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- $0$0$0$0$0$0$0 CHEAP TRUTH 12 $0$0$0$0$0$0$0
- Award-winning writer, critic, and CHEAP TRUTH shill Candace Berragus, who
- remembers the 1950's personally, turns the skeptical eye of experience upon
- her chosen target:
- Now that NEUROMANCER has garnered so many accolades, maybe it's time
- to sit back and see just what heights have been climbed. The book has, yeah,
- STYLE -- that gritty fascination with surfaces signalled by the opening line,
- "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead
- channel." Wonderful! TV as symbol for numbed reflexes, anomie, pollution,
- savage commercialism. And that slick style carries us forward on a
- garbage-reeking tide for... about a hundred pages.
- Gibson, like Ballard, concentrates on surfaces as a way of getting at
- essences. All those brand names, Braun coffee makers, quilted consoles,
- obsessive attention to what everyone wears, glistening green ice cities...
- But then you become uncomfortably aware that Gibson doesn't actually
- KNOW much about computers beyond brand names, and you are enmeshed in a
- standard pulp plot. The last third drags terribly, suspense hissing out like
- a puncture in a bald tire. (Indeed, all the guff about penetrating computer
- defenses depicted as a field of sensations -- this has become an instant
- freeze-dried cliche, a far cry from the actual experience and complexities of
- machine intelligence. Pretty, but not convincing.)
- The tough characters never gain depth. The protagonist's inability
- to change, or even to shake his drug habit, creates a feeling of immobile
- futility. The promised confrontation of the artificial intelligences occurs
- virtually offstage, and we get no sense of their alienness.
- Is this "punk SF" as Ellen Datlow keeps calling it? There are
- uncomfortable resemblances between the punk rock style of the '80's and the
- duckass ambience of the '50's, to be sure ... a sense of postures struck for
- rebellion, but without any emotional foundation deeper than distaste. Other
- than adolescent rebellion, soon to be quenched by the ebbing of hormones,
- there seems little heft to all this.
- There is little true anger in NEUROMANCER or in punk rock. The rest
- is posturing, and finally rings hollow. Even NEUROMANCER's last sentence,
- "He never saw Molly again," echoes the older tough-guy postures of Chandler,
- whose first novel, THE BIG SLEEP, concludes, "All they did was make me think
- of Silver-Wig, and I never saw her again." Uh-huh. Gimmie a sim-stim, Fred.
- And double on the ennui.
- If SF is to give us new lands, it will have to try harder than this.
- NEUROMANCER has little thought in it -- surely the shabby old corporate-run
- future, with Japanese electro-dominance, can't be counted as a new idea? --
- but much attention to the cosmetics of a time only slightly beyond our own.
- So -- punk WHAT? Actually, what do the purported punk SF writers
- have in common? Stylish Gibson, antic frazzled Sterling, the pure-hearted
- and liberal Robinson, hot-eyed Shirley -- all over 30, perhaps, but what
- else? I see no commonality of vision. Vague similarities -- bedazzled by
- technology, fond of street-savvy brutality, some preference for ravaged
- landscapes -- also link them with a horde of other SF writers.
- But to become a movement demands some generational agreement, a
- narrative thrust... and something new. Only our habit of roping writers into
- eras makes us unite them. NEUROMANCER's dominance of this rather weak year
- for novels does not herald a revolution or a revelation.
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- Undeterred by allegations of critical overkill, CHEAP TRUTH hastens
- to laud:
- BLOOD MUSIC by Greg Bear, Arbor House, 1985, $14.95(?)
- It is sometimes claimed that the future of SF lies on its
- experimentalist fringes; in "magic realism," "postindustrial fiction," or in
- a metaphorical SF hybridizing with mainstream. With his latest novel, Greg
- Bear has dealt this theory a serious wound.
- To date, Bear has seemed a rather conventional, establishment SF
- figure, cheerily paying his SFWA dues and writing for, horror, ANALOG. He is
- the only "cyberpunk" writer to show no trace of punk attitudes; if anything,
- he seems stuffily right-wing, suspicious of "Naderites" and inclined to give
- good ol' nukes the benefit of the doubt. You will search the Bear opus in
- vain for a chrome stud or coke-corroded razorblade. You are more likely to
- find stiff-necked Poul Andersonian lib-futurists struggling manfully amidst
- a sea of Luddite liberal ignorami.
- Yet, in a triumph of the human spirit that makes one glow, Bear has
- shattered the limits of formula and is delivering truly superior fiction.
- BLOOD MUSIC in its award-winning short form was a fine, visionary piece; as a
- novel, it's staggering.
- From the first chapter, one senses Bear's transition from journeyman
- to master. The coda elements are gone, replaced by a cool-eyed analysis of
- motive and character that builds with the graceful solidity of a Gothic arch.
- Bear's characters talk, act, and look like actual human beings. Especially
- praiseworthy is the deft way he captures their occasional realistic bursts of
- pettiness, craziness and stupidity. The book abounds with daring touches
- gracefully achieved, with nuts and bolts research brilliantly integrated into
- the narrative flow.
- From this solid beginning, BLOOD MUSIC slowly accelerates into a
- pyrotechnic climax of pure visionary transcendance. New extrapolations
- emerge one after another, with steadily increasing speed and impact, until at
- last they are bursting into the narrative like runaway Mack trucks. The
- effect is explosively mind-boggling. There are loose ends, but it would be
- more accurate to describe them as whizzing chunks of shrapnel.
- The prose ranges from the workmanlike to the numinous. There are occasional
- lapses into stream-of-consciousness, free verse, and obscurantist
- "alienspeak," a Bear mannerism that one regrets. But the lyrical description
- of a jet flight over the transformed remnants of Chicago is a classic
- evocation of mystery and wonder; its intensity renders it unforgettable. It
- is hard to imagine any writer doing it better.
- Bear's career illustrates one of the central struggles of the genre:
- visionary anarchy versus literary discipline. As is common with writers of
- great imaginative gifts, Bear's early works are sometimes byzantine, piling
- ideas, plot twists, and erratic bursts of inspired prose into vast untidy
- heaps. Bear's success and his growing importance as a writer are due to his
- increasing integration of vision and literary skill. This has been achieved
- by sheer hard work, by a painstaking, serious-minded, long-term effort, the
- mark of a committed craftsman.
- Bear's daring has paid off. He has transcended the limits of the
- hard SF tradition and written an exciting, accessible, modern novel. It's a
- fine book for SF neophytes, free of clannish inbred mustiness or gratuitous
- playing to the faan gallery. It is elegant in the best sense, without excess
- moving parts, expositive lumps, and preachy apologias. BLOOD MUSIC is one of
- the first definitive novels of the 1980's.
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- CHEAP TRUTH 809-C West 12th Street, Austin, Texas 78701 USA. Vincent
- Omniveritas, editing. Todd Refinery, graphics. "Smugglers in the Marketplace
- of Ideas"
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