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- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- Subject: What do you do now?
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- Hi,
- Perhaps you have just finished reading _Lord of Chaos_,
- and are now contemplating another year of agonized
- waiting for the seventh book. Perhaps LoC has not
- made it to your far flung realm, and you are waiting
- to get the book, then read the book, and then wait
- for another year.
- What do you do now?
- You are welcome to join me in the fabulous, ancient
- city of Manetheren, at the height of her power and
- glory. Here there is King Aemon of the Mountain
- Home, fearless and brave, and his queen, Eldrene,
- beautiful and wise. Meet Allana Sedai of the Purple
- Ajah, raving against the fall of night, and Gammel,
- Second Defender of Manetheren.
- From two thousand years in the future, heroes have
- come to Manetheren. Jennifer and Phil of Earth,
- channelers of the One Power. Ulric, Blademaster
- and once Captain of Tear, Delair of the Aiel
- Keilyndra din Djanin Night Skies of
- the Atha'an Miere, doomed Seeker that she is,
- the incomparable Selene, shy scholar of Caihien,
- whose beauty is like unto the Grace of the Light
- itself, and others besides. Akhel the Silent.
- Young Haemish, who broke his third spear and is
- Aiel no more. Auric Draco, storyteller extra-
- ordinaire, who told one tall tale too many.
- Join them in their desparate search for the Nine
- Rods of Dominion, in twisted machinations to make
- the Great Game of Cairhien look like a straight
- line. These are great and terrible times, when
- men and kingdoms shall fail, and hard choices
- must be made.
- Much has been forgetten, even in tale and legend.
- Who remembers the contest between Ealarin, Bladedancer
- and Captain of Manetheren and the elite Manetheren
- Third Infantry, when they scaled the heights on the
- eve of destruction? Who will weep for the loss of
- what had been, for the spires and terraces of
- Manetheren and the lost art of oil wrestling? The
- names of Eldrene and Aemon have not been lost to
- time, nor have the barest hint of their noble deeds.
- But who remembers Akhaliel, and his silent war against
- the hidden Darkfriends of Manetheren? Is not the
- doomed battle of Lord Philipus against himself an
- epic as great as any since the Age of Legends? Why
- has history forgotten the discoveries of Jaenyne
- Sedai of the White Ajah?
- Join us, in _As the Wheel Turns_, a live, interactive
- roleplaying game set within the Jordan universe, or
- at least a close variant thereof. Character and plot
- development proceeds at a stately and deliberate pace
- to do Robert Jordan proud. The game tries to capture
- the flavor of the books, but can by no means be considered
- canonical. There are Forsaken here, and a Dark One, and
- the Creator, but who can comprehend their purposes?
- We play online and live, every Tuesday and Thursday night
- at 8pm Eastern time, 5pm Pacific, and various other times
- elsewhere on the planet. We have recently completed our
- 30th session, and I'm looking to expand the number of
- players from 8 to twice that. (Veterans of roleplaying
- should note that while that seems like an extreme number,
- things work differently on-line. I don't really expect
- 15 or 16 players, but would like to bring the group at
- least back to ten.)
- Is the game good? Well, I'm not the person to ask. Better
- to ask Jennifer/Jaenyne, Haemish/Heidomaon, Ulric/Ealarin,
- Auric/Aurnalein (now Iagon/Yaecho), Telas/Thaellar,
- Akhel/Akhaliel or any of the other players/addicts.
- If you are interested, please send me email.
- Anyway,
- KenK