and he believed
- -----he saw Elayne's red-gold hair.
- Egwene becoming Amyrlin.
- -----That window faded and was replaced. Mat stood naked and bound,
- -----snarling; an odd spear with a black shaft had been thrust across
- -----his back behind his elbows, and a silver medallion, a foxhead,
- -----hung on his chest.
- Mat hanging from Avendesora in Rhuidean.
- -----Mat vanished, and it was Rand. Perrin thought it was Rand.
- -----He wore rags and a rough cloak, and a bandage covered
- -----his eyes.
- More signs that bad things might happen to Rand. The bandage may
- indicate blindness. See also <>, <>, <>
- and <>.